Moulding My Slave - Cover

Moulding My Slave

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 3

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - I meet a stuck up girl and turn her into a submissive sex slave by giving her the one thing she has been missing all her life, self respect.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Reluctant   Slavery   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   White Male   White Female   Oral Sex  

“I’ll get it, you finish your hair.” I heard through the door. I was standing there wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses and a hoodie carrying an empty pizza box. Well, the box wasn’t empty, but it sure wasn’t holding a pizza. Jennifer opened the door and quickly stepped back, allowing me to slide in beside her before anyone noticed. I set the pizza box down on the coffee table in the living room and turned to admire the beauty of the woman who stood shyly before me. She was wearing a black halter top that definitely did not have a bra underneath, her nipples made noticeable points in the otherwise smooth material. The top was tucked into a gauzy, multi layered skirt that flowed in iridescent waves down to mid thigh and her lower legs were wrapped to the knee in strappy, high heeled sandals. She stood there, legs together, hands clasped in front of her, head down but nervously tapping her fingers together, waiting for me to tell her what to do.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“In her bedroom, finishing getting ready” she answered in a quiet but firm voice.

“Is anyone else here?”

“No Master, we are not expecting anyone and no one is expecting us”

“Good, call her” I commanded, and when she turned toward the back of the house, I quickly slipped behind her and wrapped my forearm around her neck. My other hand slipped into my pocket, pulling out a lock blade and flicking it open with a well practiced movement. She let out a startled gasp, tensing up against me and her eyes widened at the sight of the knife. I had dulled the blade in advance, didn’t want any accidents, but she didn’t know that.

“Just getting you into character dear” I whispered into her ear, the 5 days of stubble that I had grown as part of my disguise chafing her delicate neck. “Now, call her.”

“T, Tina, come here please.” She called in a quavering voice. I felt her body trembling against me but the way she ground her ass into my crotch let me know that while she was scared, she was also quite aroused.

“Yes, what’s up?” I heard as Tina turned the corner and gave a small scream of surprise when she saw her housemate being held at knifepoint by an unknown stranger.

“Shut up. Keep quiet or blondie here won’t be pretty no more.” I threatened, waving the knife in front of Jennifer’s face. Tina gulped, but nodded in ascent to my command. I took the time to give her a once over as she stood at the end of the short hallway. She was taller than Jennifer, probably 6’ in the high heeled calf high boots she was wearing. Where Jennifer had long curly blonde hair, Tina’s was dark brown and wavy, reaching just below her shoulders. She was wearing a black, vest like blouse with the top 3 buttons undone and a denim skirt that had its fringe a few inches above her knees. Her skin was tanned to a soft brown but showed off well toned arms and legs that glistened in the light.

“Come here” I commanded, gesturing with the knife while my other arm held Jennifer tight against me. Tina slowly moved down the hall, eyes focused on the blade that waved in the air like the head of a cobra. “Stop there” I said when she was about half way down the hall, where there were no doors or windows for her to try to escape through. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” She complied, crossing her wrists just above the swell of her ass.

I released my grasp on Jennifer’s throat and flicked open the lid of the pizza box. Inside were lengths of white cotton rope and a few knotted strips of cloth to serve as gags. I handed a length of rope to Jennifer “Go tie her up, and do a good job or else things will get messy.”

Jennifer took the rope and moved to start to bind Tina’s as I had instructed. “Please, lets just do what he says.” She asked in a pleading voice as she wrapped the cord around Tina’s wrists, securing them in place. Not as good a job as I would have done, but she is just a rookie at this. I handed her a strip of cloth and heard her muttering apologies as she slipped it between Tina’s teeth and knotted it behind her neck. While she was doing this, I took the opportunity to put on some latex gloves, so far I had been very careful not to touch anything that I wouldn’t be taking with me when I left.

“Good, good. Now, close the blinds.” I gestured to the front window. “If you try to signal anything, your friend here will pay for it”.

Jennifer slid past me in the narrow hallway, making sure that her firm ass brushed my stiffening crotch, and moved to close the blinds in the living room window. Once they were fully shut, I grabbed Tina and pushed her down on the sofa. She sprawled awkwardly and I got a glimpse of pink panties as her legs flailed for balance. She grunted into her gag as she struggled to seat herself and slide her skirt down to a more respectable level.

“C’mere blondie. Your turn now.” And I grabbed a length of rope for Jennifer as she fearfully moved towards me. I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, pulling her arms behind her back and binding them much more efficiently than she had just done to her friend.

“Please don’t hurt us, you can have anything you want” she pleaded with me.

“Don’t worry babe, no one will get hurt as long as you do what I tell you. But I am going to take what I want.” I threatened, and knotted off the rope binding her wrists behind her back. I held the cloth gag in front of her face and she opened her mouth to let me slide it in. I heard a quiet moan as I tightened the cloth behind her neck, making sure not to catch any of her beautiful hair in the knot. She used the opportunity to fondle my crotch with her bound hands and I gave her ear a little flick with my finger to teach her a little restraint.

I reached down and pulled Tina up off of the sofa, grasping her firmly by the upper arm but keeping enough distance that if she tried anything I could react. I felt the muscles of her arm tense under my hand but she didn’t try to struggle or fight me when I pushed her into the hallway behind Jennifer.

“Alright blondie, start walking, give me the tour.” I ordered and we proceeded down the now dark hallway to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I noticed three doors, one led to a bathroom and the other two to bedrooms. “Which is yours?” I asked Jennifer and she nodded to the one ahead of us. “Fine, keep going” I said and we moved into Jennifer’s bedroom.

“Sit down.” I commanded, pointing to the bed and Jennifer and Tina both sat on the bed, cuddling against each other for support. Tina was a few inches taller than Jennifer and leaned her cheek against the top of Jennifer’s head, nestling it in the curls for comfort. I took the opportunity to look around my slave’s room as I had never been here before and was eager to learn more about what made her tick.

The room was what I expected, a child’s room with adult features. There was a shelf filled with stuffed animals, childhood toys and knickknacks that defined the little girl that Jennifer still considered herself. Her bed was covered in too many pillows and more stuffed animals with a bright coloured frilly bedspread. I glanced in her closet and saw the selection of too slutty clothes and shoes that she used to try to pretend she was a grown up, but her walls were filled with framed Disney posters.

“Stay here while I take a look around, and this place isn’t that big so if I hear you moving around things will stop being so pleasant.” Jennifer nodded quickly, Tina quickly following her lead. I took a quick check to confirm that there were no weapons or phones present and left to take a look around the rest of the apartment. As I expected, typical of women in their early 20’s just starting in the world which meant nothing that a criminal would be interested in.

I came back into the room a few minutes later, the girls were just as I had left them. Tina was struggling against her bonds and I heard her frustrated grunting through her gag. She froze when she heard me enter and both of them stared up at me with fearful eyes.

“Well, it looks like I have the best thing in this joint right here, don’t I.” I said as I reached down and pulled Jennifer off of the bed. She squealed into her gag as she staggered on her heels. I waved my knife in her face “Keep quiet there blondie and nothing bad will happen.” I reached up and pulled the gag out of her mouth “What do you want with us, please don’t rape us!” she pleaded.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head there.” I said. “I am not going to do anything to you, you are going to do it to each other.”

Jennifer’s eyes widened at the implication, while she was willing to do whatever I asked of her before this was virgin territory for her. “Please sir, please, anything but that.” She begged in a quivering voice.

“Is that really what you want, are you willing to accept the consequences of saying no to me?” I asked in a firm voice she was familiar with, looking her in the eye. She paused a minute, realizing that I was referring to a situation outside of this room. I gave her a moment to think and asked “Well, what will it be?”

“Promise she won’t get hurt?” she answered?

“Of course, in fact depending on how well you do she might enjoy it.” I answered with a grin, then pulled her desk chair around and sat down.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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