The Other Woman - Cover

The Other Woman

Copyright© 2020 by RickSands

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A woman's unintentional journey into becoming the other woman to a wide variety of married men. While one would have been enough, she finds that each is able to provide services no one man could meet or master.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

This back and forth between Mark and Jorge went on well into the early summer, neither one knowing of or asking about the other. There were hiccups of course, one being when Mark had taken Edy out for lunch and his wife and two kids walked by the restaurant. Mark blanched and Edy told him that maybe he should re-think their relationship, but he was over the shock and back into her bosom within the hour. A bigger problem was Jorge starting to feel that Edy’s house was his, staying for half the work week, sometimes cooking, always taking up most of her bed and no small amount of the space between her thighs. It wasn’t a bad thing at all, but it still bothered her that he took it for granted that she’d be OK with him living with her for half the week only to drive down to stay with his “real” family over the weekend.

Then came the time on a warm late summer Friday evening when Jorge brought a handful of work/drinking buddies by Edy’s house for a small fiesta. Not a real problem except that they showed up unannounced and unexpected, a simple dinner for two turning into a noisy if contained party of young to middle-aged men that lasted well into the night. Edy didn’t really mind, especially since they had brought all of the food and drink with them, but she felt it her duty to complain anyway. Jorge just laughed.

Edy mostly stayed out of the way, occasionally going in to snack or see how the card game was going, but preferring the back porch and a book. Jorge stayed with the group, acting as though he was living the good life in his own home, but one of his more constant workmates (Alex) left the noise and music a couple of times, joining Edy one moment to ask what she was reading, and a little later staying with her for a half hour and talking about life in general. She knew him in passing and was happy to now get to know him a little more deeply. He and Jorge worked together but differed in many things, including food, music, boots, and the best way to solder copper tubing. He was slightly younger than Jorge (and Edy) and was charming and handsome and Edy wondered what would have happened if Alex had been the one to help her with the water heater those many months before.

The party finally wound down and people started to drift off, Edy turning in and telling Jorge he had better wash all the glasses and bowls before even thinking of coming to bed. Edy was asleep when Jorge finally collapsed into the bed, stinking of beer, but it was still nice to have a warm body to snuggle into. The following morning found Edy waking up with Jorge on her side, pulling her into a tight naked spoon position, his cock pushing through her ass, his fingers playing with her nipples and his mouth kissing the nape of her neck. All nice and wonderful, but he still stank of beer, and the fucking of her ass crack was quickly gaining speed and traction, Jorge groaning out his approaching climax, pulling back on and kneading Edy’s breasts while his cock continued fucking the deep valley that split her ass cheeks.

Edy tried to turn sideways and break the tight embrace he held her within, not at all happy at being used as a spare towel for Jorge to relieve himself on. A man blind to all but his impending release, Jorge rolled Edy over onto her stomach, pulling her into a tight embrace as his cock somehow slipped past her anus, his fat hood pushing into her ass just as his balls spasmed and Jorge’s cock erupted within her rectum. Edy grunted in surprise, tried to crawl forward to escape the wide head of the ram that was pushing ever deeper into her ass, but Jorge’s weight and strength pushed her down, crushed her into the bedding even as he pressed in deeper, focused only on the ongoing stream of lust he was pouring into Edy. From experience Edy knew things wouldn’t get any better and so tried to relax, patiently waited until Jorge finally regained some awareness and eased up, shifting some of his weight so that she could breath. After another minute he softened and popped out of her ass and Edy finally found the leverage to roll him off her and head for the bathroom to clean up. As she grabbed a towel, she showed her displeasure with his selfishness with a curt goodbye and told him to call before coming over next time, then focused her attention on wiping off his selfish remains then drizzling down her thighs.

Edy had just finished washing her hair and was moving on to more important parts of her body when someone came in and stood at the toilet to pee. Edy assumed it was Jorge and yelled out that he had better damned well put the toilet seat up. A voice definitely not Jorge’s answered in the affirmative, striking fear and anger into Edy’s heart. She did a quick peak past her shower curtain and saw Alex with cock in hand relieving himself into a properly prepared pool of water. Edy held her temper, and the shower curtain, and asked Alex what the fuck he thought he was doing in her house and peeing in her toilet. He explained that he had spent the night on her couch, that Jorge was his ride and that Jorge had now left the house without him. He apologized for his rudeness and left, closing the bathroom door behind him, but certainly leaving a very stark and permanent impression on Edy’s mind.

She quickly finished in the shower, wrapped a large bath towel around her and went into the kitchen, wondering who else from the party might still be hanging around. But it was just Alex, sipping on some newly made coffee. He got up and poured Edy a cup, apologizing for his intrusion, explaining again that his truck was down and so was dependent on Jorge who had unexpectedly deserted him as he slept on the couch. He scooted his chair closer to Edy, talked some more about what they had talked about the prior evening, then leaned in and kissed her fully on the mouth. It was a simple kiss, just enough suction to pull in Edy’s lower lip, a quick flash of his tongue, a light hand on her shoulder, then pulling back a few inches as he whispered how very attractive and wonderful she was for him.

Edy was shocked and pulled back but couldn’t think of any reason to throw her coffee at him. If anything her mind was a little confused, maybe uncertain about how much longer she should know Alex before going out on a date with him, and then was happy to submit with Alex pulling her in for another kiss. This one lasted longer, one hand pushing down the upper edge of her towel, the other of his hands resting on her upper leg, his fingers moving up under the edge of the towel to caress her inner thigh. Two minutes later Edy was sitting on Alex’s lap, dry humping him and moaning as he sucked on one breast, the towel dangling to the floor. Two minutes more and they were pulling Alex’s clothes off, collapsing onto the bed and doing their best to merge their lust fueled bodies into one.

Edy had a quick flash of what Jorge had just done with her an hour before, of the ache that had become a permanent part of her ass. Was she cheating on him? On Mark? To hell with it. Thoughts of her other part-time lovers were quickly pushed aside as Alex pulled her in. As they snuggled into one another on Edy’s bed, Alex pulled her closest leg over his hip, and rubbed his long muscular rod back and forth through the length of her wet labia, then pushing up through her legs to wait for further attention from her. Edy grabbed the protruding end, finding it sticky and in need and as ready for service as she knew she was. She moved her hips up and guided Alex back to where she needed him to be, pushing back with her hips and easily sucking the first few inches of his cock into the gates of her very warm and welcoming pussy.

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