KINK - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Faith Baxter

Chapter 2: First Contact

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2: First Contact - Obsession, buried desires & a web of lies-Some kinks are harmless enough where others delve deep into the heart of who you really are, never truly being quenched until they meet their perfect, precarious match...Dillon & Suki are thrust together as part of an interclass assignment & what at first seems like an odd pairing develops into something much deeper when shit hits the literal fan. Will their relationship remain a match made in heaven, or become one more dangerous than hell?

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Consensual   BiSexual   School   Sharing   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Oriental Female   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Leg Fetish   Slow   Violence  

“Alright freshman,” the business teacher concluded, returning to her seat and pulling a book out of the top drawer of her desk. “My class knows who their partners are. You kid’s introduce yourselves and find your companion. The first ten pairs can gather your things and head back to Dr Shouta’s room,” she chuckled quietly to herself, knowing full well it would be the last thing he’d want.

After several long moments of awkward silence, a non-descript yet typical looking male with dark brown hair and glasses stepped forward, seemingly a little too happy to have all the attention.

“I shall act as representative and take charge of this situation,” he asserted, making his way to where the lecturer would normally stand.

‘Aw great.’ Suki slumped forward, resting her chin on her folded arms. ‘This bloody kid thinks he’s King Shit. They better not all be this arrogant.’

Acting like he was a professor and not a literal teenage, the pompous prick reiterated the same drabble that both teachers had already spouted whilst pointing in the direction of the door like a goddamn flight attendant. Suki watched as he continued on, the rest of the students appearing to humour him. Most likely because it was easy to just let him be if things were to ever get started.

“Screw you dick head!” A guy with a blond undercut and a nose piercing yelled. “You can’t control everything we do you freakin nerd!” A chorus of eye rolls and moans erupted from the freshman class, but Suki wasn’t sure if it was in reaction to the orders of the make ship rep’, or the angry boys outburst. Another teen with a man bun grabbed the blond by the collar, dragging him back into line while a third with flaxen locks that covered his left eye stood back and laughed at the interaction. It seemed to Suki that they must be friends, noting that each was attractive in their own way though secretly hoping the aggressive one wasn’t DeLeon.

“You sure know how to make a great first impression,” Dillon taunted Damon whilst he was restrained.

“I’ll kill you, Pikachu,” he threatened through a clenched jaw. A hit in the back of his head soon following from Seth until he had calmed enough for things to continue.

“Good luck with that one,” the lecturer muttered with a raise of her brows without even looking up from her book.

“Sorry for that distraction, I can assure you that we are not all so hard to get along with. I am Terry Swenson, may I see my partner?” The dick in the centre of the room began, regaining control of the room. A student towards the back of the hall reluctantly raised their hand with a defeated sigh, knowing this would not be the fun experience he’d hoped for.

As Terry continued, indicating which of his classmates should announce themselves next, Dillon took the time to get a good look at the room. The students looked a lot more casual in regards to their appearance compared to those standing around him. Many appearing like they hadn’t spent the previous night in their own bed. Two girls seated together at the front-right of the class soon stopped his wandering eye. One with long, dark red hair tied high in a ponytail and lightly sun kissed skin; a splattering of freckles littering her shoulders. The other with jet-black locks cut just below her chin was clearly bi-racial. She wore a cat ear headband and choker with a bell. They were babes in every sense of the word.

“Check out the two Worldie’s over there?” Damon uttered with an upward jerk of his chin. Dillon was about to answer with a lewd and inappropriate comment when his eyes met with the redhead’s – still slumped over her desk. Brushing the hair away from the left side of his face, Dillon shot her a bold smile.

Instantly sitting up, Suki knit her brows slightly but reflexively returned the confident gesture with a slight smile.

Noticing the exchange, Mihara elbowed her friend.

“I hope that’s DeLeon,” she whispered suggestively. “He’s cute. I mean, no comparison to Theodore, but appealing all the same.”

Suki didn’t answer, but internally agreed with her friend. Despite not knowing who the kid was, she did find his tenacity endearing. Though not hoping for a romantic relationship to ignite as Mihara did with her assigned partner, Suki figured that at least being paired up with someone who seemed fun would make the assignment more enjoyable.

As each of his friends introduced themselves, Dillon crossed his fingers hoping that neither of the two hotties would be paired with someone else. Soon enough, the room was half empty, and it was time for those who’d be staying put to step forward.

Theodore O’Hare, the sought after honey, was first. Hands plunged into his pockets, his auburn hair – split right down the middle – fell forward to curtain his face as he nonchalantly spoke while his eyes scanned the room.

“Over here!” Mihara jumped up from her chair, quickly gathering her books in her arms and throwing them onto the now empty desk behind where the girls had been sitting. Theodore sauntered over, removing his backpack and placing it on the floor. His indifference only spurring the sex-pot on.

“I’m Mihara Watanabe, but you can call me Mi - all my friends do,” she blurted out.

“There is no need to try and impress me,” Theodore’s deep voice rasped. “I’m sure you have a competent grasp on the subject we’ll be dealing with, and to me, that’s all that matters.”

‘Oh my god!’ Suki smirked, struggling to hold back a full on laugh as she spun back around in her chair. ‘This sure has the potential to be embarrassing for Mi, poor girl,’ she thought, shaking her head in pity for her friend. ‘He seems like a pretty tough cookie to crack. He’s either just naturally aloof, or totally over being hit on.’

Dillon Kavanagh cursed the heart-throb that was Theodore O’Hare. He didn’t hate him personally, but he detested the power he had over the opposite sex. He knew the guy liked girls, so why then was he always so apathetic towards them? Dillon had to try so hard to get any female attention, so it was impossible for him to comprehend how Theodore remained so austere in the presence of a super babe throwing herself at him. Lost in his thoughts, the honey-haired teen didn’t notice the ‘class-rep’ calling his name. What did jerk him back into the present though, was hottie #2 waving her hand at him.

‘What the fuck?’ His eyes gaped open. ‘She’s waving at me ... Me!’

“Dillon!” The rep’s voice finally rang in his ears. “Please make your way to your partner and not waste any more time.”

“Um, sure,” he responded sheepishly, gripping the strap of his backpack with one hand. His head hung slightly in embarrassment, a buzz of nerves and elation surging through his system.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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