Moulding My Slave - Cover

Moulding My Slave

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 9

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 9 - I meet a stuck up girl and turn her into a submissive sex slave by giving her the one thing she has been missing all her life, self respect.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Reluctant   Slavery   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   White Male   White Female   Oral Sex  

The phone rang, annoyingly. I looked over and saw that it was Mistress Karen, most of the calls from Karen resulted in something worthwhile so I pressed pause on what I was working on and accepted the call.

“Darling, how would you like to go to a BDSM convention?”

“Uhhhhh, what?” A BDSM convention, I had seen a few websites and they didn’t look that appealing. A bunch of fat sweaty gawkers wandering around leering at bored models in bondage attire. Give me a good Comic Con any day. A peal of satisfied laughter sounded over the phone, “Oh dear, I believe that is the first time I have heard you not in complete control of yourself. Delightful” Karen said with a satisfied tone. “Congratulations, point for you.” I replied dryly.

“Oh, don’t be such a fussbudget, remember getting out of your comfort zone is good for you.” She chided. “Don’t worry, this is a very exclusive event, invitation only. I have been several times and enjoyed myself immensely”

“So, we will be going with you?” I asked.

“Afraid not darling. Word of my makeover has spread and I am swamped with work.” She said proudly. “I have three clients booked for that weekend, but I think that you and sweet little Jennifer are ready to spread your wings. Enter a new world as it were, and be assured it is a very new world.”

“Alright, if you recommend it, it must be worth it. I will talk to Jennifer but I think I can persuade her, consider us in”

“Wonderful” she exclaimed in that over-the-top tone she used whenever she felt she had achieved a win. My phone dinged and I saw the invitation appear. “I am also sending a list of links to articles and videos you need to review before you go. No one want’s to be the Noob at one of these things, and you are going as my guests of course.” “I promise to do my homework Mistress.” I said in a surly schoolboy tone. “How is Janet doing?”

Karen paused, then replied in a very clinical, business-like voice. “It is slow, but she is making progress. She had had a very rough life and that has left some pretty deep scars on her psyche.” It is hard to believe that the leather clad dominatrix also has a PHD in psychology, or that many of her clients are also patients who use BDSM to break through mental barriers like she did with Janet. You won’t find on any school curriculums, but she does get results. “This is a big haystack we are going through to find those rusty needles, but every time we pull one out, she gets a little better.”

“Any idea when we can see her? Jennifer is worried” I asked, and she paused again. “Not for a while yet, I don’t think. I am sorry but the reward must match the progress, and seeing you two would be a big reward. I will tell her you asked about her, that will make her very happy.”

“Well, let her know that we are thinking about her, and I will get to that research tonight after I am done what I was working on before you called.” I said. “I knew I could count on you darling. Kisses to Jennifer, ta.” And she ended the call.

Well, an invitation only BDSM convention, this sounded like the big leagues. Feeling just a little proud of myself I looked over to the sofa as a groan drew my attention back. Jennifer lay curled up there. By curled up I mean that she had her wrists cuffed to her ankles, and her elbows secured to her knees. A ball gag filled her mouth and there were vibrators in her ass and pussy with clips fastened to her nipples. I walked over and flicked one of the clips attached to her tits “Well slave, feel like a road trip?” I got a groan in response that I assumed was a yes.

A couple of weeks later and I was driving down the highway, top down when an 18-wheeler pulled up beside me. The driver looked down, then giving a toot of his horn showed me a thumbs up. I responded with my own thumbs up. “Don’t be rude, thumbs up Jennifer.” I said as I tapped her on the head, that was in my lap sucking my cock. She raised one hand and gave her own thumbs up sign, the trucker laughed, hit the horn again and pulled away. I relaxed back in the seat, checking the GPS. Jennifer slid her head back down the shaft of my cock, her tongue swirling around while her hand slipped down and fondled my balls. “Almost there slave, almost there” I moaned.

We arrived at the hotel where the convention was being hosted. As we were checking in, the desk clerk was trying to split his attention between his computer and Jennifer who was standing beside me. She was wearing the same sundress that she had worn when we went to dinner with her mother. The effect was significantly enhanced by push up bra that she had definitely not work at that time. She saw the clerk stealing glances as he was trying to concentrate on getting our room key. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the counter giving him a clear look while regarding him with a wide eyed, innocent expression. He froze, and dropped our room key on the floor, then hit his head on the counter when he stooped to pick them up. The manager came over with an exasperated sigh and finished the transaction, we moved off to the elevator. As the elevator door closed, I gave Jennifer a sharp smack on the ass. “What did Mistress Karen teach you?” I said in a firm tone.

“Posture and poise, always Master.” She said in a meek tone, adopting the heels together, hands clasped in front, head down position of submissive attention. But I saw an impish smile start to pull at the corners of her lips. “But sometimes, a girl just likes to be reminded she is attractive.”

I reached out to pull her towards me, her body melded to mine like two puzzle pieces fitting together. “If I ever stop making you feel attractive, you have my permission to correct me.” I said, looking into her eyes. She put her hand on my shoulder and raised herself up on her toes to nuzzle my neck. Her other hand slid down to stroke my cock through my pants. “Of course, Master.” She purred. “I know just the outfit to wear too.” I was through the second verse of an Aerosmith song about love in public places when the elevator doors opened. The invitation was very clear, no inappropriate behaviour outside of the convention hall or your rooms.

Shortly later we exited the elevator again and moved over to the convention hall, and the hotel was a very different place. Couples were streaming to the registration tables wearing all manner of garb. Some were dressed like they were just going out to dinner, then I saw one couple where the Dom was walking their sub who was dressed in a full horse costume. Others were in various manners of leather, latex or lingerie in all colours and styles. I was wearing silk shirt and slacks, but Jennifer was dressed in the corset, garter, heels combo that she had worn when she and Janet came to beg my forgiveness several months ago. She looked stunning, like a diamond set in a crown studded with all manner of other precious jewels as we strode through the lobby. I was looking at a man leading another man, trying to determine who was in charge. Both were in full gimp masks and matching leather shorts with collars and leashes held in each other’s hands. It was comical as they got distracted and pulled each other off balance. I watched as one just barely avoid being pulled into a pillar when Jennifer’s hand clenched on my arm. I looked over to what had caught her attention and saw her staring at a couple just ahead of us in line. The woman looked like she was in her late 30’s, Hispanic with her long dark hair slicked tight to her head and pulled up into a pony tail ala Ariana Grande style. She was wearing a lacy black bra and a gauzy black skirt that barely concealed the G-string, garter belt and stockings underneath. Her arms were pulled behind her and encased in an arm binder that ran up to her shoulders, and she had a thick leather collar with a leash held in her partner’s hand. It wasn’t her appearance that was causing Jennifer distress though, she was pulling hard against the leash and pleading “Please Brad, please not this.” She tugged against her bonds and continued in a desperate voice “Oh god, please, please don’t take me in there like this. I’ll do anything, anything, please don’t make me go in there!” Brad pulled hard on the leash, making the woman stagger towards him “Shut up you fucking bitch, do you want me to slap you right here in front of everyone!” and he raised his hand menacingly. The woman cowered in fear, eyes wide and pleading.

Jennifer looked at me, concerned. “Don’t worry, come here and let me show you something.” I walked up to the couple, Jennifer reluctantly following. I tapped Brad on the shoulder “Excuse me buds, this is her first time” as I gestured to Jennifer who was cowering behind me “Can I show her your friend’s badge?” Brad looked at Jennifer’s wide eyes as she peeked over my shoulder and smiled “Sure, no problem” and he slackened the leash to let his sub turn towards us. I reached up and took the conference badge that was hooked to her collar. The badge showed a picture of the woman taken earlier, smiling and wearing a sensible blouse. Printed on the badge was “Hello, my name is” and written in black marker “Cocksleeve”. I flipped the badge over, and printed on the back was “Thanks for asking, my safe word is...” and in the same black marker “Popcorn.” Jennifer’s eyes narrowed as she read the badge. She looked at the woman and the terrified persona slipped away like a mask. Instead “Cocksleeve” gave her a mischievous smile and winked. “Thanks for asking,” she said. Then Brad tugged her leash and the terrified woman was back. “Please, please Brad, I’ll do anything, anything! Please don’t take me in there, I’m begging you” she wailed as he tugged her towards the conference room doors. Jennifer looked at me, slightly confused. “Some people like to role play non-consensual. That’s what the safe word is for, they can say anything they want but the Dom knows that they only stop at the safe word.” Jennifer looked at her own badge and flipped it over. “Thanks for asking, my safe word is...” She took a black marker from the table and wrote “Peanuts”. “Peanuts?” I asked wryly. “Peanuts and Popcorn?” she answered “It’s all I could think of.” I laughed, took her hand and led her through the doors, and into another world.

If the lobby was distracting, this place was overwhelming. Everywhere you looked there was something that you thought only happened on the internet. There was a stall displaying a variety of very lifelike full head animal masks and someone was being measured for what looked like a full body cow costume. At another stall a Dom was testing what looked like an BBQ lighter on their sub, the sound of arcing electricity mixing with squeals of pain. I looked up and saw several large spinning rings hanging from the ceiling, with people fastened by their wrists and ankles hanging 20’ above the floor, and there was a lineup like at an amusement park. Jennifer and I were definitely on the vanilla end of the spectrum, and I was fine with that. I felt Jennifer’s hand tug in mine and looked over to see her staring at a stall displaying a variety of leather harnesses and clothing. There was a model there wearing a harness made of black leather straps that crossed his body like an X, and fastened to a wide leather belt around his waist. The straps were studded with silver and he wore a matching collar. He noticed Jennifer’s interest and turned in a relaxed, nonchalant pose that could only have been rehearsed in a mirror for hours to pull it off. It didn’t hurt that he looked like someone had taken Michelangelo’s statue of David and dipped it in caramel. Jennifer looked at me “Master, you should get one of those.” I looked at him askance “Maybe if I did a couple hundred more push ups and gave up meat for a year first”.

By now the vendor had noticed our interest and moved over to where we stood. She ran an appraising eye over my chest and shoulders and selected a harness from the rack, offering it to me. I looked at the outfit, then at Jennifer’s wide eager eyes. What the hell, we were here to push our boundaries, weren’t we? I took the harness and the vendor gestured to a changing stall off to the side. By now we had gathered a small crowd of onlookers, most for Jennifer but I saw a few glances at me in anticipation of what I would do. No way was I going to leave Jennifer here with the Greek God of Dessert Toppings, and unbuttoned my shirt. I am no underfed dehydrated model, but I take care of myself. More so since I met Jennifer and I saw a few appraising glances as I pulled my shirt free from my pants. I slid the harness on, fumbling with the buckles and adjusting the straps. “Perhaps a collar?” the vendor offered, gesturing to another rack. “I wear the collar” Jennifer replied, “but these.” And she picked up a pair of gloves. They were leather, fingerless half gloves with a wide band around the wrist and studs on the knuckles. I put them on, fumbling awkwardly with the wrist band buckle then turned to check myself out in the mirror provided. I looked like an extra from the Road Warrior, no way was I going to wear this. Then Jennifer slid up beside me, wrapping one arm possessively around mine and tracing the line of one of the straps wistfully with her fingers. What the hell, she wore outfits for me and it’s not like anyone else was ever going to see me in it.

I turned to the vendor “I’ll take it.” and the sound of a pleased squeal and rapid clapping erupted from behind me. I gave a deep sigh, then leveled a stern look at the vendor who was failing miserably at controlling the smile that was tugging at the corners of her mouth. “An excellent choice sir” she said as she rung it up. “Would you like a bag or should I have it sent to your room?” “No, he’ll wear it now!” Jennifer blurted out. I turned slowly, giving her the same look that I had subjected the vendor to a few seconds ago. She blushed, and quickly adopted her most perfect submissive attention pose, heels together, hands clasped in front, head down. “Please?” she finished in a meek voice. Another deep sigh “No, no need for a bag, but have the shirt sent up to room 302.”

“Certainly sir” I heard as I took Jennifer firmly by the upper arm and strode away trying to save what was left of my dignity as a Dom. “Posture and poise always, my ass.” I murmured, then gave a sharp squeeze to stifle a snort of laughter. Just then, like a gift from God, I heard the sound of leather striking flesh and guided us towards it. “Uh Oh” Jennifer exclaimed as she saw our destination. “Uh Oh, is right” I said as we approached the stall selling discipline equipment.

There was a long metal bar set at waist height where several people were standing. Some holding it with their hands, some bent over completely as their Dom’s tried out various types of apparatus. I pointed Jennifer to a vacant portion and turned my eyes to the display racks. There were wooden paddles, riding crops, leather straps, whips of every kind, and something that looked like a cricket bat. I picked up a paddle in one hand, and a strap in another, and moved over to where Jennifer was watching me with a nervous expression. A few minutes later we walked away, my purchases in a bag in my hand. “I really like these gloves” I said, admiring them. “The crop didn’t twist as much as it did when I use my bare hands, and the wrist straps really help avoid fatigue. What do you think dear?” I asked turning to Jennifer. I noticed she had fallen behind and I stopped to allow her to catch up. She wasn’t walking as sensually as she normally does, and every few steps she gave a wince of pain. “Yes Master, I noticed the difference” she replied. I smiled and took her hand, she smiled back “I deserved that, didn’t I” she said with a strained voice. “You certainly did.” I replied, tapping her red ass gently. She winced, but I saw the twinkle in her eye and I knew everything was alright.

A few hours later and we headed back to our room. I dumped our purchases out onto the bed, a couple of new gags, we needed a bit gag, some sets of cuffs in various styles and colours, and of course my favorite new strap. I looked over to Jennifer who was standing in the hallway, biting her thumbnail in the manner she had whenever she wanted to ask an awkward question. “Yes?” I asked. “Master, will you r**e me?” she replied, looking shyly away. “What brought that on?” I said, barely keeping my expression neutral. There was stepping outside of your comfort zone, then there was jumping off a cliff. Jennifer paused for a second, then it all came out in a rush like if she stopped talking, she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to start again. “When I saw Brad and, ‘Cocksleeve’, it terrified me at first. But ever since I can’t stop thinking about it. I have always given myself to you, I think I would like to see what it feels like for you to take me instead.” She looked at me “I know there was the thing we did with Tina, but technically I was in on the entire thing. It’s not like you forced yourself on me or I tried to fight back.”

I moved over to where she stood and reached out, grasping her arms and looking at her face. She glanced at me, then glanced away nervously, biting her lip. “Am I wrong?” she asked. “Is there something wrong with me because I want to know what it feels like, that I might be turned on by it?” “Not from what we saw today” I answered. “Cocksleeve seemed awfully secure in of herself, and she and Brad seemed to understand each other pretty well. Looks like they have been doing it for a while.” I pulled her over to the bed where we sat down and I put my arms around her shoulders. “If you want to try this, we need to discuss some things first.” She nodded. “Peanuts, right. You understand what that means?” I asked.

“It means that I am not comfortable with what you are doing and I want you to stop.” She answered in a steady voice.

“That’s right, it lets you play the role of an unwilling victim, without confusing me as to what you want. If you can’t speak, I want you to nod your head 3 times and keep doing it. I will watch for that.” She nodded. “Three times, let me see it.” And she nodded clearly three times. “Alright, there are other things that we need to clear up before we start for the first time. I will be rough, throwing you down, grabbing you, maybe ripping your clothes, but I will never slap you in the face or do anything that will leave a visible mark, alright?” “Yes, I am comfortable with that.” She answered, sounding surer of herself having talked about it. Then she looked at me questioningly, “Have you done this before?” “No” I answered, “But Mistress Laura send me some stuff to go over before we came, sort of an orientation package.”

She nodded “I also want you to talk dirty to me, use the language that Brad used. You are always so calm and respectful; I want to see a different part of you.” She added, putting her hand on my knee and rubbing it up and down my leg. “Alright” I answered. “It will certainly add to the roleplay. Now, leave the room and come back in 10 minutes.” I looked down at her corset “and change, I don’t want to damage that. Too many good memoires.” She blushed and started to unbutton the corset. A few minutes later she left after touching up her makeup and I looked around. I gathered up the gear that I had just bought and chose what I was going to use. I considered taking off the harness, but she seemed to like it and it certainly was out of character for me so role play it was.

A few minutes later I heard the door open, and the clicking of Jennifer’s heels on the tile floor. She proceeded slowly down the hallway and stopped just inside the entrance to the bedroom. She paused, looking around and glancing back over her shoulder. She expected me to come out of the bathroom which is why she was so surprised when I burst out of the closet beside her. She let out a sharp scream of terror before I clamped my hand over her mouth and wrapped my arm around her, trapping her own arms against her body. “Shut up, bitch.” I growled into her ear, and I felt her stiffen against me. I squeezed her hard and heard a muffled grunt of pain as her elbows pressed against her rib cage. “I have been watching you all day, strutting around like a whore looking for her next trick. I even tried to talk to you but you were too stuck up to acknowledge me you fucking slut.” I leaned in and ran my tongue up the side of her neck and behind her ear and felt her shudder in response. “Well, your mine now aren’t you. That asshole of a boyfriend of yours is gone, probably looking for another cheap whore to fuck. Looks like it’s just you and me for now.” I slid my hand up to grab her tit and give it a hard squeeze, she moaned into my hand and tried to squirm away. “Where the fuck do you think you are going?” I said, and pushed her toward the bed. She staggered a few steps, unsteady on her high heels, then sprawled on the bed. I lunged forward before she could gather herself and grabbed her hands, wrenching them behind her back. I saw a line of marks from where the studs on my harness had pushed hard into her flesh, serves her right for convincing me to get it.

“Ow, ow, you’re hurting me.” She squealed as I pulled out a length of silk cord I had bought and wrapped it around her wrists. I felt her legs kicking behind me and the points of her stiletto heels hurt as they hit my back. I leaned forward and slapped her on the back of the head “Settle down bitch, I don’t want to hurt you, just to fuck you.”

“Oh no, oh god please, please no!” she pleaded, whipping her head back and forth as she tried to get free. I grabbed her by the back of the neck and squeezed hard, she gasped in pain and froze as I pushed her down into the bed. “If you don’t want me to fuck you, then what will you do instead?” I asked in a mocking tone as I ground my cock hard against her ass.

“Do you want me to suck your cock? Please, let me suck you off! I promise to do a good job, then you don’t have to rape me.” She pleaded, and I eased up on the pressure, letting her lift her head off of the pillow. “Alright, I knew you wanted to suck my cock the minute I saw you. Its about time you realized just what a slut you were.” I rolled her over and pulled her roughly off of the bed. She fell to her knees and I stepped back to get a good look at her. Her hair was a mess, but it looked good on her in this light. One of her tits had fallen out of her bra and I reached down to pull the other out making her wince in pain as I yanked the fabric out of the way. She looked up at me fearfully, her lip trembling and chest heaving with shallow rapid breaths. She looked away and I leaned over and grabbed her hard by the chin, turning her face towards me. “Hey bitch, my cock isn’t over there.” And I stood up, pulling my pants open and letting my now erect prick spring forth. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face towards my crotch. She tried to turn away but I twisted my grip and she squealed in pain. “Please, please stop hurting me.” She wailed. “I’ll do it.” And she reached up and kissed the tip of my cock, looking up at me with scared eyes hoping for a reprieve. I looked down at her and smirked, no mercy there. She shuddered and closed her eyes, leaning forward and brushing my cock with her mouth. She slid her lips tentatively across the head and up and down the shaft, the tip of her tongue nervously peeking out to give little licks then darting back in like a scared animal. I let this go on for a few minutes until I was good and hard then reached down and smacked her hard on the side of the head. “Don’t waste time bitch!” I growled, “this is happening so you may as well get it over with.” She whimpered, then took my cock in her mouth sliding her head slowly down the shaft. I grabbed the back of her head and rammed my cock deep into her throat! Her eyes flew open and I felt her body tense in surprise at the rough treatment. I held her there for a second, waiting for a nod but when none came, I pulled out and drove it forward again. “Like that you stupid cunt, none of this teenage virgin shit. I know a slut like you can suck a cock like a Dyson so get to work.” She gagged as the head of my prick jammed itself against the back of her throat, then I let go of her head giving her another smack to re-enforce the lesson. She sobbed on my cock and proceeded to fuck herself in the face, hard and fast. Her head drove forward and back like a jackhammer as her body rocked with the effort. I felt my cock hitting the back of her throat over and over as she desperately tried to please me. I let this go on for a few minutes until I thought she couldn’t take anymore. Her face was red, tears streaming from her eyes. Her breath was coming in ragged snorts from her nose as her mouth slid up and down my shaft like a well lubricated piston. I seized her by the hair and pulled her off of me, she coughed, spitting my precum and her saliva onto the floor. She looked up at me in despair “Are you finished?” She begged with wide pleading eyes.

“Sorry bitch” I replied “but I’m just getting started.” And I pulled her to her feet. She staggered and looked at me in terror. “You said that if I sucked you off you would let me go. You promised.” She wailed. “I said that if you do a good job, that was the worst blowjob I have ever gotten.” I replied and spun her around to face the bed. “Fuck, I had to do half the work. No way you are getting off that easy.”

I grabbed her bound wrists and pulled them up sharply. She gasped as the strain in her shoulders forced her down on the bed. I put my knee on her back to hold her in place, then reached into my pocket to pull out the big gag that I had bought earlier. Seemed like a good time to try it out and she struggled as I forced it between her teeth. Her moans and whimpers of protest kept me hard as I pulled her hair out of the way to buckle it tightly behind her head, then I rolled her over to look at her. She stared up at me with fear, but there was also lust in her expression. Her teeth ground down hard on the gag that filled her mouth and her chest heaved with exertion. There was a sheen of sweat covering her body and I swatted her legs apart to position myself between them. I reached down to my still hard cock and started to slide it up and down along her surprisingly wet pussy. She shook her head desperately, muffled pleas for mercy escaping past the mouth filling gag. I put my cock against her cunt hole and slid in, pushing her head hard against the headboard. A long drawn-out moan escaped her and her eyes rolled back in her head. “See slut, I knew you wanted me.” And I pulled out and shoved it back in again. She continued to moan as I drove into her, all thought at roleplay lost in her ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around me, pulling me into her but I backed off and grabbed her by the heels of her shoes forcing her legs out. “Fuck you bitch, I’m in charge here” as I pulled my cock back until just the tip was at the entrance to her pussy and held it there. She whined in frustration, trying to work her body down towards me and I obliged her by driving it deep back inside her body. A wail of pleasure escaped from deep in her chest and I felt her pussy begin to clench around my cock. She looked at me “Mmmlezz, mmmleeez Mfter” she groaned around her gag and I released one of her legs to reach forward and maul her tit. Her eyes screwed up both in pain and concentration as she held back her orgasm until I gave her my permission. I felt my own orgasm start to build “When you feel me blow inside you slave, then you can cum.” She nodded, and I was pretty sure that it wasn’t her safe word, so I continued to pound her until I blew my load deep inside her body. She howled with relief as her own orgasm milked the last of the cum out of my cock and I collapsed on her, exhausted and spent.

A little while later we lay on the bed, I had untied her and she rested in the crook of my arm gently tracing her fingers through my chest hair. “What was that like for you?” I questioned looking down at the pile of blond curls laying on my chest. She didn’t look up, but continued tracing designs with her fingernails. “That, that was something else” she replied after a few seconds. Then she looked up at me, blue eyes peering through a curtain of golden hair. “All of the times we have been together, you have been in control and I love that. It is like being the passenger in a car that is taking you to somewhere you desperately want to be.” She paused for a second, and bit her lip. “This time, you were like a force of nature. Powerful, unstoppable. It is like I was in a boat on the ocean and you were the hurricane around me.” She paused to take a deep breath, her breasts pressing nicely against the side of my body. “Part of me wanted to use the safe word, just to make sure I could. I trust you but it was pretty scary seeing you like that.” She looked up at me again. “I don’t think I like it all the time, but I want you to do that to me again sometime. Sometime when I don’t expect it.” “Alright” I replied, glad that she did not want this to be a permanent change in our relationship. I don’t think I could treat her like that too often and not start to change the way I thought about her. Like Mistress Laura said, I am afraid of who I may become if I try to exert too much control over people who trust me. “Shower?”

We stood under the hot stream of water, letting it sluice the sweat and other bodily fluids off of us. Jennifer carefully washed me, paying special attention to my cock and balls. She kissed them gently as she lathered the soap and stroked it up and down the shaft. She stood, sliding her firm breasts along my soap slicked chest and reached up to wrap her arms around my neck. I pulled her close and my semi-erect prick jabbed against her stomach as I bent down to kiss her. She closed her eyes and moaned into my mouth, her tongue flicking against my lips and her fingers tightening on my shoulders. We stayed that way for a few minutes, just enjoying each other with no thoughts of Master vs Slave, then pulled back looking into each others eyes. “I am so happy to be with you” she said as I pushed a strand of wet hair out of her face. “Ditto” I answered and smiled as she stuck her tongue out at me. I smacked her ass as I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Jennifer remained for a few more minutes and when she emerged I was already dressed. I was fumbling with my tie as she came up to me, wrapped in her own towel with her hair up in that secret towel hair wrap that only women know how to pull off. “Let me Master” she said and pushed my hands out of the way, knotting my tie perfectly and snugging it up under my chin. I grabbed my jacket from the back of the chair and shrugged it on, she slid her hand down my chest and her eyes widened when she felt the leather harness under my shirt. “Oh, thank you Master.” She said with a grin as her tongue quickly flicked over her upper lip. “I have another surprise for you” I said and gestured to a large package on the bed. “I will be waiting at the bar for you, don’t be late. We have a reservation you know.” and I turned to leave. I was just closing the door when I heard a surprised squeal of joy come from the bedroom.

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