A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

In the next bedroom, after Catherine had left to get changed, Sarah went and sat on the sofa by the window, looking out on the park gardens and reflecting about all the extraordinary events that had filled her life during the last 24 hours. After a few minutes, the door opened and a woman who she, just about, recognised as Rebecca walked in. Rebecca too was dressed immaculately; her dress with a deep cut front right to the waist and no material in the side panels either above the waist. In effect it was a skirt held up by two wide straps which covered her breasts. The fabric was gossamer thin and any underwear would have been immediately apparent – and it certainly wasn’t. With equally high heels as Sarah, the effect would normally be to emphasise her height, her long legs and her magnificent breasts. Instead, what it did was to put on show, in the most dramatic way imaginable, the welts and bruises of the most thorough beating she had received in the last twelve hours. Rebecca had come through the experience with joy and now knew her role in life and was clearly determined to wear the marks of her transformation with pride. This was not an outfit for a woman who did not want to be noticed!

The two young women sat silently together on the sofa, holding hands. They both knew that the last 24 hours had changed their lives for ever and that they would never be able to go back to their old lives – not that they wanted to, they both sensed that their future would be very exciting. But Rebecca, who was sensitive to every situation and knew by instinct what her friend would be thinking, found the only words they spoke, but which said it all. “We will go forward, but will do so together, my darling.” Nothing else was said, and they sat peacefully and waited.

A few minutes later the two maids entered the room. As they turned, Sarah and Rebecca saw that, for the first time, both girls were fully and smartly dressed, and the effect was wondrous. Both of them were in fitted jackets, with pastel shirts underneath, with pencil skirts, black stockings and high heels. The whole effect suited the young girls beautifully, and Sarah and Rebecca rose and crossed to them and spent a few minutes taking turns in admiring and congratulating and petting them. Then together the four of them walked downstairs together, the maids behind now, and all walked into the breakfast room to find everyone else assembled. The two maids walked to the end of the room, where the girls saw that the line of 10 males servants were also assembled in their two groups of five, except that now they were all attired in their formal uniforms. Also there were the five other maids who looked after the rest of the household, all similarly attired to Catherine and Juliette in smart suits.

The Countess came up to the girls and congratulated them on their choice of outfit and Sarah noticed that, when she was admiring Rebecca’s, she could not deny herself the pleasure of running her hand over Rebecca’s virtually naked buttocks. All the other women in the room, including Caroline, were equally beautifully attired, and the two men had returned to the frock coat and breeches outfits of the previous evening. The Count stepped forward and spoke.

“I am pleased to tell you, Sir Richard, that my fellow directors and I are delighted with the offer that your company had made for our shareholding, and following our meeting this morning, we are happy to sign the documents now. Please come and join me, Sir Richard.” The two men took the two seats that were beside the table, whilst the rest of the party stood opposite them to watch. In front of the men were two identical folders with contracts in and, having both signed one, they exchanged folders and repeated the signatures. They shook hands warmly and, when the applause from everyone in the room died down, the Count spoke again.

“This has been an excellent two days and we are all delighted at the outcome. But I want everyone to know that the contribution of these two young ladies,” he indicated Sarah and Rebecca, “has been crucial to ensuring the completion of this merger. We are a group of directors with very personal and erotic needs and tastes and we were not sure that the decision of Sir Richard to change his Personal Assistants only days before the deal was a wise one – his previous young Assistants had become extremely welcome here and we were loath to see them go. However, Sir Richard is a very clever man, and the last 24 hours has assured us that future encounters with Sir Richard and his personal team will be just as fruitful and exciting as they ever were.”

Sir Richard stepped forward and replied. “My dear Count and ladies, thank you for your warm welcome again to your home. My colleagues and I have always enjoyed your hospitality and entertainments enormously, and I can confirm that, following our merger today, we intend that regular quarterly meetings of our combined boards should take place, alternating between our two bases. So, we look forward to welcoming you all to Wakefield Place in September. As for our two newest recruits, I have had the pleasure of reviewing some of last night’s video footage this morning, and can see why both you and the Countess speak so highly of Sarah and Rebecca’s talents and concern for their responsibilities.” Sarah and Rebecca both looked stunned by the thought that the sexual orgies that they had partaken of whilst at the Chateau were all available on film.

“Don’t worry, girls,” continued Sir Richard, “those films are solely for the Count and his family to enjoy. No-one else will ever see them – not even you! But to continue, you have both exceeded every target I had for your performance in these last two days, and now you will be rewarded. The Count has a private island, some 20 minutes from Grenada in the West Indies. In a few minutes you will be taken to the airport, and flown, in the Count’s private jet, to his island. Although his house, which is the only one there, is extremely luxurious, there is one drawback in that no-one else lives on the island. You will be staying there for two weeks, and so you will therefore need to take some people with you to look after you and run the house. You are invited to each take a maid and a servant. Please make your choice.”

Now both Sarah and Rebecca understood the earlier events they had experienced – Catherine’s speech about whether Sarah should see her again, and Juliette’s remark about ‘please take me’. But both of them knew they had an easy choice. Although Sarah did not know if Rebecca wanted to take Juliette as a lover, Sarah knew that Catherine’s exquisite young body would certainly be sleeping with her in her bed during the holiday. Sarah spoke first across the room. “Come to me, Catherine, I could not go without you.” The young girl, who had been biting her lip in anxiety, was suddenly wreathed in smiles and ran excitedly across the room and held her mistress’s outstretched hand. Rebecca immediately stepped forward and called to Juliette to come to her. As she ran into Rebecca’s arms and the mistress leant down and kissed her full on the lips, Sarah knew she had guessed correctly and that it was now certain that all four of them would be sharing the same bed and each other – a truly exciting prospect.

“You will also need two men with you to do the heavy work,” continued Sir Richard, winking at the girls. “You have already met several of the Count’s servants – please feel free to choose one each to accompany you.” The two girls moved down the room and each approached the group of five who had pleasured them earlier in the day. Sarah looked at the group, but it only took her an instant – she knew that there could hardly be any heavy work to do during the holiday, and that the man she chose would need to provide an entirely different service whenever she desired it. And the memory of that long cock reaching into the full length of her womb still made her tremble, and she reached out and kissed the first of her lovers on the lips.

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