He Was No Stranger - Cover

He Was No Stranger

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Woman finds her first love again after many years and redevelops a very mature and open relationship with him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Cheating   Sharing   Gang Bang   .

She recognized him immediately even after almost 20 years. He was even more handsome now, she thought. It was at a charity fundraiser event she was attending with her husband of 10 years. On the pretext of going to the bathroom she walked by his table and was able to get his attention on the way back. His face lit up and he greeted her. They visited briefly and he slipped her a business card with the mouthed “call me”.

Milly got up the nerve on Tuesday and he asked her to meet him after work at a well-known watering hole. They sat outside with their wine where it was quieter and easier to talk. Forty-five minutes was not long enough to catch up with each other so they agreed to meet again the next day.

That night she couldn’t keep her hands off her pussy as she remembered that month at her parent’s cottage when Lance had been visiting his relatives two doors down. He was 18 to her 15 and skillfully seduced her. It had been a lusty month with both of them finding many opportunities to enjoy each other’s bodies. She never even thought about birth control but fortunately there was no nine-month after-effect. She hadn’t heard from him again.

After getting over her puppy love she moved on to other relationships, finally marrying her husband. That was not working very well anymore. There were just too many differences she hadn’t noticed as a younger woman and they were grating both ways. Tonight her thoughts kept drifting back to that hot summertime as her hands repeatedly sought her crotch for release. At least in her recollection, his phallus was the biggest and best she’d ever enjoyed and she certainly had opportunities to compare during the rest of high school and college.

As they sat down together she asked, “Lance, tell me about the woman you were at the fundraiser with.”

“She is one of several female friends I have. We do things together but there is no special romance.”

“A fuck buddy then?” He nodded so she pursued, “Do you have room in your life for another one?” He nodded again. “Do you live near here?”

They finished their drinks and she walked with him three blocks to his apartment. There was no need for any further discussion because both knew what each other wanted. It was vigorous and round one was over pretty quickly. They lay together panting and enjoying the fading sensations.

Lance commented, “You’re a damn good fuck, my dear.”

She swatted his butt and said, “I’ve had a lot of practice since we last fucked so I’d better be. Your big cock felt every bit as good as I remembered from so long ago. I know it’s not been idle in the meantime. I hope you can give me another go because I’m way behind. I haven’t been laid in months.” He got right to it and she was soon moaning and squealing with her body getting what it craved.

They got it on every other day until she faked a business trip so she could spend a weekend in his bed. On Friday evening as she drained his balls she asked, “I hope I’m not depriving you of some other pussy.”

He laughed, “Oh, they know how to get what they need whether or not I supply it. I’d much rather be with you than any of them, in case you wanted to know that.”

“I did. You have no idea how much that helps me right now. I was so infatuated with you back then and I missed you terribly for a while. Probably with the next few guys that I fucked I pretended were you. I guess because you were the first you will always be special to me.”

Lance asked, “So what do you want from me now?”

She was quiet for a minute. “Besides another good romp right now, I’m fine being part of your harem. I can’t decide what to do with my marriage although I’m not very optimistic that it is going to survive much longer. Can we get together a couple times a week?”

“You name the days and I’ll save my body for you!”

She hugged him and they went at it again before she left.

A month later they had just had one of their usually satisfying copulations when Milly had a question, “I’m trying really hard not to fall in love with you. You are still my ideal guy. I was wondering, though, if you would do something special for me?” He nodded so she continued, “Would you have one of your fuck buddies be here the next time I am and let me watch you get it on with them? I’ve just been awfully curious how it looks and then I’d like to take you right afterwards if you could manage that.”

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