The Connoisseur: A Romance of Sexual Captivity - Cover

The Connoisseur: A Romance of Sexual Captivity

Copyright© 2021 by Jack Corwin

Chapter 21: Sarah and Alice Share Time Alone

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21: Sarah and Alice Share Time Alone - Jack is a connoisseur of women, and a trainer of submissive slavegirls.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Oral Sex  

I slipped into a loose pair of light, silk pants and a robe. Then I removed Sarah and Alice’s gags and unchained them. I led them to a bed, and ordered them to lie down, still nude save for their collars and cuffs, and instructed them to rest while I went upstairs to prepare us a light repast.

“Stay in bed, my pets,” I commanded them. “Rest for a bit.”

They would need their strength.

Upstairs in my kitchen, opened a bottle of a crisp white wine let it breathe while I went about making a bowl of tasty salad and preparing a plate of sandwich makings. While I worked, I kept my eye on a flatscreen television tuned to my favorite station — the Training Room Channel. Both girls knew I had cameras and microphones placed carefully and discretely throughout the great chamber (how else could I ensure their safety when I left them alone down there?) but I hoped it wouldn’t inhibit their behavior too much. I was interested to see what would happen when the two kindred spirits, sisters in slavery, were left to themselves. It was probably the first time either of them had ever had a chance to talk to someone who would truly understand the deeper tides of their passions.

Both girls lay on top of the thick down comforter. The camera was hung above and just beyond the foot of the great bed, positioned perfectly to capture the stunning beauty of their naked bodies in all their glory. To my delight, they lay together, snuggled close, arms around each other. It was a comfortable, sisterly embrace, not a sexual one (alas!) but the tenderness was lovely to behold. Alice’s hands rested on Sarah’s shoulders, and Sarah stroked Alice’s hair gently. Their breasts were close, nipple to nipple, almost but not quite touching.

I found myself smiling. They were talking about me. Sarah had asked Alice something about her life before, I think. About how she’d met me. I listened more carefully while I prepped our food.

“To be honest, I don’t actually like to even think about my life before Mister Corwin found me,” Alice said. “I think ... I very nearly think he saved my life. He certainly gave me one! It’s like ... like a dream come true. It shouldn’t be, I know.”

“It should be a nightmare,” Sarah said, grinning. Then she turned serious. “But it’s not, is it? Not for girls like us.”

“No,” said Alice. “Not for us. It’s more. Like a nightmare that somehow, impossibly, turns into a miracle.”

Sarah laughed again. “Yes! That’s it exactly! Eucatastrophe. That’s he word you’re looking for, I think. I feel so ... so treasured. So protected. So ... so understood. I never thought that was possible. I always felt so ... so broken. So alone.”

“Me, too. I never thought I could be so happy. So ... so free” Alice grinned wickedly. “Even when I’m chained up tighter than a miser’s vault and my poor arse is spanked like a drum!”

Sarah laughed. “Speaking of, I’m sorry I got you punished.”

Alice’s nose crinkled in a most delightful manner when she smiled. “It’s okay. It hurt like hell, but ... but I enjoyed it, too. The sex, it just wouldn’t be the same without it, would it?”

Sarah’s nose crinkled. “Like having salad for desert. Why bother? Give me chocolate and wine!”

Alice laughed again. “So the whip is chocolate in your metaphor? Wow. What’s wrong with us? The least you can do is rub my poor bottom for me. It is your fault, after all.”

Alice turned over and pressed herself close to Sarah, a spoon hug. Sarah reached down and caressed Alice’s neither cheeks gently. Alice sighed and pressed herself closer to Sarah. “Thank you. That feels just divine. You have wonderful hands.”

“And you have a lovely bottom.”

“Fancy a girl now and then, do you?”

Sarah shrugged. “My Master wants me to learn to like girls, so like girls I shall. And you’re so much nicer than the last one he had me pleasure.”

Upstairs, I frowned. Master?

“I wasn’t trained,” Alice confessed. “I must be a natural. That, or you just have remarkably talented hands.”

Sarah hugged Alice tightly from behind, then returned her attention to Alice’s bottom. It was hard to tell for sure, just watching on the monitor, but it seemed to me that her caresses are softer, more sensual. Alice shuddered and pressed her bottom into Sarah’s hands. “It’s so nice to have someone to talk to,” said Alice. “Someone who ... who understands.”

“A sister,” said Sarah. She sighed again.

“I don’t know if Mr. Corwin will be pleased,” said Alice, “but I sure am.”

“Are you so?” Sarah moved her hand from Alice’s bottom and dragged it slowly and sensuously up over the curve of her hip, down across her toned, flat belly, and around to grasp a firm, ripe breast. “And how about this?”

“Oooo,” moaned Alice, “you’re a naughty girl. I’ll have to tell Mr. Corwin so he can spank you again when he comes back.”

“That,” said Sarah, “is not a way to get me to stop.”

“Oh, dear, what makes you think I want you to?”

They giggled, but soon Sarah turned serious again. “But you are happy. Aren’t you? Even ... even sent away? From here?” She did not take her hand away from Alice’s breast.

Alice took a deep breath and thought before answering. Then the turned around and wrapped her arms around Sarah and gave her a slow, sensual kiss on the lips. Sarah pulled back for a moment, surprised, and then surrendered to the intimacy of the kiss. She returned it, and I watched them drinking each other for a long moment. “Maybe not a sister after all,” said Sarah. Alice kissed her again.

My cock was stirring again, and I found myself hoping that lunch wouldn’t last too long. Already, I was afraid I’d have to sample them both again before I could concrete fully on their training. They kissed one another for a quite a while, and I could see Sarah caressing Alice’s breast tenderly, working the nipple now, before Alice broke the kiss and leaned back to look Sarah in the eye. They kept their arms around each other.

Sarah smiled. “That was a kiss, not an answer.”

“Really? I kissed you because I know that’s what Mr. Corwin wants. I’m trying to anticipate his needs, because that’s what a good slave girl does.”

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