A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

It was almost midday on the island before there was any movement from the sleeping cabins – all the events and sexual frenzy of the last two days had caught up with our young friends. And when the bleary naked bodies of the five young women emerged from their bedrooms, it was to find that Gaston and Phillippe were laying out a table in the courtyard under a couple of the large parasols. Fruit juices, breads, fruits, meats – all manner of wonderful things greeted them on the groaning table. Once coffee had been served, everyone perked up and the chatter started. Initially it was about Sarah’s wonderful performance the night before which everyone had clearly enjoyed whether participating or watching – and Sarah made everyone laugh when she stood up and leant across the table to reach some fruit, without realising she still had the black butt plug protruding from her arse. She was about to remove it when Rebecca told her to leave it – she was planning to introduce Sarah’s arse to Philippe’s cock very soon, and Sarah’s arse could do with all the stretching it could get before then. Philippe’s cock immediately looked enthusiastic at the prospect, and Sarah had such wonderful memories of the Count in her back passage that she knew that Rebecca’s offer of her servant’s wide prick in there would be very exciting.

As she had become the centre of attention, Sarah decided to speak up about something that had been concerning her. “I have been thinking about the relationships that exist between us all and how the forms of address we use don’t match them. I am here on holiday for two weeks with you all on a small island. I do not need a maid, I do not need a servant. What I have is a delicious young friend – Catherine blushed – who I sleep with and make love to constantly. I have my wonderful friend Gaston who, as you all have seen, is able to fuck me until I weep and orgasm continuously. Therefore, I have decided that all of us will call my young lover Cat, and we will call my friend Gaston. Everybody will call me Sarah – I will not accept everything else. Am I clear?”

Catherine could hardly contain her excitement at her sudden promotion from maid to lover. “Oh mis... “ she started and then checked herself. “Sorry, Sarah, “she said carefully and lovingly, “your Cat will love you for ever.”

Before anyone could speak, Rebecca spoke up. “Sarah is absolutely right and I wish to let you know what I want. You are all to call Jeanette ‘Nette’, and call Philippe by his name. Everyone is to call me Rebecca with the exception of Nette”. Here she paused for a couple of seconds, and a worried looked across at Nette’s face. “Because she has given her body to me for punishment and is my slave as well as my lover, I wish her, and only her, to call me Becca. Am I clear?”

Nette choked back the tears as Rebecca said the last sentence, but Rebecca leant down and kissed her on the mouth. “You are mine darling, and, whatever I need to do, you will be with me for a long while.”

Caroline had ben relaxing, watching the four young women swear their love for each other, and now spoke up. “You are all such clever young women and Sarah and Rebecca are a credit to Sir Richard and his company. I too wish it to be known that I am Caro to everyone here from now on. And now we have agreed that, I suggest we spend the rest of the day relaxing and starting working on our suntans. There is plenty of food and drink available in the kitchen over there, I do not expect the men to have to do any further work today. I have asked Gaston & Philippe to serve dinner tonight at 8pm, so until then the day is yours. I would just ask Sarah & Rebecca, if they have not planned their entertainment for tonight, if they would let me have Cat and Nette for my enjoyment?”

Both the young maids look surprised at the announcement and Catherine looked more nervous when she considered the beating that Rebecca had received at Caroline’s hands two nights ago, and wondered if this was to be her fate. Sarah noticed their concern, but realised that Caroline should be allowed to share equally in the pleasure of these young girls. She turned to Catherine and said, “You are no-one’s slave, darling Cat, you can choose for yourself. Would you and Nette like to spend the night with Caro?”

Catherine looked at her friend Nette, who nodded eagerly, and without any further hesitation she said to Caroline “We would both love to share your bed Caro – it will be a pleasure.”

Now all these things had been decided, the two men offered to clear the tables and the five young women went off to disport themselves on the sunloungers. Needless to say, the two young maids immediately offered to apply the sunlotion to their mistresses, although Sarah immediately sent Cat over to perform that task for Caroline – an application which Cat took a long time over and which seemed to cause Caroline a rather loud sighing as Cat’s last finger was withdrawn from her dripping cunt.

Once the two maids had oiled their charges, their new status was put to the test as Sarah and Rebecca insisted on applying their suncream – they had no experience of being ministered to by their mistresses and were initially very embarrassed, but as Sarah and Rebecca chatted to them and gently anointed their breasts and buttocks, the girls relaxed and accepted the application. And then the afternoon’s sunbathing began in earnest. Occasionally one of the women would get up and go to the kitchen, returning with drinks or pieces of fruit for everyone. Every hour or so the women would slide in the pool in the courtyard to cool down. And as the sun went down about 5.30pm, they rose from their loungers and returned to their rooms.

Despite their new status as lovers not maids, Cat and Nette could not wholly forget their training, and Sarah and Rebecca found that cool baths had been drawn in their bathrooms, but as they approached their rooms, Rebecca said to Cat, “Would you like to join me this evening?” Instinctively Cat looked to Sarah for her approval, instead of which Sarah just took Nette’s hand and walked into her room. The bathrooms at the residence were magnificent, double sinks, double showers and vast baths, just like in the Chateau, where they were like a swimming pool where you walked down into them via steps. As both young women were already nude, they walked straight into the bathroom and down the steps to the ready drawn bath. This was Sarah’s first time alone with the lovely Nette, who was similar to Cat, but had slightly fuller breasts, but otherwise was as lovely as her friend. Sarah gathered her into her arms and pressed her knee between Nette’s legs which instantly opened, allowing Sarah to press her knee upwards. Clearly the conversation around the table that morning had emboldened both young maids, as Nette immediately slipped her hand under the water and Sarah felt her slide her two fingers into her cunt, followed a few seconds later by easing her thumb into Sarah’s rectum. Thus entwined, the two young women and stimulated each other for the next half hour, slowly bringing each other near to climax and then slowing down to prolong the stimulation, until eventually Sarah lost control and screamed as Nette rapidly vibrated her anus and shock waves of orgasm pulsed through her body.

Next door, Cat had been led to the bath with considerable apprehension, and although Rebecca merely kissed and fondled the young girl, Rebecca could feel the tension in her body and realised that the youngster was frightened of what might happen to her, both here and with Caroline that night.

“Are you frightened of the pain that Caroline or I might inflict on you, darling Cat?” she asked the young girl, who had averted her eyes from Rebecca’s.

“Oh yes, Rebecca. I really am,” came pouring out of the young girl. “I am sure I will not be as brave as Nette, and having seen her marks, I am sure I could not bear that and would let you and my lovely Sarah down and she would get rid of me and that would break my heart because I love her, Rebecca, I love her with all my heart, and I want to stay with her as long as I possibly can.” The young girl was sobbing with fear and grief. Rebecca stroked her hair and kissed her gently.

“Then we must make sure that you do NOT let her down, musn’t we?” Come with me”, she said, and took the young girl up out of the bath, and taking a large bath towel she dried the girl as if she were a young child. When they were both dry, she led her into the bedroom and stood her in the middle of the room at the end of the bed and facing away from the window. Standing beside her, she fondled Cat’s buttocks and spoke quietly to her.

“Some women are natural submissives who enjoy receiving punishment. Your friend Nette is just such a girl – if I invited her in here now, and said I would beat her for 60 minutes, she would beg me to start. But you are not such a person – because of your love for Sarah, you are willing to submit but afraid of the consequences. Very gently, I will guide you to where you want to be. Is this what you want, my beautiful Cat?”

Still shaking, the young girl raised her head, looked Rebecca in the eye and said, “Yes please Rebecca, I want this so much, but I am still very afraid.”

From behind her back, Rebecca produced a blindfold and slipped it over Cat’s eyes and said, “Be quiet now darling one, and trust me, this will be a very gentle introduction to the pleasure that awaits you and which will keep you by Sarah’s side. Give me your hands now.” Rebecca had drawn down from the fitting in the ceiling two wires with a cuff on the end of each one, and she fitted the cuffs over Cat’s wrists and then moved to a panel at the side of the room and pressed a button. The cables retracted into the ceiling until the wires were fully tightened and the girl stood there like the letter ‘Y’. Moving back beside her, she asked gently, “Do you want to be gagged – it is your choice?”

Cat shook her head vigorously – she was clearly too frightened to speak but was holding herself together for what she sensed was to come. Going to the drawer at the side of the room she took out a flogger whip, the cords of which were only made of material rather than leather, which would have hurt more acutely. She drew the cords over the girl’s breasts and stomach, and Cat jumped in anticipation of the pain that never arrived. Rebecca spoke firmly but kindly to the girl. “Listen Cat, you have just learnt an important lesson. Bondage is not about pain, it is about mastering the anticipation of pain. In the next few minutes I will pleasure you – there will be an element of pain, but a lot of it will be pleasure – and that is what you will concentrate on anticipating. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress,” Cat said in a still small voice. “Please pleasure me now.”

“Good girl,” said Rebecca, and for the next few minutes she used the flogger whip to stroke the girl all over, but occasionally she flicked her with the whip so she jumped, but did not cry out. As she became used to the whip, Rebecca flicked her more and more, especially on the buttocks which started to have a red hue. Moving to the toy drawer, she took out a paddle whip, this time made of leather. She moved to stand behind Cat and said gently, “Well done Cat, you have done brilliantly and I adore you for what you have achieved.” She could sense the young girl relaxed as she complimented her, probably believing that her punishment was now at an end. She moved in front of Cat and said quietly, “So now you have had your pleasure, you are going to give me my gift of pleasure – are you willing?”

Slightly confused, the maid nodded her assent. “Five minutes, that is all, and then you can take me to bed, that will be my gift to you. Be brave and think of pleasure.”

Moving to one side, she started to spank the girl’s buttocks, a few light strokes on one side, then a couple of sharp raps, then moved to the other side and repeated the exercise. By now, Rebecca had become aware that Sarah and Nette were standing naked in the doorway, Sarah with concern on her face as her maid took her punishment. Rebecca put her finger to her lips to indicate that they were to be silent, and then continued to spank her. As the five minutes came to an end, Rebecca waved Sarah to join her, and put the paddle whip in her hand and indicated with hand movements that she was to administer five blows on each buttock – hard. Rebecca moved in front of Cat and lifted the blindfold, but grasped her head between her hands so she could not look round to see who was beating her, and then said, “Now”.

Sarah had no experience with punishment, but had seen enough of Rebecca’s treatment of Cat to know what was expected. She struck five firm blows to the left buttock and probably Cat would have cried out had Rebecca not had her tongue halfway down her throat. Changing side, she gave the final five blows, then dropped the paddle and moved beside Rebecca who released Cat’s face so that Sarah could kiss away the tears that were flowing down her face. Rebecca spoke as she released the cuffs from Cat’s wrists and led her to the bed.

“That was wonderful Cat, you are a total star, you have started your bondage training and have given pleasure to both Sarah and I. Your friend Nette has been standing watching this with cum running down her thighs, and is now going to take Sarah back to her room and make love to her whilst we will stay here and be lovers too.” Sarah and Nette held hands and walked out of the room, and Rebecca turned to Cat. “so young lady, tell me about your experience and what you have learned?”

“I was very frightened to start with, but because you put the blindfold on me, it helped because I could concentrate on what I felt. It was only when you had been whipping me harder that I started to feel any pain, but I concentrated on the thought of being here in bed with you, and the pain went away. And even when you and Sarah paddled me, I really felt no pain – I knew my two lovers were spanking me and the tears I was shedding were for joy at that thought, not of pain.”

Rebecca was now highly strung from the delight of the punishment she had administered, and could wait no longer. She rolled onto her back on the bed, and pulled Cat down so that they were in the 69 position, so Cat’s red buttocks faced upwards for other guests to see. Rebecca spread her legs and Cat plunged her warm tongue into Rebecca’s liquid cunt and Rebecca moaned loudly, then reached up and pulled Cat’s pussy down into her mouth. The two of them would be oblivious to the outside world for the next hour or so.

Next door, Nette knew that Sarah, who she had always loved from the outset, was very stimulated by the spanking which she had given to Cat, and did not know how to relieve herself before the evening started. Luckily Nette was a very wise young woman and asked Sarah to come and kneel on the bed. She immediately put a blindfold on her then went to the ‘toy’ drawer and took out a spreader bar – a steel bar with cuffs at both ends. She attached the cuffs to each ankle and then took two more sets of straps with cuffs on one end, which were attached to her wrists, and straps that fixed around her legs just below the knee, thus rendering Sarah totally helpless. As she was facing away from the window, with her bottom up in the air, she was totally visible from the courtyard. Nette drew back her hand and gave her a sharp slap on her rump and said, threateningly, “You have no idea what will happen next!” and walked out of the room.

Sarah was sure that Nette was going to extract revenge by beating her, but now she was confused, excited and a little afraid. The fear mounted as time passed and nothing happened. She had heard nothing, but suddenly she felt another violent slap on her other buttock, and Nette saying, “Keep your arse in the air, slave!”

No soon had Sarah ensured that her arse was high in the air than she felt an object being inserted into her cunt, a cunt which was already dripping with the excitement of this experience. It was an enormous dildo, not so much long as extremely wide, and once in seemed to fill her totally. And then, just as she got used to it, Nette leaned forward and presses a switch at its base, and the vibrator sprung into life. Sarah could not move or see, but her whole body was on fire as shock waves of orgasm made her thrash about helplessly. The vibrator was on a program that made it speed up and slow down automatically, and so once she had cum, the cock in her bowels would slow and she could recover her breath. However, Nette let the program run three times before she stepped forward again and started applying grease liberally into her anus – Nette knew what was coming next. Sarah guessed in horror, but by then the program was running fast and she was in the throes of another orgasm. Once that cycle had finished, Nette pushed the control to stop it, but as this happened, Sarah was aware of a large bellend pressing into her anal ring. She squirmed and tried to move away, but two firm hands had a vice-like grip on her hips, and continued to press forward the massive cock until her ring relaxed and it started to slide up her back passage.

By now she had guessed that it was Philippe and his enormous cock and she tried to let herself relax and enjoy what was happening to her. Philippe had, by now, fully penetrated her and was starting to slide halfway out of her before pushing back in. This was too much for her, and she was crying and screaming, begging him to stop, begging him to fuck her harder, shrieking as another wave of orgasm hit her. She was making so much noise that most of the Caribbean must have heard her – certainly everyone on their island heard and came to see her in action. Caroline and Rebecca were there, encouraging Sarah to cum yet again, Gaston was encouraging Philippe with a stream of French swearwords as to what would please Sarah the most. However, lovely young Cat, who still had cum dripping down her legs from her sexual orgy with Rebecca which they had completed just two minutes ago, could sense that her lovely mistress had had enough and needed help. She moved forward, reached between Philippe’s legs and grasped his ball sac, then pushed two fingers into his anus and found his prostrate. She squeezed his balls, manipulated his prostrate and within 15 seconds Philippe mammoth weapon grew even more engorged and then pumped vast quantities of sperm into Sarah’s anal passage. After resting inside her for a couple of minutes, Philippe withdrew with a satisfying ‘plop’ and Cat and Nette quickly removed Sarah’s restraints and the dildo in her cunt and both fell into her arms and kissed and caressed her.

As a result of the sexual activity, dinner was a little late that night. When the group finally sat down to eat, both Cat, with her very red bottom, and Sarah with her raw anus from Philippe’s attention, needed extra cushions to allow them to sit comfortably. Mind you, the experience of both girls had given them a wonderful glow of happiness, and the rest of the table spent a lot of the meal discussing their experience with them. Cat was a little shy at first, but eventually admitted that she had been jealous of her friend Nette and the beating she had received at the Chateau, but had been frightened at the prospect of being beaten in that way. Now that Rebecca had introduced her to the experience, she was really excited to move onto the next stage of being flogged, whenever one of the girls wanted to take her that way. After this speech, all the table clapped and Caroline got up and went and kissed her and told the table that she knew the ideal occasion for such a flogging and that she would arrange it.

Sarah had been so stimulated by being DP’d by the vibrating dildo and Philippe’s cock that, an hour after it was over, she was sitting at table on cushions that were getting ever damper as her juices continued to run out of her cunt. She apologised in advance to Rebecca, with whom she had agreed to spend the night whilst Cat and Nette were spending the night with Caroline, but said that she was too sore and exhausted for any active sex with her friend, but Rebecca assured her that after the excesses of recent days, she was looking forward to just sleeping in her lover’s arms.

After dinner the party ended early and within ten minutes, Sarah and Rebecca, after a few minutes of gentle kissing and quiet gossip, fell asleep in each other’s arms. In Caroline’s room, the three women there were equally tired and, although Nette was quick to spread Caroline’s legs and bring her to a satisfying climax with her amazing ability with oral sex, the two of them found that young Cat had already fallen asleep beside them, and within a few minutes, the three of them were also asleep, with Caroline lying with the maids either side of her, their heads resting on her breasts.

It was late morning before the girls awoke, only to find that Caroline was already up and had been making arrangements for that evening. Over brunch, she told the girls that the five of them were invited that evening to Club Rock, a private and exclusive venue on its own private island a few minutes away by boat. The two men could not come as the Club did not allow men, but Caroline assured them they were going to have a wild evening, and suggested that they should ‘save their energy’ for tonight. So the afternoon was spent sunbathing and swimming. Cat’s bottom was a wonderful hue of red, but the young girl was very proud of it and loved it when the other girls mentioned or patted it. The long night’s rest had fully restored Sarah, and the stimulation to her arse and cunt meant that she had rather hoped to spend the night with Gaston and was disappointed with the plan to go to a club with no men. Still, she thought, I can always have his gorgeous cock when we come back.

After an early supper, the five young women, dressed, on Caroline’s advice, in just a shift dress and sandals, got into the launch and Caroline set of for Club Rock. As they approached the island after a few minutes, Sarah could see a small harbour, and as they slipped through the narrow entrance, Caroline eased the launch against a jetty, and a beautiful tanned young woman, looking very fit and tanned and dressed just in shorts and trainers, held the launch whilst the girls disembarked.

“Hello Caroline, lovely to have you and your friends here,” she said, with a strong Australian accent.

“Hi Jennie,” replied Caroline. She introduced Jennie to the others, and explained that that the island was owned by Jennie’s mother Elizabeth, who they would meet shortly.

“Go on to the club and get yourselves a drink,” said Jennie. “I’ll just park your launch for you.”

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