Twins: A Love Story - Cover

Twins: A Love Story

Copyright© 2020 by Thomas Alexander Garrison

Chapter 4

Coming of Age Story: Chapter 4 - Fraternal twins begin a life of sexual exploration.

Caution: This Coming of Age Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   Petting  

All too soon, summer was over, and the twins began their freshman year of high school. For the first week, this brought their activities to a screeching halt. It was not just school and homework that did it; it was also the fact their mother did not have any late work nights. By Wednesday, John was jacking off twice a day, once into a toilet at school during lunchtime and again at night before going to sleep. By Friday, even this was not enough.

When John woke up Saturday morning, he felt fit to be tied. He went to the bathroom, then the kitchen. He saw his mother was still home. He made small talk with her while he ate breakfast. He wasn’t sure how he managed to suppress his growing impatience. When she did leave, he muttered, “Finally!”

He went back into the hall. Noting the bathroom door was open, he knocked on Sue’s bedroom door.

“Hmmmn?” he heard behind the door.

John was more than a little disappointed. “I’m sorry, you’re still sleeping,”

“‘Sokay. Come on in,” Sue sleepily called.

Sue was on her side facing him. Her eyes were closed. One hand was palm up by the pillow, the other arm down by her side. Except for her head, shoulders and arms, her body was still under the covers. John went over to her and knelt down. He placed a hand on the one she had near the pillow. She clasped her fingers on his hand. John kissed her temple. Then he kissed her by the ear and started trailing kisses down her neck. Still very sleepy, she said, “Woke up a little horny this morning, did we?”

“Yeah. You up for it?”

“Uh huh. Just let me wake up a little more.”

John traced another trail of kisses up her neck. When he reached her ear again, he began licking behind her lobe. “Are you sure? I can come back later,” he whispered.

“Mm-hmm. Just need to wake up a little bit more.”

John stuck his tongue in her ear. Sue reacted like he had given her an electric jolt. Her eyes popped open. “Okay! I’m awake! I’m awake!”

John grinned at her.

“That was mean!”

“I can still let you go back to sleep.”

While stretching, she said, “No, if you’re only half as horny as I am, we both need this today. Mom already gone?”


Sue sat up on the side of the bed. “Cool. I still need to pee and eat. Wait here?”


While he was waiting, John took the book off Sue’s nightstand, got on the bed, and began reading. He was just starting to get engrossed when Sue returned. John set the book aside. Sue climbed on the bed and positioned herself so she was crosswise to him with her legs across his lap. They kissed, and soon enough their kissing and groping became almost frantic. When John’s hand found its way under her shirt and began tweaking her nipple, Sue broke a kiss and, breathing heavily, said, “God, I really need this!”

“Obviously,” John teased, sounding like Alan Rickman.

“Shut up. Unlike you, it’s not so easy for me to sneak off to the bathroom and diddle myself.”


“Shut up. You think I’m so stupid to not know what you’re doing at lunchtime?”


“And poor little me. Having to wait until bedtime...”

“Sorry?” John knew he was in trouble now.

“Well, I’ll be revenged as I may,” Sue declared. Sue pulled off her shirt, and then John’s. She maneuvered them so she was lying on top of him. She kissed his face, neck and ears. She stuck her tongue in his ear, and John jolted. “Works for you too, I see.”

Sue worked her way down his body, kissing and licking as she went. She had John squirming before she began licking his nipple, and that just made it worse. She stopped to remove his pajama bottoms. John groaned when Sue climbed back on top of him to start all over. He knew she was going to lay the torture on thick. He also knew that if he complained, she would just find a way double and triple the torment.

This time as she worked her way down, she paid attention to both nipples. John wondered if these sensations were the same as she felt when he sucked her tits. After a bit of thought, he dismissed the idea. Yes, she was turning him on. And yes, the sensation was good—damned good. But when he did it to her, it seemed to drive her crazy. He decided that, while the sensation was no doubt similar, they were nowhere near the same for both of them.

Sue was moving on. The kissing and licking moved down his ribs and across his belly. By then she was also rubbing his crotch through his briefs. For some reason, she paused at his navel, swirling her tongue around it. He looked down his body to see she was looking at him. She was giving him a questioning look. He responded with an amused look. She smiled around her swirling tongue.

Then she totally surprised him by continuing to move downward. This was something she had not done before. She skipped his briefs, went for his inner thigh, and increased the rubbing pressure on his crotch. If John was squirming before, curare would not relax him now. He decided this was almost exactly how it must feel to her as she shifted to the other thigh. At least, his own moaning and squirming seemed to match what she did. And just when it seemed the pleasure could not get any better, Sue stopped. John squawked—loudly—in protest.

But it seemed Sue was only pausing to take off his briefs. “Need to get these off if we’re going to get you off.”

John thought he should have known better when Sue lay on top of him and started all over again. He groaned as Sue began sucking his earlobe.

“I think ... I ... hate you!”

Sue licked him behind the earlobe, stuck her tongue in his ear, pecked the hinge of his jaw, and said, “Aw, it’s a good thing I still love you, big brother!”

She made her way down his body again, going more slowly than her first two journeys. She paid more attention to his nipples, to the point where John decided the difference wasn’t all that great after all. When she moved on to his ribs and belly, she began stroking his cock and playing with his balls. Finally, once again, she was at his belly button, swirling her tongue around it.

She took a couple deep breaths while tonguing his navel. Then in a whisper John could barely hear, asked, “Do you want me to?”

“Oh, God yes!”

Sue smiled with her lips pressed on John’s navel. Then she began moving downward. Sue stopped playing with his balls but continued lightly stroking his cock. She weaved her way around the mass of hair at the mons pubis, making a line for the hip joint. John was not sure it was intentional, but as Sue was licking him there, her tongue was also brushing his ball sac, intensifying the feeling. John adjusted the pillows to allow for a better view. Sue looked up and asked, “Is this okay?”

“Yeah. I just want a better view.”

Sue shrugged and went back to what she was doing. Increasingly, her licking included more and more of his scrotum. Her hand increased the pace as well. Soon, she was licking his testicle directly. John had stopped squirming; he did not want to accidentally bang his testicle on Sue’s teeth. However, he was still quivering.

When Sue stopped to move to his other side, John clapped his hand over his mouth to keep from voicing a protest. He knew if he did, Sue would merely slow down the pace. When her lips found his other hip joint, he felt her smiling. Now he was afraid she would slow the pace anyway. Luckily, she didn’t slow down with her mouth, but she did increase the speed of her hand moving. After his other testicle had received a lavish tongue bath, she used her other hand to gently push his balls forward. John wondered what the hell she was up to now. Then she began licking his perineum. “Fuck!”

Sue giggled. And John thought Sue rubbing his anus drove him crazy! Except this time there was no thought he would lose control. All he had to do was wait. The hand on his cock was now pumping away. But the more this torture went on, the less he could stand. Finally, he couldn’t wait anymore.

“For fuck’s sake, Sue! Suck it already!”


He looked at his sister. She looked like she was shocked he would tell her to do such a thing. He barely registered this before the frustration took over. With a roar of anguish, he was off the bed. He paused only to put on his briefs and collect his clothes before getting leaving Sue’s room. He slammed the door to his room behind him on his way to the opposite wall. He rested his forehead against the wall as he desperately tried to gain control of himself. A moment later Sue came into the room, saying, “John I’m--”


John heard the door close behind him. Questions started buzzing in his head. With each question, he pounded the wall with his fist. What the fuck did Sue think she was doing? Bam! Was she thinking at all? Bam! How could she tease him like that without following through? Bam! Did she realize that was cruel? Bam! Or was this meant to be a cruel trick? Bam! Was that what the Shakespeare crack was about? Bam!

John stepped away from the wall. Though still agitated, at least his erection had gone away. He went over and sat down on the bed. He knew he had to get control of himself. He also knew the only way to do that was to think it through. So he started addressing his own questions.

The Shakespeare crack meant nothing pernicious. Benedick said it to himself after Beatrice managed to get the best of him in their ongoing battle of wits. The context in which she used the quote was entirely different. Her “revenge” was to get herself worked up so much that she would have one hell of an orgasm. They both knew just how turned on she could get by working him over.

This, of course, meant Sue was not being cruel. Now that his better angels were taking over again, he realized he should have dismissed that question immediately. Sue could be devious, yes. She could tease the shit out of him both in and out of bed, yes. Be deliberately cruel? Never!

That, in turn, meant she did not realize what she was doing was cruel. It was simply a matter of Sue doing what she did—pushing his pleasure to the utter limit. Just like that first time in the bathroom. But like the first time she engaged in anal play, it simply got out of hand. It wasn’t like it was something she could foresee happening. That raised the question of what to do about it, but he decided to set it aside for the time being.

He now realized he should have also immediately dismissed the question about Sue not following through. Despite the occasional tease about leaving him hanging, she never actually did so unless he specifically excused her or rule two was invoked. And given his earlier conclusion she was after a particularly powerful orgasm herself, the idea that she was not going to follow through became even more absurd. After all, they both got left hanging. John allowed himself a little smile. Her panties were probably more soaked than they had been for a while.

Furthermore, the more he went over the events of the morning, the more he realized that Sue was trying to get him to cum. She just wasn’t doing it the way he thought she was going to do it. Or rather, truth be told, she wasn’t doing it the way he wanted her to do it. But that was his problem, not hers.

John chuckled, laughing at himself and the really stupid thoughts that come to his head when he was highly emotional. Sue, not thinking? Hah! Thinking was practically the only thing she did!

Since he already adequately answered the question what Sue thought she was doing, he did not take it up again. Now that he had calmed down, he turned his mind to a new question: Why didn’t Sue want to go down on him? The answer was obvious: Because she thought that doing so would make her lose control and they would wind up fucking. He didn’t get this. If Sue were to suck his cock, he would be the one getting the lion’s share of the pleasure. Even given her propensity to get horny by turning him on, he could not imagine she would get that much pleasure from blowing him.

John tried puzzling this out for a bit, and then just decided he didn’t have to understand it. All that really mattered was that was how she felt. And that brought him back to the question of what to do about it. He went through several possibilities only to decide the simplest answer was the best.

Now ready to fix things, he went back to her room and knocked on her door.

“Come in,” she said weakly.

Sue was sitting in the middle of her bed, her arms around her legs, rocking herself. She turned her face toward him, and John could tell she had been crying. Before he could say anything, Sue was off in a stream that was barely coherent.

“I’m sorry you’re going to make us stop now aren’t you I don’t want to stop I really fucked up but please don’t make us stop if you really want me to blow you I will if that means we don’t have to stop oh God I’m such a fuck up I didn’t mean to hurt you I thought you knew but I was wrong I’m so sorry I’ll blow you right now if that means we don’t have to stop I--”

At this point she choked as if she were going to cry again. Sue turned her face away from John. Then, almost whispering, she said, “I’ll blow you if that’s what you want.”

John was not prepared for this. He had not seen his sister this distraught he since was hit by that car. They had to talk, but John did not want her emotional state to infect him. He went over to the bed and sat down. Sue threw her arms around him. He arranged her body so he was able to rest his chin on top of her head. Now he would not have to look directly at her face.

“First,” he said, “I do not want you to do anything you do not want to do. Ever. Are we absolutely clear about that?”

Sue nodded.

“Now I get that you think that going down on me would make you lose control--”


“—and that’s okay. You don’t need to explain. You really don’t. But--”

“I should have made it clearer I wasn’t going to suck you.”

We should have talked about it well before you began the journey. Especially after I tried going down on you.”

Sue nodded.

“Anyway, that was just way too much teasing for me to handle. I’m sorry for blowing up. I let my frustration get the better of me.”

Sue nodded her acceptance.

“I think it’s better if you don’t go below the belly button with your mouth.”

Sue began to disentangle herself. John held her in place. After a moment, she gave up and nodded again. “Try to think of a way to make it happen?”

John paused. “I’ll try. I did think about it a little already. But right now I can’t think of a way for you to get that close without me eventually demanding more than you’re willing to give. So this is the best solution I can think of.”

Sue nodded. “I still love you, big brother.”

“I love you too, little Sue.”

“Is this where we have make up sex?”

“If you want to.”

“I want to.”

A few nights later, John was doing his homework when he heard something hit the wall and a muffled “Goddamned mother fucking son of a bitch!”

“Whoa,” John said to himself. He got up from his desk, walked to Sue’s room, and knocked on the door.


John sighed and entered the room. Sue’s literature textbook was on the floor near the desk, along with some things that were on the desk. When she threw the book, it must have bounced off the desk before landing on the floor. Sue herself was in the chair which was several feet away from the desk. She had her arms around her stomach and was leaning forward. John couldn’t see her face.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“I got a fucking essay to do on this story and I can’t concentrate.”

“How come?”

Sue turned toward John. Her face looked like a mixture of discomfort and pain. “Because I’m on the rag and the Midol isn’t doing a fucking thing about these Goddamned cramps.”

“I’m sorry.”

Sue turned away from John. He approached her and put his hands on her shoulders. She shrugged him off. He tried again. She groaned a bit, but didn’t push him away again. He began massaging them.

Sue groaned again. “John, it’s not the shoulders that hurt.”

“Maybe not, but they’re still tense.”

After a minute, Sue said, “This really isn’t helping.”

“Okay, let’s try something else.”

John walked over to Sue’s dresser. He pulled out a set of pajamas and a pair of panties. “C’mon. Let’s take a bath.”

“After that last disaster? How is that supposed to help?”

“Well, third time’s the charm, right? And if nothing else, it’ll get your mind off your assignment for a while.”

Sue groaned, but got up. “You better fucking have a damned good plan this time.”

John started the water. He had Sue feel the water temperature before putting the plug in. He went over to her and tugged her shirt. She raised her arms and allowed him to take it off. He pulled her close so he could undo her bra and get it off. Next the jeans and panties came off. He saw the string of her tampon.

“Do you need to take that out?”

“I probably should.”

John watched Sue take it out, trying to keep his face impassive. Intellectually, he knew the bit of disgust he felt came from social conventions, and not anything inherent about menstruation. Didn’t stop him from feeling it. And he wasn’t entirely successful in hiding it, because Sue said, “You don’t actually have to watch, you know.”

“I plan on getting married someday. Periods are going to be a part of my life, like it or not. So I should get used to it.”

Sue snorted while she wrapped the tampon.

“Okay. How about this? What if I have a daughter and I happen to be the only one home when she gets her first period? What kind of father would I be if I acted all disgusted while trying to help her?”

Sue threw the wrapped tampon in the trash, then got up to wash her hands. “Better get the water.”

“Oh, yeah.” John turned off the tap. Even though he damn well knew she didn’t need it, he assisted Sue into the tub. She lay back, slid forward to wet her hair, and moved into a comfortable position. She closed her eyes. She was visibly relaxing, but her face still showed some discomfort. “Better?” John asked.

“Mm-hmm.” She opened her eyes. “Wasn’t the plan to get in with me?”


“Don’t you think you should get out of those clothes then? Or are you really going to try the Clark Kent thing?”

“You want me to do a dance?”

“I’m not feeling that much better.”

“Oh, damn! And I just learned some new moves, too.” John gyrated a little.

Finally, Sue smiled.

John took off his clothes and stepped into the tub. “Scoot forward.” Sue moved forward and John slipped in behind her. “Okay,” he said. She leaned back against him. He put his arms around her belly. They relaxed like this for a while.

“Why didn’t we think of this before?” Sue asked.

“We both tend to over complicate things. Sometimes KISS actually works.” John suddenly had an idea, but he set it aside for later.

“Now what?”

“Sit up. I want to wash your back.” John used the loofah and some body wash. After rinsing her, he began lightly rubbing her back.

“The back isn’t the problem,” Sue reminded him. But she was relaxing a little more.

“Lean back again then.”

When she did, John began massaging her belly. He moved up and down between her breasts and groin. He kissed her temples. His massage moved up to her breasts. “Is this okay?”

The noise she made was more pleasure than discomfort, so John continued. Occasionally, his hands moved down to her belly long enough to wet them more before moving back to her breasts. Gradually he introduced nipple play with his fingers. Now the noises she made were definitely more pleasure than discomfort.



“Go lower.”

John moved his massaging hands back down her body. They had to adjust a little so he could reach the inside of her thighs. Then they had to adjust again when the massage reached Sue’s pussy and she opened her legs a little. Now her noises were pure pleasure. John moved a finger down to her entrance, and Sue asked, “Are you sure ... you want to ... do that?”

“Yes.” John dipped his finger in, then traced back upward to her clit. “It’s already all diluted out.”

“The water ... should be lubrication ... enough ... if we ... do it right.”

So John worked her over slowly and carefully. Sue’s orgasm, when it came, wasn’t one of her more powerful cums, but she still managed to splash water out of the tub. As she came down, she turned around and shifted to her knees. With a smile, she reached for John’s member. But he took hold of her wrist and said, “Water is getting a little cool, don’t you think?”

“I suppose.”

They got out of the tub and dried each other off. John wrapped a towel around his waist. Sue used a menstrual pad while putting on new panties. Once she was in her pajamas, John asked, “Better?”

“Yes! The cramps aren’t gone, but they’re more bearable.”


Sue got a sudden sparkle in her eye. “Forget about faking orgasms. I think I’m going to start faking cramps!””

John bowed with a flourish. “I am your humble servant, always willing and ready to soothe your cramps! Even the fake ones!”


“Get your homework done. I’ll take care of this.”

Suddenly Sue grabbed him and gave him long, lingering kiss. Then she left the bathroom.

“Well, that was strange,” he said as he started cleaning up.

John and Sue eventually settled into a new norm for their activities. Of course, they still had work around their mother’s schedule. But anytime she had a late night, so did the twins. They loved their mother; but they really loved her when she had to work a weekend day. Autumn became cooler, and their fifteenth birthday passed in October. To their disappointment, their mother took that day off to celebrate with them.

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