Plain Jane - Cover

Plain Jane

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A chance meeting with the erotic Claire introduces me to the lucrative and pleasurable life of an international courtesan

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   True Story   Sharing   BDSM   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Black Couple   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

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Whilst we were drinking and chatting, Claire took my arm and moved me to one side and whispered, “Darling girl, you are doing so well, Richard has been watching you and he is really impressed. I have just been fucking Cliff who is gorgeous, but I must warn you, he is huge when fully erect, so go gently to start with – I know you have never had a cock that large before, even my husband’s splendid prick.

Just then Zuzana moved alongside us and said, “Can I guess - exchanging notes on the size of my husband’s cock when fully erect?” We both laughed. “Well, Julia, I know you are about to spend some time with him next, you lucky girl, but why don’t we explore our lesbian side first – would you like to come down to the lagoon with me?”

I knew nothing of the lagoon, but the prospect of making love to this sublime black goddess was wildly exciting, and I agreed instantly and took her hand as she led me out of the playroom and down a path. After a couple of minutes we came to the lagoon, a large expanse of shallow water, only a few inches deep, surrounded by rocks and beyond them, the sea. Zuzana led us into the very warm shallows and lay down, holding her hand up and saying, “Join me darling, I have spent the last couple of hours dreaming of your beautiful body.”

I could hardly wait myself, she was so utterly irresistible, so I lay down beside her and kissed her deeply, whilst allowing my hand to stroke and play with her silky smooth pudenda. We kissed for a couple of minutes, but I could resist her breasts no longer, and I slipped down so that I could gently lick and nibble her nipples, whist cupping the gloriously fleshy globes in my hands. Zuzana moaned gently and cried out, “Bite them, lover, I love the pain!”

I lifted one of the beauties up and sank my teeth into the areola and she screamed and her hips bucked in excitement – I wasn’t sure if I had gone too far, but immediately she cried out, “Jesus Christ, don’t stop, this is amazing, but stick your fingers in me too!”

I moved slightly, and eased two fingers into her cunt and started to masturbate her, then sucked her nipple into my mouth and bit and nibbled her. Most of my lesbian experience in the last few weeks had involved my lovers pleasuring me, but now I had a frantic lover begging me to pleasure her. I had no experience of pleasure/pain, but clearly my lover was getting more and more excited as I caused her pain and her frantic thrashing in the shallows told me that she was very close to an orgasm. As I suspected, I sucked her other nipple deep into my mouth, rapidly masturbated her and then sank my teeth into her erect nipple.

It was like riding a wild stallion, Zuzana was in total ecstasy, so I clung on for dear life as she thrashed and squealed beneath me. I was concentrating so hard on riding my lover that I didn’t notice sound of approaching steps through the water, until suddenly a shadow fell across our writhing bodies. My mouth let go of Suzana’s nipples and I looked up – what I saw amazed me. There was the glorious swinging black cock of Cliff, now semi-erect and clearly covered with cum from one or more cunts in the party.

But in his hand was a leather lead, the end of which was attached to a six inch wide collar around the neck of our hostess. Her wrists were cuffed behind her back, but the most obvious thing was the glint of total excitement in her eyes.

“Hi darling,” Cliff said to his wife casually, “I see you’ve got our little girl hotted up. Pierre has got Clarissa here really juiced up, so I think it’s time to take these two hot cunts to bed for a real treat – OK?”

I hadn’t realised, but the lead in Cliff’s hand had a second collar on it, and in one swift movement, it was fixed around my throat. “Here baby,” he said to Suzana, who was now standing up, “put those on Julia and we’ll be on our way. By the way, I ‘ve organised that young Suki to will come and act as servant with us tonight – she’s getting set up now.”

Suzana had pulled my arms behind my back and clipped my wrists together with leather handcuffs. “OK, slaves and lovers, time for a night of bliss.” Cliff moved to the beach with Clarissa and I in tow, and Suzana walking behind us, murmuring, “You two cunts have no idea of what is in store for you tonight – what has happened here so far is nothing compared to the heights we are going to together.”

We walked along the beach as the sun dropped below the horizon until we came to the cove where the yacht was moored, and there on the beach, to my amazement, was all the rest of the party waiting to see us. As we approached, they broke into applause, and called out, “Have a great night! Take them over the top! Don’t spare them! See you in the morning!” Clearly everyone knew better than I did what was going to happen to us – if I had known at that point I might have been more nervous, but I still believed that I was just on my way to be fucked by Cliff’s glorious cock – if I had known the rest, I would not have smiled so happily as we passed the cheering gallery. I glanced at Clarissa, who I had been receiving pleasure from Pierre – the trickle of fresh spunk running down her thighs giving the main clue – she had a glazed grin on her face and seemed to have no concern about what awaited us on the yacht.

No sooner had we climbed aboard than the beautiful Suki appeared in front of us – beautifully and very erotically dressed in a beautiful leather bustier which pushed her breasts upwards on display and, because she had no panties, displayed her smooth pubic mound. Other than this, she wore a studded leather choker, arm-length leather gloves and was magically heightened by the six-inch high heels she balanced on.

By now Zuzana was leading, and she kissed Suki passionately and then told her to deal with me first whilst she took Clarissa off to be washed. Suki took the lead from Cliff and led me along the corridor towards Clarissa’s master suite. But then we stopped at the door and she produced a velvet blindfold which she placed over my eyes. I heard her open the door and she led me into the bedroom. After a few seconds, she removed by handcuffs and put her hands on my hips and steered me forward and then stopped. “Stand still now, “she said softly, “and if you know what is good for you, do exactly what I say.”

I felt her take one of my arms and raised it above my shoulder height, then clip something around that wrist. She moved to the other side and repeated this with the other wrist. Then I felt both wrists being pulled up and apart – I was trapped. She then attached cuffs to both my ankles and she then pulled a cord and my legs were pulled apart. I was now complete fixed in a star formation. She then came behind me, and said, “Open your mouth, NOW!” I did as I was told and felt her force a ball gag into my mouth, then clipped the leather strap together behind my head. “Good, now you can see,” she said gently, and the blindfold was taken off me.

I found that I was attached to the end of an enormous four poster bed, facing towards the head of the bed, but able to see myself as the whole of the head end of the bed had a vast full-length mirror behind it. I could see that Suki had fixed me so that I couldn’t move, even if I wanted to. Just then she climbed on the bed in front of me, carrying a short length of chain. There was a large steel ring on the front of my collar, and she slipped the chain through it. I then saw that each end of the chain had a clip on it, and she immediately took one of my nipples between her fingers and pulled it out tight and then I felt the pain as she let the clip bite into my flesh. Quickly taking the other nipple, she pulled that tight, but also pulled it upwards before attaching the clip. Both breasts were now chained together, and the downwards weight of my breasts added to the pain of the clamps on my nipples. I would have cried out, but of course the ball gag reduced my complaints. Then, to my surprise, Suki swung her hand hard and struck me hard on the side of my breast, increasing the pain even more. “Be quiet Julia, you will suffer much more soon, so be quiet now.” So saying, I saw her produce the blindfold again, and pulled it down over my eyes. Then she kissed my cheek and whispered, “Relax, Julia, you are going to give us a lot of pleasure tonight.” Then I heard her leave the room, and I hung there in the dark, my breasts pulling my nipples painfully, wondering what would happen next.

After a couple of minutes, I heard people coming into the room and moving round at the bedside to my left and my right, and after a couple of minutes, I heard Zuzana say, “OK Suki, take their blindfolds off.” In a few seconds a hand removed my blindfold and I saw that Clarissa was hanging to my left, and to my surprise, Mana was suspended to my right. They were both fixed in the same way as me, both had ballgags fitted and their nipples chained in the same way as mine. Clarissa had clearly been this way before, the look on her face was one of bliss and excitement. I suspected that Mana had no experience and probably no idea that this was to be her fate tonight.

Just then Cliff and Zuzana climbed onto the bed, Cliff lying on his back and Zuzana climbing on top of him and immediately easing his erection into her cunt. She started to rock her hips and moan gently, and then called out, “Right Suki, start now, and don’t you dare stop until I have cum!” Zuzana carried on fucking her husband slowly and with a blissful look on her face.

I sensed that Suki was immediately behind me, but had no idea what to expect. I just heard the whistling sound and then the blazing pain as the whip struck my buttocks. The pain was excruciating, but as my body had jerked with the impact, my breasts had swung violently, intensifying even more the pain of the clips on my nipples. I would have called out but the ball gag stopped that, although I was now dribbling and the saliva was running down my body.

I could see Mana’s eyes wide open in terror as Suki moved behind her. I could now see that the whip was a cat o’nine tails made of leather strips, and I could also watch as Suki swung the whip with full force and the leather strips ripped into Mana’s tight young buttocks. Like me, her whole body leapt with the impact, and tears came to her eyes with the pain.

Meanwhile Zuzana was clearly massively turned on by the pain we were suffering – she was now pounding her husband frantically and called out, “Just Clarissa, Suki, keep giving it to her!”

Suki moved behind Clarissa, who had closed her eyes in anticipation and had a look of pleasure on her lips. Suki struck hard, and Clarissa’s gorgeous globes swung outwards and back and her eyes opened with a look of complete excitement and pleasure. Before her breasts had come to rest, Suki re-loaded her arm and swung again, this time striking the whip on the inside of her thighs. Zuzana was now massively turned on, her whole body in paroxysm of pleasure as she slammed up and down on Cliff’s monster. And I too found that my whole body was starting to shake in excitement – the pain in my buttocks had now changed to heat, with the result that I could feel an orgasm building in belly – but because my legs were pinned apart, there was no way of stimulating myself to relief the need to cum. I wanted to scream for help, but all that happened was more dribble down my breasts.

Again Suki struck Clarissa’s bum – the whip really cracked this time and I noticed that all three of us prisoners were now writhing in sexual excitement. And suddenly Mana exploded into uncontrollable orgasm – her breasts were bouncing, her hips were swaying and her cunt started to squirt, down her legs and over the bed, including all over Zuzana and Cliff. Mana’s orgasm seemed to act as a trigger to Clarissa and I and within a few seconds we both exploded into frenzied orgasm, with a fountain of cum spraying from both of us.

And then, as if acting for all the captives, Zuzana threw back her head and screamed with bliss as her own orgasm wracked her body. Within seconds she collapsed onto the bed, showing us that Cliff’s cock was still firmly embedded in her and still rock hard – I looked at Mana and could see the astonishment and fear in her eyes as she wondered if this beast was going to open up her young cunt.

She and I were soon to find out the answer. Zuzana had recovered and knelt up, facing me, and kissed my pussy lips, and reached out with one hand and stroked Mana’s sopping cunt, slipping a finger into her. “Well girls, time to see how long you can make my husband last! Take them down, Suki, whilst I deal with Clarissa here. Take all their ball gags out whilst I deal with their arses.”

Zuzana stood up and got off the bed whilst Suki went behind me and undid my ball gag. Via the mirror at the bed head, I could see Zuzana move to the sideboard and pick up a large black buttplug. From a container she took some lube and smeared in on the large toy, the moved quickly behind me. “She put one hand on my waist and murmured in my ear, “You’ll love this Julia – and you’ll love what it prepares you for even more!” As she was saying that, I felt the pressure of the cone-shaped tip opening my anal ring, and the plug slipped slowly in, until it was fully inserted and my anal grip gripped tightly on the narrow neck of the plug. I was relieved it was in, although it still felt enormous in my bum. Whilst she had being plugging my anus, Suki has released the cords holding my ankles and wrists. I turned to face Zuzana and took her head between my hands and kissed her deeply. Breaking from our kiss, I said, “I am yours, Mistress, this is so wonderful. Are you going to remove the chains from my nipples now?”

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