Charlotte in a Shower of Rain - Cover

Charlotte in a Shower of Rain

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A chance meeting when a young woman stumbles into my house, and she and her cousin help me found SecretOrgies

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Shemale   Fiction   DomSub   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys  

It was early afternoon on the Sunday when I woke up to find my arms wrapped around Charlotte’s soft body, her firm buttocks pressed into my crotch. The house was generally still, except for the unmistakeable sound of Ellie in a state of orgasm, the sound coming from the next room. As I lay there listening, Charlotte stirred in my arms, rolled over and slipped her tongue into my mouth and we kissed gently for a few minutes. Then she said, “She is such a noisy lover!” and we laughed.

I took Charlotte’s hand and we climbed out of bed and walked softly to the door to the adjoining room and looked in. The unmistakeable slim body of Sylvie was spread-eagled on her back in the middle of the bed, with one of her favourite toys, a large vibrating butt plug, inserted in her rear. Sitting on her face, her hair flying as Sylvie’s tongue probed her dripping sex, was the noisy and clearly frantically excited Ellie.

I drew Charlotte back into my room and whispered, “I think they are going to be a while yet!” and we both giggled. I went into my bathroom, ran the bath and we both got in and lay there and chatted. I asked her to tell me about her plans when Sophie went off to University in the coming week – Ellie was off to study sports management. Charlotte explained that she had no job at present, she had worked as an Administrator and Development Manager for a sports centre in London but that had gone bust, so she was currently unemployed.

I then told her that I had been thinking that the party we had just held could be the basis of a good money-making idea, but I would need someone to help me organise and run it. My idea was to hold exclusive and high-class orgies in the house, and through the contacts that Sylvie and I already had, to invite half a dozen couples to participate each time. The event would start on a Saturday evening, we would have a reception and a fine dinner, and then the orgy would run through to the Sunday morning, breakfast and then goodbye. I was certain that there were a lot of couples who would pay £2,000 for such a party, so that each party could easily clear £10,000 after expenses. If we had at least one party per month, we could make £120,000 a year – not bad for having great sex with a lot of people.

“Just a minute,” she said firmly, taking a firm grip on my cock and slowly masturbating me, as she did so she put her face close to mine, “you just said ‘we could make £120,000’ – would you clarify what you mean exactly by that, please?”

“To me it seems perfect serendipity. I have this large house with lots of bedrooms and a list of rich and sexually active friends. You are clearly a skilled organiser and administrator and we are both unbelievably great bi-sexual lovers – what could be a more perfect combination. If you agree, we will be partners and split the profits 50:50.”

She lay there staring at me in shock, although shock did not stop her from gently wanking my cock to a rock hard erection. She eventually said, “Are you serious, Tom? And why me?”

“I am perfectly serious – Ellie leaves for college on Tuesday, you can give notice on your flat immediately and move in here on Wednesday, and we will start our business, which I thought we might call Secret Orgies, on Thursday. As for why you, isn’t it obvious? I am in love with you. You are gorgeous, clever, funny, you have a divine body to die for, you are utterly erotic and I adore you. I have had many mistresses, of whom Sylvie is the most recent, and I remain friends with all of them and you and I will probably continue to see and fuck them whenever the opportunity presents itself. But you are very special, and I would like you to be my business partner as well as my lover.”

Charlotte put her hands either side of my face and kissed me tenderly. Then she said, “I love you too, Tom, and of course I will be your partner and I will work day and night to make Secret Orgies an exclusive goldmine! But are you sure that you want me to come and live here – won’t I get in your way if you want to invite your mistresses to come here as well?”

“Of course not, darling, because we will only invite those of my mistresses you like and enjoy and, of course, we will all make love together – I already know that you are sexually insatiable with both men and women!”

“But what about Sylvie, she is clearly very special to you?” she asked.

“I think you will find that your cousin is going to transfer her deepest affection from you to my gorgeous lover Sylvie, and that that noise coming from next door will be a frequent occurrence every time Ellie gets away from her studies and Sylvie from her photoshoots.”

We lay there, chatting, kissing and fondling each other until eventually Ellie exhausted herself and the noise from the adjacent bedroom ceased. Charlotte and I got dried and walked into their room to find the two lovers wrapped in each other, their bodies covered with sweat. The four of us went downstairs to find that the others had left, but the blessed Mary had tidied the kitchen and left food and juice on the table for us.

While we ate, I explained the plan Charlotte and I had for Secret Orgies. I told them that they were both to treat this house as their home whenever they wanted to come here, and they would always be welcome to our orgies. They were both excited at the idea, and kissed and congratulated Charlotte on being part of it.

Eventually exhaustion set in, and I suggested that the three of them stay the night, and so we walked upstairs and, on the landing, Ellie and Sylvie turned and kissed us goodnight and walked hand in hand into their bedroom and Charlotte and I climbed into my bed. I was already rock hard at the prospect of my lover’s body, but she pushed me onto my back and climbed onto me, cowgirl, and eased her damp cunt down onto my lucky erection. What followed was a LOT of amazingly hot fucking!

The next day Sylvie was up early, packed and ready to go at 8am to catch a flight to the West Indies, where she had a fashion shoot for a week or so. Kissing all round, especially with a very emotional Ellie, then Sylvie hopped into her sportscar and roared off down the drive. After a restorative coffee, I took both girls back to their apartment, saying farewell to Ellie and promising to come back on Wednesday morning and pick up Charlotte, and all her things, and bring her to her new home with me. The next two days were spent catching up with work (I manage a private investment fund made up of substantial savings of a few friends) and tidying and preparing the house for Charlotte’s arrival.

I picked her up on Wednesday morning, and loaded her small collection of personal belongings into the car. When we got to my house, I showed her to her room which I had cleaned for her – it was the room adjacent to mine, the one where Ellie and Sylvie had had such noisy sex at the weekend. I could see the puzzled look on Charlotte’s face at having her own bed, but explained that I wanted her to have some privacy if she wanted it, but that I hoped she would spend most of the time in my bed. Her smile lit up her face. “Of course I will, provided you spend most of the time in me!”

We went downstairs and I showed her the office I had created for her by converting a small lounge next to my study – desk, computer, laptop and tablet, printer, phones, copier etc all installed and working. She was thrilled and kissed me again and again. I made some coffee and we sat down in my office to plan for the first event of Secret Orgies.

I gave her a copy of a list of about 20 couples who I thought might be interested, with half a dozen couples starred as a) most likely to want to come and b) also most likely to spread the word to others of the excellence of the event.

I had written a brief description of each couple together with their background, likes and dislikes (especially sexual ones – many of the women had been my mistresses in former times, so I knew them very intimately).

However, I pointed out that we would have to widen the net if we wanted SO to grow, and so I suggested she devised a marketing strategy, including designing a website and corporate design, and that she arrange to go and speak to some friends of mine, Greg and Maxine Roth, who ran an exclusive members only website which acted as an introductory agency for bringing swingers together. We decided that the first SO would be in two weeks’ time, and with that Charlotte was out of her chair, saying, “Great! Must get on, lots to do!”

And that was it for the rest of the day – I heard her on the phone, working on the computer, but that was it, no further conversation with me – this girl seemed to be just what was needed. I wandered in during the afternoon and asked, “Going OK?”

Without looking up from her desk, she replied, “Great darling, I should be able to give you a report at 5 o’clock.”

I walked to the desk and dropped a set of car keys on the desk. “You’ll need to get around. You’ll find a black BMW 325 parked by the side of the house – I bought it yesterday for you.” I kissed her on the forehead and walked out before she could recover.

At 5pm she came into my office carrying a pile of papers. She showed me the corporate design she had done – very understated and erotic, purple background and faded gold copperplate writing – I agreed it instantly. Using that, she had designed business cards and advertising flysheets which could be sent to prospective guests. She also showed me the initial webpage she was working on - it would be password protected so only members could access it.

She had already made an appointment to see Greg and Maxine the following day – her plan was to explain the SO set-up to them and to invite them as non-paying guests to the first event to ensure they included our adverts on their site together with some great feedback about us.

She had already phoned Lucy and agreed a price for her and Mary to provide a five course dinner together with a continental breakfast the following morning for 14 people. “Sorry,” I said, “why 14 people. Five couples + you and me make 12?”

“I’ve already called Sylvie who will be back from Mexico by then, and Ellie is also free to come down from York. I decided that for the first party with need a couple of extra nymphomaniacs to make sure that this first party really goes with a bang! On top of which, Ellie and Sylvie have agreed to serve the meal in the nude before making themselves available to the guests!”

Because all sex was to be unprotected, she had set up accounts with four health clinics which would do STD testing. Everyone present would have to arrive with a clean STD certificate dated no more than 48 hours before the Orgy started, together with a signed undertaking that they had not had sex with anyone except their partner since the time on the STD certificate.

She had been through my list of contacts and selected five couples, together with a couple of reserve couples, and suggested that I call them after she had been to see Greg & Maxine. All of this came out in a rush – she was really pumped up with energy and excitement. “Brilliant work, darling,” I said. “But you need to wind down before we have dinner. Come!”

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