Plain Jane - Cover

Plain Jane

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A chance meeting with the erotic Claire introduces me to the lucrative and pleasurable life of an international courtesan

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   True Story   Sharing   BDSM   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Black Couple   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

It was just after dawn when I woke up, and it took me a couple of minutes to recall the amazing sexual adventures of the previous night. I looked across the bed where Mai-Sung lay asleep. In the last few hours she had taught me to love my own body and those of her and Jackie. Then I noticed that the anal dildo which had pleasured me so wonderfully during the night was lying in its strapping on the bedroom floor beside me. Very quietly I climbed out of bed and spent a couple of minutes working out to fit the harness onto my hips. It was only then that I realised that, as well as the dildo which had so pleasurably entered my arse, the toy was fitted with a probe at the other end that fitted into the wearer’s cunt and clearly pleasured them at the same time. I took the tube and covered the dido with lube ready to enter Mai-sung’s waiting anal ring. My lover was lying face down on the bed, and so I climbed up behind her and gently lifted her knees so that she was in the kneeling position, and immediately moved forward and pressed the dildo into her waiting ring. Only then did she start to stir, but by the time she realised what I had done, the dildo was fully buried in her back passage and I had pressed the switch which would, in the next 30 minutes, send us both to heaven several times with repeated orgasms.

Eventually, exhausted and totally spent sexually, I pulled the dildo out of her anus with a loud ‘plop’ and collapsed beside her. “You have utterly corrupted me Mai-sung – and I love you for it,” I said laughing. “But how am I going to survive without you until this evening?”

She rolled over, kissed me and slapped my bottom. “You are going to the Rugby Club this morning and ask for Tim – he was the coach you met at the training session. He will lend you some gym kit and you are to ask him to devise a fitness routine for you. Can you cook?”

“Yes!” I replied, “Quite well actually. I went on a 3-month cookery course when I left school.”

“Good,” replied my lover. “Then you can come back here this afternoon and prepare supper. Then we will have an early night – no sex for either of us. I got a text last night from Tim and we have both been selected for the match against North Island tomorrow – make sure that Tim fits you out with the correct rugby kit – you are playing No .12 – outside centre. Come on lover, you can come and wash me as you have so splendidly fucked me!”

Once we had washed and dried each other, Mai-Sung led me along the corridor to another bedroom. “This is your room, darling – you need your own space. I hope you will want to sleep with me most of the time, but I want it clearly understood that you are welcome to have your own lovers here of either sex and you will need your own space to entertain them. And don’t worry about my proclivities – if you want cock rather than cunt, then that is perfectly OK with me.”

We went down the kitchen and Mai-sung showed me where everything was, then made us both a cup of coffee – very strong – and then went to the sideboard. “I trust you have a driving licence?” she asked.

“Just about,” I answered, “I only past my test four weeks ago before I left England.”

“Good!” she said, as she handed me a set of keys. “Car keys – white Mercedes 320SLI in the garage. Garage keys with motorised opening, press the green button. House key, opens both back and front door.”

“Isn’t there an alarm for the house?” I asked.

“Certainly not!” she snapped back, “that’s what we pay Freddy to be the security guard for. By the way, Jackie is Freddy’s daughter, and whilst we reckon he knows what his dirty little girl gets up to in her spare time, we don’t mention it to his face!” She bent forward, slipped her tongue into my mouth and kissed me passionately, grabbed her briefcase and sauntered out of the door.

I found some orange juice and made myself some toast, then tidied up and washed up. I went upstairs and put my new clothes in my new bedroom, and then put on a pair of shorts and a boob tube which Claire had insisted I buy, and a pair of old sandals. I locked the house and walked round to the garage –I pressed the necessary button and the door swung upwards, revealing a magnificent gleaming sports car, the roof already down and read to rock and roll. Although I had past my test, I hadn’t actually driven a car since the test, and the beast in front of my scared the life out of me. I spent about 20 minutes sitting in it, trying to work out how everything worked, then eventually started the engine and inched forwards. Once out of the garage, I closed the garage door and set off, very slowly. I crept down to the security gate, only managing to get into second gear, and was relieved to see Jackie come out of the cabin and wave at me.

“You don’t look as if you are very familiar with Mai-sung’s sexy beast, are you?” she said with a laugh. “Come on, hop out and I’ll give you a drive and show you how it goes.”

I got out and got back in the passenger seat and Jackie jumped in and revved the engine. She drove around the island for about half an hour, carefully explaining how all the buttons and knobs worked, then we changed places and she let me drive. I wasn’t as proficient as her, but I certainly felt more confident by the time we got back to the Estate office. Jackie leant across and pressed her hand into my crotch and kissed me lovingly on the cheek.

“Darling Jane, you were fantastic last night, I hope we get to pleasure each other again soon. Now then, where are you off to now?”

I explained that Mai-sung suggested that I go to the Rugby Club to see Tim. “Good idea, we want you looking great for the match tomorrow –I’m picked at full-back, only the second time I’ve been picked. Just to let you know, Tim loves fondling women’s bodies, so you will find his hands all over you. But not to worry, he is actually gay, so you are quite safe with him.” She kissed me again and hopped out of the car.

I drove to the Club and went in and found Tim and explained what I needed. I was glad that Jackie had warned me – Tim definitely made sure that every square inch of my body was touched when fitting me for the outfits – he particularly enjoyed the fitting of a sports bra! However, once the dressing was over, he was all efficiency in setting up an exercise programme for me, and as there were only a couple of male rugby players in the gym, who both seemed to know what they were doing, Tim gave me his undivided attention in the gym for the next two hours.

By the end I was soaking wet but actually felt invigorated rather than exhausted. I went and showered then changed and got back in the car. I knew that my father would be at work and my mother was at one of her regular bridge mornings, so drove to their house and collected my small collection of clothes and personal belongings. Having put them in the car, I went and placed their house key on the table in the hall with a note that said ‘I won’t need this anymore. J’ – and drove away.

Freddy gave me a friendly wave as I got back to the Estate, and having unpacked the car, I set to in the kitchen to prepare something tasty for my host and lover. During the afternoon she rang me on my mobile to check I was OK and said she would be home around 5 – she said with a laugh that she seemed to be particularly tired today, she couldn’t imagine why!

We had a glass of wine together when she came in, and she complimented on the meal I had prepared for us. After dinner we curled up naked together on the sofa and watched a new American film, Mai-sung’s head resting in my lap. But we were both so exhausted that we fell asleep halfway through the film, so by 9 o’clock she took my hand and took me to her bed. She kissed me deeply and passionately, then rolled on her side with her back to me – I put my arms round her and in a couple of minutes we were fast asleep.

The following morning we didn’t wake until 9 o’clock and spent a quiet morning together – breakfast, a long lazy time in the hot-tub, and then dressing and gathering up our kit. The match kicked off at 2pm, so we left at 12.30 and got to the club in good time. Everyone in the team greeted me with great enthusiasm and kindness and soon we were all changed and being given a pep talk by Jenny Roberts, our Captain. The opposition had beaten us for several years, but the margin had been small the previous year, so Jenny wanted us to give our all to try and finally win. She warned us to look out for their new winger, a tall black girl called Janine, who had been scoring a lot of tries this season and was reckoned to be very hard to bring down.

When we got out onto the pitch, I was amazed to find a large crowd, nearly 1000 people, there to watch us. I was certainly nervous, but almost immediately the whistle went and we were off and there was no time to worry. I only just understood what was expected of me, but luckily, after about 10 minutes, they got the ball along the line and I timed my tackle on my opposite number just right and nailed her and the ball to the ground. A scrum formed around us and then the whistle went – lots of ‘Well dones’ from my team mates, which really encouraged me.

We had a couple of attacking moves which didn’t quite work out, and then there was some space and the ball came along the line to me in open space. Luckily we had practiced this move in training on Wednesday night, and just as we seemed to run out of space for our winger, Jackie raced inside me and called ‘Now!’ and I slipped the pass to her just as my opposite number brought me crashing to the ground. By the time I stood up, Jackie had raced under the posts and touched down.

I won’t bore you with the rest of the match, which was a struggle, but with a minute to go, us leading 13-11, their dangerous winger got the ball in the open and was racing down the touchline. Her long legs and high stepping run made her really difficult to tackle and I was the only person left to tackle her. In desperation, I threw myself at her body, wrapping my arms around her and bringing her down like a sack of coals. As we hit the ground, the ball shot out of her grasp and into touch. The whistle went, and I suddenly realised it was the end of the game and we had won.

The elation afterwards in the changing room was tremendous, and all the team went into the communal bath and splashed around, drinking and laughing and teasing each other. When I eventually came out to get dressed, Claire –who had had a wonderful game at wing forward – was standing next to where my clothes were. She kissed and hugged me and told me I had star quality. Her husband had been at the game and was really impressed with my performance, and she wondered, if I didn’t have any plans for the evening, if I would like to come and spend the evening with them? Whilst I took this in, she leant forward and kissed my neck and then whispered, “We promise it will widen your horizons, as well as telling you something to your advantage.” She grinned and winked, and then carried on dressing.

Once dressed, everyone moved to the Club bar and everyone in the room seemed to want to meet me and congratulate me on my performance – and buy me a drink. I finally found myself with Mai-sung, who was arm-in-arm with one of our team mates who she frequently kissed deeply.

“Hi darling!” she cried and kissed me. “Brilliant performance – glad we held off the sex last night! Do you want to come and join me and Briony in a couple of hours’ time for a hot night?”

I whispered to her, “Mai-sung darling lover, I have been invited by Claire to go to her house and ‘widen my horizons’. What does that mean?”

“What a lucky girl you are,” she replied, with a broad grin. “Her husband Colin has, by all accounts, a simply magnificent cock and, if you accept tonight, you and Claire will get royally shagged. Sounds good to me – most of the bi-sexual or straight members of the team would give anything to be in your place tonight! Go for it lover – see you somewhen on Sunday!”

I stood there stunned for two minutes, until Claire spotted me and came up and put her arm around me. “What’s the matter, honey, “she said quietly, “you look shocked!”

I decided that I had to ask directly. “If I come to your house tonight, will I get fucked by your husband?”

Claire grinned. “If you want to, darling, of course he would be delighted to fuck you. We often have threesomes and foursomes at weekends, and a friend of ours may come by tonight to make up a party – he saw you play today too, and would love to meet you and pleasure you. So, my lovely Jane, are you ready to fuck with the grown-ups?”

While she was speaking, I made my mind up. “Of course, I can think of nothing nicer.”

Claire smiled and kissed me. “Great, we’ll make a move in about half an hour, I’ll come and find you and we head off together.”

So I went round chatting and drinking, and after a little while, Claire came over and slipped her arm into mine. “OK to come for a drink, Jane?” she said. “Colin has taken our car, so I’ll come with you, if that’s OK?”

Although I was acutely aware that most of the room knew why Claire and I were leaving together, I stuck my chin out and sauntered out of the Club. It was still very warm, and I could feel the sweat on my body. As we got to the car, Claire put her arm around me and said, “Are you sure this OK? You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

I grinned at her. “My sources tell me that, not only is this going to be the first fuck of my life, it is likely to be one of the great fucks of my life. Why should I want to miss out on it?”

Claire laughed. “Well you’re certainly right that it is going to be a great shag – Colin and our friend Tony watched most of your match with permanent erections.”

We drove the couple of miles to their house – an area called Fairyland Creek that I had never been to before. They had a magnificent house right on the seashore, surrounded by palm trees. Clearly Colin was already home, lights were on in the house. I parked the car and we walked in. Colin was in the lounge, wearing just a pair of shorts, seated on a vast sofa, it must have been at least 10 foot long.

“Here we are darling, the gorgeous Jane has been told that tonight she is going to have one of the greatest fucks of her life – I think we can arrange that, don’t you?” As Claire said this, she stood behind me and unzipped the summer dress I was wearing and it fell to the ground, revealing my totally naked body. Within another 10 seconds she was also naked and took my hand and led me to the sofa.

We both climbed onto the sofa, one either side of Colin, and he put his hand behind my head and drew my lips to his. As we kissed, Claire head dipped down and gently bit his nipples. Once we stopped kissing, Claire reached over and took my hand and guided it down to his shorts, and through the material I felt the outline of a rock hard and substantial cock waiting for us. I unzipped his flies and drew out the beast that was going to liberate my virginity, and what a gorgeous beast it was. Already rock hard, perhaps eight inches long but so thick that I couldn’t get my hand fully round it. As Claire slipped to the floor and pulled his shorts off, I put my head down and tasted the beast – already some pre-cum was on the tip, salty and interesting, so I stretched my mouth and drew it in. Claire now put her head by mine, licked his balls and whispered, “In your cunt Jane, all of that is going in your cunt, you lucky girl!”

I felt the thrill in my pussy as she said that, and for the next few minutes we took turns pleasuring Colin, sucking and wanking his cock and licking and sucking his balls. I was getting more and more excited, and then Claire climbed into Colin’s lap to sit on his cock, her back to him and facing me. I reached up and guided him into her damp snatch and she moaned softly as the beast slipped up into her body. I knelt up and kissed her and she groaned in pleasure, “Lick me darling, please lick my cunt!”

So I dropped my head down and let my tongue dance over both Colin’s cock and her labia as the two of them gracefully fucked. A couple of times Colin’s cock slipped out of my friend, and I quickly took the chance to suck and lick the beast, now smothered with Claire’s sweet juices, before inserting it in my friend’s dripping crack.

And suddenly Claire’s orgasm struck her – her head went back and she creamed with pleasure as a stream of her juices pumped out of her, spraying my face with her sweet cum. She shook and quivered for nearly a minute, and then slowly sat up and climbed off her husband.

“Now, Jane, quickly darling, he is so perfectly ready for you.” I climbed onto Colin’s lap, this time facing him. Claire reached between my legs and lined up his beast so that the crown was resting between my sex lips, then knelt on the sofa and said to Colin, “Don’t you dare move until I tell you!” Then she kissed me and just said, “Press down very slowly NOW!” So I did, and felt the walls of my cunt stretching as inch after inch of the beast eased up into my body. There was no pain, just massive sensation rippling through my body, and suddenly I felt his groin pressing against mine – he was fully into me.

Just then Colin put his hands under my armpits and started to lift me upwards and I felt the exquisite pleasure of the beast moving inside me, then more so as he dropped me back down and my cunt stretched as the beast slid high into my belly. To my amazement, I already felt ripples in my stomach which heralded a massive orgasm, but my lover didn’t stop, he kept fucking me as the first orgasm went almost immediately into a bigger and more frantic one, and I felt a stream of cum pouring out of me.

Then I heard a bell ring, and before I could speak, Claire jumped off the sofa and said, “Keep fucking her Colin, this is going to be an utterly memorable shag for her. That will be Tony – this is going to be a great night of sex!”

I wanted to ask questions, but my body was totally out of control and my cunt could not get enough of the stick of flesh which was pleasuring me so perfectly. It seemed as though my orgasms were continuous, and my body was covered in sweat, as was that of my lover.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Claire coming back into the room with a tall black guy who I had seen at the Club with Colin – clearly Tony. Very tall, with a totally shaved body including his head, he was naked and Claire was leading him with her small white hand around a massive black cock. She pushed him down on the sofa beside Colin and I and immediately climbed into Tony’s lap and guided his cock into her greedy cunt. “Ohmigod!” she squealed. “I so need that. Go boys, fuck us hard, Jane and I want to be shagged out of our brains!”

Once she had said this, Colin moved his hands from my armpits and put them under my buttocks and once he had lifted me up so that the wide helmet of his prick almost came out of my cunt, he both let go of my buttocks and drove his hips upwards so that the cock slammed into me. Beside me, Claire was frantically fucking Tony, and had already cum a couple of times. I looked at her and she leant over and grabbed my head and kissed me as we both rose and fell on our wonderful lovers.

Then Colin called out, “I have a scrotum full of spunk ready to pump into this lovely girl – are you ready to fill my wife, Tony?”

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