A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

In the Count’s bedroom on the floor below, Sarah’s thighs were screaming in pain as she continued to rise and fall on the Count’s still permanently rampant cock. She had been riding him now for what seemed like an eternity, and the only saving grace was her youthful experience of horse riding and the resulting strength she had in her strong thighs. She had lost count of the number of times the Count’s beautiful cock had filled either her cunt or anus with warm sperm – he was the first and only man during her visit who did not wear a condom to fuck her, but Sarah sensed that a gentleman like the Count was doubtless fully tested and safe. On top of which, she adored the sensation of the warm sperm trickling out of her as he continued to fuck her. And he was insatiable – every time he came in one hole, he would wait a couple of minutes, then lift her bodily in the air and calmly ease his gorgeously erect cock into the other throbbing hole.

Sarah too had lost count of the number of times she had climaxed, by the end her orgasms were nearly continuously, and she threw herself to and fro as the waves of pleasure seized her. Finally, she sensed the Count arriving at another climax and this brought her to a peak she had never reached before, and as yet more sperm squirted into her now stretched and raw-feeling anus, an orgasm of such ferocity struck her body that her head reeled and she slumped forward onto the Count, totally unconscious with pleasure. He gently stroked her hair and kissed her cheeks, happy that they had experienced such a climax together and that this lovely girl had risen to the challenge he had set her.

Sarah was unconscious for several minutes, and when she awoke, she could not remember where she was. Eventually she opened her eyes and found that she was lying beside the Count on the bed, and her lovely maid Catherine, still naked, was standing demurely beside the bed, awaiting instructions. Sarah turned to the Count and said quickly, “Sir, I am sorry, did I fail you? Is it 7 o’clock yet?”

The Count could read the concern in the girl’s face and gently kissed her and said, “My dear, you were truly sensational and I could not have asked for anything more, although I may well do so next time we meet!” Sarah relaxed at his kind words and sensed that her position with Wakefield Finance was secure. The Count spoke to Catherine, “Take her to her room now Catherine, and look after her.” And then to Sarah he said, “And I shall see you again in a couple of hours. After such a wonderful night, you have nothing to fear.”

Sarah slipped off the bed and as she did so, Catherine held a full-length silk dressing open for her to put on. Once dressed, with her sweet little naked maid leading the way, Sarah was led back to her bedroom. Once in the room, Catherine gently undid the belt and slipped it off Sarah’s shoulders, and before moving away, Catherine reached up and kissed Sarah on the lips, and then said shyly, “Well done, my lady, everyone has said that you have been a wonder and a delight.” Sarah glowed with pride at Catherine’s sweet comments, and she sensed that there was no flattery involved.

Catherine continued, “I have drawn your bath madam, let’s take it now.” Catherine had noticeably not said that Sarah would take her bath, but “us”, and so Sarah was happy to step into the vast bath, hand in hand with her adoring maid, and let the warm water drain the aches out her body as Catherine pampered her with soaps and oils, and lots of kisses. Catherine also washed her hair which was matted with the spunk that had poured out her mouth when she hung in the sex swing during the night.

After a few minutes, Catherine left the bath and returned with Sarah’s towel, with which she dried her gently. Clearly the young girl knew the excesses that Sarah’s body had suffered that night, because she took her to the bed and laid her down on warm towels already spread there, and told Sarah to relax whilst she massaged her. Sarah still had no idea how good a lover Catherine might be (and she certainly hoped to find out sooner rather than later) but she was certainly a wonderful masseuse. She clearly knew that the last three hours riding the Count would have had a devastating effect on Sarah’s buttocks and thighs, and so her fingers worked gently but strongly into the aching muscles there. Sarah had no idea how long this lasted, for the gentle massaging very soon sent her to sleep.

In fact she slept for half an hour, and she awoke to the sound of Catherine laying out breakfast on a table by the window. As she stirred, Catherine saw her move and came to her side, kissed her lips and suggested that she needed to take breakfast now. Catherine took her by the hand and led her to a sofa by the table and sat her down. The curtains were now drawn open and Sarah was looking down on the beautiful gardens stretching out before her. Catherine passed her freshly squeezed orange juice, poured her coffee (just how she like it, amazing girl!) and took a croissant from the basket and started to break it. “I can do that,” said Sarah, quickly. The young girl looked crestfallen at Sarah’s sharpness. “Please my lady, I live to serve you. Please do not punish me.”

Sarah realised that the love she felt for this young woman was truly reciprocated, and a glow of joy filled her. “Catherine,” she said gently, “I love you too and I give you my body to serve as you please.” The look of despair instantly left the young girl’s face and she smiled broadly. For the next few minutes, Catherine sat beside Sarah feeding her with croissant and delicious pastries, and refilling her coffee cup whenever she wanted. You only had to look at her to know that she was totally smitten with Sarah. Once Sarah could eat no more, she turned to Catherine and asked, “And do you know what happens next?” Not that she really meant it like that, for it was already obvious that everything in the Chateau, as at Wakefield Place, was totally orchestrated and connected, and the whole team knew the agenda for everything.

Catherine spoke up quickly. “It is now 8.30am, madam, and by 9am I need to have made you up and prepared your body, and taken you downstairs to the breakfast room.” Not much of this made any sense to Sarah, but rather than get Catherine to explain any of it (‘prepared your body’ and why do I need to go down to the breakfast room?), she smiled and said, “Thank you Catherine. Please continue and do whatever you need to do.” Catherine led Sarah to the dressing table, sat her down and started by brushing and then fixing Sarah’s hair, and then started to make her up. As before, her nipples were rouged and perfume dabbed in strategic places, including between her thighs. Then Catherine gave Sarah her hand and asked to follow her into the bathroom. To her surprise, Catherine had time to place a large plastic sheet on the floor, and asked Sarah to stand in the middle of it. The young girl moved to the hand basin where bottles of oil were resting in hot water, took one, moved to Sarah and poured a large amount of it over her shoulders and chest. Then other was poured so it ran down her back. The oil was scented and thick, and Catherine then proceeded to spread it over Sarah’s skin so that no part except for her face was uncovered. It was clear that the girl took especial pleasure in spreading it into Sarah’s buttocks and between her legs, and Sarah would happily have indulged the girl more if there had been more time.

Once Sarah was totally smothered in oil, Catherine held out her hand and said, “Let us go,” and they opened the door and walked together, nude and happy, down the corridor and the stairs, where she was led into the breakfast room.

Rebecca had never known such intense sexual chemistry with lovers – and the three of them were truly lovers by the end of the night. A succession of strap-ons of various sizes and lengths were strewn all around the bed by sunrise, all of the gleaming with oil and cum usually having forced their way into more than one greedy cunt or anal space. Rebecca had been covered with kisses by both her lovers who continually praised her fortitude during the long hour of her flogging, but in the small hours of the night, as the Countess was driving an even larger dildo into Rebecca, the Countess whispered that her willingness to take such a beating on her first visit was wonderful – but the next time would be even better. A shiver went through the girl, who had never considered that there would ever be any repetition of such a flogging. She felt a trickle run down her leg again as the fear gripped her, but before she could move or hide it, the Countess moved against her and reached down and wiped the piss away, whispering, “You will always be afraid of Caroline and me, my dear, but we know you need us to punish you.” And at that moment, Rebecca knew she was their true slave, and these two women were to be her mistresses for as long as they wanted her – without them, she was no-one.

As dawn broke Caroline told her that their time together, for now, was over. Rebecca moved to the bed and kissed the Countess deeply and passionately, but when she went to Caroline, the strong beauty picked her up in arms as if she was no more than a feather and carried her out of the room. She carried her downstairs and along the corridor to where her maid, Juliette, was waiting, naked and smiling, with the door open. Caroline carried her to the bed and placed her on it. “Prepare her well, Juliette,” she said, “I will see you shortly.” Stopping only to kiss Rebecca deeply on her lips, she strode from the room.

Rebecca’s bath was already drawn, just as Sarah’s had been, and the next two hours passed in much the same way that they had for Sarah, although Juliette had spent a lot of her time gently applying a salve to the wheals and bruises which covered Rebecca’s body. And at exactly 9am, the equally naked Juliette had led the oiled Rebecca downstairs but, on the way to the breakfast room, Juliette suddenly held back and whispered hurriedly to Rebecca, “Please take me! Please take me!” Rebecca could not understand what she meant, and suddenly she was in the breakfast room where Sarah was standing with Catherine.

Sarah had no idea of the fate that befallen her friend, but one look at her skin told the whole story, and a look of total horror crossed her face at what she saw. Realising that Sarah could not understand unless she had been there, Rebecca moved quickly to her and said “Do not be afraid, two wonderful lovers gave me these presents and I love them more than words can say. I still love you as my first and dearest lover, and I will submit myself to you in every way that you want me. Tonight I discovered I was born to be a submissive slave, and I will be theirs and I will be yours. Please be happy with me.”

Sarah gulped in surprise, but then Rebecca kissed her and slipped her tongue into her mouth, and the two girls embraced breast to breast, as they had for weeks, and Sarah knew that everything had changed but nothing had changed. Rebecca was still her best friend and lover, and she smiled with joy.

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