A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

Those of you who have already enjoyed reading “A Night at the Chateau” will remember that Sarah and Rebecca, the two Personal Assistants to Sir Richard Wakefield, had participated in a frenzied night of orgiastic sex at the Chateau of Count Elion in France (please go and enjoy it - it is all FREE and extremely pornographic!). As a result of their amazing hedonistic efforts throughout a long and thrilling night, the Count had announced that their reward was to be a fortnight holidaying on his private island in the West Indies. His house there was fully equipped with every comfort and pleasure, but was unoccupied. The two young girls were therefore invited to each select a maid and a male servant to accompany them to service their every need during the holiday.

So, we now find our party in the Count’s car on its way to the airport a few miles from his Chateau in Central France. Seated in the rear seat is Sarah, Australian, aged 23, blonde hair, 5’6” with delicious breasts and narrow hips, a dreamy look in her eyes, her blonde hair beautifully coiffed by her maid Catherine, French, aged 18, petite with small breasts and a delicious tight bum, who was now seated beside her, her head resting on Sarah’s breast as Sarah stroked her hair and leant forward every few minutes to kiss her forehead.

Facing them, Rebecca’s maid Jeanette, also French and just 18 years old, cropped dark hair but slightly taller than Catherine and gloriously perfect breasts, was lying across the seat, her head resting in Rebecca’s lap, fast asleep. Rebecca is English, aged 24, and her unmistakeable feature is her glorious pendulous breasts and the fact that she has not an ounce of fat on her and ‘kitten’ hips accentuates her wonderful breasts. Only an hour earlier Jeanette had been beaten ferociously by Rebecca – the first beating of her life – and the emotional intensity of it had exhausted the young girl. She had worshipped Rebecca since she had first arrived in the Chateau the day before, and longed to be her maid and her slave, and so she had welcomed the opportunity to give her body to her mistress for punishment – now she knew she belonged to Rebecca. Rebecca was delighted and amazed at her good fortune, for not only was she going off for an exclusive and wonderful holiday with her dearest friend and lover Sarah, but she had her own slave to pleasure, and doubtless Sarah’s little maid would be available to her. And, to make it even more perfect, in the front seat, next to the driver, was her own new Mistress Caroline (aged 26, nearly six foot tall with a strong physique and large breasts), who had been her merciless Dominatrix during the previous night, but whose slave she knew she would be for ever. The thought of the thrashing she had received all over her body the previous night from Caroline made her shiver with lust and excitement, and looking up, she saw her friend Sarah looking at her with a grin.

“I think I can guess”, whispered Sarah. “You are recalling what happened to you last night, aren’t you?”

“Oh Sarah,” she said, “you have no idea of the thrill that the Countess and Caroline gave me last night. When Caroline stripped me and tied me to the bedframe, I thought I would lose control of my bowels and my bladder, I was so frightened. And when the Countess came in with her man with the largest cock I have ever seen, I really feared that it might be my cunt or arse that he would split! I thanked God when the Countess eased it into her arse – she must be very well stretched there.”

Sarah had never been beaten – she could tell from Rebecca’s description to her that the anticipation of the beating was the most frightening part, but she was not sure that she could ever anticipate with pleasure, as Rebecca certainly did, a second beating. However, the fact that both Caroline and Rebecca were to be her companions for the next fortnight gave her a scary feeling that she was going to be used by them and would discover the reality of being beaten, and she too shivered at the prospect.

“Don’t worry, Sarah,” said Rebecca quietly, “you are my first and dearest lover – I will look after you. Jeanette here is my devoted slave and she will be whipped and punished regularly by whoever I choose, for everyone’s pleasure. Caroline is my mistress and she may take me whenever she desires. You will be thrashed at least once” - Sarah’s eyes opened wide at the strength of Rebecca’s language and the image – “but that will be so that you can better know every type of sexual activity and be a perfect assistant to Sir Richard. You can choose whether or not your little Catherine is to be punished. And of course, as for Gaston and Philippe...”

Sarah’s dreamy look returned as she remembered the two men who were in the following car, together with their luggage. After the sexual activities were over, each of the PAs had been invited by the Count to choose a male servant to “help with the heavy work” – Sarah and Rebecca quickly guessed that was a euphemism for something much more pleasurable. Earlier that morning, each of the young women had been vigorously fucked by five different servants each, and Sarah knew that the first servant who took her, whose unbelievably long cock reached the upper reaches of her cunt in a way no man ever had before, must be experienced again and so selected Gaston.

Rebecca’s choice, Philippe, was slightly older, but he had been the first cock to enter her since she arrived at the Chateau, as she had spent the night been beaten by Caroline and fucked royally by the Countess and Caroline wearing life-like and very large strap-ons. Rebecca adored sex with other women, but had also loved the pleasure of anal sex with men, and so when Philippe eased his enormously wide cock into her arse – luckily her maid had liberally oiled it first - the combination of pain and near-continuous orgasm burnt itself into her memory, and the possibility of having Philippe available for two weeks made him an automatic choice.

Before these delightful memories could progress, the cars slowed and swung into the gates of the airfield. Instead of heading for the airport building, the cars swung across the tarmac and headed towards a Boeing 707 parked in a separate area away from the terminal building. Both girls had imagined that they would be travelling in some sort of executive jet, but the Count was clearly in a much bigger league. The cars pulled to a halt, and the driver jumped out to open the doors. Both maids, who had been asleep, quickly awoke and climbed out and then waited to help their mistresses stand up.

Outside was an officer from the customs who was examining passports with Gaston, and when the two PAs appeared, he smartly saluted them and invited them to go on board. Extraordinary – within 5 minutes of arrival, luggage was stowed, everyone was on board, and the plane was ready to take off. While this was happening, Caroline, who has travelled in this plane many times before, showed the girls and their maids around the plane. There were four bedrooms, each with an ensuite bathroom, in the plane, and Caroline suggested that, as they had 8 hours flying to Grenada, that the girls get some rest, and she would wake them after 4-5 hours and they could have a meal together. As neither girl, nor their maid for that matter, had slept for nearly 36 hours, the wonderfully comfortable beds were irrestible. Sarah took Catherine’s hand and led her into one of the bedrooms, and before the young maid could exclaim, Sarah had quickly undressed her and immediately undid her own dress and dropped it to the floor. Sarah fell back onto the bed, pulling Catherine on top of her. She pulled a sheet over both of them, took Catherine’s face between her hands and kissed her softly and for a long time. Then she turned Catherine on her side, slipped her body behind the maid’s in the spoons position with her arm around her and her fingers resting on Catherine’s smooth cunt and whispered “Go to sleep – your mistress wants nothing more from you.”

In the next cabin, Rebecca and Jeanette were also naked, but Jeanette knew, like the good slave that she was, that her adored mistress was too excited to sleep. And so we find them, with Jeanette sucking and licking Rebecca’s nipple whilst she simultaneously has three fingers of her right hand masturbating her mistress with great enthusiasm. Whether it was the skill of her maid, or the added vibration and thrill as the jet engines roared them into the air, who knows, but within a couple of minutes Rebecca had orgasmed wildly, Jeanette had covered them both with a sheet and both young women were asleep, Jeanette’s head resting on her mistress’s breast.

Ahead of them, Caroline too was asleep, on her own, but contentedly knowing that all four young females in the other cabins were likely to be hers to enjoy in any way she wanted during the next fortnight. The two men, whose exertions in the previous 36 hours had been relatively minor, relaxed in the reclining chairs for a couple of hours before moving forward to start preparing a meal for the party.

Rebecca stirred gently and slowly opened her eyes, trying to remember where she was. Then she realised that she had been asleep on the plane but that Jeanette was no longer in the bed with her, and slowly she sat up in bed and looked around. Just as she did so, the still-naked Jeanette came into the room carrying a glass of champagne and gave it to her, then stood submissively by the bed.

“How long have I been asleep?” she asked the young maid.

“Just over four hours, mistress,” said Jeannette. “Mistress Caroline told me to bring you the drink and tell you that dinner will be served in half an hour, and that I am to wash you and make sure that you are ready by then. She says that none of us are to dress for dinner,” the young girl said, a cheeky grin crossing her face.

Rebecca took a large sip of champagne and gave the glass to the maid. “Drink lover,” she ordered, and the young girl sipped hesistantly, then took a longer swig as she found she enjoyed the taste of the first sip.

Rebecca said “I can’t keep calling you Jeanette, it is too long a name and too formal. And as my slave, I may choose what you are to be called, so I will call you Nette. Understood?”

“Yes mistress,” said the maid happily. “I am your slave, your Nette, I am totally yours for ever. Please come with me now, I have your shower running and I will get you ready for dinner.”

The two of them seemed to spend a seriously long time in the shower together, but Nette was very thorough in soaping and cleaning her mistress Rebecca, who also enjoyed examining the welts and bruises on the young girl which she had inflicted when beating her the previous day. Both young women were proud of the beatings they had been subjected to and wished everyone to know that they bore the marks as a sign of the subjugation to the person who had flogged them – Nette to Rebecca, and Rebecca to Caroline. And so, with just over 30 minutes elapsed since Nette had arrived with the champagne, the two girls walked out naked from their cabin and moved down the plane to the magnificent lounge and dining area.

What they hadn’t realised was that the instruction to be naked had only been given to them, so that the other five people were already there – and fully dressed – when they walked in. Nette was shocked and hesitated in the doorway, but Rebecca took her hand as she passed and said “Come, darling, your outfit is just as amazing as theirs. I want them to examine you so they can see what a brave and loyal slave you are, and so they know how it will be for them when their turn comes.”

And so Nette was passed from hand to hand as the other girls petted her and ran their hands over her marks and bruises until she reached Caroline, who was sitting in a large armchair. With one deft movement she pulled Nette towards her and in a second the girl was face down over her knees. From beside her she pulled out a leather spanker and set out the maid’s bottom vigorously. She did nothing to restrain her, but the girl also did nothing to escape the pain being inflicted, although she was clearly crying from the well-directed pain being applied to her buttocks. After two or three minutes Caroline put down the spanker and lifted the girl’s tear-stained face to hers and kissed her passionately.

“Wonderful,” said Caroline, “Your mistress has prepared you well. And now for dinner, come, let’s eat!”

The two male servants had laid a beautiful table in the middle of the lounge and it rapidly became clear that both of them, as well as their amazing sexual talents, were very talented chefs. All the women sat around the table whilst the men served them – asparagus tips with a garlic sauce, fillets of monkfish with new potatoes and French beans, followed by an utterly more-ish crème brulee – all of this accompanied by a delicious Chardonnay.

And throughout the meal, all of the girls listened with fascination as Caroline told them about the island of San Sebastien that they were rapidly approaching. Its size – about two miles from end to end, and only about 400 yards across – and the layout of the cottages that together formed the single property. The property had a large circular courtyard at is heart, some 75 yards in diameter with palm trees and awnings throughout, in the centre of which was a circular swimming pool. Around the outside were eight bedroom cabins, as well as a lounge and a dining room facing onto the courtyard. Beside the lounge was a walkway out of the circle, and a stroll of only 50 yards down there brought you to the sandy beach and the warm waters of the Caribbean.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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