An Attempt to Make a Cuckold - Cover

An Attempt to Make a Cuckold

by SluttyJan

Copyright© 2021 by SluttyJan

True Sex Story: After learning that my wife had a history of promiscuity I began fantasizing about her with other men. I candidly shared these fantasies with her and she shamelessly enjoyed hearing about them. We even incorporated them into our lovemaking. I'd go down on her while she described her sexual experiences with other men in graphic detail. It was exciting for both of us. But I never thought I'd lose her over this.

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Wimp Husband   Oral Sex   .

The second Saturday afternoon in June my wife, Leanne Neal, and I were busy dusting and vacuuming our living room, dining room and den. That evening we were entertaining a group of Leanne’s business associates and several of her close friends. She wanted everything to be perfect. I understood so I was working hard to help her. Leanne is an assistant corporate designer for Elegant Interiors, a local interior design firm that specializes in decorating business offices. I’m Peter Lane. When we got married Leanne decided that we should both keep our family names. Leanne and I have been married for almost four years. I’m an elementary school teacher.

While we were cleaning the dining room Leanne’s cell phone chimed. She looked at it and said, “It’s Karla.”

Karla is Leanne’s best friend. I said, “You’d better see what she wants.”

Nodding, Leanne answered and said, “Hi Karla, what’s up?”

Leanne listened. After a moment she shrieked and said, “Really? When did he get here?” That began an animated conversation that finally ended with Leanne saying, “Okay, I’ll see all of you this evening. I can’t wait.”

After Leanne ended the call I asked, “What’s happening? It sounds like you got some exciting news.”

“Randy Milton is back in town.”

“Randy Milton? He was your favorite lover.”

Before we were married Leanne and her friends Karla and Monica were sexually adventurous, very adventurous. When we started dating Leanne was open about her history of promiscuity. It didn’t upset me, it didn’t upset me at all. In fact, it excited me. It was one of many reasons that I was originally attracted to Leanne.

After we were married I suggested to Leanne that I wouldn’t object or be upset if she occasionally played with another man. In fact, I admitted that I’d find it exciting. While Leanne has always been intrigued by my proposal, she has hesitated out of fear that it might damage our relationship. I’ve tried hard to convince her that it wouldn’t, but she has remained adamant, my kinky desires were better left as a fantasy.

Leanne smiled at me and said, “Yes, Randy was the most sexually exciting man I’ve ever known.”

“And you still have fantasies about him, don’t you.”

“You know I do.”

“Is he coming to the party tonight?”

“Yes, Karla, Monica and Jeff are bringing him.” Jeff was another of Leanne’s old friends.

“Do you want to have some fun with him tonight?”

“Do you mean let him fuck me?”

“Yes, this seems like a great opportunity to relive old times.”

“Peter, this evening I’m entertaining a group professional acquaintances. I can’t be acting like a slut.”

“No, but you can spend some time chatting with him and after the other guests leave...” I smiled. “The rules change.”

“And you wouldn’t object.”

“Not at all, right now I’m so excited I might burst.”

“I’m not sure Randy would be willing to let you watch.”

“I don’t have to watch. Just knowing that the two of you are fucking in the guest room would drive me wild.”


“Yes, really.”

Leanne smiled and coquettishly patted my cheek. “We’ll have to see what happens.”

The party started at eight. It was a great success. A number of Leanne’s business acquaintances stopped by. I made sure that there was plenty of food and liquor available in the dining room. Everyone had a good time.

Karla, Monica, Jeff and Monica’s new husband, Mark arrived with Randy just before 9:30. As soon as she saw him Leanne ran over to Randy, threw her arms around his massive shoulders and kissed him hard on the lips. Randy kissed her back. It clearly wasn’t a platonic kiss. Several of Leanne’s work acquaintances were surprised by her overt display of affection with a man they knew wasn’t her husband. I had to admit that their reaction excited me almost as much as the kiss.

After they finished kissing Leanne turned to me and said, “Petey, this is my old friend Randy Milton. Randy, this is my husband, Peter Lane.”

Randy stared at me. After a moment he smiled, extended his hand and said, “Peter, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I took his hand. As we shook I said, “Randy it’s a pleasure to meet you too.”

Leanne put her arm around Randy’s waist and said, “Come on Randy, let’s catch up while I mingle with my guests.”

As they walked away Karla said, “Petey, they were good friends. They need a little time together.”

Monica concurred, “They had an intense relationship.”

“I know. Don’t worry, I’m not concerned. I trust Leanne.”

Shaking her head, Karla said, “I wouldn’t be too trusting when she’s with Randy Milton. She’s never been able to resist him.”

“Karla, I don’t know what Leanne has told you about me, but I’m hoping she doesn’t try to resist him.”

“Leanne told me that you’ve encouraged her to play around with other guys. I always thought she was kidding. Are you telling me she was serious?”

“Yeah, but please don’t judge me.”

Monica said, “Really? Wow, that’s pretty hot.” I noticed that her husband was in the dining room with Jeff making cocktails.

Smiling, Karla said, “Petey, I’m a slut. Every time I meet a guy I like I end up cheating on him. If you don’t judge me I won’t judge you.”

“I definitely won’t judge you.”

Monica asked, “Are you really willing to let Leanne party with Randy?”

“As long as it’s just sex, sure. Love and sex are not synonyms. Love is an emotional bond between two people. Sex is a physical activity, a fun physical activity, but that’s all it is. As long as Leanne doesn’t fall in love with Randy I’m okay with them being together.”

“Wow, do you really believe that?” Monica was clearly amazed.

I answered, “I do, but I also have to admit that thinking about Leanne with another guy excites me.”

Karla said, “Petey honey, I wish I’d found you first. You just might be the perfect husband.”

“Sometimes I wonder if Leanne believes that.”

Karla patted my cheek. “Oh believe me sweetie, she does.”

The party was a great success. By 10:00 there were at least thirty people in our house. Leanne was a perfect hostess, mingling with everyone. Randy was next to her the entire evening. Several times I noticed them holding hands while Leanne conversed with her guests.

I heard one woman say to another, “Leanne’s husband is a very handsome man.” My excitement sky rocketed as I realized they were talking about Randy.

I spent the evening in the dining room supervising the bar and the light buffet making sure there was plenty of wine, liquor and food available for Leanne’s guests.

Around 11:00 people started to leave. Leanne and Randy stood by our front door saying goodbye and thanking everyone for coming. Mark and Monica were going to their lake home in the morning so they were among the first guests to leave. By 11:30 everyone but Randy, Karla and Jeff were gone.

They sat together in the living room while I put the leftover food in the refrigerator. When I finished I joined them. Randy and Leanne were sitting on the couch. Randy had his arm around my wife. She was cuddled up to him. Jeff was sitting in one or our stuffed chairs. Karla was sitting on his lap.

As I entered the living room Randy was telling an off-color joke about a woman who loved to suck cocks and discovered that she had a second clitoris in her throat. I glanced at Leanne and Karla, they were laughing as hard as Randy and Jeff.

Obviously intoxicated, Karla said, “Le, we both must have clits in our throats because we both love to suck cocks.” All of them laughed again.

Leanne grinned at Karla. “We were a couple of sluts.”

Karla laughed. “I still am.

Leanne smiled at me and said, “Maybe I am too.”

I nodded.

Randy looked at both of us with a questioning expression. He still had his arm around Leanne.

Jeff said, “Randy, Karla and I are going to my place. Can we give you a lift to your hotel.”

Leanne looked at me and said, “Randy is checked into the Marriott, but I think it would be nice if he stayed here tonight.”

I said, “I agree. It’s getting late.”

Leanne asked Randy, “Would you like to stay here tonight? You can use our guest room.”

Randy said, “It would be easier.”

Jeff and Karla stood up. Jeff said, “Well I guess that’s settled. We’d better get going.”

Leanne, Randy and I stood up and walked Jeff and Karla to the front door

As Jeff was was opening the front door, Karla giggled. “He can’t wait to get his cock in my mouth.” Grabbing Jeff’s arm she added, “Hey tiger, if you’re a good boy I’ll suck you off while you’re driving us to your apartment.”

Leanne said, “Don’t do anything that will get you arrested.”

Still giggling, Karla said, “Don’t worry Le, I’ll make sure he keeps his eyes on the road.”

I closed the front door. When I turned around I notice that Randy was standing behind my wife with his arms around her. He was cupping her breasts with his hands.

Leanne said, “Petey would you mind if I joined Randy in the guest room tonight?”

“Not at all.” And then I added, “But why don’t I take the guest room. You’ll be more comfortable in the master bedroom. The king sized bed and full bathroom will be nice for you. You also might want to shower together before you go to bed.”

Clearly amazed by the way things were developing, Randy said, “Peter, you’re a very generous man.”

“I try to make Leanne happy. I’ll go get the things I’ll need from the master bedroom and then the two of you can make yourselves comfortable.”

“Thank you Peter. We’re going to make ourselves very comfortable.” Randy turned my wife around and kissed her hard on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. As they kissed Randy’s hands dropped to Leanne’s rear. He pulled up the hem of her skirt, slipped his hand into the back of her lace panties and began kneading her bare butt cheeks.

I said, “I’ll be quick.” I hurried into the master bedroom and bath and gathered up everything I’d need for the rest of the night and the next morning. As I was carrying everything to the guest bedroom I called, “I’m done, the bedroom is yours.”

I heard them giggling like teenagers as they came down the hallway, went into the master bedroom and closed the door. I left the guest bedroom door open and listened. There was several minutes of silence and then I heard the shower in the master bath. I assumed they were showering together.

There was more silence and then I heard the muffled murmur of conversation. They were out of the shower. I was hoping the Leanne would come into the guest bedroom and kiss me good night, but there was only silence. I continued listening. Finally I heard Leanne sigh and moan. It was a sound I knew well. Randy was fucking her.

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