Blessed Leader Hears You. He Sees You. He Fucks You - Cover

Blessed Leader Hears You. He Sees You. He Fucks You

by Sterling

Copyright© 2020 by Sterling

Erotica Sex Story: Blessed Leader rules his land with an iron fist. His lust is strong, and he tries to impregnate two girls a day. But he wants his sexual prowess to be more widely appreciated. He finds a way to mate with thousands of his subjects at once.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Heterosexual   Horror   Robot   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   .

Jing lay back on her bed, naked, legs spread wide. Her regular lover lay on top of her and she had to take all of his weight. His cock was in her pussy, pumping in and out. Looking up, she saw every detail of his face as he concentrated on the mating act. She saw little drops of perspiration and imperfections in his skin. She looked at his face, pretending she was terrifically aroused and excited by what he was doing. One nice touch was that at the base of his penis, slightly towards his stomach, was a vibrator that pressed against her most sensitive parts as he thrust in and out. She was getting stimulated more than usual when a man made love to a woman. That’s what they all said, at least. This regular lover had been on top of her doing the same thing many times. As the minutes went by, she could see and hear him get more excited, then at last hear him groan, “Ooooohhhh!” as his cock drove as deep as it could go and he held still. That meant he was ejaculating inside her. She feigned an orgasm of her own, gasping and contorting her face with pleasure. Then she felt his cock withdraw from her pussy and his face disappear from view. It was done.

She continued to look happy, as she wasn’t sure whether the cameras were still recording or not. She pushed her lover off of her and he flopped beside her on the bed. Of course he didn’t speak or move. He was a robot.

A year earlier, the Blessed Leader pumped his cock in and out of the lovely, nubile girl, pleasure building to the usual conclusion -- an orgasm inside of pure feminine, fertile beauty. His first reaction was the simple animal pleasure of having mated with a lovely girl. The second was the pleasure at her looking so happy about it. The third was joy at the prospect of likely impregnating her. The fourth was the realization that this was his noon appointment, but at midnight another tender virgin would be his for deflowering and impregnating -- two a day, every day was his schedule. But the fifth reaction was that he was unhappy. This was all fine -- but it wasn’t enough.

Yes, like his father Dearest Leader before him, he was the unquestioned ruler of a nation of millions. Like his father, any luxury was his for the asking. So was a limitless supply of gorgeous, fertile virgins. His father had taken many lovers over the years, but there were many other aspects of life that intrigued him more. He had fathered just twelve children, by four separate women. Blessed Leader was much more interested in copulating with and impregnating the most tender morsels of the land. His father had been fine with that while he was still alive and Blessed Leader was just the heir apparent, recognizing that his son had stronger carnal appetites than he did. Spreading the superior seed of the family far and wide was also a good thing.

Then his father had died and he had become the supreme leader. He had taken the name Blessed Leader. All of the citizens had had a large framed picture of Dearest Leader in a place of honor in their homes, but these were replaced with a picture of Blessed Leader as quickly as they could be produced. Three times a day the people expressed their love and devotion. A network of human spies, along with listening devices and hidden cameras, revealed those who neglected to express such love and devotion or didn’t express it with enough enthusiasm. Such people were given warnings, but if they didn’t show that they truly adored the Blessed Leader then re-education was called for. Any actual criticism or doubts were dealt with swiftly.

Blessed Leader realized he was as close to perfection as any human could be, and those who failed to grasp and truly appreciate this fact were very much in error.

He was just 22 years old, and yet ... life didn’t feel right. He wanted something more. His connection with most of his people was indirect. Sure, he was the guest of honor at frequent events where hundreds of his lucky subjects got to experience his holy presence and express their adoration in person. Often such people earned a coveted spot in his presence by distinguishing themselves in some manner of service or achievement. And yet of course such people were only the tiniest fraction of his subjects. And they didn’t really get to experience his perfection ... didn’t get to truly see why he was magnificent, and unworthy of comparison to any others ... except his father and grandfather. Yes, he was more magnificent than them, but which of the three was the very best was a permitted subject of debate. He came from them, and his magnificence came from their loins, cleverly amplified in each generation by the selection of a mother with outstanding traits of her own -- beauty, grace, intelligence, endurance, a family history of longevity. He was the most perfect human who had ever lived.

It was fitting that he should share a touch of his perfection with his subjects by way of procreating. Although the genetic endowment of any child of his was going to be diminished by the inheritance of a very imperfect woman, he would be far more perfect than any child who had anyone else as his father. And yet, just as he could not be close enough to any but a small fraction of his subjects for them to sense his perfection, he could only make an honest attempt at impregnating a couple girls a day. Naturally not all of his inseminations “took”, reflecting the imperfections of the girl. Perfect as he was, his reproductive reach was severely limited.

It was hard to put his finger on exactly what made him so perfect. Surely, when given any set of options about matters of state, he always chose the correct one. Surely he was very witty -- the laughter that greeted his mildest attempts at humor was sure proof of that. When he looked at his body, his perfection was not to be found in obvious things. He was not the tallest or most muscular man. By the shallow standards of the common people, he was not especially handsome. Sometimes when he was alone he stripped naked and looked at his body from all angles, trying to grasp what it was that made him so perfect. He was naturally drawn to his cock. It was very clever, shrinking to stay out of the way most of the time, but growing long and hard exactly when needed -- when sex was at hand and some lucky girl needed his sexual attentions. It worked perfectly for penetrating the girl. As he thrust in and out it delivered immensely pleasurable sensations to him. Judging from the reactions of the girls, it was ideal at giving them pleasure too, and at the right moment, it delivered his sperm way up inside the girl. He had had little reason to learn about the cocks of lesser men, but he was sure that his was very special. And it was sad that so few of his female subjects would ever get to experience it.

He had confided his dissatisfaction to his closest advisers, who had in turn set the finding of a remedy as a high priority for the country’s scientific establishment. And today he was going to be given a demonstration of a promising technology. It had been explained to him before, but they must not have done a very good job, because he didn’t fully understand what it was. The hope was that a demonstration would make it clear.

There were just a few people in the room. They gasped at his evident perfection as he entered. The one chosen said, “I hope this can make it clearer, Your Magnificence. Put your right hand in this box here. It is rather, um, squishy inside.” His hand went through a tight opening into some thick fluid -- somewhat like a pudding. He could move his hand any way he wanted, but there was always resistance. He nodded.

“Now look at this.” A curtain was drawn aside to reveal a box out of which projected a hand. At first it just looked like a sculpture of a hand, but when he wiggled the fingers of his right hand, the model’s fingers wiggled in exactly the same way. When he turned his wrist, its wrist turned too. When he made a fist, the model hand made exactly the same fist.

“Now, there is no restriction on the number of hand boxes we can make that are all guided in exactly the same way by this master box.” A curtain was drawn aside to reveal a box with a second hand coming out of it that also mirrored exactly the movements of his right hand.

“There could be hundreds, thousands, or even millions?”

“Yes, absolutely, Your Magnificence.”

He could potentially shake hands with millions of his subjects at once, so they could feel his firm grip.

“This same technology would also work with your most magnificent, intimate, private sexual member.”

Oh! Now he got it. He could penetrate hundreds of his female subjects with his penis at once, so they could feel its magnificence for themselves! “Very interesting...” he said, though he controlled himself -- as Blessed Leader he needed to preserve his dignity. “But would I have to insert my organ into mush like this?”

“No, actually not! Because the motions of a penis are far less variable than those of a hand, we could insert into the vagina of one of your female subjects the sensors that would allow this same effect.”

A moment of confusion passed across the face of Blessed Leader. Another of the attendants quickly spoke. “What it means is you would be able to simply copulate with a woman of your choice, and all the other women would feel the exact same thing as that woman felt.”

“But there would be sensors in her vagina? Would I feel them?”

“No, it would be a bit like using a female condom -- not that Your Magnificence would have any reason to have been exposed to that trivial concept. A membrane would be between your magnificent organ and her inner skin, but you would feel the very same heat, wetness and texture as if your magnificent organ were directly contacting her vaginal walls.”

Blessed Leader wasn’t entirely convinced, but he would give it a try. “When can I do this? Soon, I hope!”

“Yes, Your Magnificence! If you simply follow us through this door here...”

A beautiful girl lay on a bed, smiling at him, looking worshipful. While her firm breasts were exposed to view, a thin gauzy cloth covered her private parts.

“As you can see, there is a box on the shelf there to demonstrate how the copies of your organ would move, and on this other bed a woman who will receive your attentions remotely.”

Another gorgeous girl had a box placed firmly between her legs, its opening presumably aligned with her vagina, so when the penis emerged it would go straight into her.

‘Very well, leave us,” commanded Blessed Leader.

The others hurried out. The sight of the beautiful girl made his cock rise quickly. He ditched his trousers. As he slowly pulled the gauzy cloth aside to reveal the luscious female parts, his penis achieved is fully erect state. He could see a ring of artificial material around the girl’s pussy opening, but that wasn’t too bad. He mounted and aimed his cock and pushed. That felt fine ... as good as any average vagina, it seemed. His girl moaned with pleasure -- and so did the girl on the other bed. And as he looked, he could see a penis tip emerging from the box on the shelf. As he pressed in, the copy of his magnificent penis emerged from the box. Of course he could never see his own penis when it was thrusting in and out of a vagina, but now he could see the model showing how it moved. It felt very good -- there was some mysterious alluring texture to this sensor membrane that he had rarely if ever felt in a real vagina before. His girl whimpered and smiled, obviously appreciating his sexual attention. So did the other girl, who he understood felt his cock inside of her, moving exactly as his was moving.

So much for the experiment. He could withdraw and declare it a success. But if Blessed Leader felt moved to complete the sexual act, he would do so. With ten more strokes he lunged deep and closed his eyes as he ejaculated inside the girl. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he was surprised to see what looked like semen dribbling from the fake penis on the shelf as well.

He grinned. This had definite possibilities. Then he stopped grinning, aware that the girl underneath him who was still shafted by his cock could see his expression.

Blessed Leader was actually a bit nervous -- what a silly emotion for such a perfect man!

He was going to copulate with twenty girls at once. Of course he would only see the one below him, the beautiful, smiling girl with the sensors in her vagina.

“Are you ready?” whispered his aide.

Blessed Leader was kneeling below his girl. His fingers caressed his organ briefly and confirmed that it was very hard and ready for the job at hand. What a magnificent penis!

“Brides of the Blessed Leader, prepare yourself for sexual congress.”

Blessed Leader knew that meant the small vibrators would be vibrating against the most sensitive female parts of his twenty girls. Not so the girl underneath him, but surely his personal presence would make any vagina eager to receive his incomparable organ. The magic sensor membrane handled the lubrication.

After twenty seconds, the aide said, “Now, your Most Magnificent Blessed Leader in a tone of hushed reverence,” and motioned for him to begin.

Blessed Leader leaned forward and aimed his cock, then slowly slid it into his girl. He then looked at her face with a friendly expression. He knew that cameras were recording his face and transmitting the picture to each of the twenty girls. As he thought of how impressed they must be by the feel of his cock and the look of his incomparable face, friendliness gave way to lust.

He pumped in and out, grunting occasionally with pleasure. Something about those sensors was just wonderful -- he wasn’t sure what. But he was mating with an actual girl, a notably beautiful virgin who looked at him with adoration that surely could not have been contrived. Aside from keeping his face in the picture, looking at his girl, there were no other requirements. He could press fast or slow, deep or shallow, or with any sort of rhythm, speed and depth he liked. His favorite was a hard and fast stroke. He felt pride at how wonderful all twenty-one girls must find it to feel his perfect stiff member plunging in and out. The actual beauty under him was moaning with sexual pleasure and looking at him occasionally with expectation. She wanted him to finish the act and ejaculate inside her, which would cause her own orgasm. He picked up the speed, grunted a bit more, leered at the girl, and then closed his eyes and gasped as his cock began convulsing, spurting sperm into the girl. She naturally had her own matching orgasm -- surely no other man could so reliably make his partners climax just when he did.

When he had rested a few moments he looked at his girl, gave a brief, benign smile appropriate to a superior man who had deigned to offer her the intimate touch of his body, and withdrew.

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