A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

The wild excesses of the orgy the previous night at Club Rock had left everyone totally exhausted, and it was early afternoon before any of the girls appeared from their room, and even then they showed little sign of being well rested. The two male servants had already anticipated this and not bothered to prepare breakfast or lunch, but as the girls staggered the short journey from their rooms to the sun loungers, the men came and poured fresh orange juice and coffee for them, then left them to rest. By the time everyone had fully woken that afternoon, it was agreed that today was a day of rest, and after an early supper, by 10pm the girls were all back in their rooms fast asleep again.

By the next day, although they had all slept well, and perhaps would have been looking for some activity that day, over breakfast Caroline explained that she had been making some phone calls that morning and had an exciting evening planned for the following day, and suggested that a further quiet day today would be sensible. Although all the girls were young and fit, they had little experience of the types of orgies they had been involved in during the last week, and Caroline knew they really needed to rest their sexually exhausted bodies. So rest they did, although today they took themselves off to the beach, and lay under the shade of the palm trees, rising occasionally to walk the 10yards or so into the warm Caribbean sea. The result was that by dinner time they were relaxed and cheerful, and chatter from all of them rang around the courtyard table as they described their feelings about the experience of the Club Rock party. After dinner, Rebecca had a quiet word with Caroline and Sarah, who were seen to be nodding their heads. So, when it came to bedtime, as Nette moved towards her room with her beloved mistress Rebecca, Caroline moved to her, took her hand and merely whispered, “Me please?” Nette looked surprised for a moment, but had learnt that she was no longer Rebecca’s possession so, without looking to Rebecca for permission, she smiled at Caroline, squeezed her hand and said “Of course, Caro, I would love that.”

As they moved away, Rebecca turned to Gaston and asked if he could come and join her in about ten minutes. He smiled gratefully and said he would be there.

Although Sarah was initially a little jealous of the games that Rebecca and Caroline were going to have that night, she did realise that the amazing evening she had had with both Tara and Jennie had totally exhausted her, and she was actually relieved that she had another uninterrupted night ahead of her. But once they they were in their room, she said to Cat, “Darling, I am only too happy to sleep now, but I realise this is unfair to you. Would you like me to pleasure you now?” Cat looked shocked and said, “Dearest Sarah, the greatest pleasure you have given since the moment I met you is to take me to your bed and wrap me in your arms. No-one has ever loved me that much and if that was all you did for me for ever, I would be the luckiest person in the world.” And she moved forward, put her hands on Sarah’s buttocks and pulled her mistress to her and kissed her passionately. “Now take me to bed,” she said after two or three minutes. And Sarah took her to bed, enfolded her in her arms, and they slept.

On the other side of the courtyard, Caro and Nette were in Caroline’s room, and having kissed and hugged the young maid, Caroline explained that she would like Nette to learn to punish people, as she gathered that the maids had not been taught that at the Chateau. Caroline explained that Nette with her dark hair and larger figure that Cat was always going to attract more attention as a Dominant, and now she was going to learn by practising on Caroline. Patiently, Caroline explained the purpose of all the BDSM toys in the drawer, and also how the various cuffs and straps and chains worked. After about an hour, Nette had fixed Caroline standing in a star position in the middle of the room, both her ankles and wrists cuffed and pulled tight. Caroline explained that the most important thing was to know how long the session would be, and to then pace the session so that it started slowly and built to a crescendo at the end. Caroline had suggested that this session would be for 10 minutes. Caroline told Nette that she was to start with the whip flogger, like a cat o’nine tails, and finish with the leather paddle, and to strike her on her bottom and thighs. Needless to say, after all this information, Nette was slightly nervous, and the first two blows whistled through the air and Caroline exclaimed, “Gentler to start with baby, otherwise you will rip my bum to shreds by the end! Pace yourself.”

So Nette eased the intensity and very soon was enjoying herself as she increased the speed and strength of the blows and Caroline started to moan with delight. Carefully keeping an eye on the clock, she switched for the leather flogger after five minutes. Slowly she increased the weight of her blows, and saw that Caroline was very flushed and was crying out as each blow struck her reddened bottom. After exactly ten minutes, Nette drew her arm right back and put all her force into one last thrashing blow. Caroline screamed with the impact, and Nette dropped the paddle and ran to release Caroline from her cuffs. Nette was worried that she might have hurt Caroline too much, but once released, Caroline fell on her knees, and put her arms around Nette’s slender body and sobbed out, “Thank you Mistress, I deserved that!” Nette realised that Caroline was giving her the ultimate compliment of treating her as a full Dominant, and she glowed with pride. After a couple of minutes, she helped Caroline to her feet and put her to bed and lay beside her. Nette was extremely excited by what had occurred and did not know how she was going to sleep thinking about the last hour, but Caroline knew what she must be feeling. She reached out and drew the girl to her, and slipped her fingers into the young girl’s cunt, and pressed upwards and forward. In less than ten seconds Nette exploded in a sobbing, shuddering orgasm, much more extreme than she had ever had before. As the crisis passed and she relaxed into Caroline’s arms, Caroline whispered, “There, that shows you are a natural – whipping me gave you that wonderful orgasm.” And with both of them sexually sated, they fell asleep.

In Rebecca’s room, she had washed and was waiting for Gaston. At the party on Club Rock she had been excitingly thrashed by Caroline, and had had her rectum filled by the beautiful TV Marcel, but all the activity of the last few days made her realise that she had not had a cock in her cunt since before they left England, and whilst she did not feel she wanted to be fully stretched by Philippe’s monster weapon, she was anticipating the pleasure of Gaston’s long and powerful cock. Although Rebecca had delighted in being the slave to both the Countess and Caroline, she loved to dominate the men who she allowed into her body, and the presence of the two servants on the island to be used as she chose delighted her. As she was anticipating him, Gaston walked in naked and already rock hard, she was pleased to see (she considered a soft cock as a sign of lack of interest) in anticipation of pleasuring her. He came in and she explained, without any preamble what she wanted and moved to the end of the bed, where she had arranged a pile of pillows, and crouched over it so that her arse rose up in the air. Gaston reached out and applied some lube to his cock, then centred the end of his cock on her pussy lips and pushed steadily in. In one long slow movement he pushed himself right into her, and a long moan came from her. At the angle she was at with her arse raised, Gaston had the perfect angle to fuck her deeply so that the end of his long cock was pushing right up into the top of her womb. Rebecca had never had a cock reach that far and was not used to the sensation, and started to raise herself up on her elbows to change the angle of entry. To her surprise, Gaston swum the palm of his hand and hit her very hard on the buttocks, right on top of the bruises which remained from the beating at the Club. She screamed and fell forward again, and he shouted loudly, “Stay where you are bitch, this is my cock and I decide how you get fucked!” Rebecca was shocked and delighted all in one, but before she could even answer, Gaston reached forward and grabbed both her wrists, and pulled them behind her back. No sooner were they there than she heard and felt the familiar click as a pair of handcuffs was snapped in place – so, there she was face down in the bedclothes, her arse in the air and unable to move her arms.

“I think it has been a while since you were properly cock-whipped, young woman,” Gaston whispered to her. “don’t think you are leaving this bed until I have fucked your brains out.”

And that is just what happened – it was clear that Gaston had amazing self-control and was able to prolong his orgasms for almost an indefinite period of time. Rebecca had imagined that she would merely have a brief fuck with him to stretch her cunt and then have an early night – instead of which here she was, totally at his mercy, she was still screaming and weeping two hours later, her cunt sore and stretched by the enormously weapon cock that never ceased plunging in and out of her. However, Gaston noted with some interest, the oaths and expletives that came from Rebecca told only that he was to continue, not stop. “Oh God, drive it up me!”, “This is fantastic!”, I’m cuming again, keep going, keep going, aaaaah!!” “Don’t stop, more, please fuck me more, I want it, I want it now, Jesus, I’m coming again, ayeeeee!”. Needless to say, the noise she was making meant that no-one else in the house could sleep and before long all of the girls plus Philippe were sitting around in chairs in front of the window watching and admiring the amazing performance from Gaston.

Finally, as midnight approached, Caroline turned to Sarah and asked her to go and put Rebecca out of her pain and suffering so that they could all get some sleep. Sarah walked into the house picked up a large vibrator from the side, quickly pumped some lube from one of the dispensers and turned on the vibrator and drove it quickly up Gaston’s arse. She then slipped one hand under his crotch and fondled his balls and with the other hand reached round and grabbed his cock and masturbated him quickly. Even with his self-control, he could not cope with this stimulation and within 10 seconds was pumping his seed into Rebecca’s cunt. As Gaston stood up, Rebecca rolled sideways on the bed, and Sarah released the cuffs from her, leant forward and kissed her lover and said “So much for a quick fuck, eh darling?” Rebecca just moaned and used very unlady-like language – so they all left her.

The girls had all enjoyed the excitement of watching Rebecca being royally shagged by Gaston, including Rebecca who felt amazingly invigorated by it, despite the raw sensation in her cunt. But all the girls were up and at the breakfast table by 9 o’clock the following morning, eager to hear Caroline’s plans for that day. The two maids were chatting and giggling as Nette told her friend about her introduction to being a Dominant – Cat was very impressed, although a little nervous in case her friend decided she wanted to practice on her.

Once breakfast was complete and cleared, the girls and the two men sat around the table and waited for Caroline to speak. “I have spoken with the Countess last night,” she began, “on the question of the two maids.” Both the young girls suddenly looked anxious, for they were the property of the Countess. Indentured to her for seven years until they were 21, and she had total power over their lives. Any word from her was law. “I have told her of your service here to all of us, and she is well pleased.” The two girls grinned with relief. “She and I have therefore agreed on the following – it is not a matter for discussion, but if you carry through our wishes today, she will issue the paperwork to assign your indentures to Sarah and Rebecca – you will become their property and they can keep you or sell you as they wish.” A gasp ran around the table – no-one had anticipated this turn of events, and for the maids to become the property of their lovers clearly thrilled them beyond measure.

The two maids hugged each other and then ran to Sara and Rebecca and threw their arms around them, sobbing with pleasure at the news they had received. Caroline spoke. “I am delighted that everyone is so happy, but no-one has heard of the test that our two young friends must undergo today.” Suddenly the table was quiet again. “Come here girls.” The two girls walked round to Caroline and stood either side of her. Caroline told them to bend forward over the table. She stood up and rested a hand on the arse of each girl. “As you know, we have so far forbidden anyone to penetrate either of these maids, front or rear, because that is a pleasure that the Countess wished reserved for herself. However, because of her love for Rebecca, she has authorised me to arrange for that to happen to both of them today in any way I can devise – today these virgin cunts and anuses are to be fucked in front of us all.” The two maids gasped and blushed at this news.” Gaston got up and moved to Caroline, carrying a small box. Fear spread on the maids face at the thought that they would be speared by the enormous cock of the man approaching them, but Caroline spoke again. “Both Gaston and Philippe are too large to initiate these virgins, and so I have arranged for some more suitable friends to join us this evening to remove their virginities. But in the meantime, so that our girls can properly anticipate tonight, I have a present for each of them. Sarah and Rebecca, will you come and help me please?” Sara and Rebecca moved to the girls and were instructed to use their fingers to make the cunts of the maids damp, which took only a few seconds given the excitement of the maids at what was going to happen. Once drippingly damp, Caroline opened the box and removed two gold butt plugs, each with a jewel on the end, about four inches long and about three inches wide at the widest point, narrowing to less than an inch before it widened again for the jewelled end ... She simultaneously slipped them into each girl’s cunt to dampen them, and then withdrew them and eased them past their very tight anal rings. Both girls had never been penetrated there and had very tight rings, and so it took a couple of minutes to ease them fully in, until only the jewel was showing. Caroline signalled to the men, who moved forward and led the two girls to a couch which had been set up in courtyard. The girls were laid down facing each other, and cuffed both wrists and ankles so that they could not move apart, their arms around each other and their legs intertwined.

Caroline gave Sarah and Rebecca a small black unit, with just one button on it, and explained. “Each of those plugs in your maids had a vibrator in it, which is controlled by that button. Press it and the vibrator works, release it and it stops. Cat and Nette will stay there for as long as I decide and imagine what it is going to be like for them tonight when their cunts and anuses are used and abused by really talented cocks. In the meantime, you will stimulate them whenever you like, although they will never know when you are going to excite them. Why don’t you start, Sarah?”

Sarah pressed and held down the button, and Cat whimpered loudly and her tight little bottom clearly twitched as the vibrations throbbed through her belly. Her head was thrown back and her moaning got louder every second. Just as she started to look distressed, Sarah released the button, and Cat slumped back against Nette, but Rebecca immediately pressed her button to see Nette explode with trembling ecstasy within a few seconds, her hips madly rising and falling at the novel experience of having such a toy in her belly. Rebecca continued with the vibrator until Nette started to sob in pleasure, and then released it.

At this point the two maids were left alone by the others who went off to for their morning showers, and then returned a bit later to resume their places on the sun loungers. The maids were already exhausted by the emotional shock of all that had occurred that morning, and were asleep in each other’s arms. Rebecca went over and gently tapped each of them on the jewel in their arses, enough to wake them immediately and remind them of their predicament. A few minutes later the maids both felt the vibrators come to life in their anal passages, and were writhing with pleasure on and off for the rest of the morning. Thus the morning was spent, and after lunch, during which the two maids were left trussed up on the couch, Caroline suggested that they be released and taken for a sleep with their lovers, Sarah and Rebecca. The two male servants released the maids and carried each of them to the bedrooms, where Sara and Rebecca joined them. Both maids were utterly exhausted by the sexual thrills they had been subject to, and Sarah and Rebecca, realising this, merely wrapped them in their arms and allowed them to sleep.

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