Plain Jane - Cover

Plain Jane

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A chance meeting with the erotic Claire introduces me to the lucrative and pleasurable life of an international courtesan

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   True Story   Sharing   BDSM   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Black Couple   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  


Plain Jane.

Too plain for sex.

That’s me, my whole life – until last week – and then everything changed.

I had spent most of my childhood at boarding schools in England – my father was in the Army, and so he and my mother had travelled the world, perfectly happy in each other’s company, and, I think, they were secretly glad not to be bothered with their plain daughter. The Army paid for me to go to boarding school, and for most of the holidays, I spent them with a maiden aunt in Cheltenham – hardly the centre of the universe. I stayed with my Aunt Sophie who was pleasant enough, but she had no experience of how to entertain young women and so she left me to my own devices.

I had always enjoyed my studies, particularly physics and chemistry, and so it came as little surprise to my teachers and I that I got 4 A* A-levels and an offer of a place at University College, London to read Chemistry. For once I flew out to spend the Summer holidays with my parents in Bermuda, where my father was Military Attache. The news of my academic achievements was greeted with indifference, other than complaints from my mother that they would presumably be expected to fork out more money for the next four years.

I decided to try and avoid my parents and got myself membership of the sports club they belonged to – not that any kind of sport was on my mind – I had been next to useless at school at all sporting activities. My teachers said that I ‘lacked grace’ – meaning I was a big girl, standing 6 foot tall, and although I had a shapely figure, I weighed about 10 stone. I could run, but not fast enough to feature on Sports Day, had no ability at netball, cricket or hockey. Still, my main purpose at the club was to develop a suntan which might make me slightly less unattractive when I arrived at University in the Autumn.

And so, day after day, I packed my bikini and walked to the Club. I found a quiet corner, surrounded by hedges, and spread out my towel, covered myself with suncream and started to read my way through a pile of magazines and books. As the heat rose, I gradually divested myself of my bikini and turned my naked body towards the sun – and then I must have fallen asleep.

I think I woke up because her shadow fell across my eyes, and I gradually became aware of her standing grinning at me. She looked a few years older than me – she turned out to be 28 – and had striking red hair, a laughing happy face and a model slim body – naked, just like me. I was only half awake, but I struggled to rise and find a towel to cover myself, but in a fraction of a second she had swung a leg over me and dropped down onto me so that she straddled my naked hips with hers.

“It’s OK, Jane, I’m not going to rape you. My name is Claire and I have been watching you for several days, trying to work you out. Now my guess is that you think you are not attractive, that you have an unattractive body, and that if you hide away here no one will bother you – am I right?”

By now I was fully awake. Sadly, I nodded.

“The word on the street is that you are fantastically clever, have a place at London University, and no friends worth mentioning – right again?”

I couldn’t bring myself to speak, but as I nodded, a tear ran down my cheek.

“OK, Jane, I am here to tell you that you are no longer a child, and today is the beginning of the rest of your life. You and I are going to get dressed and you are coming with me to rugby training.”

“What!” I exclaimed. “You must be joking! I have zero experience of the game, no desire to play it, and no ability at sports generally.”

Claire just grinned at me and stayed on top of me. “You are coming with me because otherwise I will stay on top of you and may well pleasure you right here – you are MUCH more desirable than you know. As for your ability, my fellow team members and I will decide that. Now then, as I am currently your one friend on this island, are you going to come with me quietly?”

“OK!” I said through gritted teeth, “just this once. But I warn you, I won’t enjoy it.”

I have never been more wrong in my life – I loved it! The group of 25 girls I joined were all races, black, white, oriental, and all sizes. And the amazing thing was – I could really play the game – I might not be the fastest runner in the world, but I instinctively had the knack of anticipating what the opposition would do and finding the gaps to run through – in an hour of intense work-out and playing, I scored three tries.

When training was over, all the team congratulated me on how well I had done and all asked anxiously if I would be coming back three days later when they would play a proper match to allow the selectors to decide on the team to play in the national championships. Their enthusiasm and friendliness was really encouraging and I promised to come and join them.

Then the surprise – at boarding school we had always showered in separate cubicles and moved around decorously wrapped up in towels. No sooner were my team-mates in the changing rooms than they were undressed and moving naked into the showers. And once there, they washed each other! It was the most intimate and erotic sight I had ever experienced, I stood stock still in amazement. Just then, Claire took my hand and gently led me forward, whispering, “Nothing to worry about Jane, it’s just washing. None of us are going to sexually molest you – at least, not until they know you better!”

And so, for the first time in my adult life, I found myself being intimately washed by another woman, and to my amazement, I adored it. Claire made me stand with my legs apart and with her lathered hands, proceeded to wash my legs, my buttocks and then every square inch of my cunt and arse. She then washed my hair and with her soapy hands massaged my breasts and I felt my breathing getting tighter and tighter – and then she put her hand on my cunt and slipped a finger into me, and for the first time in my life, another person gave me an orgasm. I fell forward against Claire with a sob, my head on her shoulder and she put both arms around me and kissed my cheek.

“I think that was the first time, wasn’t it, beautiful young Jane?” she whispered, and I nodded. “That’s good, judging by your reaction, the next ones are likely to be even more sensational. I need to explain to you that I am not a lesbian – several of the team are, as are many of my friends. In the next few days I will broaden your horizons by introducing you to one or two of them – we can’t have you going to University as a virgin! Now then, are you happy to wash me – though you can leave out the sexual pleasuring – I have a big friendly cock waiting at home for me who will do that!”

I took some soap and started to wash my first lover, and as I did so, looked around the shower room and saw that we would not have attracted much attention – the room was an orgy of Sapphic sex! Black, white and oriental were pleasuring each other in a variety of ways – a Chinese girl, Mai-Sung, was on her knees and was licking the cunt of the girl I had only met so far as the Club Captain, Jenny Roberts. Jenny was gripping Mai-Sung’s head and as I watched, Jenny had a powerful orgasm and squirted copiously all over the Chinese girl’s face.

In another area a strongly built black girl (Leanne I later discovered) was sandwiched between two white girls – the one in front of her was sucking her bullet-like nipples, the one behind her was clearly massaging Leanne’s anus.

Once I had washed my new friend all over, we went back to the changing-room. It was such a relaxed experience which I had never encountered before – there was no modesty in the room, many of the girls wandered around naked and chatted, one of the white girls lay down on a bench and Leanne straddled her face and lowered her smooth cunt onto the girl’s mouth and allowed herself to be sucked to a squealing orgasm – meanwhile girls dressed and chatted as if nothing unusual was happening – which it obviously wasn’t!

Once Claire and I were dressed, she said, “We normally go to the pub now – are you OK to come with us?”

I already knew that, for the first time in my life, I had found a group of people I wanted to be with, and who, miraculously, also wanted me to be part of their group, and so I instantly agreed and several of us set off down the road to the pub, which was only a short distance away.

All the girls from the team were there and I spent a very happy time chatting and laughing and getting to know several of them better. After about an hour people started to leave, and then Mai-Sung came up to me and suggested that we walk home together as she lived quite near me. On the walk I discovered that she was a senior financial analyst for one of the international banks here in Hamilton – she was clearly very clever as she is only 26 years old. She explained that she had learned rugby in school in Hong-Kong, and that she was the scrum-half for the national side here in Bermuda. She was very complimentary about my performance that evening – “you have a natural talent, Jane, this is really your sport.”

When we got to my parents’ house, I offered her a drink, but she said she needed to be up early in the morning for an important conference call, but then she suggested we should go out clubbing together the following evening. She was great company and I really liked her, so immediately said yes. “Good,” she said, “remember to tell your parents not to expect you home – you can stay over at my place.” And she turned to face me, put her hand behind my head and drew my face down to hers and slipped her tongue into my mouth and kissed me deeply and passionately. The kiss seemed to last for ages, and I found myself responding to her kiss as I remembered this was the same tongue which I had watched pleasuring Angie Roberts’ cunt earlier in the evening.

Eventually she broke away, gave my bum a friendly slap and started to walk away grinning, calling over her shoulder, “Remember to wear your sexiest clubbing gear!” And then she was gone, leaving me standing there somewhat stunned.

My parents were out, so I went straight to my room, undressed and stood naked in front of the full-length in my room. “Well, young lady, what have you been up to in one amazing day?” I said to my reflection. “Played rugby, made love in a communal shower, French kissed Mai-Sung and implicitly agreed to spend the night with her tomorrow – knowing that she desires my body. Where is all of this going to lead?” As I said this, I put my hand on my pussy and slipped a finger slowly in – to find that I was already very damp. I went and lay back on the bed, drew my knees up and inserted two fingers into myself, and started to stroke my clitoris with my thumb. I had done this many times in my life and achieved a certain amount of pleasure, but the memory of Mai-Sung’s tongue in my mouth and the thought of what the following night with her might bring was a huge aphrodisiac – and within a minute I was hit by the biggest orgasm of my life – my hips convulsed frantically and I almost fainted as a stream of cum poured out of me. In a couple of minutes I was asleep, two fingers still in my sopping cunt, dreaming of the delight of making love to Mai-Sung’s tight small body.

That night I certainly slept well, and it was broad daylight when I eventually woke up, sprawled on top of the sheets with my thighs covered with my own cum. Eventually I stood up and went and stood naked in front of the mirror – and was appalled at what confronted me. My hair, which I had never bothered with, looked like a fright wig, and my pubic hair, which was brunette, was an unruly rug that grew in all directions. In the showers the previous evening, I had noticed that most of the girls had removed their pubic hair, and certainly looked much sexier as a result.

Standing there, I decided that I had reached a changing moment in my life – so I grabbed my phone and sent a text to my new friend Claire, asking if she could recommend a hairdresser who would also look after my pubic hair. Within a minute, I got a reply – “!!!! Meet me in the 1609 Bar at the Fairmont at 12 noon – all arranged – C”

I pulled out my smartest dress and put on some Roman sandals and made sure I arrived downtown at the hotel just before noon. Sure enough, Claire was already there with two cups of coffee in front of her. She got up and kissed me as I arrived, then told me to sit down and relax as my appointment was just next door in 30 minutes time. Without any embarrassment, she calmly explained that most of the girls in the team favoured having their pubes and crack completely waxed – it was much more comfortable when playing and much easier to wash – not to mention making sex much more pleasurable, she said with a grin.

I blushed, but said, “Claire, I need to ask you, I am going to spend the night with Mai-Sung tonight. Am I right in thinking that she will want to make love to me?”

“She WILL make love WITH you, and I can assure you, based on what the other girls tell me, that you will have the most marvellous introduction to lesbian sex imaginable – she is an amazing teacher, apparently. Now then, we need to decide about this hair of yours,” she said, taking my hand and drawing me towards her. I wondered what was going to happen. “As you know,” she continued, “I am one of the few people on the team who is not trying to get into your knickers, so believe me when I tell you – as I suspect few or any people have told you in your life – but you are a very attractive young woman and, I suspect, will become more and more attractive in the next year or two. But you are SO unfashionable, it is unbelievable. So I am coming with you in a few minutes to my favourite hairdresser, and we are going to make sure you reduce this mass of hair to a close crop modern style, and then have a complete waxing of your pubes and crack. I promise you, when Mai-Sung sees you tonight, any idea of going out clubbing might well be forgotten!” She stood up and took my hand. “Time to go, Cinderella!”

I followed her in somewhat of a daze, especially when, a couple of minutes later we walked into the kind of very expensive salon which I had never imagined myself entering. I pulled on Claire’s hand and whispered, “Claire! I can’t afford this – I’m a student and my parents give me a miniscule allowance!”

“Listen, Cinderella, I am your Fairy Godmother, and this is my gift to you. You and I are going to be friends for the rest of our lives, so just accept this with my love. Now then, here is the lovely Denise who is going to whisk you away to her private boudoir to pamper you and make you a smooth girl, before Toni here sorts out your hair. See you soon!”

I followed the slim and immaculately coiffured Denise in her clinical white coat into a small room with a massage bed in it, and Denise, who I remembered from the rugby practice, immediately removed her coat to reveal her gorgeously smooth, curvy and completely naked body. She gave me a couple of analgesic pills which she said would dull any pain, then told me to strip off and climb on the couch. “It’ll take a few minutes for the pills to work,” she said calmly. “Why don’t we get to know each other better?” So saying, she immediately climbed up on the couch, lay on top of me and slipped two fingers into my damp pussy.

“Those of us who are lesbians are SOOO jealous of Mai-Sung, ‘cos we’re know that she is going to have you first. But remember, there is long queue of us lovers waiting for you!” Her fingers were dancing inside me, and already I could feel my cunt walls starting to pulse against her fingers. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and put my hands on her tight buttocks and pulled her against me. Her fingers still danced inside me thrillingly, but she then found my clitoris with her thumb and my whole body started to vibrate frantically – and then suddenly I couldn’t stop myself and cum was squirting out over her hand and I squealed as my orgasm came with the force of an express train!

Denise lay on top of me for a couple of minutes, stroking my hair and gently kissing me. She whispered, “That was your first with another woman, wasn’t it?”

“My first with anyone other than my vibrator,” I said shyly.

“What an honour!” she said, kissing me again. “There will be many more, but you always remember your first. Mai-Sung was my first, so it is kind of appropriate that I should be yours. Now then, you should be ready for me now – I shall make your body a smooth temple for Mai-Sung tonight.”

Within a couple of minutes I was lying naked on my back whilst she applied warm wax to my pudenda. Denise chatted away happily, and told me that Toni is one of the greatest hairdressers and that he would make me look a million dollars. As well as my pussy and crack, she also waxed my armpits so that my only hair was on my head. After about 20 minutes, Denise helped me to my feet and told me to look in the full-length mirror by the door. I was stunned – whilst I had been nude before, after my waxing I felt totally naked. “You look great, Jane, you have such a lovely body!”

Still reeling from the girl’s comment, I put my dress back on and followed her back into the salon, where she showed me to a chair, beside which were standing Claire and a young man who she introduced as the proprietor himself, Toni.

“Now, beautiful Jane,” he began, “Claire suggests a close crop and I agree. And with your colouring, I am going to add some red which will make the whole effect much more dramatic. Happy with that?”

I felt over-whelmed by this attention and just nodded and Toni went to work immediately, and huge quantities of my hair were soon on the floor. One of his assistants then washed and dyed my hair, and Toni returned to complete the cutting. I had kept my eyes closed throughout as I wanted the result to be a surprise – and it was! I can honestly say that I looked like one of those fashion models in a glossy magazine – and what was best was the fact that close crop had dramatically reduced the size of my head – which I had always felt self-conscious about. Claire came forward and kissed me and exclaimed, “Toni! A masterpiece, Jane looks simply divine, and if I wasn’t straight, I would want her in my bed immediately!”

Everyone laughed, although I knew that I blushed furiously. “Come darling, we need to find you a new wardrobe to show off your new beauty.” And taking my hand, we swept out of the salon and strolled off down Front Street. I had wandered here before, but never ventured into any of the very expensive-looking fashion shops. However, Claire was clearly known in every one of them – the next two hours were a whirlwind of greeting, kissing and lots and lots of shopping – all for me. Not only could I not afford one of the items, but they were all so modern and fashionable that I would never have dared purchase or wear them.

When I was finally laden down with purchases, we parted on the pavement and Claire hailed a cab for me, wishing lots of love and fun in the night to come. I was in such a daze – the staff and clients in the hair salon had actually applauded me when I came to leave! – that I completely forgot the impact that my new look might have on my ultra-conservative parents. The answer was clear within 30seconds – total horror. I was called a wide variety of appalling names, threatened with being locked in my room, sent home to England on the first plane, and many worse ‘punishments’. When they finally stopped shouting for a few seconds, with amazing calm, I spoke, firmly and calmly.

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