The Other Woman - Cover

The Other Woman

Copyright© 2020 by RickSands

Chapter 9: Continuing Ed

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9: Continuing Ed - A woman's unintentional journey into becoming the other woman to a wide variety of married men. While one would have been enough, she finds that each is able to provide services no one man could meet or master.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

Edy found it more difficult to focus on work, and while Jorge’s mid-week and multi-night stays used to be something to look forward to, Edy was now questioning just how much manly attention she could put her twat through before it clamped tight and demanded a week’s vacation. Her one-time thing with Trey had turned into a regular routine, and while Trey followed through on his promise to call before dropping by, Edy herself found it fun to know she could grow bored late in the evening and show up unannounced at Trey’s door. She knew it had gotten a little out of hand with other members of the fraternity got to know her on a first name basis, but she really couldn’t help herself. Having too much of a good thing wasn’t something Edy was used to and Trey had definitely turned into a good thing that just kept on giving.

While Edy’s other line of lovers weren’t tossed aside, they must have noticed that she wasn’t as available as she used to be. Jorge was the most insistent and regularly stopped by on a Monday night with the expectation that he could enjoy her favors for the following few nights. It was pretty common for Jorge to do some of the cooking but they often enjoyed some take-out food from one of his favorite trucks and then spent an extra hour in bed, Edy very much enjoying the talking and loving and sleeping with a grown man with more on his mind than the shape of her ass. She enjoyed sipping a cup of coffee with him, seeing him off to work, sometimes with an agreement to meet again that night, though sometimes Jorge would also disappear for a full week. Edy had to accept it, Jorge’s family only being an hour’s drive away.

Sometimes Mark showed up and took her to lunch, just to talk, to maybe make a plan to see him some time, some afternoon, some long weekend day for a hike in the mountains. It was a nice reminder that Edy was a (relatively) young and desirable woman, that talking about life and economics and personal events made a person ever more enjoyable when looking into their eyes over a set of well-worn sheets. And it wasn’t uncommon for Paul to make a date for Friday or Saturday night, mostly just to visit a favorite restaurant of his, but not so secondly so that they could spend two hours wrestling with each other on one of many beds they had come to share. Paul was a little difficult to relax with, always with business and employees on his mind, but he always treated Edy as an equal, not just a feed and fuck kind of a friend, and his skills in bed were nothing to lightly turn down. He wasn’t as patient as Don, wasn’t as lusty as Jorge; he was just a successful businessman who had pushed away all taboos concerning sex, enjoyed having fun with sex, and particularly having fun with Edy. She could appreciate that. The bigger problem was that he too was married, and having to see Paul off at one in the morning knowing that he would be making up one more excuse for his wife was getting to be difficult to bear.

Edy’s best friend and assistant was the simple calendar on her computer screen, keeping organized her appointments and work duties and meetings, both work and other related. For the upcoming week her fun side was looking to be active. Mark was hoping for a long lunch on Wednesday, Paul was taking her out to see some new art exhibit of some sort in an out of the way town that just happened to be near a condo owned by a friend of his, and Jorge hoped to come by Sunday afternoon and stay the night, maybe even Monday and Tuesday as well, a special project keeping him in the area and unwilling to do the long commute home.

Her extracurricular meetings didn’t always involve sex, and even then sometimes it was just a cuddle, a little roving through her legs, an easy merging of bodies, a silent exchange of precious bodily fluids, and then sleep. It could be very nice, very relaxing, very simple. But she could read the calendar and know that there would be a lot of ass slapping and hard fucking and some very messed up sheets. And that didn’t include Trey who had already phoned and asked if she was free Saturday night. Perfect. She could just fit him in. A sorority was having an open house, he was invited as a fraternity brother, and she could go as an interested community advisor. And afterwards? Edy could only imagine but figured she was up to it, even looked forward to it.

In the following week she first met Mark, which was was nice. Just a short lunch followed by a long slow merging of their bodies back at her place, this being possible only because she would be doing some late night office work with a couple of other organizations, eating and talking and typing up some notes on RFPs coming at them from a government office. Paul’s date was memorable, the art good if local, the food simple but excellent, and the night long and boisterous, a fast fuck followed by sleep and a long slow waking to the light, both of them happy to continue their lustful demands for as long as their bodies could hold out. This time he didn’t even feel the need to play around with dildos or butt plugs or drugs, happy to just fuck, though he insisted on doing her both front and rear. Edy couldn’t have been happier, except that Paul had a wife to get home to.

Fine. If her older men chose to leave her for their wives, then Edy was happy to think of ignoring them in favor of her new younger lover. She spent most of Saturday afternoon preparing for a long night out with Trey, knowing that she would then have her hands and bed full for at least the two following days with Jorge. With him she knew pretty much what to expect, Jorge being the living definition of a lust-fueled man who lived for the basics in life. But Trey was still an unknown. A hard fuck and a moaning and groaning orgasm as he ground down into her, of course. But there was always something more. For some reason she hadn’t yet sucked Trey off, and she did wonder at his taste, his pleasure, how he would act as he let loose his liquid lust down her throat. Once would be enough for Edy, and maybe this night would be that once. He obviously seemed to enjoy the back door, something Edy could appreciate even while she wasn’t a big fan, especially if her twat was in need. Maybe she was just too simple for the tastes of modern youth.

One thing she was sure of was that with Trey pillow talk would be kept to a minimum. The most intimate part of being with a man was not making love, fucking and sucking. What mattered most and really said something about a relationship was afterwards, when the two were sexually sated and looking into the other’s eyes and touching and talking about what would otherwise never come up in any other room of the house. The soft voices, the darkness, the loving touches, and the words. Maybe of work, maybe of family, maybe of the universe, but always with the other person in mind. Trey didn’t seem to be that kind of man or interested in that kind of relationship. He was young and constantly horny, even after flooding any one of her holes, and though Trey was able to keep up his end of a discussion, he never got more personal than asking if Edy needed to fuck some more.

On this Saturday night Edy actually picked Trey up at his frat house, a little weird and a bit embarrassing as a couple of his housemates looked on and tried to engage her in small talk while Trey finished dressing. Yes, totally weird. But then off to the sorority, somehow connected with the fraternity, and there she met a couple of fellow community advisors and faculty members and a number of girls dressed up not so much in cute dresses and hairstyles as in layered clothing and tattoos. She brought this up with one of the sorority advisors and they shook their heads and said that kids had long before outgrown the fifties sorority look.

This sorority in particular was known for community involvement as well as street protests, cleaning up the local parks while demanding city hall provide housing for the homeless. When they tried to raise money they didn’t sell cupcakes, they sponsored food fights with donated food being thrown out by local restaurants (no eating allowed). The previous year’s use of a pie-throwing trebuchet was considered a high mark in distance and the advertisement of food waste in our consumption-oriented society. Edy realized she was just a little out of her element but took a deep breath and enjoyed the fact that the apple cider and cheese and crackers were all fresh and without any guilt-laden associations.

Things were getting boring when Trey offered to give her a tour of the house; odd, but he seemed to know everyone around and Edy was happy to do something other than stand and nibble while waiting for some special program the sorority had planned for later in the evening. Around the house, through the kitchen, check out the back yard, then up some back steps, a bathroom (with a bidet!), and a couple of open and ready for inspection bedrooms. She had to pause in the upstairs hallway to give a second glance at a piece of framed art, various colored condoms forming a jail cell holding a paper mache fetus back from a birth canal. Wow. She shook her head and moved on, somehow being pulled into a small work-room maybe half the size of a bedroom. A couch, a couple of work tables, even a sewing machine, but within a few seconds Trey had closed the door, turned off the light, and levered Edy down onto the couch.

Edy had expected this, even had hoped for it, but not at this time or place. She tried to tell Trey that maybe a bit later, maybe back at her house, they could continue this but that she didn’t want to be caught here and now doing this. But Trey was persistent, at first happy that Edy was willing to go so far as to take his cock in her mouth and start sucking him off, but they somehow then wound up with him behind, her pantyhose down, panties following, and his cock levering itself into Edy’s wet and all too willing cunt. One leg up on the couch, another down on the floor, dress up and blouse pulled down, Edy was both disgusted by and reveling in the totally taboo sex they were having. She hadn’t done anything like this since her own college days, or maybe once or twice during her marriage, the scandalous nature of the public act and the person she was with making it out to be a real turn on. She finally just gave in to it, fucking back for all she was worth, just a few minutes in not at all being surprised as Trey groaned and shoved as much of himself up into her as possible as he coated her inner pussy with all the liquid male lust his balls could pump out.

It only took maybe ten minutes total but they were both sweating, both collapsed into one another, and yet had to get back to the gathering just a floor below them. Trey was up and covered and ready to go in a half minute, but as Edy shakily rose from the couch and stood, Trey used the minimal light coming in from the windows to help her adjust her blouse and even pull up her panties, a quick kiss to her ass following. It took a couple more minutes for her but they were finally able to open the door, peer out, and then pretend nothing had gone on as Trey talked about some boring institutional agreements that bound a sorority to a fraternity. Another glass of cider to clear the taste of cock from her mouth, a bit of cheese, and then into a gathering room where everyone could sit and listen to short speeches and watch some performance about the goals of this particular sorority.

Edy would have paid much more attention if she hadn’t been aware of the wetness slowly seeping into her ass, some moist something leaking down into her dress, maybe into the seat, blushing in awareness that everything Trey had poured into her had followed the dictates of gravity and been pulled down and out of her pussy. Damn. Her position held most of her attention and as the performance ended and everyone clapped and stood up and prepared to leave, Edy’s first act was to do a quick scan of the seat cushion (slightly dark mark in the middle but not too obvious) and then make sure her back was to the wall as everyone passed her. Her dress was a little dark and with prints, so maybe nobody would notice any large spreading stain of wet at her rear, but she took no chances and left as quickly as she could. Two minutes on and Trey joined her, completely in the dark about the worries and needs of a woman. They walked down the block, a chill wind and red and yellow maple leaves showing the presence of fall, then to her car and back to the fraternity.

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