A Loving Family - Cover

A Loving Family

Copyright© 2020 by John Demille

Chapter 2: Seducing Jenny

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Seducing Jenny - Jake is caught masturbating to a picture of his older sister. How much of trouble will that cause? A whole lot it turns out.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex  

Mom’s reaction was harsh. I would say she overreacted, but honestly, I don’t blame her. I can only imagine what went thru her head when she realized her kids were fucking each other. I can imagine her thinking of two-headed grandchildren or highly retarded ones.

We were grounded for a month and forbidden from going near each other.

Then mom took us to a shrink.

The shrink tried to ‘cure’ me, but it was bullshit, and she fed more bullshit to Louise and my mother.

I had to go to the shrink for six sessions in two weeks. We spoke for an hour each time.

By the end nothing changed. I was still who I was and was still highly attracted to my sister. My look of contrition must have been convincing enough as I promised to right my wrong ways and to not repeat what happened. But in my heart I knew that I would fuck Louise whenever I had the chance to do it again. And from the experience, I was fairly sure that Louise would too.

Although, something positive came from the “therapy”. In my second session, the therapist let it slip, probably unintentionally, that my mother was worried that she might have screwed up or did something wrong to encourage this deviant behaviour.

It was more than three months after getting caught that something happened again. Mom had relaxed a little. She had to, nobody can be vigilant forever, it’s too stressful and tiring.

One day she went out with her girlfriends, and left the three of us alone at home. I think she was reassured that Jenny’s presence would have a suppressing effect on Louise and me.

Well, not so much. At one point Jenny went to the bathroom, and Louise and I jumped each other. There was this pent up sexual need that had been building in both of us for months. You can’t have such good sex and not want to do it again; especially after being denied and stressed about it for so long.

We were all over each other in a heavy make out session and oblivious to our surroundings when Jenny came back.

She started yelling at us. Mostly incoherent word but something to the effect of ‘you two are disgusting, how can you do such a thing’, bla bla bla...

In a minute or two Louise and I got back into this world and looked around and saw Jenny standing there stunned.

“Oh ... you’re back.” Louise stated the obvious. “How long have you been here?”

“Long enough you perverts.”

“I guess we are perverts,” Louise looked at me and smiled.

“Why?” Asked Jenny.

“What kind of stupid question is that?” Louise answered her.

“That’s not a stupid question. Jake is our brother, how can you do this with him. I find the whole idea disgusting.”

“Maybe it’s disgusting to you, but it’s not to me.”

“How come?”

“Well, that day we were together and one thing led to another and I found myself having the best sex of my life with Jake here. Despite all that’s happened since, with mom and the therapist, I didn’t regret it for a moment. I want to experience that again without hesitation.”

“But Jake is your brother. You’re committing incest. It’s illegal and immoral, and definitely disgusting.”

“Stop saying disgusting about something you haven’t experienced. It was beautiful. It was worth doing and it’s worth doing again and again. As for illegal and immoral, who cares? We are consenting to this. Nobody is getting hurt. We love each other. I know I love Jake more than that asshole James who took my virginity and dumped me as soon as I gave it to him. Jake at least cares for me. What does one want from sex when it’s not in a marriage and wanting kids? You want someone to care for you and make you feel good. Isn’t that what you want too?”

“Yes, but not from my own brother!”

“Before my experience with him, I would have agreed with you. But now that I have experienced it, I don’t agree. Why not with my own brother? I love him and he loves me and I trust him to care for me unconditionally unlike some asshole that was simply looking for yet another notch on his belt.”

“I don’t know. I find this situation highly problematic.”

“Don’t start using fancy words,” I retorted, “You don’t have to accept this, you don’t have to participate, and you don’t have to approve. But you have to keep your mouth shut. If you tattle to mom, trouble is going to start again and mom would get hurt and go crazy. I know I would want to run away, with Louise if I can, but I can’t stand to live in the same house with her another day and stay away from her.”

“Of course, you’re a horny teenager, nothing more.” Replied Jenny condescendingly.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. I love Louise very much. She my older sister who always cared for me. I care for her very much and I would rather die that be away from her. I love you too. You’re also my sister. I don’t know. Maybe it’s my hormones, maybe she’ll tell me she doesn’t want to do it some day, but for now, my feelings for her are as strong as ever, but they include a physical thing.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“And you do? Who died and made you judge? What kind of wisdom have you gained that gives you such an advantage over us. I don’t see you as a great expert on relationships. I’m starting to get the feeling that you may be jealous of Louise and me. Maybe you wish you had something as good.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not jealous.”

“Maybe you’re not. But all I know is that if you open your mouth and ruin things for Louise and me, you’ll be ruining this family. Is that what you want? Do you think that Louise and I doing stuff together is worth you breaking up this family? If you do and mom goes crazy again, the shrink may tell family services and they’ll split us from mom. Louise is eighteen already and will be sent to live alone or maybe in jail as I’m a minor and she could be accused of statutory rape. Then you and I will be sent to foster care and separated. Is that what you want?”

“No, of course not.” Replied Jenny with growing concern on her face. “I don’t want the family to break up. I thought that what you two are doing will break it up.”

“No. Keeping Louise away from me and me away from her would probably break this family. We want to be with each other. It’s that simple. We’re not hurting anybody and making each other feel good. Where is the harm?”

I could see understanding starting to show in her eyes. Actually, I thought I could see even curiosity there too. So I couldn’t help but take a shot at her.

“You know, if you’re not sure what we’re doing is good, maybe you should give it a try. Maybe you’ll get on our side of this and bring our family even closer together.”

“I’m not going to even dignify that with an answer.” Snapped Jenny.

I looked at Louise and an understanding passed between us. If we bring Jenny in, we’re safer.

“Anyway, Jenny, please stay quiet about this. Mom doesn’t need to know. I want to have fun with Jake. It’s really really good and I miss it so much. I’m not hurting him, and he’s not hurting me. He made me feel amazing and I want more and more of what we did. I know he’s my brother and this won’t be for the rest of our lives, but for now, it’s good. We’re good for each other and we keep each other sane. I mean really you won’t believe how good it was.”

I could see what Louise was doing. She was making it sound good to Jenny to arouse her curiosity and make her want to try it. So I kept my mouth shut. Girls know how to talk to girls about these things. I was sure that if I tried contributing to the conversation I may ruin it.

“Ok, I won’t say anything to mom. But you must keep it secret. You guys suck at this thing. Mom caught you the first time you did it and I caught you the second time you did. You don’t know how to be discreet.”

“Well, the first time it was so good that it took our caution away. I simply got swept up in the erotic storm and lost all awareness of my surrounding. As for this time, well, it’s been so long and I wanted it so much that I couldn’t help it. I’m sure if we get our need satiated, we’ll be more cautious after.”

“Both of you are too impulsive. You don’t seem to think beyond your immediate need. Ok, I won’t say anything to mom, but you guys must pay attention and not get caught again. If mom catches you again, I can’t help you. You know that, right?”

“I know.” Louise and I replied simultaneously. “Jinx” we replied simultaneously too. “Double Jinx.”

Jenny rolled her eyes. “You guys are unbelievable.”

“I know. Louise and I mesh very well together. Maybe that’s why what we did took over my senses so much. It was sooo good.”

“Alright, you two go up to one of your rooms. I don’t want to hear you. Don’t take too long as mom doesn’t stay out too long. Make it quick and take care of whatever perverted needs you two have. Get it out of your systems and get back to normal.”

Louise and I didn’t need another invitation. As soon as the words left Jenny’s smirking lips, I rushed towards Louise and swiftly carried her to my room where I reminded her of what we did and she reminded me.

Our first go was quick. Too quick. I dumped her on the bed and she yanked her shorts and panties off her legs at the same speeds that I pushed mine down.

Within twenty seconds of entering the room, I was entering Louise’s hot and slippery snatch. Our frantic coupling was intense. I tried to prolong it, but when I felt Louise orgasm merely a minute after I entered her, I felt my own orgasm hit me and I filled Louise with all that I had saved for her in the last months.

Our second go followed mere minutes later, but it was more deliberate.

Louise took her time to suck on my cock in a very loving way. She was making love to my manhood with her mouth. Having cum a first time, I was in no hurry to blow again.

As Louise enveloped my cock with her loving mouth, I used my hand to massage one of her tits and her pussy. I had wanted to eat her, but the idea of all that cum dribbling down on my face was a huge turn off.

After I pulled an orgasm from her and before she rode me, she kept moaning and put her finger to my lips indicating that I should stay quiet.

Still moaning and groaning, Louise got off the bed and tiptoed her way to the closed door. She put her hand on the door handle and got ready. With a gleeful smile she pulled the door open quickly and in came tumbling a snooping Jenny.

Jenny must have had her ear to the door for her to fall like that.

“Aha! I knew you would snoop on us.” Accused Louise.

Jenny’s face was almost crimson red from embarrassment. I also noticed that her hand was stuck inside her shorts.

She was masturbating as she listened to us thru the door.

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