Hillbilly Holedown - Cover

Hillbilly Holedown

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A hill girl needs filling up real bad.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Sharing   Incest   Gang Bang   First   Nudism   .

Billie Jo Jean wuz horny. Usually called “BJ” because after 12 kids her parents had run out of combinations of the few family names they used. They wuz expecting a boy and there wuz several other “Billie”s. Anyway, she hadn’t been screwed since last night and Pa and the boys had left fer the auction afore she woke up. You see, Pa didn’t want no more kids so her and Ma took care of him and her two brothers during their safe times, which thankfully weren’t the same. All the other daughters had gotten pregnant by somebody or other and left for other parts. A few wuz married, one lived in town with a boyfriend trying to finish high school so’s to be the first in the family to do that, and a couple of them worked at the truck stop serving food and pussy at reasonable prices.

She didn’t feel like rubbin it with a corncob, and the houndog wern’t no good ... too lazy. What wuz a country girl to do? “Guess’n Ah’ll go ter the crik an get clean,” she thought. It wuz a warm day and that might get her thoughts off the itch in her crotch. She grabbed a towel.

When she got to the swimmin hole there wuz three boys a bit younger then her. She didn’t pay them no mind and stripped down to do what she came fer. The boys, like everyone else who used the place, wuz nekkid too, since swimsuits wuz an uncommon luxury in those parts. She wuz a little surprised at the attention to her body these boys showed. Now her body wuz female but not much to draw attention too. Bein’ the last bun out of a tired and poorly nourished oven, she wuz a runt, and not very bright or pretty of face either. Just enough tit to show she weren’t no guy. Of course, her brothers wuz very familiar with her body inside and out, and mostly paid attention to her when their nuts needed draining. Them worthless kin didn’t know what compliments wuz, but these boys wuz different.

Their little peckers wuz standin up ... smaller than she wuz used to and circumcised as well, and that wuz different. They stared when she got out of the water and dried herself off. “Ain’t you ever seed a nekkid girl befur?” she asked.

“No maam!” replied the tallest of the three. “We have all boys in our family and we only see our momma’s breasts by accident.” BJ’s nipples started to stand out. She had heard about virgins and there might be three of them right in front of her. This might answer her needs.

Putting her towel on the ground she sat Indian style. The boys’ eyes wuz locked on her furry patch. Being a bit older than they wuz, she took on the role of teacher. “Waal Ah guess it’s time y’all larned about gurls and Ahm just the one to larn ya.” Arranging her students in a tight half circle around her, they would all be able to see and touch as needed. She reached down and rubbed each erection just a little bit because she knew what happened if you did very much and it would be too messy right now. Besides, the Bible said that seed shouldn’t be spilt on the ground. It belonged inside a gurl altho the verse wasn’t specific about which end or hole.

“These here are titties or boobs. They’re fun to play with. When the ends, or ‘nips’ gets hard that means either the girl is cold or she’s having fun. Here, let me show y’all how to touch ‘em.” With six hands and only two titties it took a while and the boys carefully took turns. They wuz very polite and said “Yes, ma’am” and “thank you” a lot. She wasn’t used to respect but liked it. Then the eager students learned about nibbling and sucking nips. BJ wuz getting pretty aroused by the time that wuz done.

She laid back to show what wuz hiding under the crotch fur and told about her “pussy” or “cunny”, or “twitchet” as the old folks called it. During their touching of her “button” she climaxed, scaring the boys until she explained that it wuz a big thrill that she liked. The others wanted to do it to her then. After getting one from each of the other two boys she sat up and got real serious.

“Ma says that what Ah want ta do next orter only be done with famly or boyfriends. She never said nothin about how many boyfriends a gurl culd have so Ah wanter know if y’all wud be my boyfriends?” Not quite sure what they wuz agreeing too, but wanting to be polite, and also to keep this girl going, they all nodded.

“OK,” she continued, laying on her back, raising her knees and spreading them apart. “This is userly called ‘fuckin’ or ‘screwin’ or ‘bangin’.” Pointing to the biggest boy, she told him to put his pecker in her hole and move it in and out. He did that about ten times and his buns tightened and he groaned as she felt his juice squirting inside. She gently pushed him off and beckoned to the next largest boy, and a few minutes later, the third. BJ sat up and said proudly, “Y’all ain’t virgins no more. Yer dicks’ll refill pritty quick and last longer this next time.” Sure enough, the oldest boy’s pecker wuz already standing up ready and she guided him to make it more fun for her before his juice shot out again. The same with her other two “boyfriends”.

“It’s gittin late,” she exclaimed. “Since yur my boyfriends, y’all have to do this to me agin, y’hear? Be here tomorrow!” Lots of nods! BJ jumped in the pond to rinse herself and went home. There wuz just time for a short nap before the menfolk got back. Her brothers wuz all het up being around other girls at the auction and arm-wrestled to see who would bang BJ first. She got woke up by the younger one lifting up her dress looking for her pecker socket. She got on her hands and knees cause she knew he just wanted to shoot his juice in her, and the other one wuz waiting to slip his pecker in as soon as her hole wuz empty. Pa would do a better job in her later tonight afore he got in his own bed with Ma.

Later on, after Pa finished fucking her and she went to the two holer to drain the cum and piss, she realized that her cunny wuz a little sore, but it didn’t usually do that much fuckin in one day. She slowly counted up to nine. Wow, that wuz the most ever. She wondered of Ma ever did that much. Maybe at a family reunion when there wuz lots of uncles and cousins and such. Ma seemed to be real popler and took lots of em to the barn, especially now that most of the daughters wuz gone. She herself might be more popler too now that she wuz a little older. That wuz something to look forward to. After all, pussies wuz made fer fuckin’ and that wuz somethin’ she could do right well.

But she had real boyfriends now for the first time. They wuz a little small down there but she figgered they’d get bigger with practice just like her brothers had. And THREE virgins ... probably none of her sisters or cousins even had ONE! They needed larnin but that would be fun too. As she wuz falling asleep she wuz fingering herself and thinking about tomorrow...

Billie Jo Jean was horny agin. Fuckin her Pa and brothers was her family duty but it were kinda boring cause they didn’t give a shit about her satisfaction. Pa did sometimes if’n he wern’t in a hurry. Her new boyfriends were a differnt sitcherashun. They respected her and were perlite and very eager to please her.

By the time she finished all her chores she was ready to get cleaned up and head for the swimmin hole. It would be the highlight of her day.

Ma noticed her better mood and attention to her appearance and asked “Wut were makin yew sew happy?”

BJ bubbled about her three boyfriends and Ma asked if she was screwin them.

“Of course, they’s my boyfriends,” she happily replied.

“Just yew remember yer safe days!” was Ma’s admonition.

BJ did and at the end of the week informed her three eager boys that they couldn’t poke her for a while and showed them oral sex. Anal sex was for queers, she’d been told.

James, the oldest, asked her what kind of contraception she used. She was baffled by the big word so he explained the concept in simpler terms. “Oh, that’s why we only fuck on safe days!” she explained.

James was a high school senior with good grades, easily the most educated person she had ever met. He got concerned and confided in his mother, a pretty liberal person, and a single mother who was no bastion of chastity. She was pleased that her sons were getting laid, but rightfully concerned for the possible consequences.

The next day she accompanied her sons to the swimming hole to meet their polyamorous girlfriend. The kids stripped and swam as usual and, when invited, she got brave and enjoyed it too. Talking with BJ, she explained modern birth control and wanted to meet BJ’s mother.

That was arranged for the next afternoon, again at the swimming hole since they didn’t want men to be part of “wimmin’s business”. The result was a trip for both women to the Planned Parenthood clinic in town for some long acting contraception.

The menfolk whooped and hollered when Ma announced that all days were “safe” days from now on. Reunion was cumin up soon so that would be even better!

The reunion was here! That’s when kin from all over converged on the farm in their pickup trucks with kids and moonshine in plentiful abundance. It was a madhouse with people sleeping everywhere and with anyone. It was a time to cut loose and have fun with no gittin mad. There wuz always a passel of three month old babies that were begat at last year’s reunion and whose father was impossible to determine. Ma and BJ were so relieved that they didn’t have to figger safe days and could just enjoy fucking without worrin bout all them seeds bein dumped inside!

The preadolescent boys went out in the woods and played hunting and war games while the preadolescent girls made up stuff for the littler kids to do. The older women who were satisfied with one or two dickings a day looked after meals and other key logistical needs. The rest visited, drank, and screwed, and that was usually not with their spouse or other regular fuck partner. This was reunion, after all.

The bedrooms in the house were busy. So was the barn. The tractor pullin a farm wagon filled with hay made regular trips to the swimming hole where you could walk back in the bushes or roll up in a blanket for a tiny bit of privacy. Some couples even banged in the wagon during the trip then hooked up with someone else when they got to the destination. Sex was usually one on one although if you were waiting for an empty hole or a ready pecker you might be invited to help out until it was your turn.

Folks started showin up Friday noon so BJ was busy helpin em get settled in. A couple of cousins even got to settle in between her legs before dinner. Friday night was a full blown party, although few dicks got blown with all the eager cunts available. After BJ had banged a couple of uncles and a brother in law, one of her sisters asked if her early teenage twins could sleep in BJ’s bed, sleeping places bein in short supply. Although born at the same time, the twins looked almost nothing alike so their momma figgered two of the three guys that was dumpin cum in her at the time of their begattin musta each hit a target. Their smaller, eager cocks reminded BJ of her boyfriends as they kept after, and in, her through the night. Felt like their momma did a pretty good job teachin em how to screw, BJ noticed.

BJ invited her three boyfriends on Saturday to show them off to the other girls, who quickly latched on to these obviously superior males. After observing the third trip to her bedroom with a different partner before lunch, James confronted BJ. ‘Are you fucking all those guys?” he asked angrily.

She retorted quickly, “Of course, they’re family and I ain’t been with most of em since last reunion.”

James was getting upset and raised his voice, “Next thing you know you’ll be fucking your brothers!” BJ stepped back, astonished at this outburst.

With an edge to her voice she stared at James and said, “I’ve been fucking em a lot longer than you, so whut’s the matter? I’m good enuf for you and your brothers but not good enuf for my own?”

James protested, “But you said I’m your boyfriend.” BJ was on a roll, “You are one of three boyfriends, remember. It’s MY pussy we are talking about, and no one else tells me who gets in it. You hear? If you don’t like that then you won’t get none of it no more. Hey, why haven’t you diddled any of them girl cousins of mine yet? They think you don’t like em. Use my room and take a brother with you. They’re pretty horny.”

With that she walked away, cum running down her leg, towards the outhouse to drain it and be ready for the next one. James was stunned, but a cute, slightly pregnant, and somewhat older women that BJ called out to, took him to the house and got him in the reunion spirit. When he awoke there was another girl sucking on his dick, wanting to get it hard enough to slip in her slippery cunt. BJ talked briefly with James’ brothers and introduced them to a couple of older cousins. They didn’t reappear for a while either.

Late that night, back in that same well used bed with BJ, and a boy cousin he had just met, James apologized. BJ tugged on his limp dick and said, “How many kin did you meet today”

“Two cousins, an older sister, and an aunt.”

“Not bad for a start.”

“And you?”

“Well, I don’t keep good count, but I think mebbie ten. Or eleven if I count all the times with the same nephew. I think he is in love with me because he did me yesterday, this mornin, then later was waiting for me to finish with his brother. I wanted to clean up first but he said it were ok and slipped right into the fresh juice. OK, enuf about me, now let’s get these peckers in workin’ order!”

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