The Other Woman - Cover

The Other Woman

Copyright© 2020 by RickSands

Chapter 11: Conclusion

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11: Conclusion - A woman's unintentional journey into becoming the other woman to a wide variety of married men. While one would have been enough, she finds that each is able to provide services no one man could meet or master.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

Edy was just cleaning up after a night and morning of entertaining Jorge when Kurt called and asked if she’d like a coffee. It took Edy a moment to remember who Kurt was. Yes, the handsome young poet at the university. He just happened to be heading to a shop that just happened to be down the street from Edy’s house and she didn’t mind the mid-morning break.

It was Saturday but Jorge always had work to do, and after that one job he planned on making the long drive down to see his family and maybe on to Sunday mass. He sounded unhappy about having to leave Edy, promising to spend the whole of the following work week in Edy’s bed. One thing about Jorge was that he never apologized for his family, for already having wife and children. If anything, he took having a mistress/girlfriend/lover (Edy) as a normal right of every good provider while assuming Edy would collapse in grief without him. Edy just went along with it, happy to enjoy his presence and fully aware than either of them could call it off at any time. It was nice to be with him, but Edy also looked forward to this new and unexpected break in her week-end, something about Kurt exciting her without expecting anything.

The quick cup of coffee lasted well over an hour, Kurt full of thoughts about the changing weather and poetic allusions while also showing an interest in Edy’s work and the headaches of being a home owner. They also walked around some of the shops, discussing favorite pumpkin recipes, dress styles, and the over-abundance of parking lots in urban centers. Edy mentioned that she lived a mere two blocks away and Kurt walked with her back to home, picking up a half dozen maple leaves to press in a book. At home, up on her porch, he somehow leaned in for a kiss, a light kiss at first, a hand at the small of her back, but Edy took a step into the deep side of the pool and fell in, her own hand on Kurt’s back, her own tongue exploring his, and finally holding the door open for him as they fell into her front room. A new man, a very different man, soft and sensual and without the hard cynical character that so took over the men she knew. Tall, very handsome, very dark, very mysterious, and with a smile and soft sweet kiss that made her very wet and very willing.

Once inside Edy found herself embarrassed and hesitant, but Kurt was happy in his insistence to slowly undress her, a kiss for every piece of clothing along the way to her bedroom. Edy knew she wasn’t interested in sex, Jorge doing a very good job of meeting her needs just that very morning. But she was interested in Kurt, in knowing him, wondering what his voice would be like under the covers, of how his fingers would feel trailing down her thigh, of simply being in his presence as they lay bare the distance between them, reaching out to touch him without any barriers in her way.

They lay down, quickly covering themselves to fight off the chill of the late Autumn air. Kurt pulled Edy’s leg over his own, his very obvious hard-on coming up and forward through her thighs, up to her stomach where her hand held and controlled it as they continued their kisses. But of course he had other areas to explore, down to her tits, words of joy at her heavy but firm breasts being elicited between long licks and sucks and nibbles to her very taut nipples. All through his oral attentions to Edy, Kurt had kept busy with his hands, holding Edy’s legs open, fingers roaming through her bare crotch, wetting themselves between her labia, playing with her clit, feeling out her slit, making her excited and causing her to wonder at just how he might feel when immersed within her depths.

She didn’t have long to wonder, Kurt, soon emerging from the covers, his cock down below in darkness under the covers but seeking wet warmth between her legs. Kurt’s cock pushed through her slit, then down and up again, easily finding Edy’s vaginal gates and slipping into her with a gasp coming from each of them as he gained entrance. This was no hard five-minute fuck but rather a long slow screw, a gentle merging of the bodies. If anything, Kurt was a little too restrained, too patient, pulling Edy’s leg over and slowly moving in and out, gently loving her, kissing her, seemingly happy to just be in her presence.

Edy was very much turned on by this handsome man, passionate in voice, sexual in nature, but a little too slow in showing his needs or meeting hers. Edy enjoyed the first ten minutes of foreplay and loving touches, but finally uncoupled herself, rolled on top, and impaled her more insistent lower lips on his more than adequate rod. She first played with his first few inches, up and down, enjoying the short electric shocks shooting from her cunt up through her brain before finally working her pussy down to fully encase Kurt’s cock, fucking Kurt hard, grinding down into him, moaning out her demands for more, easily rising to a mind-numbing climax. As Edy collapsed on top of Kurt, slightly embarrassed at the wild scene she had just played out before a man she barely knew, he then rolled her over, onto her back, pulling her legs up over his shoulders, hands under her ass and then proceeded to push into her for all his sexual self was worth.

He was obviously more than ready, only a couple minutes of passionate fucking leading to his own liquid explosion into Edy’s loins, something she was happy to receive, pulling Kurt down, locking her legs around him and preventing Kurt from withdrawing until she had sucked up every drop of his offerings. In the end, all of their energies drawn out and given to the other, they just lay in Edy’s newly wet bed and talked of sex and lovers and class schedules and what they should eat. They both opted for instant ramen, Edy seeing it as a rare snack of little substance while Kurt claimed to live and die for the stuff.

Then he was gone, a promise for a return, a meeting at the coffee shop sometime soon, a kiss and a feel of her ass, Edy returning the favor with a smile. Men. And women, of course. Edy actually felt a little guilty about seeing Kurt behind Trey’s back, which was strange. She had a handful of other men, of lovers completely beyond the attention or business of Trey, and he was of no concern to her other men. And there was no forgetting how easily Trey was able to share Edy around with his other fraternity friends. But there was something about the special connection she had with Trey, the electric and very sexual connection at the young college level that somehow made her think Trey was her one go-to college guy and Kurt was something of an interloper. Which was fine with her, but she wondered if Trey would feel a little miffed at an acquaintance dropping by and spending time with her. She knew Trey had girls, and Kurt most likely as well, but whoever said sex and side-relationships had to be any more rational than love?

She was pleased with her life, her older married men, the pleasure and comfort of men she knew, men she could lean on, could count on, to love and care and yes, even be used and pushed aside as necessary. But then then we come back to Trey and Kurt, four-lettered boys new to her experience, beyond even her life back in college. With Kurt added to her list of regulars, she was able to fantasize about what new lessons she could learn from college on any given night. Well, maybe not so much new as made uniquely pleasurable, the same old action being given a new spin by some testosterone fueled youth. She danced back and forth between the two, enjoying the two examples of lusty male youth, smug in the thought that she was drawing them away from the hot young coeds just down the street.

There was no repeat of the hot tub or of the water bed, though Trey made more than one mention of how welcome she was to take a dip on any night of her choosing. Edy had thought about it, about the joys of the occasional orgy with her in the middle and on the receiving end, but decided that however voracious a cunt she might carry between her thighs, she preferred her men one at a time, enjoyed on a personal level that made the experience more intimate and meaningful. No matter that the next night might find a different man doing much the same thing. Each of her men was special and she liked to think she was special to each of them, even as they then turned their attention to their wives and girlfriends.

It all seemed fun and harmless until the time Trey called Eddy and told of yet another gathering, another college event. Just some dance recital, something some of the women at a sorority would be participating in, and though she said she would attend she also knew that Trey would be more than happy if not expecting her to leave during intermission so that they could go elsewhere and do something else. She knew it, knew he wanted it, and that’s what made life so wonderful. Only it became much more than that.

She did show up in front of the theatre, well dressed in silk and lace, four inch pumps though with minimal make up, and Trey was there to greet her, as was Kurt. Edy was a little flustered, unsure of how to play the one off the other. Kurt had come by a number of times, twice even staying the night, but Edy had never been invited over to his apartment. Edy figured he probably had a more permanent girlfriend that he was cheating on, but that wasn’t her problem. What did concern her was having to negotiate feelings and expectations of the two studs at her side. She expected the two men to have talked about her, perhaps even trade stories about their undercover escapades, but now she was caught in the middle and worried about how the two young bulls might act. It turned out to be nothing. Kurt seemed to know who was with whom and after some minutes of polite talk went in first, promising to look them up during intermission. It didn’t happen that way. One look, one smile, one touch of their hands and Edy and Trey went the other way, walking across campus talking, enjoying one another’s presence, no discussion needed to propel them on to their unspoken destination.

As ever Trey had some red wine up in his room, soft lights, soft music, their talk slowly interspersed with the kiss, the feel, the touch, and of course the slow removal of clothing. Nothing hurried, no need, the evening theirs, though Edy did find herself trembling as her back snap was undone, her front lowered, her bra falling before the release of her breasts. Trey seemed to hear them call out, leaning down to suck in, lick and tongue, Edy’s sigh of satisfaction, of longing, bringing forth a moan of his own. No more the slow loving touch, now on to the rough tugs, the physical demand for flesh, deep kisses, hands groping and pulling and uncovering, the two finally naked to themselves and to the other, quickly falling onto the bed and uniting in a way only young couples denied each other for too long could ever understand. Trey quickly immersed his cock within Edy’s folds, fast and demanding and deep and wonderful, but then he slowed, pulling back, playing in and out games with Edy’s vaginal grip. They were both shaking with pleasure as the head of his cock was sucked in and held in a vice like grip by Edy’s pussy before he then pulled back, the nasty wet noise of release sending shivers of pleasure up their spines.

Then down her body, his kisses taking in Edy’s neck and breasts, her nipples and navel, and down to her long wet slit, Trey diving deep into her slick wet valley as she pulled his mountain of masculinity up to her sight and into her mouth. She rolled over, on top, grinding down onto Trey’s face as she licked at and sucked down the sweet silky essence of her own self that thickly coated his throbbing cock. She was enjoying the labors of his tongue and teeth and lips too much to release him from the grips of her thighs, having some fun by pouring a bit of wine on his cock and slurping it off, then again and again, drinking him down, sucking on his balls, licking deep within his legs, getting drunk on his thick meaty self even as she rose to meet her destiny in a delirious mind bending orgasm, wetting his face and bed far more than the wine that soaked the sheets beneath his ass.

Edy finally collapsed to the side, happy and fulfilled but for the need of feeling Trey inside her. She pulled him on top and told him to fuck her, to cum inside of her, her legs rising and falling with his hips as he took her and made her his with a long fuck, a long deep fuck, and finally his claim to her pussy as he unleashed a hot wet flood of himself inside of her. That made her smile, the thick wet warmth spreading within her even as Trey’s sweating body collapsed on top of Edy and crushed her into his bed. She wrapped her legs around him, pulled his hips even tighter, sucked up his cock just a little deeper, and reveled in the feel of his essence leaking out and into the depths of her loins. A few minutes later Trey rejoined the living, sliding sideways, giving Edy room to breathe, sitting up and reaching over and pouring a full glass of wine for her, leaning over to kiss her and say that he most enjoyed drinking down her scent and taste while tonguing her pussy. She smiled at his crudeness, his romantic thought nice if lacking subtlety, and then the door to his room opened and in walked Kurt.

Edy choked on the last of her wine, spilling yet more on the sheets as she pulled up the covers, feeling silly at such a move to protect her virtue before a man who had done such wonders to and with her naked self so many times before. Kurt didn’t apologize, didn’t back out, and more amazingly Trey didn’t say anything more than “What?” as though he wasn’t being interrupted doing anything more than his math homework.

Kurt took in the room and seemed completely unperturbed, and in response to Trey’s one syllable query said, “I looked for you both at intermission and figured you two had come back here.” And without further explanation, acting as though Edy and Trey had no say in the matter, he began removing his clothing. Edy was speechless, expecting Trey to speak or act for them both, but Trey just rolled over her, to the far edge of the bed and pulled the warm if wet covers over his naked self, pulled Edy in close to him and whispered as though in secret, “You know he’s hot for you. But how do you feel about him? About us both, together here with you?”

All of a sudden a very naked Kurt appeared at the side of the bed, his raging boner evident and obvious in its need, Kurt saying, “Come on Edy. You know you’re hot for us both. I bet you could do the whole house and still want more.” Edy felt she should feel insulted, but she definitely felt intrigued and more than a little lusty as Kurt pushed back the covers and pushed against Edy on one side as Trey pulled her in on the other. As the two men began cuddling and spooning and loving Edy, she had a quick vision of the water bed and almost leapt out from the bed and down the stairs. But the two men seemed to understand her confusion, and instead of rolling onto her for another quick fuck, they made love to her with their hands and tongues while talking about how much they both loved and lusted for her. They admitted talking about her, considered her special in all ways, and would never want to hurt or embarrass her. Neither of the men tried to push the other out, seemed happy to state their care for Edy as they both showered her with a kiss, a touch, a need. Edy found it harder and harder to make a decision, to do anything more than let them decide, and somehow they decided to stay and love and of course make love to her.

It was like a deep well, a wonderful dark tunnel of pleasure, Kurt pulling one leg over his, then slipping his long stiff boner up between her thighs and through her moist and cum-full and leaking vaginal gates. She leaned into him with a sigh, a gasp of recognition, a shiver of wonder as he pushed a little deeper, kissing him and loving his loving, finding it difficult to remember the man on her other side who had done such wonderful things to her just a half hour before. It was hard to separate out the loving hands, the mouth sucking in her tongue even as another sucked on one of her nipples, the fingers playing with her clit as another pair of hands massaged her ass and pulled her head aside for another tongue, another kiss. Her conscious thinking mind couldn’t decide on whether this was an unseemly and unacceptable sharing of her body or a part of heaven she needed to explore more deeply, but decisions were hard to come by when her cunt was screaming out in joy at an impending eruption of her hot volcano of a cunt.

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