Raped! - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Kathy Johnson has been dressing a little too forward for the business world and because of that, has inadvertently been teasing her boss with her flirtatious ways. When he catches her in the parking garage after a late night in the office, he exacts his revenge for the "discomfort" she has caused him!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Workplace   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Analingus   Oral Sex   Public Sex   Revenge  

The parking garage was almost empty when the elevator opened and Kathy stepped out. She’d had to work late getting a proposal ready for a big meeting she and Mr. Andrews had the next day with a prospective client. Normally when she left for home, the parking garage was well lit by the afternoon sun and there were a lot of cars and a few people around. But at this late hour, the cars were very few – only a few cars that belonged to the janitorial staff, and she was alone in the dimly lit parking garage.

She began the long walk to her car. The office building she worked in was in the downtown core area, not the best location for a woman walking alone late at night. But with the lack of cars around, at least no one could jump out at her unexpectedly. Still she walked quickly, wanting to get to the safety and security of her car as quickly as possible. But her parking spot was some distance from the elevator and she had to walk down one level and up the ramp to the next one before reaching her white 1999 Toyota Cambry.

As she walked she could hear the sound of her heels clicking against the concrete and echoing off the walls of the parking garage. Hearing only one set of footsteps, her own, was almost a comfort to her. She made her way down the center of the row looking around as she walked. She didn’t want to be caught off-guard or surprised as her nerves were on edge.

As she walked further down the row, suddenly she heard something behind her. She spun around and strained to see into the dark shadows, but to no avail. she turned back around walking quickly again and listening for the sound again. She had only taken a few steps when she heard it. A second set of footsetps! She wasn’t alone!

Kathy’s heart raced as she moved quickly. She didn’t want to break into a run for fear of alerting whoever it was that she was aware of them. Besides, in the heels she was wearing, it wouldn’t take much for them to catch her. And if she took them off, whoever was following her would be on her before she could start running again.

Kathy walked briskly, listening and hoping that whoever was following her just happened to be going the same direction as her and not after her specifically. Her paniced mind conjured up all sorts of horrific images and scenarios. What if he was some psychotic, deranged killer? What if it was a rapist or kidnapper? What if they wanted to rob her?

She went through the contents of her purse mentally to see what they might get or what she might use to buy her safety. She hadn’t got paid yet and so she didn’t have a lot of money on her. She had a couple credit cards she could give him and then cancel as quickly as she could get to the bank. She had the keys to the house but she could change the locks right away. And the keys to her car. Oh, please don’t take my car! she thought.

She had just bought it from a used car dealer and hadn’t even made the second payment yet. And her insurance only covered the minimum – liability – which was all she could afford right now. So if they stole her car, she would be out of a car and still have to make the payments on it!

All of a sudden Kathy saw her car in its parking spot. I’m almost there! she thought to herself. Just a few more seconds and I’ll be safe! Then she heard a voice from behind her.

“Miss Johnson!” the male voice cried out. Kathy recognized the voice as that of her boss, Mr. Andrews!

“Oh, Mr. Andrews! Oh, I’m so glad it’s you! I was scared to death it was some kind of pervert behind me!” she said leaning against the hood of her car, trying to calm down.

“I’m sorry I frightened you, I wasn’t sure until you got to your car that it was even you I was following. I waited for you to turn around but when you did, your face was in the shadows and I still couldn’t recognize you. Since you didn’t ask ‘Who’s there?’ or anything, I couldn’t tell who I was following! I’m so sorry I scared you like that!” he apologized.

“It’s okay, at least I got my cardio for the day!” she said, smiling again. “What is it you wanted, Sir?” she asked.

“Actually ... you. You are what I want, Miss Johnson!” he said.

“What?” she asked, shocked at his reply. “What do you mean?”

He grabbed her by the upper arm. “You know what I mean. You come to work dressed up and looking all sexy in your short skirts and low cut tops. You are a tease, Kathy, a slutty little cocktease. And I am tired of spending the day with a fucking hard-on because of your prancing around. You don’t think I notice because I’m in my office most of the day, but I see you bending over the copy machine or getting water at the water machine. I see how you walk across the room in your heels, flipping your blonde hair so sassy ... you think because you are the boss’s secretary that your shit don’t stink! Well, your days of teasing me and advertising what you have are over – it’s time to sell your slutty wares, young lady!” he said gruffly.

“But Mr. Andrews!” she protested.

“Shut up, slut!” he shouted.

Kathy was shocked into silence at his stern, demanding tone. This wasn’t the Mr. Andrews she was used to seeing – the friendly, warm-hearted man who always had a kind words for everyone.

“That’s more like it,” he said, “Now let me explain a couple things. First off, this parking garage is not patrolled this late at night – usually there isn’t anyone working in the building so the security guard doesn’t walk the garage on his rounds. His responsibility is the inside of the building, not out here. So no one will be coming by to interrupt us for hours. Secondly, the walls surrounding this garage not only keep the interior dry, they also are quite effective in keeping the sound down. Any screams you make won’t be heard by anyone but us, so there’s no point in trying it. Understand?”

“Yes Sir,” Kathy said, still stunned that this was happening to her. She wanted to run to get out of there even if it meant she would lose her job. But somehow her feet felt rooted to the concrete below her and she just stood there waiting – and fearing – what would happen next.

“Good girl. Now take off that jacket,” he ordered. Kathy responded without thinking, almost robotically removing her jacket as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She let it fall to the concrete floor and stood there awaiting further orders.

“Now the blouse,” he said, flatly.

Kathy’s sense of dignity and morality finally asserted itself and she protested. “Mr. Andrews, please! Please don’t do this!” she said.

But he would not be swayed. “Take off that blouse slut or I will take it off for you. And it looks much too nice and too expensive for me to rip it to shreds!”

Kathy knew that he was not kidding; one look into his eyes told her he meant business. And with little option at her disposal, she slowly removed the white silk blouse and dropped it on the concrete floor next to her jacket.

Kathy stood there in front of her boss wearing nothing above the waist except for her lacy red bra. She tried using her arms to cover herself and keep him from leering at her like he was. He just smiled though, “Oh so now you get all bashful and modest eh? Well it’s a little too late for all that now. You have taunted and harassed me with your whorish teasing long enough. Now it’s time I get my due,” he said.

“B-but Sir ... I-I was only trying to look good for you! I was only trying to look good for our customers!” she said, trying to justify her actions.

“Miss Johnson, there is a difference between dressing nicely for business and dressing to entice. And a difference between being polite and courteous to customers and co-workers and being a teasing slut! You, my dear, have crossed both lines many times and until now I have tried to look the other way. I have even had to excuse your forwardness to some of our customers, blaming it on your inexperience and youthful exuberance. But you have also taunted me and made me uncomfortable and for that you are in this predicatment now,” he said.

“How Sir? How have I made you uncomfortable?” she asked innocently.

“Well for starters, do you have any idea how difficult it is to sit behind my desk with a raging hard on? A hard on that you caused? There isn’t much room under my desk and it’s just not good business to adjust your crotch when in a meeting with a client! And let’s not even get into making a presentation – standing up in front of a group of prospective clients with a bulge in your pants makes for one awkward sales pitch!”

“But Sir...” she started to say.

“QUIET!” he shouted. Kathy instantly stopped in mid-sentence. “I wasn’t finished. In addition to my own discomfort, you have embarrassed this company with your fiirtations and coquettish ways. Many of our customers are good, solid, family men and your kittenish playing makes them uncomfortable thinking things they ought not be thinking.”

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