Cardiology - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Westside24

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A spinoff from a prior story Dr. Brandle and tells of a man who gets on with his life after the loss of his wife. There is some sex in the story but this is not intended to be a stroke story. Please don't bother to read the story if that is the type you are looking for.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual  

At work, Beverly told him that an appointment had been given to Delores Hutchinson for the following week. She also said the number of his patients had not decreased. She said some of the patients had mentioned that the longer drive to see Paul was not a problem although they would prefer if he was closer.

Paul was at the club on Thursday and met Trish who asked him why he was there. He told her one of the reasons was that with next Thursday being Thanksgiving the restaurant needed a headcount of who would be attending the afternoon dinner. Since he didn’t plan on roasting a turkey he signed up to attend. Trish asked him if he had a preference as to which table he would be sitting at. He told her no and she said she would put him at her table. He thanked her for doing that as he would be sitting with someone he knew and maybe if things went right it could turn out that he could more intimately know.

Paul left early Saturday for the baptism. It was an easy drive and in doing it he listened to an audiobook. The ceremony at the church was what to be expected with the baby crying when the water was put on her head.

At the meal afterward, Paul had a good time listening to Mark’s parents telling him about what was happening in their lives as well as him telling them about his life. All agreed that Emily would have loved being here to see baby Emily baptized.

Kevin and his family didn’t do the five hundred mile trip to attend this event. They did, however, a zoom call to express their congratulations.

Paul had decided not to stay overnight and left about six to do the drive back to Lake Lancer. He had almost finished the audiobook when he arrived back home.

Thanksgiving at the club was a nice affair. The members who attended were either those who didn’t have family gatherings to attend or were not enthused with cooking a turkey. Because of that, it was a decent turnout with delicious food. Paul sat at a table for eight who besides Trish included three couples who Paul knew well. Dan Baker and his wife Pam, Ed Snyder, and his wife Carol, and Bob Connelly and his current squeeze Shannon. He had a nice time talking and listening to everyone that was there.

He couldn’t help but notice that Rene Patterson was also there and it seemed like she was a stag. The few times he looked at her table it seemed to him that it wasn’t a fun table to be sitting at.

When the event was breaking up he thanked Trish for putting him at this table and he remembered that he owed her a dinner at the Embers. He asked her if she would want to do that tomorrow. She said she would but with him living in Lake Lancer and her by the university it didn’t make any sense for him to do all this back and forth driving. He would be spending close to three hours doing this driving. Instead, she said she would meet him at the Embers.

Paul had just started sipping his drink at the Embers when Trish walked into the lounge. She looked hot and garnered quite a bit of attention from the people there as she came up to Paul. She was wearing her hair down but it was the tight dark red form-fitting dress that showed all of the nice curves she had which caused this attention. He asked her if she wanted a drink here but she said she would have one at the table.

Dinner was interesting because of the good food and pleasant conversation. Things that were going on at the club were the primary subject but as they talked about but other topics as weather, politics, and current motion pictures. She seemed a little excited when Paul told her he had dinner where some of the scenes for the movie Top Gun were filmed.

In having their coffee Trish asked Paul how he liked living here. He told her it was one of the best moves he made in downsizing along with the nice condo which gave him a beautiful view of the lake. When she said she would like to see the view he told her if she would follow him in her car he would show it to her.

It was a short drive to the condo. It was a little nippy on the balcony but she said the view was beautiful. Inside the condo, Paul lit the gas fireplace and offered her a drink. She accepted his offer and took a seat on the couch watching the fire in the fireplace. He gave her the drink and took a seat next to her.

Trish said she had a little chilled but when he offered to turn up the heat Trish told him he didn’t need to do that but if he would put an arm over her that would be sufficient. He did do that and at the same time started to wonder where this was going. Maybe he was getting an idea as to that and hoped he was right. His arm around this lady was exciting and when she casually put her hand on his thigh it became more exciting.

He turned his head to say something to her and saw their heads were inches apart. She wasn’t moving her head back as his head started moving forward. Their lips met and he immediately felt her tongue licking at his lips and probing. Both of their mouths opened and they engaged in some passionate kissing. His hand slowly moved up and cupped her breast. Trish did not object to him doing this. Because of her not objecting, he thought all systems were a go which had him drop his hand to her thigh just next to the hem of her dress.

As his hand started to move up her thigh her hand clamped on his wrist and stopped its progression. The thought running through his mind was that he had given it the old college try but it seemed like it was not meant to be.

Looking at him Trish said, “I am sorry but it is that time of the month.” She could see maybe a little disappointment on his face. She, however, reached over with both of her hands and pulled down the zipper on his pants. She fished in and pulled out his partially erect shaft and bent to give him head. While she was doing that his hand was on her ass caressing it. He told her he was cumming but she didn’t stop and swallowed all of his cum.

Having done that she raised her head and said, “How was that?”

He chucked a little saying that was great and brought her to him for a kiss. They cuddled, kissed, and cuddled more. Paul asked her to stay the night.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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