Hot Husband - Cover

Hot Husband

Copyright© 2020 by JavaBlack

Chapter 5: Linda Returns

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Linda Returns - I enjoy watching my husband with other women, then join in.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory  

The house seemed empty without Louisa, but Wallace and I took advantage of the time alone to come together again as a couple, but I knew we had some decisions to make.

I gathered my courage.

“Wallace, we need to talk.”

I think he nearly had a heart attack.

“No, Wallace, nothing like that, I mean about Louisa.”

“What about her?” he asked.

Here goes nothing.

“When she comes back, if you agree, I was thinking of asking her to join us in a more permanent relationship, maybe even move in with us.”

Wallace had a frown on his face, and I was afraid I might have gone too far.

“Don’t you think that’s a little extreme? We’ve really only known her a few months, and while the sex is fantastic there could be all sorts of legal ramifications.

“There’s no legal way to do it, and I’m honestly not worried about us, but what about Louisa?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if we did this, and a few years down the road we decided we wanted to stop?”

“Why would we do that?”

“Who knows? Who could have said five years ago that we’d be where we are now? Maybe we decide to have children, and decide that having Louisa here could confuse the children. Would it be fair to just send her on her way? It’s not like a normal marriage where there a rules about what happens when a marriage ends.”

“I see what you mean. I guess I’m just asking are you open to the possibility? Maybe she won’t be interested. If she is, maybe we could see a lawyer, draw up some sort of an agreement to protect her interests.”

“I’m still not sure,” he said, “but I guess I’m not unalterably opposed to the idea. Let me sleep on it, we have until she gets back to decide if we want to ask her, and maybe she won’t be interested.”

“That works, I guess,” I said though I was vaguely disappointed, and we left it at that.

We had obviously put aside our game since we got involved with Louisa, but after a couple of weeks of just the two of us, we were getting a little twitchy. Wallace, as always, was good about it, but I could tell that he missed having two pussies to play with, and I missed the rest my pussy had when he played with Louisa. Finally...

“Wallace, what do you think about playing our game tonight?”

“I don’t know. Wouldn’t that be a little like cheating on Louisa?”

“I guess, a little bit, maybe, but we never really had any conversations about being exclusive, it never really seemed necessary.

“Maybe we should call her. Who knows, maybe she’s having similar feelings and would like to get laid.”

Wallace laughed.

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” he said, “She’s a firecracker, if she hasn’t gotten laid since she left she’s probably burnt out a few vibrators. Why don’t you call her? I think this is really more between the two of you. You know I’ll go along with whatever you two decide.”

So, I did.

“Hi, Louisa, it’s Allison. Sorry about not calling sooner, how have you been doing?”

“No worries, Allison, I could have called also, but I’ve been as busy as a one-armed paper hanger with an itch. Are you calling for any particular reason or just for my sparkling conversation?”

Okay, ball’s in my court.

“Wallace and I were talking, and realized that we never talked at all about being exclusive...”

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