KINK - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Faith Baxter

Chapter 13: Give Me Something

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 13: Give Me Something - Obsession, buried desires & a web of lies-Some kinks are harmless enough where others delve deep into the heart of who you really are, never truly being quenched until they meet their perfect, precarious match...Dillon & Suki are thrust together as part of an interclass assignment & what at first seems like an odd pairing develops into something much deeper when shit hits the literal fan. Will their relationship remain a match made in heaven, or become one more dangerous than hell?

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Consensual   BiSexual   School   Sharing   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Oriental Female   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Leg Fetish   Slow   Violence  

An agonisingly sexual groan reverberated through the room as his head jerked backwards. This was supposed to punish him, so why did it feel so good? An image of Suki thrusting the pen into his thigh flashed into Dillon’s mind and he became instantly hard again.

Why the fuck does the thought of her causing me pain excite me so fucking much?!”

Yanking the pen free of his leg, he watched as blood soaked his jeans. He flexed his thigh muscles, and almost to his, the pain was still very real. Standing, Dillon looked down once again, unsure of what he should do next. But then as if by fate his phone vibrated.

Are you free right now big bird?

“Free? Right now? As in to go over to her’s? But it’s late isn’t it?” Dillon froze. “Does she want me like ... that?”

He shook his head in disgust. “I thought I had just purged all of that out of me! How did I end up back in this train of thought so quickly? She probably just wants comfort after thinking her ex posted that picture on her Facebook page.”

Yeah I’m free, what’s up?

Come over?

She didn’t need to ask twice as he was already running out the door.

On my way.

Dillon’s heart thumped in his chest as he ran. The pain in his right leg shot up into his hip every time his foot struck the ground, reminding him to keep his cool, but it was so hard. Images of Suki throwing herself at him swirled in his mind as he willed dick to not respond accordingly. He was supposed to be calming himself down yet the pain only exacerbated his sexual desires.

The Barton Residence loomed up ahead as he rounded the corner. Checking himself, Dillon slowed to a more reasonable pace. Taking deep breaths to collect himself. Slipping inside her building, he ninja’ed his way past the common room without being seen, then headed to the elevator in the hopes that taking the extra time to get to her would help him calm down. Almost trying to delay his gratification. He smirked to himself as he leaned back against the cool elevator walls and shoved his hands in his pocket – heart still racing. His deep breaths continued as he sauntered casually down the hallway to Suki’s room, taking one last heavy inhale before knocking on her door.

In a second, the door was swiftly opened and Suki was yanking him inside by his shirt, throwing him past her with a quick flick of the wrist. Once he was inside she thrust her head out the door - panning up and down the hall to see if anyone had seen him enter her room. The corridors were empty. She sighed in relief and quickly shut the door – leaning up against the back of it before raising her gaze to meet Dillon’s.

Staring back at her quizzically, Dillon tilted his head slightly to the side, amused at her behaviour. Why was she acting like this was taboo? His mind started to wander into the gutter but he snapped himself out of it, blinking quickly.

“You’re acting a bit-”

Your leg!“ Suki gasped. “What happened?” She pushed off the door and walked towards him, reaching a hand out to touch his leg but Dillon pulled away quickly.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” he almost yelped, worried she was going to ask for an explanation.

Dillon’s eyes then fell to Suki’s outstretched hand and he jumped slightly when he saw the gouge marks in her palms. She hadn’t found any Band-Aids and so just opted to let the wounds air dry. They had stopped bleeding by now and were starting to scab – the rich red blood colour making them stand out. Following Dillon’s gaze, she looked down at her hands and recoiled in terror when she realized what had startled him.

“You ok?” He asked; concern lacing his voice.

“Uh, yeah, yeah don’t worry about it, it was just an accident,” she said, throwing her wrists behind her back to hide them from his worried stares and quickly looking at her knee to see if any blood had leaked through her sweatpants. The last thing she needed was to have to explain why two injuries were nothing to worry about.

There was a moment of tense silence before Dillon spoke. “So umm, you wanted me to come over?” He asked, looking away and scratching his cheek. He was confused, he was aroused at being in her presence yet concerned for her. Why was she bleeding? Did she do that to herself? And if so, why?

“Yeah,” Suki replied, her voice soft and vulnerable.

Dillon’s heart was beating wildly as he glanced back over at her. But she was looking down, avoiding eye contact. He wasn’t used to this soft Suki. The Suki he knew had control of every situation. She was commanding, confident, and very sure of herself. Why was she being so reserved? Taking a step forward, Dillon moved into her personal bubble. Unsure of what he was doing, but needing to see where she was at and if he would be pushed away. To his complete and utter surprise, she stayed put – only an inch to spare between their bodies as he closed the gap. He didn’t touch her, he couldn’t. He was completely spellbound.

Slowly Suki looked up at him. She had an intriguing look in her eyes, one he couldn’t quite put his finger on ... was it ... need?

“Dill,” She whispered softly, raising her sights to him. His mind jolted, he had seen this expression before ... her, looking up; pleading and longing in her eyes...

“The photo!”

“Yes baby,” he whispered back reflexively, forgetting to keep his external dialogue from mixing with his internal one.

“Get the fuck away from me,” she growled, the longing pleading in her stare changing instantly to a fierce defiance.

“That was close! I almost came undone,” Suki thought as she glared at the retreating and confused Dillon.

“Man, what’s wrong with you?” he pouted. “You give me such mixed signals and I don’t know what to do.” He stepped right back to her bed and sank down onto it, putting his head in his hands and rubbing them over his face and eyes. “I like you ok? You’re hot as fuck, you’ve got your shit together and ... I’ve got no fucking idea where I stand with you,” he said, exasperated. “If all you want is to run me around in circles then I’m just going to leave.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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