The Room - Cover

The Room

by Bondage_Okay_Fan

Copyright© 2020 by Bondage_Okay_Fan

BDSM Sex Story: Julianna finds herself in a bind and treated like a toy. 

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Slavery   High Fantasy   BDSM   MaleDom   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Sex Toys   Squirting   .

Julianna wakes up naked from her uncomfortable slumber, her arms are tied to her back and she is left hanging from the ceiling. She would be facing the ground just like her bare chest if not for the fact that the long hair at the back of her head is tied to what she presumes to be the same rope that is dangling her and forcing her to strain her neck to face the front.

Though looking around might have been a great way to determine her current state, the one who kidnapped her had also secured her with a blindfold and earplugs, all she can see is darkness and hear the constant ringing. And as an added sick sense of humor, she can feel a hook in each nostril used to push her nose up, her jaws locked wide open with her tongue sticking out and pinched as she drooled, leaving her mouth to dry.

Being a knight who has seen many battles in her service, she tries to keep calm, snorted while she takes a breath and struggles to free herself from her bindings by tugging on the ropes wrapping around her arms and chest, her calves kicking uselessly as her legs are suspended from the thighs. Even with her monstrous strength in lifting two handed swords in each hand and the ability to leap up a three storey with ease, the binding refuses to budge and all she does is to make herself swing from the ceiling.

Judging from her limited perspective, the bondage done onto her is tight and not loosening anytime soon, the ropes anchored to the ceiling in a way that it allows her to swing back and forth but sideways is difficult to achieve and that she is sweating from the little workout that forces her to refocus the fact that she is naked in an awkward position. Her cheeks flash a shade of red knowing that her breasts, something that abashed her due to the multiple leering from her male colleagues, have been pushed out to accentuate their size as they hang and shake freely by gravity. Her nether regions fully exposed, anus and labia twitching nervously as sweat slowly flows down from the lower back and cools the sensitive spots.

Julianna could not deny further that she is in a lot of trouble, the kind that haunted her till date, the main reason why she supported and joined under her Highness Matilda’s banner and to root out the scums in Garen under the Rutherford’s reign. Her memory in a scramble but she could recall that it was one of those raids conducted by one of the knight leaders, whose name she is failing to recall as she continues to wrestle with the ropes to no avail, the sheer darkness surrounding her and the deafening silence coupled by some grunts and whimpers from herself slowly draws her back into the memory.

The weather was hot and humid, but the alley they were in casted a cold shadow as they approached the backdoor of the shop, there were information about some dark deeds done that the squad members had refused to divulge to Julianna back then, only telling her some of the essentials like estimated number and so, and that the raid in the afternoon will be a successful one without a hitch. Seeing how she was the only female back in the squad when she was still green, it was understandable they intended for her to stay back in the action to spare her the trouble ahead, that generosity was not well taken by her.

The memory was in a blur right after the backdoor was broken down, the knights, including Julianna, charged into the two storeys to be faced with stronger opposition than expected.

“They are not in here!” Shouted a knight, throughout the entire mess she was swinging her sword deftly and cutting down whoever that was close to her, she remained in the ground floor with some of the troops as she was instructed while the rest raided the second storey looking for people.

This was when she spotted him in midst of the chaos, a hunchback man whose presence screams suspicious even more so as he kicked away a rug in the middle of a lavishly decorated room and went underground. She could not understand what her fellow knights were shouting, only that she leaped into action and followed the man’s route, it was at beneath the ground she saw what atrocities committed by the criminals.

Julianna recoiled in her suspension, rocking herself as she wakes from the immersion just before the shocking scene.

Her gaping mouth only could let out a weak “ahhh...” as her throat dried from the overexposure and the struggling has led to more sweating. The perspiration slowly drips off from her toes, nether regions, the abs on her stomach and off her half erect nipples. She can feel clearly from her heightened state that the small droplets slowly congealing into heavier presences and they are pulled by gravity, tracing from the base of her breasts to the tips.

She lets out a soft moan as fatigue takes over, her conscience drifting back to where she ended the nightmare.

Julianna could not find the man, the path was dark, she had to keep her left hand on the nearest wall to move forward slowly while guarding her side with the sword. She was alerted as she heard a thud, as though a door had been closed at the far end of the tunnel. She rushed with hasty breaths and reached the door, light pouring out at the bottom and she could have heard soft murmurs behind it.

She fumbled a bit and managed to push the door open, a musky wind blowing on her while the light inside had forced her to shut her eyes after the prolonged darkness, what assaulted her ears was something she did not expect.

Moans, whimpers and pleas were heard from the room, her nose picking up a foul scent mixed with something she could describe as lavender and slowly her gaze adjusted to the lighting inside the room and its obscene content.

Women restrained on various positions, from the ceiling, on chairs or platforms, their tormentors, no less than two per victim and most looking like orcs or goblins, merrily defiling the dignities by fondling, fingering and fucking the hapless women in the bind.

Julianna stood right outside of the room rooted, unable to understand what was going on as the women were getting gangbanged in a cluster, she managed to spot a few incense pots with purple fumes in between the orgy groups and had been slowly backing away from the door.

She failed to notice that there was someone behind her.

Julianna was then shoved into the room and could only give a quick swing on her sword to her back, a yelp was heard before she went tumbling into the room, the door behind her closed slowly on its own and the last thing she saw before the door fully shut was the hunched man’s scowl as he clutched his bleeding right arm.

In normal situations, she could have gotten up immediately or reorientated herself before falling, but somehow she could not find the usual strength in herself and struggled to even stand as she took deep breaths and coughed out the air in the room.

Not wanting to be caught in the bind like the women, she turned to face the crowd as quickly as possible and raised into a kneeling position, her right knee propping her sword arm up to keep the weapon pointed at the group in a guarding stance, the lethargy that was accumulating had otherwise made her seemed less threatening.

“Halt! Stop your actions!”

She gritted her teeth at the ugly creatures as they toyed with the women while ignoring Julianna, something she was thankful for initially and then frustrated as the orgies continued. She could only find herself fuming with helpless anger, as all she could muster at the sick display of the monsters were empty shouts and orders, the futile rejections coming from the trapped women further wounded her pride, the knife in her heart dug deeper as some of the women had already stopped fighting or their wills dwindling.

“I am Knight Julianna from the squadron, please hold on! Help is on the way!” She could only keep trying to encourage the victims around her, from her limited sight she counted more than 20. As time passed, there were less and less pleas and curses from the women and more and more moans that came out of them, mixed within were some delight screamings which made her frowned and flustered, and something else building inside.

Her sword slowly dipped as she felt heat building in her body, itching sensations surfacing on sensitive regions, particularly her sex, her fervorous gaze that she intended to assure the women ended up staring fervently at the orgies. As her eyes began to cloud and her limbs weakened, her sword dropped with a clang that registered no one’s attention, Julianna curled into a ball while lying sideways, half drooling as she tried to rub herself off through the chest plate and pants.

Tears welled up as she found that her pride of a knight had been trampled, her code to protect dishonored as she watched the women slowly crumble under the abuses and all she was doing was to feel herself in heat and getting hotter at the sights of the pleasured women.

The memory ends with her passing out on the floor, arms rubbing on her moist inner thighs and her face a mess of tears and drool. The darkness that continuously envelops her makes her recognise her current plight.

She lets out a small croak with her hoarse throat, shaking her body slightly as the binds are getting uncomfortable as well as that her little wet dream has made her excited. Glistening with sweat and trembling, the blonde knight rotates her ankles and wrists, clenching and relaxing her toes and fingers in order to relax herself.

That is when she smells lavender.

[What?! No!!] Her calm demeanor crumbles as she struggles furiously, constantly denying in her head while yelling as though the actions themselves will calm her frightened heart. Her hanging breasts swing wildly as she continues to try and at least get the binding done on her hair loose, her head thrashes hard, threatening to pull her hair out of the scalp.

She freezes in horror as someone is pinching the tip of her tongue with their fingers. The person then slowly rubs something sticky and sweet on the dried muscle, sending delightful sensations into Julianna’s head as the thirst is being quenched and she moans.

As the fingers laced with sweet nectar invade her oral cavity gently, slimy hands begin to show their presence around her back, calves and shoulders, massaging the sore spots and trying to calm Julianna down from her fits. Her wild kicks, trembling body and relentless struggle tells the tale otherwise, that is until the fume starts working.

It did not take long for the knight to lose strength, not just with the tiredness from earlier, but rather the combination of the therapeutic hands, the calming lavender incense plus the little nightmare cum wet dream made her docile, slightly moist between the legs and sensitive bits hardening.

The massages and feeding are rather tame, with the former focusing on just the limbs, a full set from her bound palms, biceps to shoulder, her strained back, neck and stomach, her hanging feet to thighs while the constant supply of the nectar that is spread generously in her mouth and tongue, allowing her to swallow the moist liquid without choking.

The process continues for a while, relaxing Julianna to the point that she is feeling drowsy again, her initial thoughts about fighting, keeping the time by counting in her head and distracting herself have been lost as her consciousness once again descends with ease into the darkness with a few croaks coming out of her.

Julianna finds herself in the place when she talks about the sight she saw in the raid, which was a long time after the knight squadron had rescued her and the captives from that awkward location and she retired from the team straight after the raid concluded, the leader said to give her some time off to clear her head but the entire team already knew what she was doing. Before the talk occurred, she dealt with what she saw by intensifying her training in the sword and to pursue the power in her lineage as she went on tutors after tutors immediately after her father told her to quit all in total.

Her self scarring lasted almost half a decade as she furiously tried to scrub those images and sound out of her head, for someone who was barely sixteen back when she was trapped, the memories themselves had been off putting and placed a barrier between her and some from the opposite sex.

Julianna goes through her fuzzy memories and currently stares at the time she talked to Matilda about the trauma, the conversation is a blur, but what her Highness or, as requested by the princess herself, Matty said, “the fear you have is normal, don’t let it be your chains, instead, look at the problems and find a solution, even if there is none in the first place.”

The memory lane would have gone further down another decade showing how Julianna gained her strength as she slowly banished the dark memory and served under her Highness as her sword of judgment, if only the tickling sensations on her breasts and nether regions would stop and not cause her to snap back into reality.

Her breasts are getting rubbed by two pairs of slimy hands, each pair cupping a breast as they squeeze and pull from the base, releasing the grip before touching the nipples. The process repeats with each pair of hands either massaging the breasts from top to bottom simultaneously, consecutively or even offbeat, the only constant is that the nipples are never touched, teasing her as they grow.

“AHhhhhh,” she moaned a bit, her attention further divided as more hands are stroking gently and spreading her ass cheeks, a finger can be felt caressing the anus, circling the hole that is wrinkled shut while two fingers are tracing the lower lips, gliding across with the slimy liquid and occasionally spreading the lips open and stimulate the hooded bean by poking and drawing circles on it.

She could have swore that the pats on her head are encouraging as her disheveled breathing grows with her edging ever closer to climax, especially when she does not want to come, the hands are there to help her reconsider.

“Gah! Ugh! Oh!” Her gasps shortened with the hands increasing the intensity and having a more direct approach in their coaxing.

The two pairs of hands that are massaging her breasts now have their palms grow bumps, or as Julianna is feeling, and they are not neglecting the puffy nipples that are dripping off the slime this time. With deft fingers that are lumpy as well, they pinched, tugged, fiddled and rubbed the tips with vigor, the areolas have not been forgotten as the fingers drew circles while pressing the toffee sized buds onto them.

If Julianna had been paying attention while starting to struggle and shout, she might noticed that the number of hands fondling her mammaries have been doubled since the increase in the intensity, not that she has taken noted as the hands playing with her ass and sex have stepped up their numbers and game as well.

The erect clit, exposed by a spare hand and trembling, is now put in the series of motion the same as suffered by her nipples, shocks burst from the tiny nerve bundle as the strokes are hard and mean. She can feel her vagina and anus penetrated, sensations that felt like a finger initially has its tip poke into each of them, slipping out to only push in more depth.

It did not help that the probes did not hurt as much as she had initially feared, instead it even felt electrifying as the finger up each of her two holes have been deftly and somehow pushing the right spots to keep her mostly in pleasure instead of pain. The butterflies in her stomach grew as the number of fingers have increased by one, with the ones servicing her anus now do it in strokes that emulate defecation, slow deliberate insertions followed by swift expulsions while sometimes spreading the hole and the two fingers in her vagina are busy scraping the inner walls, hitting the g-spot and other erogenous zones.

She moaned, pleaded with whimpers and tried to muster strength to kick up a fuss, her thoughts in her head could be summed up to “no, no, no” as her mind is paralysed with the overload of sensations providing by the hands, which have been alternating from their use of slime to something more creamy to changing the texture of their palms to keep the play fresh.

[Cumming! Cumming!] A flash of white blankets Julianna’s mind as she shudders and both her legs kick high into the air. Drool from her syrup filled mouth and some liquid from her two holes flow out as she slackens her stretched calves and curled toes in euphoria after the orgasm.

The hands on the other hand continue with their duty while ignoring the relaxed knight, this time with more fervor as they pump and pull with fiercer actions with soggy results, not stopping at the incomprehensible words of her slobbering mouth as they make the lower mouth twitching and blow a tide once more.

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