Brianna's Master - Cover

Brianna's Master

Copyright© 2020 by Tyrone Smash

Chapter 4: The Slave Contract

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Slave Contract - This story is based on the TV series Outlander. It focuses on the episode where a young heroine is sold into slavery by an unscrupulous man. In the show, the girl is rescued by her family at the last moment. But what would have happened if she wasn't rescued .....

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Revenge   Transformation  

The next day continued in much in the same manner as her first full day on the ship had. When Brianna woke up she immediately felt the slave collar around her neck. It immediately confirmed her slave status to her and the fact that she had an owner. Brianna was then forced to use the chamber pot in full view of her Master. It was still as humiliating as it was the first time. After feeding her, again on the floor, some cleaning supplies were brought in. Just as Brianna was done her cleaning, Howard walked in with paper, a quill and some ink. He told Brianna to walk to the table and sit on a chair! Brianna was cautions about sitting. She knew that slaves were not supposed to sit at a table. He put the paper in front of her. “Sign your name on this paper. I want to see the signature of a lady” he said scornfully. Brianna obeyed. “Sign it again.” Brianna obeyed. He made her sign her name 10 times. Then he left and brought back some rounded sticks and some grease. “These are the poles that I promised to you so that you can get your arse hole big enough so that I can bugger you. You can spend the rest of your day making your arse hole bigger.

“Yes Master. I hope that I can make it bigger quickly. I want you to bugger me” she said submissively even though she was terrified of being fucked in the ass.

Brianna worked diligently at enlarging her asshole for several hours. She was a slavegirl after all and knew that she had to obey her Master. Then her Master came into the room with some parchment. He told Brianna to sit at the table. “When I bought you from Mr. Bonnet, he forgot to provide me with your contract of indenture. We can remedy that oversight now. I want you to sign your name to this document.”

OMG. OMG. This was a real contract of indenture! If she signed it, she would legally be a slave! And it was for 7 years! The contract stated that she was the indentured slave of Steven Bonnet! If she signed it, it would mean that Bonnet had the right to sell her and that Howard legally owned her! If she signed it, she would legally belong to Howard for 7 years! It would be honored in any court in the Empire. It would probably be honored in any court in the world. It didn’t matter that contracts of indenture were signed by poor Europeans willing to exchange years of slave labor for passage to the colonies and she was a rich girl already living in the colonies. A Court wouldn’t care why she signed the document. If she signed the contract, she would legally be a slave. All hope of rescue would be over. Even if her family found her, they wouldn’t be able to free her. She couldn’t sign it. “Sir, I won’t sign this document. This document is a lie. I was never the property of Steven Bonnet. He never owned me and he had no legal right to sell me. I will never sign myself into slavery. I am not your property!” she screamed defiantly.

Howard was hoping for that kind of reaction. However, he didn’t expect her to be able to read the document and understand the import so quickly. He had suspected that the slut might be educated. Now he knew that for sure. It made owning her so much sweeter. He was barely able to read and write. It had taken him hours to formulate and prepare the document. She was able to do so within seconds! She must be educated like a man! All the better. He knew that a slut never fully accepted her slavery until she had at least one whipping. He yanked Brianna off the chair and stood her in front of him. “Slut, are you really going to get uppity with me?” he bellowed.

“I’m not property!!” Brianna screamed.

Howard responded to that defiance by punching Brianna hard in the stomach knocking the wind out of her. He watched her doubled over in pain trying to catch her breath. He got some lengths of rope he had prepared and then dragged her to the table. He quickly tied her hands to the table while she was still recovering from the blow. She tried to resist when he tied her legs but could put up little resistance and was helplessly lying on the table her ass in the air. He quickly retrieved a whip from a nearby closet and then stood in front of his slave so that she could see it. “You little slut. The Gentlemen Steven Bonnet told me that you had signed a contract of indenture. That is why I purchased you. I paid 6 pounds for a worthless slut like you. And now you are trying to steal from me by lying to me and telling me that you are not property!” he bellowed. “Little slut, I am now going to teach you your slavery.”

OMG! OMG! He’s saying that I’m stealing from him when it was he and Bonnet who had stolen everything from her! And now he was going to whip her! But she could not sign! She could not! If she did, then she would be legally a slave and there would be nothing that her family could do for her even if they found her! She couldn’t sign!!

“Whaaaaap”. Brianna screamed! She had never felt pain like that! She had never realized that she could feel pain like that. Brianna had never been struck in her life. Her doting parents had never even spanked her. The whipping that she was receiving now was inconceivable! She couldn’t be whipped. She was from the 20th century. She went to Harvard. She was educated. “Whaaaaap.” Brianna screamed again. She couldn’t sign. She had to resist! She had to! “Whaaaaap”. OMG. OMG! It hurt! It hurt! She couldn’t take this anymore. “Master, I’ll sign. I’ll sign!”

Howard chuckled to himself. He knew that the little slut could not resist pain. But it was not over yet. He was going to teach the little slut the nature of her slavery. He was her Master and held the power of life, death, and pain over her. She would never dare to defy him again after this whipping. He knew from experience that after the first good whipping, slave sluts lost any defiance that they had and would accept their role as property. “Whaaaaap, Whaaaaap. Whaaaaap.” The whipping continued. The slut was promising everything now. She was learning to the depth of her soul that she was as much his property as his cows and horses. And it always amazed him how close a cunt’s screaming when it was whipped was to that cunt’s screaming when it was cumming. Instead of yelling “Please stop, please stop” the slut yelled “Please fuck me, please fuck me!” Both screams were equally sexy to him.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity for Brianna, Howard stopped whipping her. She sobbed uncontrollably hoping that the pain was really over. She realized how foolish she was to defy this man. In this century, girls like her were nothing more than chattel to be used and owned by a strong man like Howard.

“Well little slut, have you learned your lesson. Do you accept that you are my property?”

“Yes Master, I am your property.”

“Will you sign the contract that shows that you were the indentured slave of Steven Bonnet and that he had the right to sell you to me?”

“Yes Master” Brianna sobbed, “I will sign the contract.”

Howard untied the cords and let Brianna rise. He led her to the table with the contract and she painfully sat down. Her ass hurt so much when she sat. As she did, she realized how the thug Howard had outsmarted her by getting her to sign her name earlier that day. She had been educated at Harvard, one of the top universities in the world in the 20th century, but this uneducated thug had tricked her into signing her name multiple times with her true hand. His low cunning was more than a match for her high education. Her last hope would have been to sign the contract with a false hand hoping that at some point in the future, she could deny the contract. But that option was gone. He knew her true signature. She submissively signed the contract sobbing as she did so ending the life of Brianna Mackenzie and becoming the unnamed slave slut owned by Howard.

Howard took the contract and compared the signature to those she had signed earlier. He was satisfied. There was no deception. This contract would be honored in any court in the Empire. The little cunt was now legally his! He didn’t think that his ownership of her would ever be challenged but if it was, he had an insurance policy! He smiled.

“Little slut, do you think that I made you sign that contract because I think that your family may want to rescue you some day?”

Brianna softly said “Yes Master” wondering why he was asking her this.

Howard laughed. “You stupid little slut. Your family doesn’t even know that you are alive let alone know where you are. I made sure that Bonnet sent his servants away before going to his house. No one knows who I am or where I am taking you. And Bonnet told me that he will be going on another voyage soon and that your family doesn’t know where he lives. He’ll be long gone before they find him. And even if they do find him, he’ll just tell them that you drowned in a tragic accident and that your body washed away to sea. He’ll never tell them about me and they’ll have no reason to expect that he sold you to me. You really insulted the man and he wanted to ensure that you enjoy the full experience of slavery. He thought that slavery would be a perfect punishment for the way that ladies like you treated self made men like me and Bonnet. He would never tell your family about me!”

Brianna felt so stupid. Everything he said was true. This uneducated thug was so much smarter than she was. She started sobbing again.

“The reason that I made you sign the contract was that I may want to sell you some day. In that case, your new owner will want legal proof that you are a slave. After all, we must scrupulously follow the laws of the empire.” He laughed uproariously as he left the room.

“Laws of the empire!” thought Brianna. This man wanted his actions to be legal! He had kidnapped her, raped her, enslaved her, and whipped her. And in his mind and in the laws of the eighteenth century, it was all legal! She was at fault proclaiming that she was not property. Brianna started sobbing uncontrollably, all hope gone.

Brianna didn’t know how long she remained sobbing. What little hope that she had left of freedom was gone. Some time later, Howard returned with food and water. He again made her eat on the floor like an animal. She wasn’t hungry but she obeyed her Master. When she was done, her Master had her stand up.

“Well little slut, do you know what you are?”

“Yes Master” she said softly, “I am your property, your slavegirl.”

“And what are you useful for slut?”

“I am useful for fucking and sucking Master” she said submissively.

“It’s good that you finally accept that little slut.” He took her hand and lead her to the bed and had her sit down beside him. He just sat down beside her looking into her face and gently stroking her body.

Brianna kept her eyes downcast. She was confused. A little while ago he was whipping her and now he was gently stroking her. She didn’t want the whipping to start again. She resolved to obey every command of this man but didn’t know what he wanted now.

“Look at me Brianna.” She raised her head to look into his eyes. He gently kissed her on the lips. She was surprised at the gentleness but was happy to return the kisses. “It looks like I have caused you to shed a lot of tears.”

Is he pretending that he cares about my tears?

“I don’t like to cause my property pain. I’m a fair man. You can ask anybody and they will tell you that I am a fair man. You believe that I am a fair man don’t you Brianna?”

“Yes Master, I believe that you are a fair man” she replied softly. He smiled at the answer and softly kissed her a little more passionately and she returned the passion happy that the pain had stopped.

“But I have learned that high born ladies like you don’t want to accept that the circumstances of their life have changed. It is only by the gentle application of the whip that a lady like you can learn to accept her new station in life” he said reasonably. “Do you understand why I had to whip you Brianna” he said softly while he gently kissed her again.

Brianna was taken aback. Gentle application! This man wanted her to admit that she needed to be whipped. But maybe he was right. Before the whipping she would not accept that she was his property. Now that she understood the pain of the whip, she accepted that he owned her. She would never defy him again! “Yes Master. I was just a stupid girl. I didn’t really accept that my station in life had changed. The whip has taught me that I am your property. Thank you for whipping me Master.” It shocked her that the words came out of her mouth but she realized that they were sincere. She accepted that she was property. She initiated a kiss with her Master and kissed him passionately.

Howard smiled. The little slut seemed sincere. Even if it wasn’t sincere now, it would be. This was a technique that he liked to use on the cunts he acquired. After whipping them, he started treating them tenderly like a lover. After the whipping the cunts were so needful of kindness that they even accepted it from the man who had whipped them. It messed with their minds when he went from a raving monster in one moment to a gentle lover the next. It made them want to do anything to keep the monster away and he liked the effect. He didn’t like fucking a piece of meat that just lay there.

He could tell that this lady could not handle pain. As he kissed her, he reached down and gently starting fondling her tits. They were so firm, so soft. He liked small tits in the sluts that he owned. It made them seem younger. He heard the slut moan. He moved his head down to her tits gently taking turns sucking one nipple or the other while fondling the tits. He heard the slut moan again while she pulled his head down to her tits.

What was happening? He was being so gentle; he was making love to her gently like her husband did. A little while ago he was whipping her and now he was making her feel so good. Brianna stopped thinking and just enjoyed his love making. She felt a hand go down to her thighs and submissively spread her legs for her owner. She moaned again when he gently started finger fucking her cunt. This felt so good!

“Well take off that gown, go lie down on the bed and get that quim wet for me.”

Brianna obeyed. It hurt to lie on her ass but she knew that she had to obey her owner. She thought that her ass would have been cut to shreds but it wasn’t. Somehow, Howard had been able to cause her terrible pain without breaking her skin. However, it still hurt and she knew that it would hurt for days. She knew that she could never experience such pain again. She would be completely obedient. Howard watched her as she fondled her pussy as he undressed.

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