A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

A few minutes passed before she felt Rebecca kissing her awake. Sarah looked around her and realised that the Count and his guests had now all put their dressing gowns back on, but their two naked maids, looking flushed but smiling gleefully, were standing beside the table ready to help the two young women climb off it. In fact, the thought crossed Sarah’s mind that this could well have been the first time that the two maids had been publicly fucked – she would have to remember to ask.

As Rebecca stepped down, she noticed that Jeanette was allowing a large trickle of Sir Richard’s spunk to run down her inside thigh – no doubt to show the others that her hot little cunt had been chosen for this honour. Rebecca sense of propriety overcame her and she quickly seized the girl and pushed her against the table and held the back of her neck down with one hand. With the other she first wiped the trail of sperm off Jeanette’s thigh, wiped it off her hand on her own stomach, and, before the girl could move, had brought the palm of her hand down with all her force on the maid’s tight upturned bottom. The girl squealed loudly with the pain and with the humiliation she had brought on herself.

Leaning forward, Rebecca put her mouth near Jeanette’s ear and said angrily, “You are MY maid and you will never embarrass me or Sir Richard again in this way, do you understand?” She pulled the sniffling girl to her feet and faced her. “I’m so sorry, my lady,” mumbled the now humiliated and frightened youngster, “please forgive me!” “I shall deal with you later,” said Rebecca, and turned away from the distraught girl.

Once this little scene of corporal punishment had been played out, Rebecca and Sarah had a chance to look around the room. The most dramatic change was that at the end of the room was a line of 10 of the male servants, this time without their fine livery, but totally naked, their gorgeous cocks in various states of erection – a truly beautiful sight to the two girls, despite the dissipation their bodies had suffered for the last 12 hours.

The Count came forward, kissed both of the girls and thanked them profusely for their outstanding contribution to the breakfast. On the end of the table the servants had already laid out coffee and brandy for the girls, and the party moved with them, chatting merrily as the girls eagerly drank both coffee and the much-needed excellent brandy. While they did so, their two maids, armed with warm scented flannels, were gently washing their bodies as they stood, and then towelled them dry. Their work completed, the maids moved aside – Jeanette was still looking utterly miserable and contrite, Sarah hoped that Rebecca would find a way to be reconciled with her before they left the chateau. Sarah also noticed that the servants had moved the mattress, which had been the scene of her fisting only a few minutes earlier, so that it was now placed on the other end of the table.

Once the girls had finished their drinks, the Count spoke. “Dearest Sarah and Rebecca, thank you for all you have done for our delight and gratification in the last few hours. Now only one more challenge remains, and it is a traditional challenge that all of your predecessors have undertaken, usually with great success!” He smiled and winked towards Caroline who grinned back. “Whilst the Countess and I have had the thrill of your talents during this last night, my dear sister and sister-in-law, although wonderfully serviced and pleasured, have yet to experience the delights of your bodies.” He then asked Caroline to explain to the exhausted and astonished girls the challenge they would have to undertake before their day was done.

Caroline stepped forward and, taking their hands, she led them to where the mattress had been placed, helped them up and asked each of them to lie on their backs with their legs hanging over the edge of the table. Caroline explained that Mademoiselle Nicole and Mademoiselle Jeanette would climb on the mattress and place their cunts above the mouths of the girls, and the simple challenge was for each girl to try to bring their partner to orgasm, using only their tongues, as quickly as possible. But to add to the challenge, whilst their mouths were thus engaged, the ten servants at the end of the room would be allowed to fuck or sodomise the girls. The men, who were effectively in two teams of five, had drawn lots for the order they would be allowed to take the girls in, and the fucking would stop once the first of the French women achieved their orgasm.

Whilst Caroline had been speaking, the two maids had moved forward, each one carrying bottles of oil, and had again slipped their oily fingers into both the cunts and anuses of their mistresses, making sure to smooth the oil over the whole inside walls of each cavity. In fact, Sarah realised that Catherine, who had small and delicate hands and wrists, had been so excited by the scene she had witnessed earlier of Sarah’s penetration by Rebecca’s hand that she had taken the opportunity to slip the whole of her tiny oiled hand and wrist quickly into Sarah’s anus whilst she was working. Sarah raised her head at the novel sensation, and frowned at the liberty taken by her maid, who quickly withdrew her hand, frightened she might be punished in the same way as Jeanette.

The Count stepped forward and said that on one occasion the poor girls delivering the oral stimulation was so exhausted that two of the men on each team had to fuck them a second time before Mademoiselle Nicole had finally climaxed. However, he was sure that the two talented lovers he had before him could do better than that. In fact, to stimulate the girls, he would give an additional present later to whichever achieved their objective first. The two French women stepped forward and the Count and Caroline helped them onto the table and settled them so that their smooth cunts were immediately over the girls’ mouths.

“Begin”, said the Count, and the women lowered their damp pussies onto the waiting tongues. Each of the girls began energetically, but within a minute, Sarah felt the distraction of a large cock slipping into her well-oiled cunt, and the length of it became clear when she realised that its head was pressing against the top of her womb. This was as long as any cock that had fucked her the previous night and proved a mighty distraction from her efforts to pleasure Mademoiselle Jeanette. The servant gave her no time to consider this further, as he withdrew and plunged back in, subjecting her to the full length at every stroke. Her tongue was moving, but she was no longer able to concentrate on ensuring a technique that she wanted to achieve.

Sarah did not know that Rebecca was also struggling to do what was required of her. Expecting to feel a cock enter her cunt, she was surprised when the first servant arrived and lifted her legs so that they rested on his shoulders, and then pressed his cock-head against her sphincter and pushed forward. The excesses of the night had stretched all parts of her anus, and the sphincter open easily, but even the largest dildo which the Countess had fucked her willing arse with the previous night did not have the girth of this monster. Luckily Juliette, knowing the team that had been selected for her mistress, had poured liberal amounts of the saving oil into her mistress’s rectum, and that liberality saved Rebecca from the worst of any real pain. However, the monster moved slowly but inexorably into the passage and the walls slowly expanded to allow him in, and eventually Rebecca could feel it throbbing in her as his body pressed against the entrance – she was totally fucked! Luckily he waited a minute or two whilst the anus expanded, but then started to move back to start fucking her seriously. The pain and pleasure were so extreme that Rebecca would normally have cried out in bliss, but Mademoiselle Nicole’s cunt was still in her mouth and demanding attention. The whole experience of taking the enormous cock in her arse had distracted Rebecca totally from her challenge and several minutes had passed since she had applied her tongue to the sex lips above her. Determining to block from her mind the enormous weapon that was now rhythmically fucking her anus, she started again to pleasure the labia that she could feel with the end of her tongue.

Sarah had also managed to focus on the real challenge for her mouth, and the long cock that had filled the full available length of her cunt had eventually spurted its load into the condom that surrounded it, and slipped out of her. Her oral technique on Jeanette’s sex was going well, although, apart from a slight ‘flowering’ of the pussy lips, no other indication was coming of sexual excitement. The first cock had been replaced with one of much more average dimensions and Sarah was more able to forget the poor man’s attentions as she worked hard with her tongue and lips. Rebecca too now had her second cock in her cunt – his too was of average dimensions, unlike the monster which had ravaged her rear for more minutes than she cared to remember. Already Rebecca was focussed completely on the challenge, and was determined, if at all possible, that she would win the challenge and take the prize, whatever it was, that the Count had mentioned. She felt sure that Sarah must be tired by the fisted buggering she had experienced during breakfast and, much as she loved her friend, this was a competition and Rebecca was nothing if not competitive.

Both girls worked hard, and the guests watched them and voiced encouragement to their efforts. By the end of her second servant, Sarah was making good progress with her tongue, but the third arrival lifted her legs and pressed quickly into her anus. It was then that the experience of being anally fisted by Rebecca earlier worked against her, for the experience, although wonderful and erotic at the time, had made her sore inside, and the arrival of a largish cock in the same space was more than a little painful. She knew she could not beg for relief – speech was certainly out of the question as Jeanette pressed down on her – but she also could not concentrate on anything but the pounding weapon which was plunging in and out of her passage.

By the time they reached their fourth cock, both girls were aware that the French women beneath them were getting sexually excited and they were closing on their inevitable outcome. Both girls had average sized cocks frantically buggering their arses, but the girls were able to block out the sensation and concentrate of working their tongues into the damp lips and cunts above them. Both servants cried out and fired their spunk together into the girls’ stretched arses, and both girls immediately felt their fifth men, desperate not to miss out on the experience of such wanton young women, plunge into their cunts and pump furiously into them. The fury of the fucking stimulated both girls to greater efforts and the groans of pleasure of Nicole and Jeanette stimulated them even further.

Rebecca was determined not to allow that enormous first cock of the first servant, which had so savaged her anus, to return for a second penetration. And as she thought this, she felt the trembling of Nicole’s inner thighs that she knew presaged the end that she knew so well. And without warning, just as with Sarah on the table, Rebecca’s face was drenched as the French woman released her cum over her stimulator. Rebecca had won, although the Count did not even have time to announce that Rebecca had won before Rebecca heard Jeanette’s squeals of pleasure as she too reached her destination. The girls felt the cocks withdraw from their bodies, both cocks unfinished in their quest, and both of the French women were helped to the ground.

Sarah and Rebecca continued to lie on the table, knowing that their challenge was complete and they had done their best. Sarah felt Rebecca take her hand and squeeze it – Sarah raised her friend’s hand to her mouth and kissed it, and smiling across at Rebecca’s face, soaked with cum, she mouthed ‘well done darling’ to her. And then the two little naked maids were at their side, helping them to sit up and then stand down off the table. Coming up behind them, Caroline spoke. “It is usual to go and thank the servants for what they have done,” she said.

Each maid took her mistress by the hand and led them to the end of the room where the two groups of five were lined up, still naked. Catherine led Sarah to the first servant, whose cock, although flaccid now, still looked amazingly long – she could not believe she had taken all of that. As she approached him, she reached forward and cradled his cock in her hand and at the same time slipped her tongue between his lips. In her hand, she felt the blood returning to his member, and by the time she moved to the second man, she could see the full glory of beautiful beast which had plundered the depths of her cunt – truly wonderful and lovely. She did the same to all four of her completed lovers as she moved down the line, and she saw that Rebecca was copying her exactly. By the time she came to her fifth and incomplete lover, she knew what she had to do. As before she took his very erect cock in her hand and kissed him deeply. But rather than move away, she sank to her knees and drew his totally erect cock between her lips and started to give him the best blow job she could deliver.

Right beside her, Rebecca was now similarly engaged, their two heads bobbing in unison as the two men groaned as the pressure mounted. Sensing that her man was able to continue for a while, and not believing she had the energy left for much more work with her mouth, Sarah reached down and slipped her index finger into her oily cunt and covered it with oil. She then reached through her servant’s legs and slipped her finger into his anus and pulled it forwards so that she immediately located his prostate. She had only done this once before with a lover, but knew its effect. As she quickly stimulated his gland, she saw his ball sac contract, his cock twitched in her mouth and immediately a huge jet of sperm shot into her throat. Because of the stimulation, he squirted five or six times, and globules of spunk ran out of her mouth down onto her breasts.

Beside her, Rebecca’s man did not need the extra stimulation that Sarah had given hers – the young man had only been a servant for a month and could not believe his luck in having this beautiful nymphomaniac sucking his cock so beautifully. But having been warned by his colleagues of what might happen, and told not to waste his sperm in the weeks running up to today, his ball sac was full to bursting and his explosion of warm spunk into her mouth totally filled her mouth, such a torrent that at least as much poured down her breasts and thighs as stayed in her mouth. But neither girl was prepared for what happened next.

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