Voyage of Sexcovery - Cover

Voyage of Sexcovery

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Young twenty-second century scientists discover that an ocean research voyage can lead to many new things in their world.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Sharing   Gang Bang   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Nudism   .

The ocean is an almost unlimited source of biological miracles if you know where to look for them. A whole new scientific field in biology had developed since pandemics became way too common, shrinking the world’s population to a third of what it had been when the twenty-first century began. Although painful it had greatly helped a number of man-made issues. Populations were overgrown so that strict birth control had been adopted worldwide. Global warming had not been well countered due to the selfish goals of politicians and business powers so they had fallen too. Chronically warm parts of the earth which had been home to many struggling people were now uninhabitable due to temperature and rising ocean levels. Winter hardly happened at the North and South poles.

Seth pushed the power button on his small APT. The ‘All Purpose Tool’ was one of the things that helped man adapt to the changed world. It eliminated much manufacturing and the related pollution. Its cheap subsidized cost empowered the people remaining in low-income areas while improving their standard of living. The work week went to twenty hours as well. Military might’s influence faded as well while people struggled to survive; conquer for what?

Seth told his personal ATP to be fishing tackle. A minute later he was ready and walked out on the deck of the anchored research vessel. He figured out which lure to attach to the line and flipped it into the water. He could have attached a little video/sonar to see and locate the fish but liked the good ole way.

It was so warm that lack of clothing was more than optional if you were outdoors. Where he was had a tarp for shade though. It was comfortable and relaxing. He’d had some nibbles but nothing solid when Xira, another research scientist, discovered him. “Don’t you look like you are having fun. May I join you?” She was from Africa and a beautiful ebony specimen of womanhood with a great brain. That was a most attractive combination so his cock started filling. She was new on board and he hadn’t interacted with her much.

She noticed his pale pipe swelling and grinned as she said, “You interested in making us both feel good? I’m horny. Haven’t been laid since last night.”

He grinned back and her mouth got him the rest of the way ready quickly. They were out in the open although the location was rather secluded. She was eager, more so than he had ever encountered, and simply mounted him in the lay-back chair he was in. His first black pussy felt so good and the visual was very erotic, a pale shaft disappearing in a coal black crotch. So did her firm conical tits. His fingers made her whimper as he stroked and pinched them. Just as she began that wonderful up-and-down his other rod signaled that he had a catch. It was a hell of a situation but he pulled the big sea bass in while she fucked him. He spurted in her as the fish flopped on the deck. She shook in her pleasure too and pulled off to see the fish. Then her attention quickly changed since she was an ocean fish specialist. She started babbling stuff he didn’t understand. He announced, “I’m going clean it and grill it for dinner.” She wanted to be there for the dissection, so he let her have the entrails as he extracted the filets. She was thrilled.

She was so appreciative she spent the night with him. He’d never had black pussy before, actually not a lot of any pussy, so he was thrilled. He figured she picked up on that and guided him gracefully. In the very dim cabin light she felt much the same as the few white tits he’d explored. She showed his hands what pleasured her and he took his time, getting her wound up enough that she pulled his rod to her wet, hot portal. Sleep was gladly interrupted twice more before dawn when she got up, peed with the tiny head’s (that’s a marine toilet, not the end of a dick in this case) door open, and gave him a goodbye kiss. She actually thanked him for a good time as she departed. He laid in the messed-up bed wondering how many cocks and of what color had enjoyed her prime pussy.

He was very busy with work modelling the distribution of fish species in the ocean. Xira had to practically ambush him to get laid. Not that he was the only one who satisfied her horny ebony pussy, but he quickly became a preferred one, he finally caught on.

She had laid him in the afternoon, sort of accidentally because he saw her riding the only black man of the boat’s crew in a corner of the upper deck. She whispered to him to stick around and when she rolled off that man her crotch was streaked with white cum so Seth strove to make it even messier. He left her without a word and headed for where he had been going.

It was 9pm that night and he was in his bunk reading when his phone rang. Another team member was giving him a video call. “Seth, Xira asked me to make this call. She’d like you up on the top deck right away. I’ve just had sex with her and she is riding someone else. She wants you for thirds, I guess.” Over the caller’s shoulder in the fading sky light he could see the shape of her riding a man whose face wasn’t visible.

“Tell her I’ll be there asap.”

He arrived just as she dismounted and she asked, “How do you want me?”

“On your back. You must be tired.” She nodded.

Seth raised her knees but kept her legs together. He laid down beside her on his side, put her legs over his hips and easily slid his erection into her sloppy snatch. He gave the nearest tit a nip and a suck and started pumping. Burying the bone in a pussy he knew had just been milking other cocks was a hot experience, let alone thirds.

“Are you really THAT horny you need five fucks, or maybe more I don’t know about, in one day?”

In the dim light he saw her white teeth in a grin, “Two more. Not my record though.”

“No shit! What is?”

“An even dozen with seven different guys.”

“And why?”

Xira paused, then explained, “It’s hereditary and tied to my ovulation. My mother had fourteen children and she confided in me they were probably not all her husband’s. Fortunately, I was the second one out so didn’t get any effects of an exhausted uterus. They didn’t have any birth control then.”

Seth asked, “But doesn’t birth control suppress ovulation?”

“Not the IUD. One of you will technically impregnate me but the device won’t let it implant and grow.”

“Why don’t you use the other kind?” Seth wondered.

“I react badly to the hormones and might also if I ever do get pregnant, even by choice. So there. Does that help you be OK with promiscuous me?”

Seth nodded and she had a final request, “I know it’s cozy but I’d like to snuggle with you in your bunk all night.”

She showered and paraded nude though the dim light to his tiny cabin. In the middle of the night she got piece eight, but quietly.

The next day the ship was anchored near a small tropical island whose vegetation was still struggling to adapt to the changed climate. Xira wanted to do a species survey in the shallow waters around it. In the small boat they spoke to their APTs asking for air generating packs. These would extract oxygen from the water so they could swim as long as they wished without bulky tanks or making bubbles. Taking a spear gun and a camera they were ready.

Seth liked seeing her lithe body moving in the water and finally couldn’t take it any longer. He tapped her on the shoulder and reached for her pussy. She quickly fondled his cock to get it ready and they floated and fucked. What fun. Fishes began nosing her oozing twat, drawn by the water-borne “scent”.

Survey done they walked ashore and found a good place a bit inland. “Fuck me again, big boy,” was all she had to say. It was a lot more romantic than the top deck or a cramped bunk. She seemed satiated so Seth opted for a nap when they got back on board.

He looked for her for a before dinner drink. She was on the top deck under that big black guy with her eyes closed and her thighs open. When that drained dick pulled out she didn’t open her eyes so Seth buried his bone without asking. That opened them and she squealed with joy.

“When does your ovulation time end?” Seth asked at dinner.

“Probably tonight. Why do you want to know?”

“Cause I don’t like looking all over for you and maybe I’d like a bit more exclusivity.”

Xira reached for his hand, “That issue has complicated my life since I started fuckin in my early teens. I really like you so what can we work out?”

She continued, “I won’t promise what I can’t be sure of doing. I expect I can be pretty monogamous for the next three weeks and we should be done with this trip way before then. But I’m used to variety so there might be a bit of that. The guys on board I’ve banged will tempt me, I’m sure. I won’t keep secrets either, if that helps.”

Seth had to think on that with his cock slowly sliding in his predecessor’s cream. It did feel good and sexy, he had to admit. Hmmm.

As it turned out she did slip in a different dick every two or three days but it was discreet and she admitted it to Seth who appreciated her fidelity, not sexual of course, but doing as she’d promised.

Once back on land though, would it be a different story?

They shared an AGV (Anti-Gravity Vehicle) from the boat dock to the main research building. It was mostly labs with only a few administrative offices since most scientists did desk-type work at home, coming on site only for the hands-on part of their research.

After checking in and making sure that what they had collected on the voyage was properly processed, they headed out. Seth asked Xira if there was any reason she couldn’t stay at his place for a few days. The only thing she could think of was having enough computer access for her work. Seth told her he was a night owl so she could use his all day or make another one from her APT. She agreed and he called for an AGV. Oh, because of the climate, clothing was barely minimal for both sexes. Xira’s firm black tits were an eye-catcher.

To Seth’s surprise, a red-headed woman with a small backpack and a small dog was waiting nearby. He recognized her immediately and whispered to Xira, “That’s Sirc, a woman who has lived with me. I wonder what she wants? Our parting wasn’t the most friendly.” Xira nodded.

He approached her and was greeted with a hug, pressing her small but firm, barely covered tits to his chest. She ignored Xira’s presence even after an introduction. She started with, “I need shelter for a few days and didn’t want to go to a charity place. I have a little pride left even though I must admit to many mistakes. I checked that you still lived here and I was close but it took my last resources to get here.” She stopped and looked up at him expectantly.

She was a number of years younger than he, like Xira, and much shorter than his new black partner.

Being the sympathetic sort he had to help, considering the several good years they’d had together. “OK, I’ll put you up but it will be cozy. You need to be ok with Xira in my bed and I’ll make you one from the FFD in the common room.” An FFD was a “Flexible Furniture Device” that could take on most furniture shapes you’d need. It was voice operated like the APT. She nodded without a smile, maybe disappointed with the sleeping arrangements. She’d been a hot one, just like the redhead stereotype.

They were inside now and Seth offered some food. She admitted she was quite hungry and so was Oscar, her dog. He remarked, “I thought his name as Sparky”.

“I lost Sparky almost a year ago. Even the Rejuvenator couldn’t do much. He was pretty old.” She focused on eating as Seth and Xira settled in, she not saying much except her whisper, “You are an awfully nice guy. Maybe too nice. We’ll just have to be extra quiet in bed.”

It was soon evening and Xira fixed an interesting South African meal accompanied by a matching wine. Sirc told a bit about her troubles, the biggest one being employment. She had been a technical writer until artificial intelligence suddenly automated that work. That was her big skill and her employment from then on was sporadic. She didn’t know what to do. Seth said he’d sleep on it.

They had all been naked, as was the indoor norm, so getting ready for sleep meant taking turns in the one bathroom. It had a bidet which saved trees and the sewage system. Rinsing a just-cummed-in pussy was nice too. Seth noticed that Sirc’s red crotch bush was naturally neat as he remembered it. That triggered some memories and his cock filled a little.

When he laid by Xira’s side she fondled him hard and said softly, “Go fuck her. I can tell she needs it more than I. Save some for me though when you return. Go!”

Sicr was awake when he got in the bed on the side where Oscar wasn’t. Without a word she wrapped her arms around him and nearly strangled him with her tongue between his lips as they kissed. When he tried to tease her tits with his tongue she pushed him further down and quickly had a bed-shaking pleasure peak as his remembered skills brought her to it. Moments later he weas buried to the pubes in her still familiar pleasure-place. Her hips fucked back as he slid in and out, enjoying the sensations and it went well. He’d often gone for seconds with her in the past without even pulling out but she said softly, “I know what you are thinking. Go to Xira. I don’t mean to deprive her.”

“She has softened her feelings since we were last together,” he thought as he pulled out, rinsed his dick in the bathroom, and got back in his own bed.

Xira’s mouth quickly resurrected him and her felt her differently delightful pussy. The tissue texture and the way it gripped him were not the same as Sirc’s but it was difficult to describe. They had a long and leisurely fuck during which she whispered, “You have been very accepting of me so I was happy to let things balance out. I knew you could do it.”

The next day was Saturday so they could rest and get caught up with each other. Sirc told her tale of woe after splitting up with Seth. It was finally discovered that her hormones had gotten way out of balance which affected her emotions in a negative way. That was corrected by some outpatient surgery and she swore she was back to normal. Her sex drive had gone to zero then but was now back to its former glory as Seth could hopefully tell.

Her employment was sporadic and then the bottom dropped out of her field. She’d had to sell her APT to pay for Sparky’s last care and buy food. She’d adopted Oscar as a badly needed companion dog for free, at least. Her last ten months she’d been hooking up with assorted guys as live-in housekeeper and cunt. Good thing birth control and medical services were at no cost.

Xira stayed. Her work hours at the FFD configured as a desk were 8am to noon. Seth worked 7pm to 11. The FFD was a couch the rest of the time. By now Sirc was on the other side of Seth in his expanded bed.

A week after her arrival Seth announced he’d come up with a possible option for Sirc. He’d explain it on Saturday night when he’d invited a longtime colleague and friend for dinner. His name was Zi, a second generation Taiwanese-American who worked in artificial intelligence for non-scientific applications. He’d gone out on his own and had a thriving business which they would learn more about when he was there.

Sirc handled her anxious curiosity by banging her benefactor as much as she dared without cutting off Xira. Seth was in male heaven and rose to the situation several times a day. Sirc knew Zi from social interactions with him and his varying dates when she was still with Seth but no exchanging had been done.

After an excellent African meal by Xira, Seth stood up to explain the purpose of this meeting. “Zi has built a successful e-book publishing business using artificial intelligence to study and then write specific genres, I believe, being murder mysteries and romance, and has it write fictional short stories and books under several pen names. He now wants to pursue erotica but, between doing the technical work and the increasing business load, is working too damn much. I’m proposing that Sirc take over the content part of the creative process. She can learn the technical stuff she needs to know quite easily I think. The genre is about something near and dear to several parts of her body. I know her brain is ready, remembering the fantasies and role playing we used to do.” She blushed but her heart was racing.

She stood up and faced Zi, “That sounds exciting in more than one way, based on what Seth said. When do I start and where do I work?”

Zi stood up too and went to hug her, then pulled back a bit, keeping their crotches in contact. “Start immediately please, I’m behind schedule. You will have a salary plus a percentage of the sales. We’ll mess with that tomorrow and you won’t be disappointed. I work at home but have a big place.”

Keeping their parts pushing on each other she replied, “Big enough for me to live there? These guys have hosted me enough.”

Zi grinned, “Pack your things and you can leave with me.” She squealed in delight and Xira later told Seth she thought Zi might get raped on the spot. She did hear later that a second bed wasn’t needed. Seth was not at all surprised, knowing both of them.

By now it was clear than Xira wasn’t going back to her place so she packed and gave it up. All of the changes had happened at a rather rapid pace so Seth was a bit off guard when Xira reminded him of her upcoming ovulation. “You have other responsibilities so I don’t think you can keep up.”

They had some serious talks during which Xira admitted that the affection-enhanced copulations they had were worth at least two plain fucks. That got problem solver Seth’s mind going. After a bit he announced, “I’m bringing home someone from work after our Friday ‘Face-To-Face’ company get together. Please fix a dinner for three. Oh, it’s a guy.”

On Friday Seth was accompanied, as promised. “Xira, this is Doctor Jack. Jack this is Xira, my roommate.”

Shyly, Jack corrected his host, “I’m just ‘Jack’, not ‘Doctor’, outside of work.” He chose red wine.

During dinner they traded facts about themselves. Seth’s background was pretty cookie cutter. He was currently twenty-five with a Master’s degree in his field. Xira had received her undergraduate degree in South Africa and came to the US for her Masters and the coursework towards a PhD but never did a dissertation. Seth noted that. He was surprised that she was ten years older than he. Hard to tell in black women.

Jack was the real surprise. Born in the Midwest he’d graduated high school with a coop Associate degree at eleven and received his PhD in quantum computing on his sixteenth birthday. That was six months ago.

Seth grinned, “We’d get in trouble for serving you wine, but if you stay over I’ll refill the glass.” Jack nodded, his gaze fixed on Xira’s body which she made sure had had a good view of.

When his second glass of wine was finished it was getting later so Seth winked at Xira who had figured out the plan. Moving her nude body to sit beside him on the big couch she not-very-subtly asked the tipsy youth, “Are you a virgin?” When he shyly nodded, she took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. In the very dim light Seth watched as Xira gently guided him in this unfamiliar territory until he became a man and it was repeated before he was snoring. She lay on her side facing him as Seth quietly slipped in behind her, her top leg up in welcome. He enjoyed ‘sloppy thirds’ before he fell asleep.

She was riding the new man as Seth woke up and kissed her, to Jack’s surprise, before he went to use the toilet. That act was finishing as he laid down beside them and Xira gracefully moved over to ride Seth’s hard shaft as Jack watched his own semen ooze out around Seth pushing into where he’d just had his pleasure. When that finished, Xira leaned over, still on Seth, and said, “Good morning. How do you like these lessons?”

Getting his wits together he said with a grin, “Best damn ones I’ve ever had. Are these ongoing?”

“That’s why you were invited. She’s more than I can handle during part of the month and we hoped you would help,” answered Seth.

Xira piped up, “Pretty good for a beginner and more lessons will really help, I think. How often can you be here?”

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