A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

After a couple of minutes, Rebecca slipped her tongue out of Sarah’s mouth, and whispered “Don’t worry my darling, I will make your first double penetration really special”. Rebecca stood up and moved behind Sarah who felt Rebecca’s hand on her back, pushing her forward so that her breasts were pressed against Tony’s chest. Then she felt Rebecca’s fingers easing lubrication gently into her back passage, slowly spreading it around her rectum. Sarah was starting to tense up at the prospect of the entry of the large strapon into her backside, so was totally unprepared for the open palm of Rebecca’s hand which fell with enormous force on her upturned buttocks. Even before the cry was out of her throat, Rebecca had pulled back and swung another blow onto her other buttock.

As Sarah sensed the glowing warmth of the blows spread through her backside, Rebecca knew that this distraction would have relaxed her friend from any worries about the presence of a second object in her body, and she quickly placed the head of the dildo against her friend’s well-greased anus and firmly pressed forward. Sarah felt Rebecca’s weight pressing against her and the pressure of the dildo as it pushed against the tight muscles of her anal ring. Rebecca was so gentle that there was no pain, just a gradual easing of tension as the head of the dildo spread her sphincter and eased into the waiting rectum. And immediately Sarah felt the wonderful sensation as the dildo slid into her and simultaneous pressed against the thin layer that divided it from Tony’s vast throbbing cock.

The next few minutes – it might have been an hour, Sarah had absolutely no idea of the passage of time – took Sarah to a nearly continuous series of orgasms as her two lovers rocked her to and fro, and Sarah came close to losing consciousness as one orgasm topped another. Trapped between her lovers’ two bodies she could not move to express her exquisite pleasure, she was sobbing and squealing with unrestrained pleasure as the excitement mounted. And finally, she sensed the increased urgency of movement as Tony placed his arms under her arms and moved her body up and down as his cock moved down and up, retreating so that it actually came out of the mouth of her cunt before driving up into the depths of her sex. His breathing got more erratic and, although it seemed impossible, she felt that wonderful moment when his already huge cock expanded as the massive load of sperm rushed up from his balls and squirted into her. She fell forward, totally spent, tears of ecstasy running down her face as her cum ran down her thighs.

Rebecca slid out of her gently, leaving Tony’s still substantial erection nestling in Sarah’s warm and throbbing cunt. Rebecca went off into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later. By then, Sarah was lying on the sofa, her head on Tony’s shoulder and her hand gently stroking his balls. Tony, needless to say, looked like the cat who had got the cream, and his massive cock, still gleaming with cum and saliva, started to engorge again as he contemplated Rebecca’s breasts and anticipated the delicious prospect of fucking her in the next few minutes.

Rebecca had brought wine and glasses, and she distributed it to the other two and then settled herself on the other side of Tony, gently fondling his now fully erect cock, and said “Thanks for pleasuring my beautiful girlfriend so splendidly, she really needed that. In case you were wondering, you don’t have to give a repeat performance in me – save your spunk for another lucky girl”. And so Tony’s cock slowly subsided and the three of them lay together quietly in a post-orgasmic haze, sipping wine and chatting, until Tony got up and got dressed and went on his way.

No sooner was the door was shut behind him than the two girls, still naked, turned to face each other and, putting their arms around each other, kissed passionately with all the certainty of true lovers. After a couple of minutes, Rebecca slipped her hand into Sarah’s, kissed her cheek and said “Come, my beautiful lover!” and led her up the stairs into her bedroom. They were both too tired to wash or to make love, but climbed into Rebecca’s bed and Sarah curled up with Rebecca wrapping her arms around her, and they fell asleep.

Much later the following morning, being Sunday, Sarah slowly stirred, and as she rose from the deepest of sleeps, she remembered the events of the previous night and smiled to herself, but then became aware that she wasn’t in her own bed and that her friend was firmly situated between her legs with her tongue already lapping at her sex lips. She reached down and drew Rebecca’s head up to face her and kissed her lips, already damp with Sarah’s pussy juices all around her mouth. “Come”, said Sarah, “I want to have you – please?”

And still with the wonderful glow of the events of the previous night warming her body, she kissed her friend again, laid her on her back and kissed her beautiful breasts and nipples as she sank down her body and finally settled with her tongue resting of the lips of Rebecca’s waxed smooth cunt. She had never done this before, but she remembered how her friend had done the same for her that previous night and copied her technique, slowly and gently, and after a long time Rebecca gave a gentle sob of pleasure and a stream of her cum poured out into Sarah’s mouth, which she eagerly lapped up. But Sarah sensed that her friend was needier than that, and, waiting only a couple of minutes, returned to her lover’s pussy and started again. It was late in the afternoon before the two greedy girls left the bed, now covered with several large damp patches, to find food after nearly 24 hours of sexual frenzy.

After that, the two lovers always slept together in Rebecca’s bed and Sarah discovered that Rebecca had a large drawer wholly given over to sex toys, all of which she came to delight in and receive and use with enthusiasm. Rebecca also has various means of punishment, but the girls decided that the risk of leaving marks on their young bodies was too great and they saved them – hopefully for another time.

And so the three months were soon over and one Friday afternoon, they both received a call from Simone to come to the main house at 5pm for a meeting with Sir Richard and herself. They had both been to the farewell lunch that day for Julia and Caroline, clearly a sad occasion as both girls had been very popular with their colleagues. However, Sarah and Rebecca knew that the posts of Personal Assistant to Sir Richard were now available and they were the only candidates.

However, when they arrived at the main house, the welcome from Simone was much less effusive than they were used to, and Sir Richard did not seem as enthusiastic as they had expected. Before they could even sit down, Simone started loudly at them, “Don’t sit in Sir Richard’s presence unless you are invited! When you came here three months ago, we offered you a fantastic career and life opportunity, and how do you repay us? By ignoring our instructions! If you don’t take any notice now, how can we trust you when you are dealing with our most important clients during delicate negotiations? Well?”

Both girls were stunned, but Rebecca was the first to find her voice. “But Simone, we have done what you expected of us – we worked hard, we got to know our colleagues, what more were we supposed to do?”

Simone turned to the enormous wall-mounted cinema-sized screen and pressed the remote she had in her hand. “It is what you were NOT supposed to do – which is this!” And there, on the screen, larger than life size, was a frantic sex scene of what appeared to be a hardcore porn film – but all too soon the girls realised that the naked female bodies in it were not pornstars – they were them! Tony Jackson was being frantically ridden by Sarah, her hair flying as her naked body, glistening with sweat, pounded furiously on his enormous erection with Rebecca and her red strap-on pounding her anus and frantically slapping her bum – all in vivid colour with the full surround sound of Sarah’s screams of ecstasy! This was going to be hard to deny!

“So”, said Simone, “before you claim that this as an isolated incident would you like to see the highlights of the pair of you in extended 69 with one another, or of Sarah fucking Rebecca last night with a truly enormous black dildo?”

“No!” they both said quickly, realising that there was no way out of this, but watching themselves on screen would not help. “We are very sorry”, said Sarah, despondently into the cold silence. No-one spoke for at least a minute. Finally Sarah, sensing that they were expected to say something else, spoke. “We will go now”, she said, and took Rebecca’s hand and moved towards the door.

“Don’t be so childish”, said Simone, “we have watched all the footage and we are really impressed with you both and now know that you have ALL the skills that Sir Richard needs”. The girls’ puzzlement was clear. “Sit down”, said Sir Richard, gently, “and I will explain”.

Sir Richard explained that the company had been monitoring the girls for several months and knew they had the talents which he needed for his business work, but there was another side to his role which also required particular talents like theirs. Much of his work involved meeting and entertaining rich foreign clients who often sought sexual pleasures as part of the business process, and Sir Richard found that he, Simone and two young women could always provide a suitable range of such services to his clients. And by not using escorts or outsiders, Sir Richard could guarantee his clients total confidentiality and the certainty that the sexual events that occurred would never reach the eyes or ears they were not supposed to reach! Their research had showed that both Sarah and Rebecca were very sexually active, and they knew that both girls were discreet.

Rebecca clearly bridled at his comments about her suitability for providing sexual pleasures – did he mean they were being hired as prostitutes? Not at all, he replied, most of their work would be confidential commercial work which they were eminently qualified for – he laughed as he said “The sex is just a bonus”. Rebecca still wasn’t pacified – how did Sir Richard know that they would be suitable for such sexual activity?

Simone smiled. “Well Rebecca, as well as 92 hours of film of you two having sex with each other in virtually every room and on every piece of furniture in the cottages, as well as your magnificent performances with Tony Jackson over the last two months, we also have film of you in the ladies bathroom of your previous employer undressing and fucking that young intern called Sally five months ago, together with every other sexual encounter you had with her after work there.” Rebecca blushed furiously and said nothing. Sarah was equally stunned when Simone turned to her and said “And we were really impressed at the fact that you could take Robin Cochrane’s massive cock on the boardroom table without any additional lubrication – no-one else ever has!”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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