Brain Development Enterprises
Copyright© 2020 by JC Beleren
Chapter 4
Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A man purchases a series of self-hypnosis recordings to help him become more assertive. (This novel has been read more than 70,000 times on other sites, and joined the Mind Control Hall of Fame upon it's conclusion in Oct. 2019.)
Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Consensual Hypnosis Mind Control Romantic Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Father Daughter MaleDom Group Sex Harem Hispanic Female Oral Sex Tit-Fucking Big Breasts
Sky blue eyes, wide and empty of thought, stared up into my dark gaze as my wife blew me like a pornstar.
Her hand circled my shaft, stroking and stroking and begging me to cum, to fill her mouth with my seed. Her lips were sealed tight around me, bobbing and sucking while her cheeks hollowed.
Her eyes were windows to her mind, and they were glazed and adoring and utterly blank.
“You like that, slut?” I asked.
“Mmhmm...” she moaned, never blinking. Her groans of pleasure were audible around my thick meat as she swallowed me whole, her entire focus on taking me as deep as possible.
She was trembling now, getting off on blowing me, on being used like a busty bimbo sextoy. Her mind was vacant except for the words I used to fill it.
“You’ll suck my cock anytime I want,” I commanded.
“Mmhmm...” she hummed contentedly.
“If we were at a fancy restaurant and I ordered you down on your knees, you’d obey without hesitation.”
“Mmhmm!” she bobbed her head up and down, eyes widening and sparking with arousal.
“If we were in the street and I ordered you down on your knees, you’d be sucking my cock without a thought in your head.”
“Mmhmm!” Her body was overloading now, the images filling her mind and making her cunt hot and dripping.
“If we were in a church and I ordered you to suck me off, you’d worship me with your mouth while you came over and over again.”
My wife climaxed, her body convulsing as the wanton images filled her mind. Her tongue swirled around the head of my prick, full lips pressing tight and milking my shaft.
I groaned softly, so very close...
“Mmm ... Does someone like that?”
I groaned again, my eyelids fluttering up. What the hell... ? “Wait...” I mumbled sleepily. My sight cleared and I realized I was laying in bed among scattered pillows, the sheets pulled away from my naked body. My morning wood throbbed lustfully, and no wonder.
My wife, Barbara, was on her hands and knees beside me, her head bent over my lap as she licked hungrily up my red, pulsing shaft. Her blue eyes, clear in the early morning sunlight, were on my face, her fingers stroking gently up and down my rod.
“You don’t want me to stop, do you, baby?” she asked, grinning teasingly. She slowly slipped the head of my cock between her sculpted lips and then pulled back, smirking up at me.
I was still half asleep, but I shook my head vigorously. What in the world is happening? Barbara didn’t often do blowjobs. It was one of the sad facts of our relationship that I had learned too late — while my wife loved for me to go down on her, she preferred actual sex to going down on me in return.
Most of the time, I didn’t mind. But sometimes ... well, there’s nothing quite like a sexy blonde staring up into your face while you relax back and her entire focus is devoted to giving you pleasure with her sweet, fantastic mouth.
Barbara nodded. “I thought not.” She lowered her head again, eyes now glancing up into my face every few moments as I gasped and sighed.
Waking up to a blowjob had been one of my fantasies for the longest time, but I’d never brought it up to my wife. Now, I suppose, I didn’t have to. “God you’re hot...” I murmured, one hand stroking gently down her back.
“Mmm...” Barbara responded, almost purring with delight as my fingers sank into one hemisphere of her round, firm ass.
I felt my body tightening, my heartbeat pounding in my throat. I wondered how long Barbara had been doing this before I woke.
My length pulsed once, threatening to explode, and, like a gentleman, I tapped my wife gently on the shoulder. “I’m gonna cum...” I gasped. “Real close...” I expected her to pull back and jack me off, making me spill across my abs and chest like usual. My wife had never been the swallowing type.
Instead she dove forward eagerly, eyes ablaze. Her lips sank almost all the way to my stomach as she took me deep into the tight confines of her throat.
Ohmygodfuckyeahhh... The sight alone was enough to do me in, but the sensation was off the charts. My eyes clamped closed and my fingers clenched in the sheets as I came, my hips bucking involuntarily as I pumped my load into my wife’s belly. “Ohgod ohgod ohgod...” I groaned. “Fuck. Yesss...”
“Mmm...” Barbara moaned, her eyes rolling back. Her body trembled as she slowly pulled back. Her hand moved up and down, milking every drop of cum from my balls. The last few spasms of my cock splashed my seed across her tongue and when she finally slid me from her lips with a soft pop she grinned up at me.
She sat up, a single strand oozing from the corner of her mouth. She swallowed visibly and shivered, her eyes glazing momentarily with bliss. One finger rose to her lips and she slowly scooped the last drop of my seed between her lips.
I had collapsed back onto the pillows, my body tingling with the aftershocks of my orgasm.
Barbara grinned and crawled up beside me, snuggling against my chest and walking her fingers gently up my body. “Baby like?” she murmured, kissing my shoulder.
“Uh huh...” I groaned.
“Good,” she said. “I felt bad about last night, about making you do all that work to get me off and then letting you fall asleep unsatisfied.”
I’m in the Twilight Zone... I thought. This isn’t actually happening. It’s still a dream. Guilt was another emotion I’d always been sure that my wife never experienced. “Very good...” I murmured.
Barbara giggled. “Still sleepy, darling?”
But I shook my head and sucked in a deep breath, forcing myself to awaken fully through the thrumming bliss that filled my body. “No, I’m up ... I just ... That was unexpected.”
My wife smiled and bit her lip. “I just want you to feel as good as you made me feel. And I realized that doing sexy little things like this ... Well, you said you wanted to turn over a new leaf in our relationship. I thought I should help.”
I shook my head in disbelief and then bent my mouth to hers. I kissed her deeply, rolling over onto my side. My fingers traced her smooth hips and up her side to cup the back of her head. I could taste myself on her lips but I didn’t care. In fact, it was almost a turn on in and of itself.
Barbara moaned and opened her mouth, her tongue pushing between my lips.
I could feel my body reacting, warming back up, my spent cock twitching. Careful, I thought. Remember the plan... After a moment I pulled away and we both sucked in a breath of air.
“Congratulations,” I said. “You woke me up from one dream and brought me right into another one.”
My sexy blonde wife sighed contentedly, her fingers playing across my belly. “Good,” she whispered. “I’m happy to please you...” The words were almost an afterthought, and I didn’t react, but my mind spun off into a happy spiral. Things were changing in my household, and, somehow, my wife was changing with them.
We lay there in satisfied silence for a few more minutes before I blew out a breath and pushed myself up. “Alright,” I said, nodding to myself and swinging my legs off the bed. My feet hit the floor and I sprang up energetically. A glance at the clock told me it was still some time before 7 am. I looked over my shoulder to where Barbara lay on the bed, looking for all the world like a Playboy centerfold.
There was a moment of internal struggle and then I grinned down at her. “As much as I’d love to play in bed all day, I have an early morning appointment with the road. My running shoes miss me.”
“Aww...” My wife pouted up at me and then smiled. “Have a nice run, sweetie.”
I winked cheerily and then headed into the bathroom to splash some water on my face and confirm that I wasn’t having the strangest dream of my life.
My running shoes may have missed me, but my legs felt like spaghetti as I rounded the final corner of the park and headed back towards the house. Tripping up the steps and onto the porch, I collapsed onto the rocking chair and ruminated as it gently rolled back and forth.
Things were progressing with Barbara faster than I’d anticipated, but I didn’t think I should move up the timeline. Step one: make wife want me again. Step two: crazy party with McKenzie and Co. to let off some steam and show Barbara I can get female attention elsewhere if she won’t deliver it. Step three: confront Barbara about Aaron Burns, confront Aaron Burns about Barbara. Step four: fuck Barbara so good she never needs another man ever again.
Honestly, step two of my master plan was probably unnecessary. But, and I smiled to myself as I headed inside, I wanted to see what I could do after a week or so of BDE. Dozens of hot teens partying in my house? Sign me up. I was determined to be the cool, hip dad from now on. The kind that got invited to hang out with the younger generation when they were kicking it.
I was nursing a cup of coffee and actually thinking about work for the first time in days when Barbara finally came downstairs.
She poured herself a mug and came to sit by me on the sofa, resting her head on my shoulder as I worked.
“Good run?” she asked quietly, probably trying not to disturb me.
I put down my pen on the legal pad and looked over at her. “I felt like my lungs were going to pop and my heart was going to burst, but other than that...” I smiled. “Yes. Very good.”
Barbara nodded. “That’s how you know you’re doing it right.”
I went back to work, brainstorming solutions to a tricky bug one of our technicians had detected on Friday, and we sat in silence for a few more minutes, just enjoying the quiet company. Then, I pushed up from the couch and set down the pad on the coffee table.
I checked the clock hanging above the TV. “It’s almost nine,” I commented. “I think I’m going to go wake up Kenz. She said she’d take me over to the park today and we could do our next workout together.”
Barbara looked up from the news article she was reading on her phone. “I’m really glad you two are finally bonding. I was worried it would never happen.”
I nodded thoughtfully. “I think it just took us starting to appreciate the other’s ... natural gifts. Now that we can acknowledge and respect that, I’m hoping we can create a working dynamic.”
My wife shook her head, smiling. “You sound so... business... when you talk about it that way.”
I just shrugged. “If it works at the office, it should work at home, right? Only it should be better. You have good relationships at work, don’t you? Shouldn’t be any different here.”
Her smile wavered a little, but she hid it with another sip of coffee. “Sure,” she agreed. “Anyway, I’m glad you’re spending more time together.”
If only you knew... But I just nodded and turned away. As I hit the foot of the staircase I turned back, as though I had just remembered something. “By the way,” I added. “McKenzie wanted to know if she could host a little party here Friday night. A kind of ‘Welcome to Summer’ type deal. I said it was okay but that I’d check with you for final approval.”
Barbara rolled her eyes. “That girl and her parties. She’s a real social butterfly.” She frowned slightly. “Well ... you know I have that conference out of town from Thursday to Saturday, so I wouldn’t be around to chaperone...” she trailed off and looked at me. “Are you up for it?”
My heart sank for a moment as I remembered. Several weeks ago, Barbara’s boss had announced that the top sales associates — including my wife — would be attending a conference with him to ‘take their game to the next level.’ It had totally slipped my mind. Well that might throw a wrench in the works... Then, I shook my head slightly to dislodge the thought and blinked at my wife.
“What? Oh, yes, of course! Might even be a good way to deepen the father-daughter bond Kenz and I are building.” I tried not to let my disappointment show.
My wife snorted. “I wouldn’t bet on that,” she teased. “You think those teenagers want an old man like you hanging around?”
I gave her my best look of injured dignity. “I can be hip,” I insisted.
“Suuure, babe,” she grinned.
“Ha. Ha.” I shook my head and smiled. “But I think I’m up for it. I’m gonna go wake up the social butterfly now. See if she can’t show me some new workout moves.” And with that I went padding up the stairs and down the landing to the room at the end of the hall.
I cracked the door open quietly and slipped inside, closing it after me. McKenzie’s room was dark, her curtains drawn across the window and her slumbering body swaddled in the sheets. I crossed to her bed on light feet and bent over, her sweet scent filling my nose as I kissed her mussed up hair.
“Rise and shine, baby girl,” I murmured.
The 18-year-old muttered something in her sleep and shifted, but didn’t wake.
I bent again and kissed her cheek, then the corner of her mouth, and then her lips. I felt her move beneath me and then suck in a breath as I pulled back. Her light eyes flew open and she gasped at the sight of someone standing over her before she relaxed back onto her pillow.
“Morning, Daddy...” she said quietly, small hand rising to rub her eyes. “Time to get up already?”
“Time for that morning workout.”
She yawned and stretched, the sheets falling to her waist.
I learned, in that moment, that my stepdaughter slept in the nude.
“Is Mom here?” She gave me a mischievous look.
I smirked. I love where your mind is at. “She’s downstairs,” I told her.
My stepdaughter arched her back like an awakening cat and held out her hands to me. “Perfect,” she murmured. “Then how about you get down here and wake me up properly?”
I hesitated only an instant. Fuck it, I thought. I’m the Man of the House. I’ll do whatever I damn well please. I bent and gave McKenzie a long, slow kiss.
We didn’t leave her bedroom for some time.
The week leading up to McKenzie’s party flew by.
It may have been the BDE recordings, which I listened to religiously every night, or the innate confidence that came from knowing that at the end of the day I’d be going home to two gorgeous babes — one of whom continued to surprise me with the depths of her kinky, desperate lust —but work felt easier than ever.
I continued to wake up early every morning to go for my daily jog, and by the end of the week I’d increased the workout to lap twice around the park. I still finished it blowing like a fish out of water, but I felt energized and awakened afterwards.
I strode into the office each morning and led team meetings with energy and vigor. The employees working under me seemed initially surprised but then started listening to my orders and instructions with increased speed and productivity. Even Allison, who tended to drop by at least once a day to not-so-subtly rub her new promotion in my face, seemed to spend less time hanging around my office.
Afternoons after work, McKenzie would join me for a workout, and looking in the mirror at the end of the day I began to feel like I might be seeing some small improvements.
Thursday evening I came home early to help Barbara pack for her trip.
“Hey, honey,” I said, entering the master bedroom with a bounce in my step.
“Mmm ... Hey, handsome,” Barbara answered, turning around and wrapping her arms around my waist.
I pulled her into a kiss. It was the kind that was becoming far more regular between us, the kind that made us wonder whether we had time to fool around before getting back to whatever we’d been doing. I still hadn’t fucked her yet, was trying to stoke up her fires first, but a daily blowjob had become a norm.
Now, though, she was on a timeline.
“When’s your flight out, again?” I asked, surveying the spread of outfits, toiletries, electronics and paraphernalia that were scattered across the king mattress.
“Three hours,” she answered, turning back to the mess. She put her hands on her hips. “Aaron said he would pick me up in around 45 minutes, since our house is on the way, and then we’ll be down to the airport lickity-split.”
Aaron... The thought of my cheating wife’s boss picking her up soured my mood a bit, but I didn’t let it affect my voice as I said, “Sounds great! And you’ll text me when you’re taking off and landing, so I know everything went smoothly?”
“Of course, darling. Nothing’s going to go wrong.” Barbara started folding blouses and skirts and packing them into her large rolling suitcase. “Are you sure you’re ready for McKenzie’s party? You won’t let things get too out of hand, right?”
I smirked. Define ‘out of hand’... “Yep.” I kept my tone chipper. “I’m going to be making a beer run tomorrow after work and then I’m helping Kenz to set everything up. Anyone who drinks will spend the night or get a ride, and I’ll make sure no one overdoes it with the cocaine or meth.”
Barbara snorted at my joke, but she shot me a look. “Drinking? Totally fine,” she said. “Illicit drugs? Not so much.”
I rolled my eyes. “Obviously, babe. Now, is there anything I can help you with before your ride is here?”
My wife nodded. “Yeah, you can help me fill this bad boy up,” she gestured to the suitcase, “and then you can listen to me practice my speech for the twentieth time ... Damn, why am I so nervous?”
At the last minute, Aaron had requested Barbara to prepare a presentation for the company to make at the convention. It wasn’t anything major, just an overview of how their sales teams closed high-ticket clients, but she’d never had to present in front of a large crowd before and she was feeling the pressure.
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