A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

After a few minutes, Catherine returned and announced that Sarah’s bath was ready. Sarah stood up and was about to slip her jacket off when she found Catherine beside her, undressing her. This was truly novel, and as she had never experienced the luxury of a maid of her own, she decided that she would not resist but enjoy the experience that Catherine was now going to offer her.

In a couple of minutes Catherine had divested Sarah of every stitch of clothing, but immediately produced the largest and fluffiest bath towel imaginable and wrapped it around Sarah. Taking Sarah’s hand, she led her into the bathroom where a bath the size of a small swimming pool awaited her – it actually had steps at one end where you walked into it! Deftly tweaking the towel so it gracefully slipped off Sarah’s shoulders to the floor, Catherine took Sarah’s hand and helped her into the bath.

Sarah was about to relax into the warm and fragrant water when she saw Catherine slip her shoes off, reach behind her and unfix a catch, so that her corset dress simply fell to the floor, and the slim and deliciously naked young girl walked gracefully into the water to join Sarah. “What are you doing?” said Sarah with surprise, mindful of the advice of Sir Richard that she should try and avoid having sex with her maid before dinner, an idea that now seemed not only desirable, but totally possible. “Bathing you, madam”, said the young girl, simply. “But I will do anything else you want, my lady, you only have to ask.”

Sarah gradually relaxed under the soapy and expert ministrations of the young girl, but the awareness of the girl’s last remark that she would do anything Sarah wanted continued to excite her. The fact that she was in the bath served to conceal the excited fluid which would have been running down Sarah’s leg otherwise.

After the bath, Sarah realised that, whilst she needed to abstain from sexual antics with the sweet young girl who was intimately drying her naked body, there was no instruction about enjoying the delight of having Catherine remain in her nude beauty for Sarah’s enjoyment. So she asked the girl not to get dressed or to dress her, and Catherine smiled sweetly and did what she was asked. Then she led Sarah to the dressing table, and began to brush and fix Sarah’s hair and then proceeded to make her up. As Sarah had no idea what she was going to wear, she could not help and so relaxed into being a willing recipient of Catherine’s ministrations.

The first surprise came when Catherine applied rouge to her nipples – definitely a first – and then gently opened Sarah’s legs and applied perfume to a crack that was definitely damper than it should have been. Catherine then reached in a box on the dressing table and took out identical bracelets to the ones she was wearing. The bracelets were made of several layers of leather (each layer being fairly thin, so that the total was no more than the thickness of Sarah’s small finger). They had clasps, which functioned automatically like a padlock when it closes, and they could be opened only by means of a small key. Embedded in the layers of leather, directly opposite the lock, was a snugly fitting metal ring, They had been chosen to fit perfectly (how, Sarah did not know) and in a few seconds Catherine and she were identically attired.

Having prepared her mistress, Catherine walked, still naked across the room and opened a large cupboard and brought out a magnificent blue corseted evening-gown. Catherine placed it on the floor and invited Sarah to step into it, holding out her hand for balance. Once Sarah was in it, Catherine lifted the dress up and started to fix the hooks on the back of the corset. Sarah’s shoulders and breasts were totally bare, pressed upwards by the corset so the rouged nipples stood prominently atop the dress. Beautiful shoes with 4” heels were laid before her and Catherine indicated the mirror so that Sarah could see the effect. Sarah was amazed, she felt like a queen and other than the enormous spread of her naked breasts, she felt totally comfortable.

While she was admiring herself, Catherine had slipped her uniform back on and was ready to lead her downstairs. As they came out into the passageway, Rebecca’s door opened and she stepped out in a similar outfit to Sarah’s, although hers was deep green, and her considerably larger breasts looked truly awesome atop the corset – Sarah would dearly love to bury her face in them now, but knew that was not to be.

Helped by their maids, they managed the stairs and were led across the hall to a door where the butler stood. The maids curtseyed to Sarah and Rebecca, and Catherine whispered “Good luck, I’ll see you later” before slipping away silently. The butler opened the door and announced the two girls who felt truly gracious as they swept into the room. To their relief, all the women were similarly dressed in grand, flesh revealing dresses, although both girls noted that all women wore the leather bracelets, and Mademoiselle Nicole also wore a similar choker around her neck. The two men wore old-fashioned frock coats with breeches which made them seem tall and elegant. The Count swept forward to welcome them and introduced them to the other directors and then, to the girls’ surprise, they found Caroline, their predecessor as a Personal Assistant, standing there, dressed in the same way as all the women, smiling at them.

“Caroline I think you know,” the Count said. “We are delighted to see her again - my wife invited her here to help her with some business matters so it is excellent that she can join us tonight.”

Drinks were served and the Count and his family proved to be excellent hosts and good company. Rebecca and Sarah managed to find a couple of minutes to compare notes about what had happened in the bedroom. Rebecca admitted that she had found it pure torture not to avail herself of the sexual delights of her gorgeous young maid Juliette, but had held back because Juliette had whispered in the bath that Rebecca might be seeing her quite a lot in the next fortnight. Neither Sarah nor Rebecca could work out what this might mean, but chose not to ask anyone. Before long the butler invited them to dinner and they moved to the dining room.

Dinner was truly delicious, a vast number of small but delightful dishes, accompanied by wines which both girls knew were of a quality that had never sampled before. No-one seemed to be holding back on drink, and the girls had not been advised against it, and so the girls ate and drank all that was put before them. Conversation was lively and amusing and suddenly the coffee had been served and the table cleared and the two girls knew that their moment of truth had come. The Count rose to speak.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am so glad to welcome Sir Richard and his friends back to the Chateau for what I hope will be a momentous two days. Tomorrow we look forward to important business, but tonight we anticipate with great pleasure a night of hedonism.

Dear Miss Simone, you are always welcome in the Chateau, and your frequent visits here are eagerly anticipated by my sister-in-law. Since you know the geography of the house so well, could I suggest that you take your charge away to the fate that waits her – I know she has been anticipating it pleasure and terror, so why don’t you proceed without delay.”

Simone rose from the table, curtseyed deeply to the Count and moved around the table to where Miss Nicole was sitting, looking somewhat flushed with excitement. Simone produced from a pocket on the side of her dress two lengths of chain. Standing behind Nicole, she attached the longer one to her collar, and drew her to her feet. Reaching down, she quickly attached the short length to the two wrist bracelets, pinning the woman’s hand behind her back. Once she was thus chained, Simone pulled the chain to her neck and started to lead Nicole towards the door. Despite the tortures that clearly awaited the poor young woman, Nicole continued to smile blissfully throughout this whole exercise.

“Thank you and good night sweet ladies,” said the Count. “We shall see you at breakfast. And now Sir Richard, I am sure that my sister has made detailed and delightful plans for your mutual delight tonight, so I suggest you lead her to her room and find what awaits you. I shall not, of course, suggest that you sleep well, for I know you never have in my Chateau, and hopefully, never will!”

Sir Richard rose and bowed politely to the Count and moved to the other side of the table where Jeanette put out her hand so that Sir Thomas could assist her to her feet. As he left, Sir Richard smiled encouragingly at Sarah and Rebecca, whose rising anxiety at their role in the night was showing in their palpating breasts and flushed demeanour. Now it was just them, the Count and Countess and the surprisingly present Caroline left, but the Count spoke again.

“As I said, we are delighted to have our friend Caroline with us again, this time to fulfil a new and exciting role. As you already know Rebecca, my dear wife has chosen you for her delight tonight, and I can see she has chosen wisely and I know you will satisfy each other. Caroline is going to assist her, and you, and so I invite Caroline to take Rebecca to the red bedroom and prepare her for the Countess’s arrival.”

Still none the wiser, Rebecca rose unsteadily to her feet, but immediately felt Caroline’s strong arm around her waist, who then led her towards the door. No sooner had they left than the Countess rose and announced that she was away to change. But before she left, she came round the table to where Sarah sat, leant forward and kissed Sarah’s upturned nipples and said “Next time, my darling, I will have you, and I might even let your beautiful lover punish you.”

This was said with a hint of menace, and although Sarah had no idea of the fate that awaited her friend and lover, she sensed that the lovely Rebecca was in for a night of pain and torture. The Countess swept out of the room and the Count rose and moved to her side, and offered his hand. As he did so, Sarah’s maid Catherine appeared in the room, now totally naked. The Count nodded to her and she crossed the room to where Sarah now stood and quickly started to unfasten the splendid dress, whilst the Count stood and watched admiringly as the dress slipped to the floor. Catherine knelt and removed Sarah’s shoes, and as Sarah had not been allowed any underwear, she too was now totally nude. Catherine quickly gathered up the dress and shoes and left the room. The Count took her hand and spoke.

“My dear Sarah, you are as wonderful in the flesh as I hoped you would be. You will not be punished or mistreated, but your body is going to more thoroughly ravished than, I suspect, ever before in your young life. I am sure you will enjoy every moment.” With that he picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the room and down a long corridor. Sarah knew the honour of her firm depended on her tonight, and decided to relax and enjoy whatever would befall her – she rested her head on his shoulder and waited to find out what would happen. Then she heard the noise of men talking coming from the open door at the end of the corridor and in a few seconds the Count swept through the open door to a room full of smartly dressed men who all turned to applaud her arrival.

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