A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

Downstairs, Sarah was experiencing a night of sexual pleasure that was way beyond her previous sexual experience. Her lovers had clearly done this many times before and knew how to maximise their pleasure and multiply her amazing orgasms. Because of how she was suspended in the sling, any of the guests could easily fuck her cunt or her arse, and when she allowed her head to fall backwards, she would also feel a cock slipping into her waiting mouth. The Count had reminded the guests that they must wear condoms when fucking her cunt or anus and she assumed they obeyed him. However, those who chose to fuck her mouth usually came in it, and so within a couple of hours, her face and hair were smothered in the copious quantities of spunk which had run out of her mouth.

After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably about an hour, she realised that all her drinking at dinner had left her with a very full bladder and no means of relieving it. She begged them to stop whilst she relieved herself, but the Count laughed and told her that was not possible – but she was welcome to go where she lay. Like Rebecca in the room above, she fought it for as long as possible, but finally a particularly large cock was eased into her anus and the pressure proved too much. She cried out that she could not control herself any longer, and the huge cock slipped out of her and moved away. Having lost control, her fountain of piss arced across the room and all the men laughed.

Whilst it had been extremely easy to fuck her cunt and her mouth in the sex swing, fewer of the men took her anus – the angle didn’t seem to be right. By this stage of the night Sarah had lost count of the number of men who had had her, although she was sure, and a little surprised, that the Count hadn’t. Then she heard his voice again, telling the men to bring the bench, and wondered what that meant. The Count moved forward and hands detached her wrists and ankles from the swing, and he reached in and lifted her out. Expecting to be placed on her feet, she was surprised when he placed her down, on her back, on a bench, some four foot long, three foot high, and padded with cushioning. Even more surprising, one of the men was already lying face upwards on the bench, and Sarah was gently lowered so that his cock slipped easily into her relatively unused, but still very well-lubricated, rectum. This was not uncomfortable, but it turned out to be only a start.

As his cock and her anus were level with the end of bench, another man appeared and stood between their legs. Sarah recognised his cock as one of the longest of the evening, but before she could think any further, the new long cock slid easily into her well-stretched cunt and she realised that this was going to be her first ever double penetration with two cocks. Because the man underneath was effective trapped under her body, most of the energy was expended by the cock in her cunt, although this had the delicious pleasure of rubbing against the walls of her anus which were already fully expanded with the other prick. Sarah was beginning to think this could go on for ever, when hands took hold of her head and turned it back, so that yet another cock could slip in – a cock in every orifice at last. This new cock was not too large, so she could suck it without the fear of gagging on it.

This particular threesome was one of the highlights of this part of the evening for her – every cock was ideally suited to its task, after two or three minutes she started having continuous orgasms and her lovers, who had probably had two or three orgasms each by this time, were seemingly insatiable. Every cock was perfect for what it was doing and Sarah was having gentle but wonderful orgasms every couple of minutes – not screaming-out-loud orgasms but, great waves of warmth sweeping through her body. She felt that, if this rhythm was sustained she could keep fucking all night. Every few minutes one of the men would change position with another friend, but the rhythm would continue unchanged. The bench was truly the most magical experience for Sarah, and later on she was turned over and the man underneath then fucked her cunt, whilst the man above her drove into her now fully stretched and throbbing anus.

Eventually, at some point in the middle of the long night – Sarah had no idea of time or place by this stage - the party of men, now drained of spunk, decided that Sarah had given them all the pleasure they could possible desire, and each of the kissed her gently and said how much they hoped to meet her again. As they left the room, Count Henri, still naked, lifted her up in his arms and walked through the house up to his room on the first floor at the other end of the corridor to her room. She was still not sure if he had fucked her yet, but the look of his still rampant cock made her believe that the evening was still not over. The sheets were already turned back, so the Count placed her gently on the bed and climbed up beside her. She rolled towards him and kissed him gently on the mouth and slipped her hand around his still rising member. He rolled on his back and with one movement, lifted her up and placed her spunk-filled cunt immediately onto his cock, which he drove up inside her. She sat there for a moment, then dared to speak.

“What would you like me to do, sir?”

“It is now 4am and the sun will rise at 7am today. Your maid will come for you then. Until then, you will ride me like this however many times I come in your cunt or your anus. If you do that, you have achieved everything I could possibly have wanted from you. There is no hurry, but you must fuck me for the next three hours.”

Sarah’s eyes went large at the idea that he had announced, but she knew that he was a man who knew what he liked and wanted, and she must give it to him. He was a gorgeous man with a fine body, but although she had been fucked and sodomised by bigger and wider cocks that night, his was the most perfect and she was thrilled that his was to be hers for the rest of the night. It was some 8 inches long and not so wide that she could have given him deep-throat oral if he had asked for it.

But the special quality about it was the wide bell-end which was now throbbing in her womb, wider than the rest of the cock. She gently squeezed his cock with her pelvic muscles, then raised herself so that she felt the large bell-end pressing against the throbbing lips of her pussy, took a deep breath and slid slowly down its complete length until she felt the same bell-end pressing against the top of her womb. The game was on.

Upstairs, Rebecca, totally bedraggled, now stained with tears and piss and who was marked across her back and front with livid red scars from the beating she had received, was lying on the Countess’s bed as the Countess and Caroline gently washed and stroked her. Rebecca had occasionally visited BDSM clubs and, although she was normally the dominant mistress, she had allowed herself to be punished occasionally when the mood took her. However, in those places, she had rarely received more than a dozen strokes, and there had always been a safety word she could call out if the pain was too great.

Other than the initial pain of that first stroke of the night, her next terrible realisation was that Caroline had given her no safety word – she could not stop the beating. Already Caroline had landed the leather paddle expertly on the same spot on her twitching bum some four times, and she cried out and begged for Caroline to stop. For a moment she did, and Rebecca sighed with relief that she had some control over the beating. But then Caroline put her mouth by Rebecca’s ear and whispered coldly, “If you ask me to stop again, the Countess will be VERY angry and tomorrow’s deal may well fail. It is only pain and you WILL bear it – do you understand me, Rebecca?”

The significance of what she said slowly sank into Rebecca’s mind, and she felt more tears run down her face. But she slowly nodded her head, and felt Caroline gently kiss the back of her neck. Then Caroline moved back and another fierce blow struck her, lower this time, across the back of her thighs. But now Rebecca was resolved to do her duty, and she also knew that she was at the mercy of a woman who loved her and whose beautiful body she would be with in less than an hour.

The next few minutes passed in a blur as Caroline moved up and down the back of Rebecca’s body, until the whole of her back and thighs glowed red. Gradually Rebecca had come to accept the pain of each blow, and found she could start to concentrate on the scene before her. The Countess had spent several minutes sitting on her young man and buggering herself with a look of total bliss as his enormous weapon filled her. She was a beautiful woman with a slim figure and small breasts with large prominent nipples, the complete opposite in shape to the young woman being beaten in front of her, and also of her torturer.

After a few minutes, she climbed off the young man, moved across the bed and slipped her tongue into Rebecca’s mouth just as another blow struck Rebecca’s shoulders. Rebecca found that she was amazed and delighted at this sign of affection from the Countess, and a few seconds later, she felt the Countess’s hand on her pubic mound, and then her finger slipped between Rebecca’s pussy lips and instantly pushed upwards until she pressed on Rebecca’s g-spot.

The effect was electrifying – the young girl felt like her whole body was exploding and she orgasmed wildly, totally locked in place by her chains but still thrashing and twitching. Caroline has stopped the beating as she was clearly aware of the effect that the Countess’s ministrations would have on her victim – she had been there many times herself. The Countess continued to stroke this most sensitive of points in Rebecca’s body and the young woman felt as if she might pass out from the ecstasy of this moment, but at that moment the finger was withdrawn from her burning slit and she slowly slid back into the reality of her situation.

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