Summer Dares - Cover

Summer Dares

by LiteroCat

Copyright© 2020 by LiteroCat

Erotica Sex Story: A couple take a leisurely day trip to relax. They find a hot, flirty waitress who takes a liking to them and invites them to a secluded, nude beach. The reluctant wife agrees and immediately meets a naked stranger --- and the fun begins.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Swinging   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   .

Another beautiful California day started out so serene and calm, yet ended as anything but that. Sue and I woke before dawn and sat on our East facing deck hugging our blankets and hot mugs of mocha under the ebbing night sky. “Weather said it would hit ninety again today with clear skies. Seems like a nice time for a day ride somewhere new.” Sue nodded her head, smiled and leaned into my shoulder. “OK then. Should we take our bikes or the convertible?”

“Easy choice, Al. Riding in full leathers, gloves and helmets in ninety degree heat is not fun. If it gets too hot in the car, we can put the top up and turn on the A/C so that’s my vote. I want it to be 55 to 75 to be comfy on the bike.”

“I agree. Let’s head North to balance the heat as soon as the sun rises out of our eye lines. Let’s make it a ‘tourist’ drive up PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) and along U.S. 1 past Monterey. We can go inland to that winery and get a case of garlic wine then go back to 1 for a small town lunch before we turn back.”

“Sounds like a nice, lazy day for a change. I’ll go pack.”

“For a day trip? What do we need to pack? I dare you to take a risk and pack nothing but cold drinks. You up for some dares?”

“Sure.” She grinned. “So my return dare is for us to go commando. You in?”

That could have been much worse. “I’m in. Put some water in the freezer for an hour and let’s enjoy sunrise for now.” An hour later, while dressing in my loose shorts for the day, “Now why are you considering a bra on our day off? You rarely wear one to work, and you said commando — so no bra.”

“Yes. You’re right. Silly me. You want me in my loose shorts or the tiny, tight ones?”

“I want you every way. I’m tempted to dare you to ride naked, but then you’ll sun burn your nipples and spoil our fun. Loose shorts for easy access, like mine.”

Sunday traffic is as light as it gets on PCH and the peaceful coast ride mesmerizes, when you can give it your attention. Despite the tranquility and isolation of an easy bike ride, the distraction of the hypnotic coastal tableau kills. It’s hard enough to stay on the winding road in a car.

“You know it’s legal now to bare your tits in public. Lose the T-shirt and I’ll rub in some sun screen. How about it?” I slipped a hand under her shirt and lifted it enough to see her soft nipple. When I lifted it to expose both tits, she pulled it down without comment.

She puckered, “I don’t think so. Maybe if I had nice tits, I might show them off.”

With my hand far up her loose shorts, and her looking for spying traffic, I said, “Need I remind you what I think of your tits? You know I love how cute they are, and they don’t sag, and they taste great, and your nipples are perfection. I even like the peach fuzz on your perfect skin. Now aren’t you glad we went commando today so I can finger you even with your shorts on? It might be more exciting if you took them off.”

“Right. So I can show truckers my pussy. How about you take yours off and I’ll rub in the sun screen? I dare you!”

“A dare’s a dare. Help me push them off.” She did and I put them and my T-shirt under my seat as she rubbed me with lotion all over while I drove naked. “Don’t rub my dick too hard or I’ll lose control of everything.” I went back to fingering her to wetness and licking my fingers as we drove casually past unsuspecting drivers.

Two hours later, we found an old diner clinging to a cliff edge. “That looks daring. Want to risk it, honey?”.

Sue looked reluctant, then agreed. I dressed quickly in the lot, but couldn’t hide my semi soft cock when we entered. A young, hot and flirty waitress greeted us, “Scenic window seat I presume?”

Before I could flirt back, Sue jumped in, “Anywhere you are in your snug and tiny outfit is scenic, isn’t it, Al?” With that permission, I slowly and obviously scanned the beauty from her sexy legs to her extremely low cut top and nodded with a smile.

“Thanks doll face.” She winked at us as she sniffed the sex scent around us and stared at my tented shorts. “Some of that lovely scent is sun screen, I’m sure. It would be impolite to say what the rest smells like.” She leaned in and risked her boobs spilling out, “I’m off in an hour and heading for our local nude beach. Maybe you want to join me?” Sue blushed at the turn about and I went for it.

“Yes, Sue. How about it? I dare you!” Sue pretended to look at Terry’s badge as she studied her massive tits and worried about her small B-cups in comparison.

Terry’s smile grew wider as Sue’s nipples grew taller and pressed against her V-neck T shirt. Terry daringly reached a finger in the V-neck and pulled it away. “Those hard nips tell me you like the idea.” Sue didn’t resist and let Terry have an eyeful as others noticed. “I’ll draw you a map and bring you the day’s special. You’ll like it too. Police don’t patrol that stretch unless there’s a complaint, so no worries there.” She grinned and wiggled away.

“Well, that was embarrassing,” Sue finally said. “I’m not sure I can do a nude beach. I don’t even have a bathing ... oh, never mind.”

“I think she’s right. You were staring at her huge tits even more than I was. So, I dare you to accept.” Terry arrived with iced tea, a salad, and a stick map. Before Sue answered, she inhaled deeply over Sue’s shoulder.

As she obviously smelled Sue’s arousal, she added, “I love your perfume. I’ll have to sample some later.” She grinned. “The beach is about two miles South of here, just past a huge red-white-blue mailbox. Use the next driveway and park at the head of the beach. I’ll look for you there.” She leaned in again and ‘rested’ one hand on my third leg as she pinched Sue’s nipple with the other. Neither of us objected to her advances.

Forty minutes later, we parked in the small area Terry had described. Only two other cars were there and the beach area was small, maybe 30x80 feet. A naked family of three was at one end and a fit looking guy was dead center and naked. I grabbed our small cooler filled with defrosting water bottles and we moved onto the beach. Most of it was rocky so I went back for our blanket.

Once I’d plopped the cooler down, I took photos of Sue standing akimbo above me. The wind whipped her yellow T around so one tit was fully exposed. She didn’t cover up as the wind wasn’t ‘her fault.’ I stood and took off my shirt and offered to help her with hers. She took a second, then raised her arms. When I pulled the shirt over her head, she gulped and kept looking at the sea as if not looking at her pale tits hid them from others. -Click- I included the naked family in that shot.

She stood only in her bright pink shorts, still debating, as my pale blue shorts fought a losing battle to restrain my growing cock. After moving in front of her so she could watch, I stepped out of my shorts and set my cock free. The guy was watching with interest. Sue’s eyes widened. “Your turn, hon. Do you need help?” I pushed a finger into her waistband, but she held it there for several beats. Finally, as she wiggled out of her shorts, I took photos which included the guy watching her. She turned so her bare ass faced him as she bent to remove the shorts. With all of us naked, I took more photos of her still standing akimbo, but with the wind blowing her muff in waves.

The naked guy closed the twenty feet between us with a smile and his stiff cock and balls dancing. He came right up to us and shook my hand, stiff cocks a foot apart. “Hi, I’m Tim. This small, nude beach tends to make us more welcoming than is usual just 100 feet away.” He moved to shake Sue’s hand and stared at her stiff nipples dancing during his prolonged shaking. Meanwhile, she stared at his balls dancing and his cock as it rubbed her thigh. I had time to take photos. He noticed.

He said, “We can do better than that for your memory photos.” He turned his back to the sea and pulled Sue around before moving her hand to his cock and pinching her nipple in a wide grin pose. I caught the surprise in her face as she nevertheless, held and squeezed his uncut cock. “Open your legs wider Sue, and Al, get lower for the next shots.” He combed Sue’s bush back so her pussy was visible. In the next photos, he exposed her clit to the lens, spread her lips and pushed two fingers into her without objection. Within minutes of meeting him, this stranger was inside third base with my wife and I was not upset. “If you’ll permit me...” Without waiting for permission, he cupped Sue’s ass and urged her toward our blanket as he licked her sweet juices off his fingers. -click-

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