A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

As you might imagine, it was well after midday before people started to appear from their rooms into the bright sunlight. All of them instinctively knew that they should be naked, and all of their bodies were covered with cum from head to foot, not least the two maids. Given that they had been fucked and buggered for almost nine hours non-stop by the four young and energetic Brazilian cocks, you might imagine the maids would be the most weary, but clearly the excitement of being so frequently fucked and sodomised had utterly invigorated them, and they were running around the courtyard hugging and kissing everyone they met, and telling everybody the graphic details of their night’s activities.

In the end they both became too wearisome for the other revellers, particularly Cat who was utterly hyper-active, and as she skipped past Sarah for the umpteenth time, Sarah reached out and grabbed her and quickly pulled her down over her knee, arse upwards, and pushed three fingers into Cat’s damp cunt. “Listen darling, “she said loudly as she moved her fingers in and out vigorously and Cat moaned loudly, “last night was an amazing night for you and we are all delighted for you. However, all of the rest of us also spent the night fucking or being fucked, so we know what is involved. Unless you calm down, I am going to take you down to the beach and tie you to the palm trees for the rest of the day and have Caro flog your pretty little backside until you can’t sit down for a fortnight – understand?” So saying, she withdrew her hand from her young lover’s now dripping cunt and brought it down swiftly and hard on her buttocks – Cat squealed with pain, squeals that got steadily louder as Sarah slapped her harder and harder, at least a dozen times. “Now be a good girl,” she whispered in the young girl’s ear when she had finished, “because you are about to have your life changed for ever by me, and I wouldn’t want to change my mind at the last minute.” Pulling Cat to her feet, she kissed her tenderly, then told her to kneel by her feet and wait to see what happened. Suzanne and Jennie moved close to Sarah and stood kissing and stroking her neck and breasts. Nette was sitting in Rebecca’s lap with her arms around her lover’s neck. The four Brazilians were sitting together on cushions, and then Caro moved forward, clearly a big speech was on its way.

“I was planning to make this next speech myself, “she started,” but I am delighted to say that someone much more interesting is here to break the news. Dear friends and lovers, please welcome Sir Richard Wakefield.” There was a stunned silence for a few seconds as Sir Richard, wearing only shorts and sandals, walked out of Caro’s room into the courtyard. Then applause and cheering broke out, as all the girls rushed forward to kiss and greet him. After a few minutes of this, including being taken by Caro to meet the four Brazilians and Jennie who he had not met before, her held up his hand and everyone settled back down.

“First of all,” he said, looking around at the group of beautiful young bodies, all totally naked, “It is clear that I am totally over-dressed – everyone laughed – but that is easily rectified.” So saying he slipped off his shorts to reveal a most wonderfully large cock – not quite as enormous as Gaston or the lovely Tara, but 9 inches or so and very thick with a large mushroom-head. Everyone present looked in awe at his splendid equipment and really hoped that they would get to enjoy it. He carried on, “That’s better. I can see that some of you are enjoying the view – I am planning to stay for a few days, so perhaps some of you can get to know it better.” Nervous laughter ran round the courtyard, especially from the young maids who wondered how they would ever be stretched enough to take a monster like Sir Richard’s.

“Now to the main business,” he continued. I have with me two documents sent to me by Countess Elion by courier two days ago. These are the official transfers to give ownership of Catherine and Jeanette to Sarah and Rebecca respectively. They will become owners of these girls until their 21st birthday. The documents have been signed by the Countess, they only need to be signed by Sarah and Rebecca and the title to these delightful and beautiful young women,” both young maids blushed at the compliment, “will be transferred.” Sarah and Rebecca got up and stood beside Sir Richard at the table, and signed the deeds. “Come up here, you two,” said Sir Richard to the two young French girls who were giggling with suppressed excitement, and they came and stood in front of him. “Before you get carried away with anticipation, I understand Sarah has something to say.”

Sarah turned and spoke gently to the girls, who looked at her anxiously. “As you know, darling lovers, you are very precious to Rebecca and I and we have come to love you deeply in the few days that we have known and pleasured you. BUT, we have decided that we could not possibly own two such beautiful people, and we are now going to cancel the ownership document and release you totally from your servitude. You will be released to live your lives from now on as free young women.” The looks on the young girls faces were a mixture of delight initially, then shock and concern at the realisation that they no longer belonged to their beautiful mistresses and had nowhere to go in the world. Sarah and Rebecca signed the papers to cancel their ownership and handed them back Sir Richard. Taking each of the young girls by the hand, they went and sat down with each of them in their lap. “Don’t be afraid, darlings,” they both said,” something wonderful is about to happen.”

Sir Richard spoke. “I am really pleased to say that I bring much other news which will affect everyone here – for good, I think you will agree. But firstly, I bring you news that my Assistant Director Simone has accepted an offer from another company to become their Managing Director. Whilst I will miss her amazing skills, both in the office and particularly with Domination and BSDM, this is much too good an offer for her to reject, and so she goes with my blessing – she will leave in two months’ time.

As you know, Rebecca has only been with us for just over three months, but she has already proved to Caroline & I that she is a most accomplished Dominatrix, as well as a wonderfully efficient administrator and PA. I am therefore going to promote her to be Assistant Director responsible for Head Office and UK activities to succeed Simone.” “Oh my God!” gasped Rebecca, before all the girls fell on her and kissed and petted her. Caro hugged her and stroked her buttocks and whispered,” You deserve it, darling. Let us celebrate in front of everyone this afternoon in the best way possible.” Rebecca realised what she meant and shivered in anticipation. Sarah put her arms round Rebecca’s neck and kissed her deeply. “You are my first and deepest love,” Sarah whispered in her ear. “Whatever happens to me, nothing will change that.”

Sir Richard coughed to silence the chattering group of girls. “I think it has already dawned on the very sweet Catherine and Jeanette that being utterly free means that they are responsible for finding a job, somewhere to live and all the complications of modern life. At this moment they are free but have nothing. We can change that. I have had discussions with Count Elion and my fellow directors, and we realise that, because of the recent merger of our companies, we are going to be dealing with many more French companies and French business from our office in England. I am therefore prepared to offer you both positions as translators and trainee client advisors, based in Suffolk and living in one of my houses there. You will be well paid. Would you like that, girls?”

It took several minutes for Cat to stop sobbing – she had been fucked all night by the four Brazilians until she could hardly stand, then gifted to her lovely Sarah, only to be released to the world with no certainly of her future – then this gorgeous man stepped forward and gave her a whole life back, not least a life with Sarah. Nette had her arms around her and was comforting and stroking her. Eventually Nette spoke for them both and said that they were over-whelmed by his kindness and generosity and accepted with gratitude to do anything he asked. Sir Richard said, “Although your main work will be based in Suffolk, your amazing sexual skills will not be wasted – listen carefully and you will understand why.” Sir Richard came over and kissed both girls and then moved back to the table.

I have some very exciting news. My friend Count Elion and I have several contacts in Rio de Janeiro, and we have decided to open an office there in the next three months. We did have plans to move dear Caroline to our existing Edinburgh office, but I think her organisational skills will be better used in making her the new Branch Director for Brazil. She has told me that she has already decided who she will employ as her first four employees there to assist her.” He smiled towards the young group of Brazilians who leapt to their feet and rushed to kiss Caroline.

Sir Richard continued. “Dear Sarah must be wondering how she fits into my new plans. Well, we now have a rapidly expanding international network, with plans to open new offices in several countries. I have decided to create a new post, of International Director, responsible for all overseas branches and personnel there, working alongside Rebecca who will direct the UK office and my young friends there.” Cat was sitting on Sarah’s lap and kissed her passionately as this news was announced and the applause ran around the courtyard. Sarah looked very overcome with the enormity of the challenge of the new job which she had been given, but somehow knew that she could never had taken it on unless she had had the sensational experience of the last few days.

“As a result of these proposed changes,” continued Sir Richard, “I am going to leave myself without the two wonderful and trustworthy PAs I previously had in Sarah and Rebecca. But ... I have a proposal to make to Suzanne and Jennie. I know Suzanne that you are already a financial analyst with our Company, but Caroline tells me that your sexual abilities are sensational, and if you were to consider becoming a Personal Assistant to me, I would ensure that you did not lose out financially. And Jennie, the prospect of having twins as Personal Assistants is too exciting to miss out on – would you consider coming back to England and joining your sister as one of my PAs?” No sooner had he finished speaking than frantic ‘Yes, Yes, Yes’ came from both the twins – they hugged each other with joy at the prospect of being together again and with the opportunity for sexual adventure together.

“And so, said Sir Richard, “that just leaves the question of accommodation in England. I have recently acquired a large ten bedroomed Georgian country house on the edge of my estate which I mainly intended to use for accommodation for visiting guests to the company. I now suggest that Sarah, Rebecca, Catharine & Jeanette will live there – officially that will only use four bedrooms in what are laughingly described as the Servants’ Quarters, although I suspect that only two beds will get used most of the time!! This will free up the cottage that Sarah and Rebecca currently have which will be used by Jennie and Suzanne.”

As he finished speaking, Gaston and Philippe appeared with champagne and drinking, kissing and hugging was the order of the day. Caroline asked Sir Richard which room he would like, but he merely commented that he was sure that he would find somewhere to sleep for the next three nights. Caroline then disappeared for half an hour, but when she re-appeared, she announced that everyone should move to the beach where she proposed to celebrate her friend Rebecca’s promotion. An excited buzz ran around the group as they took their glasses and moved down the path to the beach. Once they arrived, Caro’s meaning became clear. She told everyone to be seated on the chairs and loungers that were drawn up on the sand, and it was noted that the twins immediately knelt down in the sand beside Sir Richard so that their mouths and hands were in easy reach of his very beautiful cock.

Caro then arrived leading Rebecca by a chain around her neck, and on each of her ankles and wrists was a leather cuff with a large steel clip. Caro placed Rebecca between two palm trees which already had four chains in place, and within a few seconds, Rebecca was fixed in a star position which allowed for no movement. Caro signalled to Nette who jumped up and came forward with a container of oil and started to massage the oil into her lover’s front and back. Rebecca had a dreamy look as all this was happening – no fear, just a sense of cool detachment. Caro then said to the spectators, “As you know, my lovely slave Rebecca has been given the promotion she so richly deserved, and as her Mistress, I wish to celebrate with her. For that reason, and to mark her submission to me, she has given herself to me to use as I wish. I intend to beat her severely, but to remind her in future that she is a slave as well as a Director, I wish everyone to participate – that way we will then all remember her as she is now as well as the important person she will be.”

By now Nette had finished oiling her lover and had stepped away to the side, but now handed Caro a cat o’nine tails, and Caro moved quickly behind Rebecca and brought the whip round hard against Rebecca’s buttocks. The watchers saw the young woman jump and moan, then she closed her eyes. Caro took her time, and whipped her a dozen times on her buttocks and thighs, before passing the whip to Nette. Although the young girl had been trained to do this, the sight of her lover chained in front of her made her hesitate, but then she found the courage to start, and, guided by Caro, started beating Rebecca on her back. Caro gradually called each of the spectators to come up and strike the weeping young woman, and made it easier for them by giving them a long leather paddle which made a less livid mark than the whip, but would result in bruising by the following day. One of the young Brazilians initially could not do it, but Caro pointed out that they would take Rebecca’s place if they did not, and they duly stepped forward and added their blows to the rest. Finally only Sarah and Sir Richard were left, and as Sarah got up and moved forward, Caro took out the whip again and gave it to Sarah. Sarah moved to go behind her lover, but Caro stopped her. “No darling, you must whip her breasts. It will hurt her terribly, but because you love her most, she will love you most for being the one to do it.”

Sarah moved into position, but hesitated at the awful pain she knew she would inflict. But Rebecca opened her eyes and smiled at her. “Please do it Sarah, I want to know that you love me so much that you want to be the one. The greatest pain from my greatest love. Do it now.” And before Rebecca could close her eyes, Sarah swung the whip and the leather strands bit into her lover’s soft flesh with a vicious ‘crack’, and Rebecca screamed, and then shouted “Yes my love, again!” and so Sarah drew her arm back and brought the whip whistling through the air to strike even harder onto Rebecca’s other beautiful globe, and Rebecca screamed even louder. Sarah was shaking from the experience, but remembered Rebecca’s description of her previous beating at the Chateau, and so she moved forward to do what the Countess had done – she slipped two fingers into her lover’s drippingly wet cunt and eased them right in to find her g-spot. Nothing further was needed – Rebecca exploded into an orgasm of astonishing intensity – chained and fixed as she was, her body still convulsed and shook frantically. Sarah placed her other hand around Rebecca’s back and pressed her own body against the breasts she had just whipped and held her close as the shaking girl slowly calmed down. Once she was calm, Rebecca, opened her eyes and the two girls kissed each other. Sarah withdrew her fingers from Rebecca’s cunt and stroked her cheek and whispered “I love you.”

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