Home Helper - Cover

Home Helper

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: College girl enjoys earning her room and board. The benefits are broader than just trimming horns too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Cheating   Sharing   Gang Bang   Nudism   .

Part 1 – Hiring a housekeeper with benefits

I’m a single guy who works at home. I develop software for special markets and support my customers. A bit of an introvert, I don’t get out much socially so my sex life isn’t great. I do like sex, having been married for quite few of my 50 years.

My housekeeping isn’t doing very well either. Finding good house cleaners has been frustrating and disappointing. A live-in “household administrator” was outside my budget. I needed a wife but don’t want to go there again. Then it struck me! I was walking distance from a state college. I had a spare bedroom. Perhaps I could find a coed who would be a surrogate wife in exchange for room and board.

I got a number of candidates responding to my ad so I interviewed the best sounding ones. The first young woman was 18, pretty but skinny with no tits. Limited homemaker skills. Number two was gorgeous, perfect body but an only child that hardly knew how to turn a vacuum cleaner on.

The third one was much better. Vicki was 20, the oldest of a large family where she took on a lot of responsibility and got very good grades as a physics major. She had a reasonably attractive face, a bit on the plain side, but a positive and happy attitude. Her body was a little plump but only enough to make her nicely curvy.

Now for the big question. “Vicki, I advertised this situation as housekeeping in exchange for room and board. May I speak frankly with you?”

“Sure, I actually prefer that. Less misunderstanding that way.”

“Good. I’ve been divorced 5 years and don’t get many opportunities to date. I’m not looking to get married or too emotionally involved with a girlfriend at this point in my life. I still have all of my male needs. I really need what you might call a ‘surrogate wife’ which would include sex. How do you feel about that?”

Vicki didn’t seem at all shocked or flustered. Good sign. After a short pause she replied, “I’m not a virgin and, like you, don’t date much. I too have needs and it’s been a year since I broke up with my last boyfriend. This is intriguing since I’ve been trying to figure out how to get laid without too much emotional entanglement either. School is the most important thing to me right now. I have two concerns though.”

I smiled and said, “What are they?”

She continued, “I’ve never been with someone so much older than myself, and I’m not on birth control right now either.”

I smiled again, “I’m with you on the age difference although I’ve heard that once you’re naked it doesn’t matter. And I had a vasectomy many years ago so sex can be completely natural. Are you interested in the position?”

Vicki stood up and wrapped her arms around me and said, “Sounds perfect to me.”

I asked, “When can you start?”

She squeezed me tighter and whispered in my ear, “Can the sex part start right now? I’m real horny.”

She didn’t go home that night and moved her personal belongings into “her” bedroom the next day. We “christened” her bed as soon as she unpacked and she cooked a great dinner after a major grocery shopping trip.

With our urgent lust slaked, we could slow down and explore each other at a slower pace. Vicki had substantial tits that moved around and sagged just nicely. Her nipples projected quite a bit when aroused. Her body was very comfortable in any position. She occasionally trimmed her bush which was just how I liked it. Her inner labia protruded invitingly through her outer ones, just right to nibble and good at easing the way for my cock head into a snug and velvet textured vagina. She lubricated easily and had some control over her internal muscles. She could feel my ejaculations which usually set her off.

We both agreed after our first fuck that the age difference was no issue. She liked my experience and ability to delay my cumming until she got hers. I liked her young body and obvious enthusiasm. Her eagerness to screw showed in the way she responded to any interest I showed which was encouraged by her provocative nakedness around the house. She was ready to try anything I suggested and would even came after me when she was in the mood, something my ex-wife had never done. It’s wonderful to feel wanted, we both observed.

Our lives quickly became more productive. I with my work and Vicki in her classes. We found out that we enjoyed enough of the same things, including solitude, that we could take occasional recreational outings for a break from our more serious responsibilities. I guess people saw us as father and daughter because we didn’t display overt affection for one another in public. We were really good friends who screwed, and we were sure enjoying that!

We settled into our little “surrogate marriage” and adjusted to each other’s idiosyncrasies. It was easy for me to resist the husband-hunting women at church and for Vicki to spurn the guys looking for an easy piece. But things can sneak in the back door.

Vicki had made friends with another physics major, a guy a year younger than herself who was in many of her classes. They would often share time between classes, talking about classwork or esoteric physics concepts. After several months he asked her to dinner followed by a guest lecture the department was sponsoring. I wasn’t used to her being out late on a school night.

When he dropped her off, Vicki introduced Philip. He was a full foot taller than her 5’5” and skinny as a rail. As nerdy as she was. Later, in bed and after we screwed, she was quite chatty about her evening. He had reached over and held her hand during the lecture and she had given him a short but sincere kiss at the door as he left. I could see the beginnings of romance.

Vicki’s relationship with Philip deepened in spite of her misgivings about getting emotionally involved. She had shared an observation with me, “When I wasn’t dating, I sort of ignored sex and guys. Now that I’m getting it so good and so often, I have been looking at attractive guys differently, more as sex objects. That surprised me.”

I replied, “I think we can get tuned like that. I’ve heard that women who are getting laid are more attractive to guys than those who aren’t. Some kind of sexual magnetism?”

She kept me posted on what was obviously “puppy love”. He was very inexperienced so she had to take most of the initiative at expressing affection. He lived at home so would be a frequent visitor to our house and I got to like the guy.

One evening when they had spent quite a bit of time in her room with the door closed, Vicki slipped in my bed really ready to fuck, not that it ever took much foreplay. As she rode me and I enjoyed her swinging tits, she explained that they were doing some hot kissing and she guided his hand up under her sweater. She had taken her bra off earlier and he damn near shot in his pants. After she had climaxed from his tit work, she unzipped him and administered his very first blow job. His pecker was longer but thinner than mine and it was really full of cum.

After we settled down, Vicki was concerned about how this was going with Philip. Not that she didn’t like him. She did and wanted to fuck him. It was me she was unsure about. Having two men available was a brand new situation for her and she didn’t know what to do or even if she could handle it.

I looked her in the eyes and said, “The main thing you are doing right is talking to me about it. I’m not surprised. We have no sexual exclusivity agreement that I can remember. Your body is yours, to use as you choose. Let me tell you a story from my past.”

I told her how I was introduced to sex as an 18-year-old by an older woman of twenty-four whose husband was a long haul trucker. He’d be gone a week at a time and she was just too horny to wait that long. I lived close by and after a while got to fill her cunt every day he was gone and some days he wasn’t. He knew she was banging me and liked to watch, then take seconds or thirds or more. I never doubted that they loved each other and I really enjoyed the ride for what it was.

Vicki looked at me and exclaimed, “Wow, you sure know a lot and I’m always learning from you. I really appreciate all you do for me and I’d like you to do one of those things again right now if you can.”

I could and she was glowing as we pleasured each other.

The romance developed slowly on purpose. Vicky loved sharing the progress when we were naked together and I could always tell she was extra turned on when they’d had private time. Intimacy progressed into full foreplay with mutual orgasms from oral sex. Finally, Vicky went to the student medical clinic and got a contraceptive implant.

One night I awoke to take a piss and Vicky wasn’t beside me. I could hear the familiar sounds of “my woman” enjoying sex and knew this was the night Philip would never forget.

I drifted back to sleep with a hardon and sometime later she slipped in beside me facing away on her side and asked softly, “Please get in me but don’t move. I have a lot of feelings I need to share.”

After I slid easily into the silky slipperiness, realizing that it wasn’t mine for a change, and that another man’s sperm were all over my cock, I whispered back, “What do you want to tell me?”

Her pussy clenched on my cock as she said, “Oh my, there are so many things running around in my head so I’ll just let them out in no particular order.

“I guess you still like ‘sloppies’ from how hard your cock is. I feel so wicked having you in me right after another guy. Do you think I’m a slut?”

“I define a slut as a woman who freely and unashamedly enjoys her sexuality. You still seem to have some shame to get rid of.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know if I cheated on you or I’m right now cheating on Philip. This is kinda new to me, you realize.”

I spoke sternly, “You aren’t cheating on anybody. Unless you gave Philip reason to think you were his exclusively.”

“But I think I love him and I think I love you too.”

“Oh, you dear girl. Do you love only one of your parents? Of course not. This needn’t be any different as long as you are honest with yourself and everyone involved.”

She began pushing back against me so I began stroking in and out of her love box.

She kept talking, “That will be the difficult part. I had a good time with him. Not better than you but excitingly different. Just like you told me, he came pretty quickly so I kept him inside me and he was hard again real soon. He is so long I couldn’t get it all in. Will I stretch?”

I nodded and said that pussies were amazingly adaptable.

“He cums twice as much as you do but can’t get me off as easily. I want to become a really good slut for both of you. But how can I tell him? He’s pretty naive and quite infatuated with me, especially now. Maybe it was a mistake to spread my legs for him? This is kind of weird to be telling you this. I’m fucking you and telling you about who I just fucked. Wow!”

I reached around to her clit and got her off as I added my semen to Philip’s. “No, you did what was a very natural thing to do. If I thought it would hurt you I’d have said something. Just work with it and I’ll help you if you want it.” We slept and she jumped on my dick in the morning just like usual.

They fucked two or three time a week after class or a date. His parents were rather puritanical so he couldn’t overnight. That actually made me happy because I was really enjoyed this hottie freshly inseminated and ready for more.

After about a month I said to Vickie, “When are you going to be honest with Philip?”

I knew this would be one of the toughest things emotionally that she had ever done so I offered a suggestion, “Let’s invite him to dinner, have plenty of wine, and the three of us have the talk.” Vickie agreed and we set it up for Saturday. What I didn’t tell her was that I didn’t know how to pull this off either.

This was a good chance to get to know the young man I was sharing Vicki with. I liked him. He was honest and unassuming although very bright. A great match for her. His logic and reasoning was far more developed than his emotions so I would try using that kind of approach.

We had wine with dinner. I kept the glasses full. And then we adjourned to the family room with brandy. I sat the two of them together on the couch and I sat across from them, but not too far.

“Philip,” I opened, “There is something that Vicki wants to talk about with you but she isn’t sure how to do it so she asked me to help. First of all, don’t lose sight of the fact that she cares a lot about you. If she didn’t she wouldn’t have sex with you.” Philip squirmed. “Of course I know about it and it’s no problem. But you need to know that she cares about me too. Vicki, will you explain about your living arrangement.”

She hesitated and decided to be straightforward, “I don’t pay money for my room and board here. I provide cooking and cleaning and other wifely services in exchange. I spend most nights in my landlord’s bed. And I enjoy it too. He has made me into a better lover which you are benefitting from. I really care about you and if our relationship is to continue I had to be honest.”

We looked at Philip. He didn’t move for a few minutes then spoke slowly, “You know, I was kinda wondering about you two. You really acted more like a couple than I expected. I haven’t had much sexual experience but it was obvious that Vicki had. I didn’t think it was polite to ask.”

Turning to Vicki he put his arm around her and said, “The past couple of months have been amazing. I never knew a woman could be so good to be with. It will take a bit of adjusting, but if what you have told me has made you so good for me then I will have to accept it. I sure don’t want to lose you.”

Vicki gave him a big hug and kisses with tears running down her cheeks, “I’m so proud of you right now. I knew you were a special guy and I don’t want to lose you either.”

Philip turned to me and said, “I’ve read a lot of erotic stories and one theme I keep running across is a man enjoying sharing his wife or girlfriend. It seemed hot to me but I never thought I’d participate. Never say never!”

We were all a bit tipsy with alcohol and emotions by now. Vicki stood up and began taking off her clothes. “You’ve both seen me naked and I’m horny. I’m not ready to fuck in front of someone else but I’d love to take turns tonight. Philip, I want you first.”

She led him to her bedroom and left the door ajar so I could hear the action anyway. I got naked in my bed and fifteen minutes later she threw her leg over me and slid her cummy twat onto my waiting erection. She was wild and fifteen minutes after that Philip got his first fresh sloppy. He’d fucked in my juice before but not so fresh and not knowingly. And the pace continued until Philip had ejaculated three times. He was worn out and dressed to go home. He got a hot kiss goodbye from his slut girlfriend. Then she joined me again for a long leisurely fuck to sleep.

She was literally bouncing around the house the next morning and took me back to bed after breakfast even though she asked me to be careful of her somewhat sore snatch. She had a long phone talk with Philip while I soaked in her pussy after wetting it down again. She told him exactly where my pecker was too. He wanted to come right over but she told him to just jack off until their study date on Monday. She could be rascally I noticed. Good way to remind him who owns the pussy.

The weather was warming up so she decided to be naked around the house as much as possible. OK by me. I got naked too and was working at my desk when she straddled my lap in midafternoon and wanted a quickie. Wow, what a tiger I had unleashed!

I kinda felt sorry for Philip. She’d told him to jack off until they got together again and she was getting laid whenever she wanted. I complimented her on becoming quite the slut. She replied, with a big grin, that anything worth doing was worth doing well.

Monday after class I heard them arrive home. Philip showed some real gumption and dragged Vicki straight to the bedroom. Before they got down to serious copulating she made sure the door was open wide enough that I could get a good view of the action. I stood outside the door, naked of course, and watched my first live sex show as I stroked my erection, trying not to ejaculate. She looked over at me and grinned several times.

When she’d drained Philip she left him snoozing and led me to my bed. She pushed my face to her crotch and I tasted what Philip had left there. I slammed into her hard and long. She was plenty noisy and I saw her look towards the door. Sure enough, Philip was getting the kind of show I had watched earlier. After we came together, she kissed me and went back to her bed with the resurrected Philip in tow. I went back to work but could still hear the sex noises for the next hour. Philip was making up for lost time.

We progressed to threesomes on special occasions but mostly Vicki liked one-on-one with her two loves. Philip was able to get away for a week’s vacation and we went to the ocean where I knew about an adult nudist resort. It was three in a king-sized bed, which Vicki loved twice as much as we did. She had actually lost a bit of weight from all her horizontal exercise, as well as the better diet I insisted on. She enjoyed showing off her well-fucked body on the beach and at social events. She got more than one guy to cum on her belly during slow dances and came very close to fucking some twins that took her for a hike in the dunes. As she told it, “It’s damn hard to keep your knees together when you’ve got a cute guy on each tit doing fun things.”

Philip and I looked at each other and said, “It’s your pussy! Just be sure to use protection and tell us all about it.”

The next day was our last one there and we saw Vicki walking hand in hand with the twins towards the woods. She had two more hard cocks to take care of when she finally got back to the cabin. Her pussy was in great shape so we all had fun. That was a hot bedroom topic for a long time.

One day Philip said he had to talk to us about an issue he needed advice on. Turns out that his mother had volunteered him to help out a recently widowed woman a few years younger than me. He’d quickly discovered that she’d been quite sexually active with her late husband and missed it a lot. Too soon to date, so she wondered if he’d bang her regularly and discreetly.

She was pretty athletic and good looking too so it was an attractive offer. But he wanted to do it honestly as far as Vicki was concerned. Vicki hugged him and said it would only be fair considering her situation. Perhaps he could invite this woman to dinner and we could all meet her.

Peggy was as attractive as Philip had described. An outgoing personality and a classy lady. After some good conversation where I discovered some common interests, we told him to enjoy and give her his best.

He spent that night and much of the next day in her bed and crotch. She was delighted. He was exhausted, but smiling, when he showed up to study with Vicki late in the day. We spent the first hour hearing about his adventures.

After they studied, Vicki gave him a hug and kiss, instead of the usual fuck, and sent him home to rest. She and I had a fun fuck talking about his new horizons. Vicki looked intently at me and said, “Maybe you’d like a piece of that too. Bet it could be arranged. Then there might be more of Philip left for me.” [big grin]

After a while Philip opened up to Peggy about his relationship with Vicki and me. Sharp gal that she was, she had the same idea as Vicki and we were soon dating and screwing. She and her late husband had done some extramarital fooling around so our setup was just fine. She was getting laid with some variety and that is just what she needed.

At Christmas all four of us went on an adult cruise and the gals had a lot of fun showing off. They loved having sex near the pool after the midnight lights out and they got plenty of offers for extra cock at the social events. Nobody turned them on enough even though they understood our policy on genital ownership.

Philip and I got lucky though. A new bride on her honeymoon fucked the two of us every day while her groom was obsessed with gambling. She had fake tits but her pussy was real and pretty tight. He wasn’t very big she said. We did our best to stretch her out and she loved it! Said we made it a real honeymoon for her. Our women thought it was funny and played prick teaser with the groom.

As a side note, about nine months after the cruise I got a card from the “banging bride”, as we referred to her, saying “I can’t thank you enough for all you did to make my honeymoon a success.” There was a picture of the bride holding a newborn baby! Since I’ve been snipped, Philip got all the grief from the women. I really don’t think he minded being called “stud” though.

Vicki and Philip graduated and got engaged. Philip moved in and they lived with me to save money until they could get jobs. He was thrilled to spend entire nights with his beloved although she often started in my bed on the nights Peggy wasn’t there. Peggy and I were becoming a couple too and she would spend a couple of nights a week with me and I’d spend a couple in her bed.

She had been Skyping with her first real boyfriend, the one she gave her cherry to, after he learned that she was single. He lived in Hawaii and invited her for a week stay with him. He’d buy the airline ticket.

She had often talked of visiting there and this seemed like a gift from heaven. Like many women, she’d wondered how her first had turned out. I told her that if she didn’t go she’d always wonder about it.

I picked her up at the airport when she returned. She was quiet on the drive home which I thought was jet lag. After feeding her she insisted I join her in bed. She rode me with a vengeance I’d never felt from this classy woman. I went numb after her first three climaxes and couldn’t cum any more. She finally collapsed on top of me, sound asleep. I carefully disengaged and covered her up.

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