Animal Instincts - Cover

Animal Instincts

Copyright© 2020 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Kidnapping and sexual and phycological abuse can bring one's animal instincts to the forefront.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   BDSM   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Oral Sex   Squirting   Prostitution  

A swift kick brought brought her suddenly awake. It had been three days since her ordeal with the dog and donkey and she still ached in every muscle and bone of her body. She had been left in the chamber overnight and it was late the next morning before Andre finally unshackled her and she was allowed to bathe and rest.

“Make yourself especially presentable. Tonight is your big night. Tonight I am selling you.”

The last two days had been nothing but constant debasement from her mistress and still it continued. “You act surprised. My God, Sasha, screwing a dog and then a donkey! How could you ever think that Andre or I would ever want to touch such a low life whore again? You sicken me to think you would bend over and offer it to them...”

Sasha knew she hadn’t willingly “bent over and offered,” but she also knew the punishment for speaking, and for the unforgivable sin of contradicting her mistress, so she remained mute.

“What a loathsome cur bitch you have become, Sasha. I’m sure we will get virtually nothing for you at the auction, but we both will be glad to be rid of you so we can acquire a decent pet, one who not only knows her place but knows how to keep us amused without cavorting with filthy beasts! Now get in there and bathe yourself. As ugly as you have become, at least make yourself presentable. No-one will want to bid on a dog and donkey screwer if she isn’t at least attractive.”

With that, Evita was gone to make arrangements and two hours later two men arrived who blindfolded Sasha and escorted her to a car which delivered her to a location which Sasha had no idea where she might be. Her hands and feet were bound in heavy chains. The blindfold was removed and Sasha was surprised to find she was not alone. Twelve other women, also bound, were seated nearby. All were considerably younger than she and ranged from simply pretty to two who would be considered ravishingly beautiful. All wore similar bra and thong outfits. Two men stood near a large door of the building which Sasha recognized as a small warehouse. In one corner were the all-too-familiar video camera and lights, perhaps for the auction this evening. She listened but could hear no sounds of traffic. They must be in an isolated location. The chains held her tightly with no chance of escape. Not that she would have tried. Sasha was now a fully broken and subservient slave.

One of the young women, actually smiled at her and came over to sit beside her.

“My name’s Rianna,” came a whisper.

“Sasha,” she replied. “Where are we?”

“Haven’t the foggiest. How did you get here?”

“I...” Sasha wasn’t sure how much she should say, but since it was obvious they would all shortly be sold and probably never se each other again, she saw no real reason not to share. “I’ve been a pet for over a year. My mistress has grown tired of me.”

The young woman couldn’t have been more than twenty-five with deep auburn locks and intense green eyes. Very attractive and likable, thought Sasha.

“I was taken at a rave at nineteen. Been sold twice now. Most of these girls are new.They’re being auctioned for the first time. They have no idea what kind of life they are going to have. Some simply become live-in mistresses, while others become sex slaves and then like me, some become pets, animals, dogs.”

Sasha nodded that she understood. “It’s my first time at the ... auction. What... ?”

“It’s connected to the dark web. They put us in front of a camera and bidders from all over make their bids. The highest bidder gets you.”

“But who does this? Why?”

“All I know is that it is worldwide and there are several hundred members who have girls and women taken and have them broken. Some they keep for themselves and some they sell for a lot of money. The auction sites are moved around each time so the police can’t find them. They have two auctions each month, one for the women who are not considered of high value, that was last night. Then tonight the women who will bring the most money are auctioned. So we should feel flattered to be among those who will garner the most money,” said her new friend with not a small bit of cynicism.

“I certainly don’t feel flattered,” agreed Sasha.

The girl looked at Sasha realizing that while she was lovely, Sasha was considerably older than the others.

“And this is your first time to be auctioned?”

“ ... Well, yes. I was ... that is ... my ... pimp...”

“Ah, a lady of the evening. And he sold you? You must have really pissed him off. Most pimps won’t let their girls get away from them.”

“He had a rather large debt to pay.”

“I see.”

“But, where do they get all these women?”

“Most of us have been here for almost two days. I’ve had a chance to talk with most of them. Some would surprise you.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sasha.

“See the woman over there who looks like she should be a movie star?”

Sasha nodded. She had noticed the woman the moment her eyes were uncovered. The long blonde hair, intense blue eyes, high cheek bones and a body which looked like it was straight from the pages of a Playboy centerfold, large luscious breasts almost spilling from the bra while her tiny waist gave way to curvaceous legs and thighs and hips which were eye catchers as well.

“Ever hear of Elena Rodala?” asked Rianna.

“The name sounds familiar but ... all the news I’ve had for almost a year has been what I’ve overhead my masters talking about.”

“She’s the wife of Patrick Rodala, big real estate developer. They were featured in all the big shot magazines, on TV and such. Anyway, she was a big nature lover always going camping, hiking, boating. About six months ago she was sailing off the East coast and disappeared. They found her boat, but no Elena. The Coast Guard searched for her for over three weeks before declaring her lost at sea.”

“She was kidnapped off her boat? Her husband? Did he... ?”

“No, they were madly in love. He’s privately financed multiple searches for her ever since the Coast Guard gave up. As far as anyone knows, she fell overboard, drowned and wound up as fish food.”

“How did she end up here?”

“Just like the rest of us. Kidnapped, whipped to break her and then on to the auction.”

Sasha took another look at the woman they were discussing.

“I just can’t imagine a woman as beautiful, as successful as...”

“I heard she resisted the whip longer than anyone. She comes not only from wealth and power, but she was religious as well. She once said in some magazine article about her that her vows to her husband and her religious beliefs were the two most powerful forces in her life. Well, vows and religion might be powerful but the whip and psychological torment finally broke her. Her vows to her husband? She’s now doing threesomes and gang bang orgies several times a week.”

“What about that girl?” asked Sasha indicating a young girl who looked as if she couldn’t possibly be out of high school.

“That’s Tina. She told me she was at her high school graduation party three weeks ago. She was offered some new soda, remembered getting dizzy and the next thing, she woke up chained to a wall and being whipped a dozen times a day until she broke and wound up here.”

“And her?” Sasha asked, looking to a gorgeous redhead at the end of one of the benches they sat on.

“Oh, that’s Marsela, she’s...”

But they were interrupted by the entrance of a middle aged, stern faced woman flanked by two muscled men whose faces were not kind. She walked to the front where all eyes were upon her.

“I am Regina. I run this auction. Some of you have been sold before and know what to expect, but for those of you who are being sold for the first time, let me educate you as to what will happen here tonight. We have gone to some expense to acquire you and so expect to sell each of you for a handsome profit. In order to do that you will be shown on television to our bidders. You will say nothing and when it is your turn, you will present yourself in such a way as to encourage bidding.”

She looked over the thirteen women with a look of absolute power.

“Make no mistake. We own you now. You have felt the whip and your life from this moment on is centered around doing what we say and even more importantly doing what you new master or mistress tells you. Some of you will become mistresses, some rather expensive call girls and some will become personal pets. That is up to your new owners. Regardless you will obey and you will obey unflinchingly.”

Sasha noticed the looks of despair on the faces of these women who would be starting a life she had already experienced. She felt sorry for them, perhaps most of all for Elena, the wife kidnapped from her boat. The woman was silently weeping, tears running down her face.

“Dry up those tears! You are to look beautiful this evening!” commanded Regina.

Elena complied but the look of abject misery could not be wiped completely away.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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