Plain Jane - Cover

Plain Jane

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A chance meeting with the erotic Claire introduces me to the lucrative and pleasurable life of an international courtesan

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   True Story   Sharing   BDSM   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Black Couple   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

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I stirred and rolled over, and through bleary eyes I could see that the bedside clock said just after 2pm. I lay there in a sort of half-sleep, trying to remember where I was, and then the events of the previous night gradually came back to me, and I lay there grinning to myself. Looking either side of me, Clarissa was still asleep, her luscious bum pointing towards me, but Mai and Suki, the two young girls, were no longer there.

I turned towards Clarissa and reached out and gently stroked her upturned buttocks. After a couple of minutes she stirred, moaned gently and then rolled over and put her arms around me. “You are so lovely, Julia, I wish I could keep you here and make love to you every day and night,” she whispered, in between kissing my neck and mouth.

“I wish for the same, Clarissa, you are simply divine and, after last night, you can be sure that you are totally and absolutely bi-sexual. As for staying, I am afraid that I am off to London tomorrow to start at University – but if you can agree arrangements with Charlotte, I would be delighted to come and be your lover wherever and whenever you can arrange – I leave it to you and Charlotte to sort out.”

Clarissa eased her tongue into my mouth and we kissed passionately for several minutes. Her hands were all over my body until eventually I felt her slip two fingers into my sopping wet cunt and started to gently masturbate me. She moved on top of me, her luscious breasts pressed against mine, and she dipped her head away from mine and bit down lightly on my nipple, at the same time increasing the speed that her fingers were playing deep in my cunt. I could hardly believe it after the previous night of pleasure, but the gentleness of her lovemaking tipped me over the top in a few seconds, and I found myself sobbing with the release that my orgasm gave me. Clarissa slowly withdrew her fingers and licked them greedily, and we lay together peacefully stroking each other lovingly.

After a few minutes, Clarissa said softly that we should go and find the rest of the party and decide how we were all going to spend our last night together. She took my hand and led me towards the door, and I asked softly, “Clothes, perhaps, Clarissa?”, but she just said, “Not needed, everyone has to see how beautiful my new lover is!” I grinned to myself and hand in hand, we strolled along the corridor to the large lounge where we could hear talking coming from.

The two of us strolled into the lounge, both dishevelled, stark naked and still covered in sexual juices from our night of passionate sex. To my surprise, there were four new people in the lounge, all dressed in smart beachwear, and apart from Richard and Claire, I knew none of them. The room went silent as we made our entrance, and then Richard and Claire burst out laughing, and the rest of the party followed suit.

Richard got up and walked over to us, kissed Clarissa and stroked her breasts. “We can all see how you have spent the last few hours, darling, and very pleasurable I am sure it has been.” He then moved to me and put his arms around me, his hands on my buttocks and kissed me deeply.

“Dear Julia, let me introduce some friends of ours who rang this morning to say that they were in Cannes. On your behalf, Charlotte agreed with my suggestion to invite them to come and party with us tonight – they are all old friends of ours with the added benefit that they are all hot bi-sexual swingers. Now, Clarissa darling, might I suggest that you and the divine Julia pop back to your cabins and put some clothes on.”

Before Clarissa could speak, a tall, silver-haired Frenchman stood up and moved towards me. He was wearing a polo shirt, cargo shorts and sandals – he was a truly beautiful man, perhaps 60 or so, but with a smile that turned my legs to jelly.

“Richard,” he said, in the gentlest of voices, “I normally agree with you on most things, but this time you couldn’t be more wrong. Dear Julia here and Clarissa have set the lead, we mortals must follow.” In a few seconds his shirt and shorts and shoes were on the floor, and he turned back to me and pressed his tight body against me and said, “I am Pierre, and this beautiful woman, who is currently removing her dress, is my wife, Francine. And we beg the right to be the first couple to enjoy you and Clarissa tonight.”

Pierre stepped aside and a short slim redhead, now nude and so proving that she was a natural redhead, moved forward and hugged me, and moved her mouth onto one of my breasts and licked and gently bit my nipple. “She tastes of Clarissa, but also those greedy little maids of yours,” she said to her husband. Looking straight at me, she said, “Don’t you dare wash before this evening – I want your body tasting of sex before during and afterwards.”

By now the other guests had followed the lead of Pierre and Francine, and no-one had any clothes on. Richard rang a bell and immediately Suki and Mia appeared in the room. They looked surprised at the assembled naked bodies, but Richard said to them, “Tell all the girls that we are in party mode from now until tomorrow morning. All staff to be naked at all times, and you two and Mana and Keiko are to serve drinks and meals and will then be available to be used by party guests as required. Off you go to the Island and prepare to serve cocktails.”

Claire came over to me and kissed me, and whispered to me, “Well, my young novice partner, it seems that you have been having a hot night! Clarissa has already spoken to me and wants to book you again as soon as possible – she is already madly in love with you, so be careful, she may become addicted to you. I suggest I tell her you are not free for at least a couple of months, OK?” I nodded. “Good, “Claire said loudly. “Come, let me introduce you to the others. In case you hadn’t noticed, we are now moored back at the Island and tonight’s party will all take place on the Island. Come, let’s go ashore.”

Claire took my hand and led me through the yacht to the rear, and I discovered we were moored up in a shallow lagoon, and we could just step off the rear platform into shallow warm water which only came up to our thighs, and as we started to walk towards the shore, the rest of the party followed us. Ahead I saw we were approaching the beach bar we had used the previous day, and the four Japanese maids were already there waiting for us, all of them now naked.

As we walked through the shallows, Claire took my hand and turned me towards the other new arrivals, a black couple who were now walking beside us. He was huge in every way, perhaps 6’6” tall, a body honed by continuous exercise and between his legs swung a cock of mammoth proportions – made the more amazing by the total absence of hair anywhere on his body! Beside him was a slim black goddess, taller than me but with a model-thin body which accentuated her very large and perfectly shaped breasts.

“Julia darling,” Claire said, “let me introduce you to Clifford and Zuzana, who do something for the American Government which seems to leave seems to leave them lots of time to play with people like you and I. I spent a delightful weekend with them and a couple of their friends in New Orleans a fortnight ago, and they were so excited by my description of you that they have flown over to Europe especially to meet you.”

Zuzana moved beside me and, as we walked, placed her hand on my bum and stroked it. She was the tallest women there, at least 6’3” tall, but her defining feature, which was accentuated by her model-thin body, was her massive breasts, the more remarkable for being entirely natural. The result was that the two globes hung perfectly naturally – they were awesome, as was she. “Hello Julia, it is a total delight to meet you – Charlotte’s description of you was perfect, as are you. Clifford and I have not wasted our journey, and if you are willing to give yourself to us tonight at some point, I can promise you a memorable experience.”

Zuzana is mind-blowingly beautiful and erotic, and wild horses would not stop me from sharing a bed with these two beautiful people, and I was about to agree when Claire spoke.

“My gorgeous lover and partner has already committed her divine body to Pierre and Francine for starters. But the night is long, Julia is young, fantastically fit and energetic, and after dinner, Richard will lead us all to the Playroom which is designed to accommodate everyone here on beds and couches. Thanks to Julia here, Clarissa is becoming an accomplished bi-sexual, and I am sure that Zuzana will particularly enjoy her. As for Julia, she hasn’t stopped staring at Clifford’s equipment and wondering if she can take it all – I’m sure that after dinner she will find out!”

Clifford and Zuzana laughed, and Clifford moved behind me and took my hand from Zuzana and rested it on his slack cock. “You will never have been fucked liked this before, I can assure you, beautiful Julia. I look forward to putting ALL of this inside you.” I could hardly breathe with excitement - the prospect of being fucked by Clifford’s massive weapon caused my cunt to drip in anticipation.

We arrived at the bar and the maids busied themselves serving drinks. Zuzana moved close to me and whispered, “Tell me, lovely girl, which of these delicious maids do you recommend that I start with whilst I wait for the opportunity to spread your legs in bed with me? I am sure you have already bedded some, if not all of them.”

I couldn’t resist this gorgeous woman any longer, and turned my face to hers and slipped my tongue between her lips, and put my hand on her bum and pulled her tightly against me. She responded instantly, and we kissed and groped each other passionately for a couple of minutes. When we eased apart, I whispered to her, “Start with Mana, she will delight you as much as she has delighted me. I will call her now.” I looked around and saw Mana standing nearby, and signalled for her to come to us.

When she came to me, I put my arm around her waist and said, “Mana, this is Zuzana, and I have chosen you especially to look after her sexual needs when the orgy begins. Make sure you give her as much pleasure as you have given me.” So saying, I pushed her forwards into Zuzana’s arms, and Zuzana leant forwards and kissed the little girl – Zuzana towered over Mana who was well over a foot shorter than the tall black woman – and Mana put her hands on Zuzana’s gorgeous globes and replied, “I can hardly wait, Miss Zuzana, my body already yearns for yours.”

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