Out of Cuntrol - Cover

Out of Cuntrol

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Man realizes his biggest mistake regarding women and learns from it: Don't be possessive

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   .

“Don’t ever try to control a woman”; that’s the best advice I can ever give you. When my wife wanted to explore her femaleness, I was threatened and tried to control it by domination. The upshot was that she left me for guy that didn’t mind if she fucked around to learn about “herself”. She even came back to fuck me while living with him just to show me what I lost.

That lesson hit me hard. There have been a number of other good, bad, and bittersweet lessons as I got my shit together. Here’s where I am now.

Melinda, my latest companion, is a slut and I love her to “pieces”. She feels the same way about me and says the best part of her day is when she can tell me about the copulating she’d done since we were together last. We don’t shack up because that would cramp her style but she overnights with me about every other day. I’m in my early 50s and getting laid that often, especially the way she does it, keeps my horns nicely clipped.

My hottie is in her mid-30s, at the peak of her sexuality after screwing her way out of a marriage and an engagement. Neither of those men could properly handle her lust for life and cock. She says I’m doing a pretty competent job of it. That makes me feel good.

I have to give a lot of credit to Roseann, a mid-forties married woman that I met at a club we both belong to. She was an easy lay and when I got to know her I discovered why. Her husband had learned the valuable lesson that control is the enemy of togetherness. After the kids were grown, she wanted to explore freedom she’d never had before, growing up in a very religious household. Being clever enough to get her husband laid by a girlfriend, that opened the door for her own sexual explorations. Now he appreciated and enjoyed what she brought back to their marital bed.

Melinda got acquainted with me at the adult wellness center where I seemed to see her pretty often when I went to work out and keep this bod in shape. That was one of her criteria for spreading her legs. She was quite open that other guys were banging her as soon as I got my opportunity. I quickly realized that if I wanted to enjoy this sensual female I was going to have to accept reality. She never threw it in my face but made no secret of her carnal activity either.

I guess the seminal moment was when I went to pick her up for a dinner date and saw her kiss a man goodbye just before I arrived at her door. She was running late and was still in a robe when I arrived. My comment, “I hope I wasn’t too early”, was ignored and she gave me a hot kiss. My hands had easy access to her breasts inside the robe and then discovered a dripping pussy a moment later. It was obvious what she’d been doing but she wasn’t a bit embarrassed. Her hand landed on my erection and I was quickly unzipped and engulfed by her mouth.

Moments later she was bent over a table and full of my hard cock, responding exactly how I enjoy. There was a different texture to the wetness between our rubbing tissues and I flashed on my sperm battling with his when I released some on their futile search for an ovum.

Nothing was said during dinner and then when I returned her to her apartment she asked if I would like a second helping. And I responded, “Only seconds? Maybe it’s thirds or more?” She grinned and pulled me to the bed. We fucked furiously, each motivated by our own mental triggers, and I spent the night, nailing her twice again before breakfast. Pretty admirable performance for a man my age, eh?

As we sipped coffee, she said, “You seemed to enjoy last night. I guess you are okay with it.”

I queried, “Depends on what ‘it’ is.”

“The fact that I fuck other guys.”

My smiling response was, “Didn’t seem to diminish my pleasure any. Maybe even got you hotter than I could by myself.”

She hugged me and explained, “My ex-husband got more and more controlling of me. I rebelled by cheating on him whenever I got the chance. Neither one of us was happy and we split. It’s very important to me to be in control of my own body and I greatly respect any man for whom it is not an issue. You are one of a few, I want you to know.”

I countered, “So how many men are there who are special to you?”

She squeezed my cock, still in her pussy, “Currently there are two others. One of whom you saw tonight. But he is married and so has limited opportunity to bang me. The other man is single like you, and a bit younger. He and I fuck about as often as you and me. He wants me to marry him but I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet.”

I had to ask, “If you did marry, would you go monogamous?”

“Weren’t you listening? Remember what I told you about my first marriage?”

Oops! “Yeah, now I do. Dumb question.”

We’d both been married before, so we knew what it was like to spend day in and day out with another person. As I got more and more attached emotionally, I did make suggestions about living together which she gently refused. The best I could do was take her away on a week’s vacation, thinking I could see what it was like to have her all to myself, or even if that was a good idea.

I rented a small motorhome and we planned a road trip to some of the national parks. A group of them are pretty close together in New Mexico and Arizona so that’s where we headed.

The weather was great and I really enjoyed her company, both in and out of bed. Getting to sleep with her every night was feeling pretty special to me when she made a request. “We are going to be overnighting where one of my past boyfriends moved to. We still keep in touch by email and I would really like to see him again. How do you feel about that?”

“This might be a test,” I thought. So I asked the question in return, “And more precisely what do you mean by ‘see’?”

She gave me a little smile, “He’s not dating anyone exclusively as far as I know and I have pleasant memories of being naked with him. I’d like to refresh some of those with or without your presence.”

That was the first time she’d ever mentioned any group activities with me involved. I knew she’d had them in the past and they had made some hot fuck stories. This would be a one-nighter, not an ongoing situation so I figured it was an opportunity not to be missed. “Here’s where we will be staying. See if he knows where that is.” The implicit acceptance was duly noted.

By the way, a real advantage of a motorhome is your passengers have a lot of freedom of movement. The nice blowjob I got was only noted by passing truckers who were high enough to see in. She wiggled her naked ass at them when they honked their horns.

We parked at a lodge that I belong to which offers members low-cost hookups. Jack found us there and offered to take us out to dinner. I said very little as they caught up with each other. It had been a year.

He seemed decent enough and I trusted her judgement. When we retired to the RV she dimmed the lights, put on some soft music, and simply undressed. There was no other room from which to make a grand nude entrance! The first live sex show of my life was commencing.

I sat enthralled as I saw that familiar “territory” being explored by someone else. I could pull up my own sensory memories from this morning as her arousal grew. Melinda glanced at me from time to time but mostly focused on her lover. That was as it should be so long as I was only a spectator, the role I wanted right now.

When his intruding helmet made a circle of her labia and his testicles slapped against her ass, my hand stroked my own ready tool. She held her tits which were wildly flopping up and down with the vigorous pummeling. Easier to maybe get some mouth time on them if they were more stable targets.

Either Jack wasn’t getting much pussy these days, or Melinda was awfully stimulating, or maybe a combination of both, but I soon saw the telltale signs of impending ejaculation. You could close your eyes and tell when the first shot of his semen went deep. She had a special cry when that happened.

After a short time to make sure he was fully drained, she rolled him off and looked invitingly at me. That’s all I needed and I damn near came as soon as I slid into the freshest “seconds” I had ever had. Now I knew that there had been quite a few from her in the past but this was the hottest and wettest ever both physically and mentally.

There was no way in hell I could hold back very long either and she knew it. Her hot mouth sucked in my tongue just like her lower lips were sucking in my penis. I had a fleeting thought that I wished my tongue could ejaculate as much is my other penetrating organ.

Our hottie cleaned both of our cocks and then went off to take a piss. When she returned, bearing drinks, nothing was said. We were each relishing our own aftermath of feelings. I teased her a little by taking some of the whiskey on a fingertip and rubbing it on her nipples, then sucking it off. Jack got the idea and we each took the closest breast as a vehicle for our refreshment. This resulted in giggles and hands probing to see if we had regained our usefulness.

This time she sat on Jack reverse cowgirl so I had access to all of the erogenous zones on her front as she controlled the penetration. I got mouth fucking and tit fucking while he got pussy fucking. In a surprise for both of her men, she laid back on his chest and pulled my cock towards her already plugged vagina. She whispered, “Put yours in me too. Believe me it works.”

Jack held still while I gently but firmly slid in alongside him. It sure was tight and erotic as hell to be shaft-to-shaft with another man for the first time in both of our lives. Apparently not our hostess’s though. We were advised to take turns doing the stroking and after some clumsy attempts we got it to work.

I could actually feel the pulses of his semen traveling up the underside of his cock tight against mine. I thought I’d gotten fresh seconds before! Now my own cock was being directly flooded with another man’s seed. As soon as his pulses stopped I moved hard to add mine as well. I heard Jack groan as he felt me ejaculate on his organ.

Our guest had to leave shortly thereafter and bid us adieu. Melinda and I slept until well after daybreak, quickly showered and had to get on the road. It was quiet for many miles until my travel partner unzipped my pants, pulled out my penis, and said, “I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t the worse for wear.” That made me laugh and we began talking about what it happened.

As part of the conversation I had to ask, “So was this some kind of test?”

“Well I didn’t mean it that way, but I guess it was. Any man that could happily do what you did last night is pretty goddamn special in my book. I wouldn’t want to do that kind of thing too often because it needs to stay special, but if I could look forward to sharing adventures with someone, I sure wouldn’t want to lose them.”

Melinda continued in her thoughtful vein, “This time away from my regular life has helped me realize some important things. Perhaps I’m growing up because I recognize just how much energy and time I spend on my current style of sex life. Being with you and including our fun last night was just as satisfying and a lot less stressful. My conclusion is that if you still want me, knowing what a slut I can be, I will accept your offer of marriage.”

I laughed, “I’m not sure how to write an expectation of sluttiness into a prenuptial agreement. We will have to work on wording that makes it clear that neither one of us will ever exert control over the other. The expectation of cooperation or respect is only reasonable, so that’s not something I’m concerned about. Any idea of a timetable for this commitment?”

“Pull over in the next rest area. I like to celebrate getting engaged with a fuck. I sure hope this third time is a charm, as the saying goes.”

It was going to take some figuring to come up with a date for the ceremony so she moved it around. The married lover was told he could still get his jollies and I might be present but in another room, and would likely want a piece after he left. Melinda had NO problem with that, as you might expect. If it could be done, she wanted him to fuck her just before the ceremony too.

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