Moulding My Slave - Cover

Moulding My Slave

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 6

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6 - I meet a stuck up girl and turn her into a submissive sex slave by giving her the one thing she has been missing all her life, self respect.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Reluctant   Slavery   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   White Male   White Female   Oral Sex  

I sat on the sofa, idly flicking through my phone and swirling the whisky around in my glass waiting for my guests to arrive. Jennifer and her mother should be here any minute, and my slave had promised that they would be on time. I had expected this day to come after my first meeting with Janet, she was too much of a cougar looking for a den to leave it alone. After a few awkward moments and half-uttered conversations, Jennifer had finally asked me if I would be all right with introducing her mother into our relationship. “Hell yeah” I said in my head, Janet was so much like her daughter I was already formulating my plans. I didn’t let Jennifer know any of this, in fact I made sure she believed that I thought it was a bad idea and took several weeks to let her convince me to give it a try.

A knock at the door jolted me out of my thoughts and I rose to open it and usher Jennifer and Janet inside. Closing the door, I moved back to the sofa where I sat down and took up my drink before turning my gaze on to them.

They had just come from dinner, the final meeting to go over exactly what was going to happen tonight. Jennifer was dressed in a conservative blouse and skirt with a set of black suede 4” heels turning the outfit into my favourite look, business sexy. She stood there at the position of submissive attention, head down, hands clasped in front of her, feet together, but she was flexing her fingers with nervous energy.

Janet on the other hand, had dressed to impress. She wore a tight dark red cocktail dress with a halter-top that pulled her ample breasts together showing off a deep valley of cleavage. Her nipples made noticeable mounds in the fabric demonstrating that she was not wearing a bra. The tight skirt came to about mid thigh where nude stockings sheathed her legs down to the red patent leather stilettoes on her feet. She held her purse casually in one hand, the other on her hip and her eyes swept the room taking in its theme of subdued manhood. I waited until her gaze reached me and then gestured to the lone chair in the middle of the room, directly across from where I sat.

She moved to sit down, awkwardly trying to maintain her sophistication but failing just enough to make her uncomfortable. The chair was a straight-backed kitchen chair with no arms. It was slightly too high for her to sit in and still have her feet resting on the floor, and I had made one of the legs a little too short so it wobbled just enough to throw her off balance. She looked around for a place to put her purse but ended up holding it in her lap. She tried to cross her legs, but the chair rocked underneath her so she wound up sitting with her knees together, toes reaching for the floor for balance. The straight back denied her the option of lounging back as I was doing and instead she assumed a sitting version of the attention that Jennifer was still standing at.

Once she was seated I turned to Jennifer, “The black outfit” I said and she nodded, disappearing down the hall to the clicking of her heels on the hardwood floor. As I heard the door to the bedroom close, I turned to regard Janet who was wiggling in the chair, trying to find a point of balance and pulling her skirt down to cover the tops of her stockings. She felt my gaze on her and stopped her efforts, trying to lock eyes with me. I held her eyes for a few moments then slowly let my gaze travel down her body, taking in the sight in front of me.

“What has Jennifer told you about us?” I asked in a level tone.

“My daughter has told me that she is your slave and you are her master, but that your relationship is based on respect and trust not pain and dominance.” She responded. “She says that you are a caring and considerate man who makes her very happy.”

I continued to regard her with feigned indifference, letting the awkward silence grow between us. I saw Janet start to fiddle nervously with her purse, just like Jennifer did, tapping her fingers in small rapid movements.

“What Jennifer and I have is very special to me” I commented, “You understand that you are here at her request, not mine.” I leaned forward, putting my elbows on my knees and closing the distance between us. “What are you looking for here?”

Janet looked away from my intense stare, eyes flicking around the room nervously. She was not used to this kind of response from men. Usually her “fuck me” look worked pretty quickly and she would be in a bedroom by now.

“Jennifer told me how you met, and what you said to her that first time she showed up here” she said, staring at the fireplace flickering beside her. “She told me how you two have developed your relationship, and that if I ‘behave’ perhaps I can have that too.”

I heard the sounds of heels coming down the hall from the bedroom; Janet looked up and gave a small gasp of surprise as Jennifer entered the room. Her daughter was dressed in a lacy black ¼ cup bra that held her firm young tits up like a display. A lacy black garter held up her black stockings and the same suede heels sculpted her legs and ass into flowing waves of muscle. Jewellery glittered in her ears and neck, reflecting the firelight as it flickered across her young firm body. Her downcast head made her curly blonde hair frame her face and flow over her shoulders to tickle her nipples into semi-firmness. I tossed a cushion from the sofa onto the ground beside me and she moved to kneel at my feet, hands on her lap, eyes on the floor in front of her.

“Jennifer” I rarely used her name in our master/slave relationship but I felt it was important to make sure she knew I was talking to her and not her slave persona. “I have been speaking with Janet and she says that you have made her aware of how we do things here, is that correct?”

“Yes Master” my slave replied, keeping her head down. “I have told her about us and how happy you make me. I told her about what we are to each other and what we do when we are together here.”

“Janet, do you agree with what my slave has said and that if you are going to be part of this relationship you must follow the rules I put in place.”

“Yes, I do.” She replied, locking her eyes with mine.

I leaned back, picking up my drink, “Jennifer, take Janet’s dress off and let me see what she is offering us.”

Jennifer rose from the floor and moved over to where Janet was sitting. She took her purse from her, placing it on an end table and then helped her to her feet. Moving behind her, she untied the knot that held the halter top of Janet’s dress, letting the straps fall revealing the large D Cup tits. Janet had obviously had work done because there was almost no sag as her breasts came free from the material, but they were well rounded and smooth with her nipples starting to harden in the cool air. My slave slid her hands down her mother’s shoulders to her waist, bringing an involuntary shudder from Janet that sent her tits jiggling nicely. Jennifer hooked her thumbs into the waist of Janet’s dress and slid it over her hips and down her legs, careful not to disturb the thigh high stay up stockings she was wearing. She returned to repeat the process with Janet’s matching red lacy underwear and held her hand as Janet stepped out of the pile of clothes at her feet. Jennifer moved in beside her mother and assumed her position of submissive attention, after a few moments she jogged her mother’s elbow and Janet quickly moved to mirror her.

I took the opportunity to examine the scene before me, something that had previously only happened in dreams and porn. Janet was a more mature version of her daughter, wider hips and larger breasts but a body that was still sculpted and firm. Her hair was wavy where Jennifer’s was curly, and trimmed to just below her shoulders where her daughters cascaded to the small of her back. I saw that where Jennifer pussy was clean shaven, Janet had a small landing strip of hair running up the front. It was neatly trimmed and I decided I liked it. I wasn’t looking for twins here and it added to her look of maturity and experience. I looked from Jennifer to Janet, noting the similarities and differences in both appearance and attitude. Jennifer was well practiced and held her position naturally however I saw the nervous twitch of her fingers as she waited in the silence. Janet was trying to mimic her daughter, but was unnaturally stiff which caused the muscles of her shoulders and legs to tense nicely. Both of them were breathing quickly but deeply to calm themselves causing their breasts to heave erotically in the firelight.

“Janet” I said and she twitched in response “this is your last chance to back out. Understand that if you do there will be no repercussions on Jennifer and I would rather have you quit now than later.” I paused and continued, “If you stay, you are agreeing to become my slave and act accordingly. I only have one rule, do what I saw when I say it. If you don’t, then it is over, do you understand and agree?”

Janet paused for a second, nervously swallowing then said in a firm voice “I understand and agree, Master.”

“Not Master, Sir” I corrected in a firm voice. “You may have agreed to give yourself to me, but I haven’t decided on whether I am going to accept you yet. Jennifer and I have worked long and hard to get where we are and I am proud to be her Master. Whether you earn that right is still to be determined.”

I glanced at Jennifer and noticed a small smile at the praise she had just received, as well as what could have been smug satisfaction at seeing her mother put in her place.

“Jennifer, take Janet to the bedroom and secure her by her wrists and ankles to the bed. Put the red ball gag in her mouth, I will be in soon.” I turned and picked up my drink as Jennifer took her mother by the arm and guided her down the hallway. Janet glimpsed up at me by I simply gazed into the fireplace in a disinterested fashion. I did glance over as they disappeared around the corner, admiring the curve of their asses as they strode down the hall and into their submission.

I waited for 10 minutes as I finished my drink. Long enough for Jennifer to finish her assignment then both of them to get a little nervous about what was to come. I put the glass down with a clink and strode purposefully down the hall. I stopped outside the door, noticing the flicker of candlelight around the doorframe and the faint smell of perfume eddying out from inside. I took a deep breath to calm myself and pushed the door open.

As ordered, Janet was bound spread eagle on the bed, her arms and legs pulled tightly to the corners causing her muscles to stand out in the flickering candlelight. The red ball gag filled her mouth and her ruby lips glistened around it. She raised her head from the pillow when I entered and I could see the eagerness in her eyes as I walked around to the side of the bed. I reached into the night table drawer and pulled out a vibrator. A small dollop of lube on the tip and it slid it slowly into her pussy. I turned it on to medium low and she laid her head back and moaned in pleasure as the gentle throbbing started to fill her.

I moved back to the foot of the bed and looked over to Jennifer, who had been standing at submissive attention in the corner. “You have done well so far, Slave. Come her and get me ready to sample what Janet has to offer.” Jennifer looked up at me, slowly dropped to her knees and proceeded to crawl with cat like grace over to where I stood. When she reached me she composed herself into a kneeling position and looked up at me, her blue eyes shining behind her golden curls.

“Thank you Master” she said in a firm clear voice to make sure her mother heard her over the vibrator throbbing in her pussy. “I am pleased that you are satisfied with what I have brought to you and hope that my mother...”

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