Dancing for Daddy
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Chapter 9
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - When Bob's wife divorced him, while he was deployed in the Middle East, there was nothing he could do about it. She took his daughter with her and even changed their names. Her intent was that he never find them again. But he did find her again. He found her in a strip joint. And she wasn't a waitress.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Reluctant Fiction Incest Father Daughter Interracial Black Male White Female Exhibitionism First Lactation Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Safe Sex
Bob tried to slow things down. There were still a little less than three weeks until she’d be eighteen, and merely being with her wouldn’t violate the law, but that wasn’t the real problem. Chastity had dreamed for years of what it would be like to make love with her father. It turned out that reality was much better than her dreams had been, and she now wanted to sleep with him every night.
He reminded her that Mona needed someone there, keeping an eye on them. The Medicaid interview was a week away, but depending on how that went, they could, in theory, move Mona to Sunset Village any time after that.
It also helped that Chastity’s study habits were honed to a razor’s edge. She knew that scholarships would be necessary to go to college, and scholarships usually depended on good grades. She was used to studying hard. In fact, almost all she’d done before Bob found her was study, dance, and take care of her grandmother.
Bob was a little amazed that, in the week that followed his figurative taking of her innocence, she only “stayed over” and slept with him one other night. She did do her homework at his house a few times, after which she would take her clothes off and “harrass” him until she got his penis in her. But, other than that one night, she always went home and spent the night in her own bedroom.
The interview with the man from Medicaid went smoothly. He examined the documents and computer bank records, and helped them fill out an application. He said they could go ahead and move her to Sunset because she needed to spend down her assets by roughly what Sunset would charge her for her first month there. After that, Medicaid would pay for her care.
The final issue was that, since Trudy wasn’t in the United States, Chastity couldn’t sign the paperwork as Mona’s “only in-country next-of-kin” until she was eighteen.
Bob hired an attorney to draw up the paperwork to transfer the deed to the house.
Exactly two days after Chastity’s eighteenth birthday, a notary who worked for the law firm presided over signing the paperwork deeding the house to Chastity Diane Peters. Because no bank loan was involved, no inspection of the property was required. Nor was a title search or any of the other pre-closing activity that was usually required. The notary peered at Mona, and listened as Chastity explained that by signing the paperwork, Mona was giving the house to her. Mona was uncharacteristically lucid, glanced at the papers and said, “That’s what I want to do. I want my granddaughter to have the house.” Chastity produced Mona’s driver’s license to show the notary and, ten minutes later, the papers had been signed.
Within sixty seconds of being escorted into the main building of the Sunset Retirement Village Mona said, “I’d shag him,” three times, concerning two septuagenarians and one octogenarian. She was fine up until she found out she’d be locked into the wing for dementia patients. She said, “There’s nothing wrong with my fucking memory!” and it looked like she’d put up a fight, but then a man ran by her naked, being pursued by a harried staff member. She said, “Where’s the orgy?” and took off in pursuit of those trying to corral the resident.
“Maybe you should leave, now, while she’s distracted,” said the wing supervisor, a man named Roger.
“She’ll realize what’s happening sooner or later,” moaned Chastity.
“We have her phone. When she’s lucid and asks for it, we’ll let her call you.”
“Promise me!” demanded the only teenager in the room.
“I promise,” said the man. “Now go. We need to catch Mister Henderson before she does.”
“You might use her as bait,” said Bob, smiling.
Roger frowned, tilted his head, opened his mouth, and then closed it again.
“We really shouldn’t do that,” he finally said.
“She’d love it,” said Bob.
“If you do that, you have to let them do something,” said Chastity.
“Do what?” asked Roger.
“I don’t know. Kiss or something. At least hug and cop a feel. You can’t just use them to catch each other and then deny them what they were chasing. That would be cruel.”
“We won’t be cruel,” said Martin. “Now, go. In my experience, she’ll be much more tractable if she doesn’t see you.”
They left, but Chastity dragged her heels, literally.
“I feel so bad,” she moaned.
“She wanted to come here,” Bob reminded her.
“Yes, until she found out she’d be locked up.”
“She needs this kind of supervision. You know that.”
“Yes, but that’s like people saying it’s wrong for us to sleep together and making us stop.”
Bob remained silent. He’d been thinking all morning about the fact that Chastity had demanded they make love before they took Mona to the retirement home. She’d collected her grandmother and been walking around in public for hours with his sperm soaking into her nubile womb. She acted completely normal, but it was impossible for him to see their lives as normal.
They went to lunch and Chastity started crying as she ate her onion rings. Bob got a bag and packed up their food to take to the car while people looked curiously at the crying girl.
“My mother is going to kill me,” she said, once they were back in the car.
“Your mother should have been here to make these decisions,” said Bob.
“I’m not just thinking about Nana,” said Chastity.
“Go on.”
“Well, obviously, you know Nana signed the house over to me.”
“If I sold it, that would pay for a lot of college and I wouldn’t have to dance anymore.”
“And you think Trudy would be angry about that.”
“Of course she would. She’s going to come back sooner or later and, if I sell it, she won’t have anyplace to come back to.”
“Again, she’s the one who decided to be absent while things were happening, here.”
“Don’t be cruel. When she gets here, her mother will be gone. Her house will be gone. I’ll be gone. She’ll be devastated!”
“Do you want me to fix up a room for her at my house?”
Chastity barked a guttural laugh.
“Are you fucking insane?”
“Just trying to help,” he said.
“I don’t want Mom anywhere near your house! She’d see that I don’t have my own bedroom.”
“Technically, you do have your own bedroom. You just don’t use it,” he said.
“And I’m not going to start,” she snarled. “The point is, selling Nana’s house would solve one problem, but create another.”
“As you have pointed out many times since I found you, I owe you for all those years I was missing in action. I can afford to send you to college, Honey.”
“You shut up!” she snapped. “I’m the only one who gets to say you owe me.”
She was referring to the half dozen or so times she’d ordered him around like a dominatrix (twice while actually wearing a dominatrix outfit she borrowed from one of her dancer friends) and demanded to be satisfied as “punishment” for all the years she’d lost because he was away in the Marines. On those occasions she required him to provide her with orgasms, while denying him one until he complained of having blue balls. He didn’t mind. He didn’t even really have blue balls. He loved seeing and hearing her cum.
“Don’t talk to your father like that, young lady,” he said.
“Take me home,” she said, curtly.
When they got there, she went to her room. She came out thirty minutes later in a school girl outfit.
“I sassed you, Daddy,” she said, with bowed head. “I deserve to be spanked.”
Bob knew what she really wanted was to be distracted. He did so by slapping her naked ass a lot harder than she’d planned. An actual wrestling match ensued, which ended when he got a finger in her. Then she kissed him with dizzying passion, and they made love on the floor.
As had somehow become a pattern ... he went in her bareback, and when his penis erupted, his incestuous sperm soaked her nubile womb.
Mona adapted within a week. She and Chastity made Facetime calls twice a day. The second week it dropped to once a day. In the third week it evolved into Mona calling Chastity every night to say she was going to bed. On more than one occasion, when the call came in, Chastity and Bob were making love. Chastity always answered the phone, even when Mona could see she and Bob were naked. Mona always approved. Her only complaint was that the men she had met had no imagination. Several expressed sexual interest in her, but none of them actually did anything about it except make lewd suggestions and leer at her.
Chastity dithered, concerning the house. At one point she talked about renting it out, but then decided she didn’t want the responsibility of making repairs and repainting rooms between tenants, etc. Bob put the final nail in that coffin by imagining Trudy coming back and demanding that the current tenant vacate immediately.
Slowly, as Mona adapted to living at Sunset Village, they emptied the house, taking most of the furnishings to Goodwill, or the Salvation Army. Chastity wanted the china cabinet, and the china in it, as well as a few other pieces that were antiques. A few repairs were needed, but it was a seller’s market and the house, which Mona had bought sixty years ago, was in a prime neighborhood. Three weeks after her eighteenth birthday, Chastity put it on the market. It sold within three days.
Just like that, Chastity was permanently living with her father.
They only had one fight. It was when he produced a condom and tried to insist they use it.
“If you had used a condom with my mother, I wouldn’t be here,” she said, gravely. She gripped his cock. “I wouldn’t be able to do this.” She squeezed his manhood. “I want you in me the way nature intended it.”
“That’s my point. I’m not sure nature intended father and daughter to do this,” he said. “History is full of stories of heartbreaking problems with incest babies.”
“Think about this. Am I unusual?”
“What do you mean?”
“Am I completely different from other girls?”
“You mean other than the fact that you’re an exotic dancer and took care of your grandmother by yourself as a teenager?”
She snorted.
“There are millions of girls across the globe who do the equivalent of that every day. What I mean is, do you think I’m the only girl who developed a letch for her daddy?”
“I don’t know,” he hedged. He sensed she was trying to box him in.
“Well, let me educate you. I Googled ‘Daddy’s Girl’ on the internet one time. This was before they got rid of nudity on Tumblr. I found so many porn sites related to daddy/daughter incest that I wouldn’t have been able to review them all by the time I was Nana’s age. And a ton of those sites were all about either getting impregnated by Daddy, or pictures of girls who were pregnant and claimed it was Daddy’s baby. A bunch of those sites were run by women, assuming you believe that. Now I’m not stupid. I know a lot of those were fake. But they weren’t all fake. And even if they were all fake, where did this fetish come from? Did it come from men who wish they could fuck their daughters? Maybe it came from girls like me, who fell in love with their daddies in ways that weren’t approved of. The point is, if there are seven hundred thousand daddy/daughter incest sites on the internet, that means there are a whole bunch of girls like me. I’m not rare. I’m not even all that odd. Lots of girls love their fathers like I love you. And that means there have been lots of incest babies born. We just don’t hear about them.”
“Okay. Why not?” asked Bob.
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “Except that most girls would never admit to anyone they knew that it was an incest baby. If it was rape, they might, but I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about people like us. I understand why I won’t be able to buy booze or tobacco for a few years. There’s some actual scientific research into how that can affect people. That’s not true about incest, though. If it’s so horrible, why hasn’t there been a ton of research about it? Anyway, what I’d like to point out is that the legal age of consent in this state is sixteen and I’m two years older than that. I consent, plain and simple, and I suspect a lot of other girls consent, too. Anyway, the point is, neither the girl nor her father would tell people about it, and even if they did, it wouldn’t be a very juicy news story. I know how much of an ick factor there is to incest for most people. The funny thing is that whenever a girl at Buster’s started a daughter dance, the men always went crazy.”
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