The Warden's Whore II - Cover

The Warden's Whore II

Copyright© 2020 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The following is a continuation of the previous story "The Warden's Whore" and takes up where that story left off. If you haven't read the first part of the story, please do as it will set the scene and characters so you will understand this part easier.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Masturbation   Voyeurism  

The following is a continuation of the previous story “The Warden’s Whore” and takes up where that story left off. If you haven’t read the first part of the story, please do as it will set the scene and characters so you will understand this part easier.

Hannah Daniels had served almost six months out of her ten to twenty-five year prison sentence. Convicted of burglary, breaking and entering, robbery of a convenience store, and reckless endangerment in running from the police, she had been sent to Danbury Federal Prison in Danbury Connecticut to serve her time.

During her first few weeks there she had met the warden, and discovered the secret to his unique ability to control the inmates in his charge – especially the female ones. She had met the warden upon entering the prison, and then again after witnessing an example of the warden’s authority and control.

It was during their second meeting that Hannah had learned of Warden Taylor’s interest in her and the plans he had for her while she was there. And he had been very convincing in discussing them with her!

Because of his influence and his impeccable record at reforming prisoners, the prison system pretty much gave him a free hand in the running of the prison at Danbury. So he was given certain perks as he called them when it came to dealing with the inmates. And he had planned for Hannah to be one of those perks from the day she first arrived in his charge.

Yes Hannah had become Warden Taylor’s pet – his whore – and she was actually doing pretty good. Being the warden’s whore had its benefits; she didn’t stay in a cell anymore, instead she lived in the warden’s home just outside the prison.

She wasn’t allowed to go outside and she had to wear an ankle bracelet to keep tabs on her, but she had a nice bed and nice surroundings. She was responsible for keeping the warden’s house clean and doing the laundry and dishes and other household chores, but she didn’t have to deal with scrubbing the cell block toilets on her hands and knees anymore.

And of course there was the little detail of having to take care of the warden’s personal needs. Warden Taylor seemed to have a voracious sexual appetite, and she was never very long between “dates”.

That was fine by her – Warden Taylor also knew how to keep a girl happy too! Every time they had sex, she came away from the experience exhausted, but quite content.

The only real complaint that Hannah had with her new living conditions was that she didn’t see her friend Becky Randall as much as she used to. She had gotten to be pretty good friends with Becky before she had taken up with the warden and now her visits were few and far between.

She was isolated from everyone in the cell block and while that was a good thing for most of them, she did miss Becky. She had a good arrangement, but it would be nice to have someone she could talk to on those days when the warden was in his office and she was left at home alone.

One day when she was allowed to go visit with Becky for a bit, the two girls talked in her cell.

“You sound like you have it pretty good there with the warden Hannah,” Becky said, looking down at the floor.

“Yeah it’s a lot different than when I had a cell here. There are good points and bad points, but overall it’s better than cell block life, I suppose,” Hannah said.

“What do you mean good points and bad points. From what you describe, it all sounds pretty damn good, girl!” Becky said, puzzled at Hannah’s remarks.

“Yeah it might sound like a dream on the surface, Becky but it’s not. For one thing I miss you,” Hannah said quietly.

“Really? You miss me?” Becky sat up, surprised.

“Yes I do. Being in that house all by myself and not able to call anyone or go outside gets to me. I don’t have anyone to talk to. You may be in this cell, but at least you get to talk to others during the day while you work,” Hannah said.

“Yeah I can see that. But you have a nice bed at night and you get sex regularly – and with a man instead of your fingers or a mop handle!” Becky said.

“Well like I said, there are good points and bad points,” Hannah said.

“I suppose, but I would still trade places with you in an instant. I’d love to have what you have Hannah.

“Since you have been gone my life here has been hell. No one will talk to me because they are afraid of Roberta – they are afraid if they talk to me, Roberta and her girls will come after them.

“Plus now I get all the worst shit details. Do you know how hard it is to clean toilets with a toothbrush on your knees? By the end of the day it’s all I can do to walk to my cell and collapse!” Becky said wistfully.

“I have an idea! I’m going to ask if you can come stay with me! I’m going to ask for you to come live with us!” Hannah said, clapping her hands gleefully.

“I don’t think that will work Hannah. I appreciate the effort, but I’m pretty sure the warden will say no,” Becky sighed.

“Why not? What makes you think he will say no?”

“Because he already asked me and I turned him down. That was why Roberta and the girls came to get me in the bathroom that day. I turned him down.

“But I’m glad you didn’t. You were smarter than me. I still had too much pride and I wasn’t going to become his whore. So now you have the good life and I am stuck here in this hell. Good for you, honey, you do what you have to do to survive.” Becky said.

“Well I’m still going to ask. It can’t hurt, and maybe I can sweet talk him into saying yes. He’s not the only one who knows how to use sex to get what he wants!” Hannah said confidently.

But inside she wasn’t so confidant. This would be the first time she had gone to him with something of this magnitude and she wasn’t entirely sure she could pull it off. But she wanted to keep Becky hopeful just in case.

That day Hannah decided she was going to go all out and she got the house spotlessly clean, and prepared his favorite dinner. Just before he was to come home, she got herself ready for him, getting all dolled up the way she knew he liked her and putting on a special outfit for him.

She wanted everything to be perfect before she unveiled her planned request.

Warden Taylor came home that evening to a quite unexpected scene. As he walked in the door he could immediately tell something unusual was afoot. He could hear Hannah in the kitchen, the sounds of her preparing dinner and the wonderful aroma of steaks on the grill emanating from within.

He smiled happily – life was good!

“I’m home, whore!” he said, as he removed his coat and hung it on the hook by the door.

“I’m in the kitchen, sir! I’ll bring your drink in to you!” Hannah called back.

Warden Taylor went into the living room and sat in his favorite recliner, turning on the television to watch the evening news. A moment later, Hannah emerged from the kitchen with the warden’s drink in her hand. She came over to his recliner and handed him the beverage.

“Here is your drink, sir. How was your day, today?” she asked.

Warden Taylor looked up from the television to look at her. His eyes got wide as he took in the woman before him.

Hannah was a vision, dressed in a sheer pink babydoll with lacy cups and piped edging. The front plunged down to an empirical waist where the front was held together by a thin pink satin ribbon, tied in a bow.

She also wore a matching tiny g-string panty and pink maribou slippers with six inch heels. Her makeup was perfection as well with luscious red glossy lips and smoky eyeshadow. As a final touch, she had a small white lily hair decoration in her hair on one side.

“You look ... amazing,” he said, unable to formulate anything more substantial. He took the drink from her hand and set it on the small table next to his chair, still staring at Hannah.

Hannah blushed and looked down shyly. “Thank you, sir,” she said, “Dinner is just about ready. If you’d like to wash up, I will serve it up.”

“Yes I think I will. I want to change out of these clothes as well,” he said.

He went into the bedroom and a few minutes later Hannah heard the water running in the bathroom. Meanwhile she had finished plating their dinner and had set everything out just as he returned.

“Everything looks wonderful, whore,” he said, sitting down.

“Thank you, sir. Would you like another drink with dinner?” she asked.

“Yes thank you,” he replied.

She went to refresh his drink and when she came back she sat it down on the table. Just as she had set it down, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her over to him. He took both wrists and pulled them around behind her back pinning them behind her as he held her in front of him.

“Okay, now suppose you tell me what this is all about, whore. Why all the trappings and flash? And you can start by explaining where you got this outfit – it certainly isn’t prison issue!” he said sternly.

“Sir ... I ... I ordered it from a store here in town. I know I can’t leave the house, so I had them deliver it. Don’t you like it?” she said, a little nervous at his harsh tone.

“Oh, I like it fine. I am just wondering what’s behind it,” he said, “What are you up to, whore?”

“Okay, you know I went to visit with Becky today. Well, we were talking...” she paused for a moment.

“And?” he said, impatiently.

“Sir, she told me how bad she has it there. How everyone there avoids her for fear of Roberta, and how she gets all the worst work details. She is really having a hard time sir,” she said.

“It is prison, whore, not some kind of vacation resort. Having a hard time is part of the fun here,” he said, sarcastically.

“Sir, please ... she is REALLY suffering,” Hannah said, very serious sounding.

“So what do you want me to do about it?” he asked.

“Well, would it be possible if she came here to stay with me and you, sir? I mean I could use a little help here and I get lonesome when you are gone too. Besides, that would give you two whores for your very own!” she said, her voice rising hopefully.

“Miss Daniels had her chance at an easy time here. She turned it down. So she has made her decision and will have to deal with it,” he said coldly.

“Please, James? I have never asked you for anything but I am asking for this. Please, she is my friend and she is suffering. And I am suffering too knowing how hard she is having it. Please can you give her another chance? For me?” she pleaded.

“Let me think about it. I’m not saying yes, but I will think about it. Okay?” he said.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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