Plain Jane - Cover

Plain Jane

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A chance meeting with the erotic Claire introduces me to the lucrative and pleasurable life of an international courtesan

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   True Story   Sharing   BDSM   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Black Couple   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

I was lying naked on a large double bed in a Gulfstream jet flying over North Africa, which was due to arrive at Nice Airport in an hour’s time. Claire was lying beside me, also naked, and we were both holding glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice which a nubile and gorgeous young black stewardess, who had spent most of the flight in bed with us enthusiastically licking both our pussies, had just given us.

The last two weeks had been action-packed for me – I had been training for five days a week for up to three hours a day with Tom at the gym, played rugby for the club twice, winning once and losing once. I had spent several nights in bed with Mai-sung, and on occasions Jackie had joined us, and I had had lesbian sex with several members of the team, including two lovely twins who were total nymphomaniacs and who pleasured me for hour after hour of exquisite bliss.

Claire had had one professional engagement in New Orleans for a weekend, and so, after the rugby game, Colin and Tony invited me to come and stay the night with them and practice my courtesan skills. I arrived around 9 pm, and was amused to find Jackie on her hands and knees on the sofa, furiously masturbating Tony’s erection, whilst Colin had his face between her upturned buttocks and was rimming her anus.

“God, darling!” called out Jackie in a slightly strangled voice, “look how hard I have got Tony’s prick for you. Drop your knickers and get his lovely cock into that gorgeous cunt of yours.”

In the few seconds it took for me to divest myself of my few clothes, I laughed inwardly at the fact that three weeks earlier, I would have run 100 miles from this situation – now I could hardly wait to join in and be shagged! I quickly swung my leg over Tony’s body and Jackie steered the rock hard erection directly into my damp cunt, and I sank down and moaned with delight as the walls of my cunt were stretched to the limit.

The most amazing outcome of all my training with Tom was that I had lost 11 pounds in weight, but luckily not off my breasts which still stood out proudly. My thighs were much tighter, my hips and waist some three inches narrower and my stomach was really taut. And having spent every morning being driven to breaking point in the gym, I would come back to my home at Mai-sung’s and strip off and spend the afternoon lying on the beach adding to my suntan, which now covered my whole body. The result – even I fancied me!

“Come on, my little Narcissist,” said Claire, laughing. “remember, the only praise that matters is from our clients. Come on, let’s shower and dress before it is too late.”

30 minutes later, after a little fooling around in the shower together, we both immaculately dressed and made up and sitting comfortably in our seats ready for landing. Claire and I had spent a couple of days visiting most of the fashion shops in Bermuda – but although I spent a truly unbelievable sum on my new outfits, Claire pointed out that the total cost would be recouped in less than one night of frantic sex with my clients – and the clothes would certainly be used again.

When we landed, we taxied to the area reserved for private jets, and a smartly dressed officer came out to the plane and in just a couple of minutes, all the formalities were completed and our luggage had been loaded into a silver Bentley which was drawn up beside the plane. As we walked down the gangway into the warm night air of Nice, an immaculately dressed chauffeur came round and opened the two rear doors of the car, and tipped his cap. “Miss Charlotte, Miss Julia, I trust you both had a good flight?”

He closed the doors and climbed into the driver’s seat. “Please sit back and relax ladies. The ship is moored at Antibes, we should be there within 20 minutes or so. Sir Richard and Lady Clarissa have already gone to bed – they imagined you would be tired after your long journey, and so they will meet you at breakfast tomorrow. Meanwhile, there is champagne and canapes in the cupboard in front of you – please help yourselves.”

There wasn’t anything else to do or see, so we did help ourselves and smiled to each other as the sleek car purred along the coast road. Before long we pulled up on the quay of Antibes in front of a simply enormous ship – Claire had said ‘yacht’ but this was no yacht as I understood it, more like a small liner!

As we got out of the car, two young sailors, wearing only shorts and sandals, thus revealing their beautifully sculptured bodies, appeared and opened the boot of the car and took our luggage and set off up the gangplank – our chauffeur indicated for us to follow. The ship was so large that the gangplank led into the side of the boat and so we found ourselves entering into a large hallway. The two sailors had disappeared, instead there were two beautiful and delicate young Japanese girls standing waiting for us, who bowed as we approached them.

The chauffeur spoke. “Ladies, these are you cabin maids for your stay with us. This is Keiko – the brunette one bowed again – who will be looking after Miss Charlotte, and this is Mana – the blonde stepped forward and bowed to me – who will attend to Miss Julia. I am Collins, and I am the Chief of Staff for His Lordship, please let me know if you require anything at any time. Now your maids will show you to your cabins, and they will bring you to breakfast with your hosts tomorrow morning at 9 am. Until then, I hope you sleep well. During the night the ship will be sailing down the coast to Sir Richard’s private island, but the weather is very calm so you should not be disturbed.”

I barely took in anything that Collins said, as I was fascinated by the delightful young girl who stood before me. I doubt if she was 5’ tall, and only had flat slippers on. She had cropped blonde hair, otherwise she had no body hair at all, and a superb pair of breasts, possibly a D cup. All of this was apparent as her dress, like her fellow maid’s, consisted of a tight-fitting tube dress made of a wide mesh, thus revealing virtually square inch of her body. Keiko, other than being a brunette, was similar in nearly every detail, although she was perhaps a couple of inches taller than her colleague.

“Please come with me, Mistress,” Mana said quietly, and I followed the young girl out of the lobby and down a corridor, grinning at Claire as I passed her. At the end of the corridor, Mana opened a door and showed me into my cabin – more like a stateroom, if truth be told. On entering there was a large lounge area with sofa and armchairs, then there was a separate bedroom with a huge double bed. Off the bedroom was a magnificent bathroom, with a huge bath, with room for more than one (as I would discover!) as well as a wet room. Mana had already drawn a bath and filled it with bubbles, and suggested that I enjoy the bath whilst she would unpack my cases.

I went into the bathroom, undressed and climbed into the lovely bath and let myself sink into the warm loveliness. I could hear Mana moving around the bedroom, and I closed my eyes and relaxed. After a few minutes – I may have fallen asleep- I opened my eyes to see Mana coming into the bathroom with my washbag and make-up – only now she was quite naked. Before I could speak, she climbed into the bath beside me, and said quietly, “I have come to bathe you, Mistress. When we have washed, you can let me know if you would like me to sleep with you – you are very beautiful, I would love to pleasure you.”

Luckily Claire and I had had a long discussion on the plane about the right way to treat servants and what I might expect on my first outing as a courtesan. I smiled at Mana, then reached for her and drew her head to mine, and slipped my tongue between her lips and kissed her gently – she responded eagerly and kissed me back. I put my other hand on her tight little buttock and pressed her body against mine.

“Firstly, Mana, you will call me Miss Julia from now on, not Mistress. You will now wash me, and when we have finished in here, you will come to bed with me and we will make love – is that acceptable?”

“Thank you, Miss Julia, that will be perfect, I am totally bi-sexual and I am so excited to be allowed to pleasure you and serve you.” She stood up and held out her hand. “Please stand up and I will wash you now.” And she did, thoroughly. She spent a lot of time stroking my breasts, and then leant forward and put my nipples in her mouth and bit gently on them. At the same time, her soapy hand moved between my legs and she stroked my labia and then gently inserted a finger into my pussy. I put my hand on the back of her head and held her firm, and whispered, “Don’t stop! I’m cuming, I’m cuming, now Mana, keep goooing!!” And my orgasm wracked my belly and I felt my juices running down my thighs.

I sat on the edge of the bath for a couple of minutes as I recovered my composure, then stood up and took Mana’s hand and we climbed out of the bath. She took a large fluffy towel and dried me, then. Despite her protestations, I made her stand still and be dried by me. I led her into the bedroom, and took her to the bed, and told her to get onto it and lie on her back. I climbed up after her and spread her legs wide and, before she could object, dipped my mouth down onto her sweet little sex lips, and started to lick her. “Please, Miss Julia, you don’t have to do this, I will pleasure you!” she cried out, trying to move her sex away from my busy tongue.

I knelt up and quickly rolled her body over onto her front, and before she could react, I slapped her hard on her upturned buttocks. I quickly rolled her onto her back and lay on top of her, my face level with hers. “You are here to look after my every need and pleasure, and so far you have done that perfectly. However, my pleasure now is to pleasure you, so you will accept my lovemaking and give yourself utterly to me – understood?”

“Yes, Miss Julia,” she said quietly, and then smiled at me. “You are a wonderful lover, Miss Julia, and I will really enjoy being your lovechild.”

Mana stayed in my bed all night. Before we fell asleep, I brought her to orgasm at least three times, the last time with her thrashing and squealing as my fingers agitated her g-spot and I bit down on her gorgeous bullet-like nipples. Once she had calmed down, she said, “Now you must sleep, Miss Julia, I will go and sleep on the sofa.”

“Don’t be silly, Mana, I expect you to stay,” I answered quickly. I lay beside her and wrapped my arms around her slim body and, her back against my chest, and within a couple of minutes, we were asleep.

I slowly awoke in the morning, and realised that Mana was no longer with me. Just then, her lithe nude body appeared at the door, carrying a cup of coffee for me. She came over and placed it on the bedside table, then leant forward and kissed my lips, murmuring, “I love you, Miss Julia, you are so beautiful.”

Before she could move away, I reached out and pulled her quickly to me so that she fell on top of me, then wrapped my arms around her and we kissed passionately and stroked each other’s naked bodies for several minutes. Eventually I sat up, gulped down my coffee and said, “Well, young Mana, what happens next?”

“Miss Julia, breakfast is served in 30 minutes time. Please get up now and we will take a shower, then I will dress you (I have already laid out your clothes for breakfast), then I will take you down to the dining room. After breakfast you will come back here and change into your bikini, and then go out and spend the morning sunbathing and socialising with your hosts on their private island. Lunch will be served there by Keiko and I at the beach. After lunch, I will lay out another outfit for you to change into, and you and Miss Charlotte and your hosts will go by launch to Monaco – it is about 10 minutes away – and will be given a private guided tour of the Prince’s Palace there. Sir Richard then has a table booked for dinner at Le Louis XV, the finest restaurant in town, and afterwards you will doubtless accompany your host to the Casino.”

“And what will happen when we get back here tonight, do you know that two, my sweet little Mana?” I said with a grin.

Man looked slightly embarrassed, but then said, “Lady Clarissa has said that she may want my company tonight if you are happy to spend the night with the two of us.” Mana blushed furiously as she said this.

A sneaking thought occurred to me. “Do you know, Mana, whether Lady Clarissa has much sexual experience with women?”

This time the young girl blushed again, but eventually found her voice. “Please don’t tell her that I told you this, but she took me to bed for the night last Thursday, and that was the first time either of us had ever been intimate with another woman. I wasn’t able to teach her anything, but she apparently enjoyed the experience so much that she is looking forward to being coached by you.”

“Well, my lovely friend, I am not surprised that she enjoyed being in bed with you – last night was one of the greatest sexual pleasures of my life!” Mana hardly knew where to look and went crimson with embarrassment at the compliment. “I mean it Mana, you are a wonderful and talented lover, an absolute natural. No wonder your mistress enjoyed you so much.”

“It is time for breakfast, Miss Julia, can we go now?” So off we went down the corridor, Mana leading, then up a grant flight of steps, at the top of which we arrived just as Claire and her maid Keiko did also. Claire kissed me and checked that all was well, and then signalled to the maids to open the doors.

In the dining room, which had windows along both walls so the whole room was bathed in sunlight, sat our hosts. As we entered, Sir Richard got up and came to meet us. He was a very handsome man in his mid-40s, over 6’ tall and with a body that he had kept in shape. He smiled at us as he approached, and kissed us both on the cheek. “My dear ladies, what a delight to meet you both, thank you for coming to join us for some relaxation.” He took my hand and led me down the table to where his wife still sat. Claire was right, definitely a trophy wife, in her mid-20s, piled up blonde hair and an enormous chest – it looked unreal but, in fact, I was to later discover that is entirely natural. Definitely an Essex girl, she greeted us both and said, “Hi darlings, seat yourselves and have some breakfast.”

Breakfast was delightful and Richard (as he insisted we called him) was interesting and interested. We were served by two more young Japanese girls, who we later discovered regularly shared Richard’s bed when Clarissa was being bedded by male lovers. Mana later explained that the couple had an open marriage, and that whilst Sir Richard only slept with the Japanese female staff on the boat, Clarissa usually had virile young men brought to her cabin.

Once we had had breakfast, Clarissa suggested that’ if we would like to gather up our things, she would arrange for the boat to take us onto the island, which was some 200 yards away from where were moored. Back in the cabin, Mana had changed and was wearing the briefest of shorts which accentuated her gorgeous bubble butt. Other than her sandals, she had nothing else on. I said to her, “Is that all you are going to wear?”

“Yes, Miss Julia,” she replied. “Sir Richard and Lady Clarissa like us to show our breasts at all times when we are on the island.”

Claire and I had carefully chosen a beautiful bikini for me when we had been shopping in Bermuda, but I knew that would be the wrong choice. I removed my clothes and just put my bikini bottoms on, then picked up my sheer silk gown, which did nothing to conceal my jutting breasts. I grinned at Mana and said, “All girls together!”

Mana picked up a bag she had packed with towels, sun creams, etc, I slipped on my sun glasses and we headed out to where the boat was tied up to the rear of the yacht. Sir Richard and Lady Clarissa were already there with two other Japanese girls. Lady Clarissa was wearing only a pair of shorts, her magnificent breasts beautifully brown with no sign of a bikini line. Sir Richard greeted me with enthusiasm. “Julia, how clever of you to dress to the house style. And Charlotte too, excellent!” he said, as Claire arrived with Keiko, my friend wearing only shorts like our hostess.

We climbed into the boat and in a couple of minutes it slid onto the beach, and Mana and Keiko jumped out and pulled the boat onto the sand. They helped us all out, and Clarissa led us down the beach about 100 yards to where there was a beach bar constructed on the edge of the water. There were sun loungers, large and mattresses with large towels already spread out on them. The bar faced out to sea, and Clarissa showed us when at the bar, you were up to your waist in the sea.

To start with everyone got themselves settled, and the four Japanese girls set to work with sun cream to make sure that we were all suitably protected. Half way through, Clarissa announced loudly, “Would anyone mind if I removed my shorts, I do hate to spoil my tan by having lines on me?”

Claire smiled at her and said quietly, “Of course not, Clarissa, I assure you that Julia and I are not worried at all. In Bermuda, Julia and I always sunbathe naked.” So saying, Claire stood up and dropped her shorts to the ground, and turned to Sir Richard. “And please, Richard, do feel free to join us,” she said with a grin, “I’m sure you would like to join us?”

Richard immediately stood up and one of the young Japanese girls, who I later learned was called Mai (her companion was called Suki), knelt in front of him and pulled his shorts down to his ankles, and when he had stepped out of them, she squeezed sun cream onto her hands and started to massage his amazing cock. Claire had previously told me that she had been hired by him once before, and therefore was not amazed at the beast that was now between Mai’s busy hands, but as my experience of male cocks was based on the two thick ones of Colin and Tony, Richard’s weapon was entirely different – though still slack, it hung down some 9 or 10 inches, but was very slim, looking almost like the anal probe that Mai-Sung and Jackie had pleasured me with on many occasions.

Within a minute the whole party, including the Japanese girls, were naked and sun cream applied. As Mana was finishing applying the cream to the crack in my buttocks, Clarissa walked over to me and took my hand, and said, “Come and join me, Julia, let us get to know one another.” She led me to one of the large mattresses on the decking, and having piled up pillows to rest on, we lay in the warm sun and chatted. I learned that she had been Richard’s secretary, and that his first wife had left him and that Clarissa had then become his lover and eventually his wife. Both of them had huge sexual appetites, and when they got married had both agreed that either of them could have as many lovers as they liked. Richard’s preference was small slim oriental girls, and she preferred strong young men who could go all night. Then, a few weeks earlier, her date had let her down, and she was so hot for sex that she had taken Mana to bed and discovered, for the first time, the pleasure of Sapphic sex.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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