The Other Woman - Cover

The Other Woman

Copyright© 2020 by RickSands

Chapter 8: College Daze

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: College Daze - A woman's unintentional journey into becoming the other woman to a wide variety of married men. While one would have been enough, she finds that each is able to provide services no one man could meet or master.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

Late summer and things truly went sideways. Edy was part of a number of community groups with a focus on women, children, and education. A faculty member in one of her groups approached Edy and said that the college’s sororities and fraternities were being required to include community members on newly formed boards of review. He thought she would be a good community rep for the fraternity he was a faculty advisor for. Edy immediately shot back that maybe it would be better for her to oversee a sorority but he assured her that it was necessary for a woman to be included and that she’d be a perfect fit. She had her doubts but agreed when the greying don mentioned that all meetings were held in the faculty lunchroom and would take no more than an hour a month of her time. If it got her out of her workplace and provided free food, she was game.

Edy really hadn’t much knowledge of the Greeks (as in fraternities and sororities) other than the occasional story about one member or another suffering from alcohol poisoning. Of course half of the clients for the local women’s center were university students and Edy herself oversaw a mother/child program that had it’s share of university participants and volunteers, but otherwise she largely stayed away from the college social scene. As a matter of course she (and the other four members of the advisory council for this one fraternity) were invited to attend the first party of the semester, which just happened to also include the introduction of potential pledges. All a bit weird, the ceremony and very polite tea and cookies party that followed boring her to tears, but she had the feeling that once all of the elders left the building the real party would have the police showing up toward midnight.

She wasn’t wrong. As Edy headed off to her car, one of the fraternity members walked with her, doing his best to schmooze and give a good impression, assuring her of the upstanding character of all members in the house. She suddenly double-backed, her body guard quickly following, through the crowded house of college youth, through the kitchen, onto the back porch where a cold and sweat-covered keg stood waiting, full and un-fulfilled. “And this big boy? Any plans for him?” she asked, the few frat members within earshot suddenly going silent. “Don’t worry,” Edy snorted, “I won’t say anything. But watch yourself, and don’t try to con me again.”

A couple of the guys laughed and as Edy again turned to leave one other member of the house said, “Wait. Since you’re wise to us, how about you tap it and share in the first cup?” “Oh no,” said Edy. “That would be me condoning your actions. I think it’s best that I just leave it all alone and make my way home. Again, watch yourself.” But as she left, this older, better spoken student followed her out, and as she reached her car he told her of a week-end open house coming up in two weeks time, of generally good barbeque and drink, and hoped she would drop by to see that they hadn’t trashed the neighborhood. He opened the car door for her, wished her a good night, stepped back and waited for her to drive off, and as she did so Edy felt that maybe she really had been limiting herself to older men for far too long.

Night time fantasies notwithstanding, Edy figured her role as advisor for the frat to be largely in name only, attending the rare meeting, maybe dropping by the house at Christmas before everyone scattered for break. Just another line in her list of things to do, but that older (compared to his frat brothers) and better spoken student called her direct line at work and again reminded her of the upcoming party. He promised everything you might expect of a fraternity but without any of the headaches. Edy openly laughed, said his promise was an impossible contradiction, which then led to a long telephone conversation about him (Trey, majoring in business) and all things Edy found fun and interesting.

As she hung up Edy felt like she had just been hustled, somehow made to turn over all of her information to a boy/man she hardly knew, and she had promised to visit that upcoming weekend party of his. She toyed with the idea of bringing Jorge with her, just to set everyone straight, but in the back of her mind she knew she’d go alone, maybe just for a few minutes, but with the thought of anything happening left open to possibility.

Edy had a wonderful Tuesday evening and then Wednesday morning romp with Jorge, food included, and all thoughts of feeling guilty about stealing him from his family were pushed aside when he mentioned taking the entire clan to Disneyland for the upcoming weekend. Paul dropped by Friday, initially only in passing, but after a few minutes of talk Edy somehow wound up face down in the couch and then down on the rug as Paul unleashed a flood of his own special kind of desire into her. He was nice enough to stay for an additional half-hour, but Edy felt a little put-out when she woke up alone the next morning.

When Saturday evening arrived Edy uncharacteristically had none but a cold oven and some HBO waiting for her, so dropping by the frat for food and maybe a little fun was a no-brainer. She dressed conservatively, in a long-ish skirt and with minimal cleavage showing, but her heels were on and perfume applied, so there’s no way the boys could mistake her for a visiting mom. Edy of course sought out the faculty advisor first, walking around the house and talking business, hardly acknowledging Trey though their eyes did hold each other for a second longer than necessary, a smile passing from one to the other, the advisor too focused on a loose stair railing to notice.

As the advisor left for a concert in some other part of town, Edy mentioned that she’d be following him within the quarter hour, then went back into the kitchen to search out something other than punch or bottled water to drink. She wasn’t disappointed, a half-bottle of good quality red stashed next to the microwave, and though she thought of walking around some more and getting to know the students, she didn’t want to immerse herself in the blaring music of modern college youth that she didn’t really care for. This made her feel old, feel that maybe this was a young person’s game.

Just before she left out the back door, down the steps and on to home and a movie, Trey somehow appeared at her side. He did lead her down the back steps, but then over to where the barbeque was putting out some grilled meat for sandwiches and then to a quiet corner to talk. Nothing intense, but he was especially good at pulling information out of her, of getting Edy to talk, somehow bringing himself in for comparison and then to contrast with, then something to laugh at and then on to another topic that somehow got Edy to talk some more.

About the time they finished off the bottle of red, they made it back up to the kitchen and then up another set of stairs to check out the artwork of one of the frat members posted on the hallway wall, then to see the newly refurbished bathroom Edy had sore need of. As she exited Trey was there again, showing the various rooms, the last of course being his own bedroom. Trey had the position and class status to rate his own bedroom, and as he closed the door behind them Edy steeled herself for the expected advance, the kissing and the groping, and of what she’d have to do to peel him off and get the hell out of there. She decided to just not say anything, to just turn and open the door and leave, but Trey had a light touch, a finger on her hip, a passing kiss to her neck, and a soft voice telling Edy not to go, to stay, just for a while.

Edy paused, finding the request and the kiss and the touch irresistible, not at all the heavy handed demand of a boy in heat but the soft sensual whisper of great pleasures that might be had if she would but lay down and relax. She was sure the wine and thick smoke of cannabis that now filled the lower rooms had something to do with her long pause, but Trey’s smooth touch, with fingers and lips, also had a lot to do with it. She wanted desperately to leave, to run down the stairs, but it was so nice to be so gently touched, Trey’s fingers and lips dancing across her hips and stomach, neck and ears and cheek, then Edy turning her head and finding his lips pulling all the rest of her into a long welcoming kiss that almost made her knees buckle.

Reaching back Edy found a desk to lean on, to turn to, away from Trey, trembling as she wondered at how she could force her legs to walk out and away from the delicious and delirious situation she found herself trapped within. And that was when Trey moved closer, his hips pushing into her from the rear, his hands finally encircling her, reaching up under her blouse to touch the breasts she had worked so hard to conceal. He had enough practice to know how to undo her bra before massaging, kneading, playing with Edy’s breasts and nipples as he continued to kiss her neck. Edy moaned and pushed her ass back against Trey’s groin, then turned her head to drink in another one of Trey’s kisses, allowing herself to be walked sideways to a large welcoming bed in the center of the room. Edy tried to sit on the bed, turning to kiss Trey back, pulling him in, taking command of his mouth as she showed her true needs and feelings, but as she sat she somehow slipped off the edge, knees down on the rug, her back again to the man who had taken her over.

Edy decided to relax, to enjoy being slowly undressed, Trey unbuttoning her blouse, removing her bra, freeing her breasts, and finally undoing the clasp at the back of her skirt. Just as Edy thought of rolling over and wrapping her legs around this young man, one of his hands went low to push down deep into her panties, fingers freely roving through a very wet set of labia. Edy was unsure of what would come next, but she was definitely surprised when a long fleshy rod somehow slipped up through the rear edge of her panties and through the long wet slit Trey’s fingers were still exploring. Edy had little time to register her surprise before Trey pulled back and slipped in, filling the first few inches of Edy’s leaking hole, causing her to inhale in and then groan loudly. Edy’s mind fought the reality she now had to face, trying first to crawl up the bed and away from the union she and Try had so suddenly formed. Yet as she moved a knee up on the bed, one foot still on the floor, Trey just pushed her upper leg out, stretching her legs wide and allowing his cock ever more access to the wide forested valley between her splayed thighs.

As Trey began moving deeper inside of her, Edy sank down, head and chest on Trey’s bed as he began moving back and forth within her vaginal recesses. A hand on one breast, another playing with her clit, his body crushing her down, her cunt filled in the most wonderful way. As Edy felt Trey’s balls and groin pound into her ass, there was the soft talking Trey voicing his joy at how wet and warm she was, of how hot and ready for a real fuck she was. Edy allowed herself to just accept the situation, moving her upper leg back down to the floor while opening her knees a little wider, a hand back to rest on Trey’s hips as he quickly moved deeper, then withdrew, then deeper some more, crushing her into the bed and taking her over completely.

With Edy’s panties pushed aside, her skirt pushed up onto her back, Trey began a more serious fuck from her rear, kneeling on the edge of the bed while holding her ass up and pounding deeper into her pussy. Edy was only too happy to match his energy, trying to push back with her ass, loving the deep fat feel of his cock moving inside her but also enjoying the jolts of electricity exploding in her loins as Trey did wonderful things with her clit. The jolts didn’t stop, a huge wave suddenly appearing from within her, her moan turning into a low scream, her fists clutching the bedding as a huge orgasm took her over, the pleasure pulsing through her body, returning and pulsing forth again, a long minute of wonder as she enjoyed being taken over by one of the best orgasms she had had for many weeks.

Edy finally caught her breath, was able to pay attention to what was happening outside of her very happy loins, smiling as she felt Trey continue to fuck her, seemingly undeterred by her loud wet release. She was a little embarrassed at her quick arrival, something deep inside Edy saying that a woman shouldn’t show such need and enjoyment so quickly with a strange man at her rear, but she pushed that nonsense aside and moaned loud as another overwhelming pulse of pleasure took over her body. That was good, wonderful, but now she just wanted to feel a naked man on top of her, another naked body merging with her own naked body, and though reluctant to stop the ongoing fuck, she had Trey pause, told him to stop. It says a lot for the man that he did what she said, pulling back, disconnecting his still hard and unfulfilled shaft from it’s rightful place within Edy’s pussy. As Trey pulled back, Edy crawled up on the bed, and began taking off her remaining bits of clothing. No surprise that Trey got the message and started removing all of his.

Trey was a handsome young man, tall and fit, just the kind of guy a woman could daydream about all night, and as he kneeled down on the bed and crawled to her, Edy pulled him in for another long kiss. He kissed back, but then pulled back and lowered his head to suck in her tits, Edy happy for the attention, thrilled with the tingling his actions were sending through her body, but still wishing for another taste of his tongue. No problem, Trey somehow sensing Edy’s needs, pushing her legs aside, levering his hips into her thighs and easily slipping his cock back into her waiting hole. Edy sighed, bringing her knees up and wrapping her legs around his waist, pushing down with her feet as Trey regained his previous depth and began a long slow screw.

Well, not as slow as Edy would have liked, maybe five minutes, grinding down into her crotch, then some hard pounding, then back for a number of slow plays in and out of her pussy lips, all enjoyed by Edy as she reveled in the hot naked wonder of the man then taking her body as his. But he did finally reach down with his hands and pull in on her ass, pulling up, feeling up each of her butt cheeks as he returned to a fast deep fuck of her cunt before finally groaning out his true intentions and pouring forth his wild young seed into her very welcoming depths. Edy smiled, happy to receive his offering, bringing her legs back up to pull his waist in, scissor him tight and let Trey know that she wanted all of him, every inch, every drop, breathing deep his scent as the two merged into the darkness of the room.

Minutes later Trey’s hands and tongue showed that he was alive and well, and after tonguing one breast into full attention, he mentioned that if Edy gave him a little (oral) help, he’d be able to continue their activity for a lot longer. Edy initially agreed, allowing Trey to push her head down, to suck and swallow, tonguing off the thick coating of semen and secretions that covered his somewhat softer length of manhood. But as he was working his cock in and out of her mouth, Edy had a sudden and very sober realization of where she was and what she was doing. Her better and wiser self told her to get the hell out while she could, and so she obeyed, albeit reluctantly. Even as their shared liquid releases dribbled down her chin, Edy stood and apologized, fighting off an overwhelming carnal urge and obeying the hated commands of her more sensible self.

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