A Night in the Chateau - Cover

A Night in the Chateau

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Sarah gets fucked on a boardroom table - then gets a new job, a beautiful lover and experiences an amazing orgy in a chateau

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration  

Sarah had always known that coming to England from Australia would be an adventure, but she had always been an outgoing and confident person, and despite her family’s concerns about her going off to the other side of the world, she knew she had the confidence to deal with any situation that arose. Mind you, whilst the events leading up to today had seemed exciting and stimulating, she suspected she was about to move into a whole new realm of adventure!

Once she had arrived in England, it hadn’t taken her long to secure a very good secretarial post with a finance company in the City of London. She had good references from home, had excellent shorthand and WP skills and, not least, was very attractive. About medium height, (she is 5’7”), she was blonde with a slim figure, lovely long legs and a bum that seemed to draw men like a magnet. She was not averse to using her sexual attraction to make sure her male bosses noticed her – and they certainly did.

Having secured a job, she then found herself a flat in West London – three girls had advertised for another girl to flat-share with them. She got on well with her flatmates – they didn’t socialise together much but they were good company, all kept the flat clean and tidy and once a week they all cooked dinner together and opened a couple of bottles of wine and chatted about their lives. Life was definitely going well for Sarah.

Her work was interesting and the two young directors she worked for treated her well. Both were married and although they flirted mildly with her, there was little sign of anything more intimate. However, she and one of her directors, Robin Coltrane, had been working hard for several days putting together a major financing deal that would earn their company substantial fees. As in all these types of deal, everything was a frantic rush at the end, and her boss came into her office late one afternoon to ask her a favour. Apparently, the final contract was being sent over by courier later that evening, but would not arrive until 8pm – would Sarah mind staying to witness his signature so the deal could be completed that day?

By 7pm they were the only two people left in the building and she wandered into the boardroom to see if Robin needed anything. She offered to make him a coffee, but he said that the occasion deserved something better than that, and he went to the fridge in the attached kitchen and returned with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. They sat there chatting, and as the champagne worked its way into their systems, the conversation got more relaxed and intimate, and Sarah was just telling her boss the details of an outing she had once made with a former boyfriend to a swingers club back in Australia, when the doorbell announced the arrival of the courier. It only took a few minutes for the papers to be signed and witnessed, and the courier was sent on his way back to the solicitors.

Sarah was ready to go home, but Robin insisted that a good bottle of champagne should not be wasted, and quickly re-filled her glass. Not that Sarah objected – she had rather hoped, since he had asked her to stay, that events might work out this way. She was wearing a smart blue dress which had as a feature a zip right down the front, with a large white ring at the top. Although she was wearing stockings (and suspenders) and black court shoes, Sarah had already removed her bra and underpants which were safely stowed in her handbag. As they neared the end on the champagne, Robin moved in front of Sarah and said, “I assume that ring on your dress is in case of emergencies?”

Sarah guessed where he was going with this, and decided she wanted to go there too. “Why don’t you pull it and find out?” she murmured, and he did. The surprise on his face was wonderful to behold, and Sarah, who had been anticipating this moment for several hours, was in no mood to delay. Shrugging the dress off her shoulders so it fell to the floor, she quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it open. Realising that his dreams were about to be realised, and the smart young PA he had flirted mildly with was now naked in front of him and ripping his clothes off, Robin smartly unbuckled his trousers and pulled trousers, pants and socks off in one efficient move. Sarah was impressed – she loved a man who could undress quickly.

They locked in a passionate kiss and his hands grabbed her taut naked buttocks and pulled her into him. Lifting her up, he moved her backwards until the boardroom table pressed against her bum, then leant her backwards so she was lying on the table. He dropped to his knees and she felt his tongue lapping at her labia – some men couldn’t find their way around there with a map, Robin clearly knew just where to go and what to do. The frenzy of the situation had gripped them both and Sarah was certainly not prepared to wait much longer for some serious penetration.

“For God’s sake fuck me!” she shouted. As he stood up, she looked down at his strong naked body and realised that the beautiful long erect cock that stuck out straight in front of him already had a condom on it.

“How the hell did you do that?” she asked.

“Sarah,” he said with a grin on his face, “you came here this evening with a ‘fuck me’ dress on and no underwear underneath, I put a condom on whilst you were seeing the courier out. Which of us was more prepared for this than the other?” Without waiting for a reply, he moved between her legs and drove his cock into her sopping wet and throbbing cunt. She groaned with excitement, but within a few seconds she realised she was being fucked by a very long cock, for every time he drove forward into her, the head seemed to reach higher and higher into her belly. She had had her fair number of cocks in her 22 years, but no-one had ever been this far into her before and she didn’t know how long she could last.

The answer turned out to be not very long, as she was suddenly overcome with a shattering orgasm and squealed in pleasure as it washed over her. Robin stopped and watched as she bucked and shook, and waited for her excitement to die down, but he didn’t withdraw, just stood there gently stroking her sensitive nipples whilst she felt his cock pulsing deep inside her. She lay there with her eyes closed, but after a couple of minutes, when her breathing had calmed to nearly normal, she felt him start to rock again, driving his gorgeous cock deeper still into her now dripping cunt. She opened her eyes wide, but he just grinned at her and said, “How many orgasms do you usually have per hour?”

She laughed and said jokingly, “At least ten!”

“We’ll see what can be done”, he replied and, to her astonishment, his wonderful cock continued to thrust deeper into the recesses of her body, and time and again she climaxed fiercely, calling out encouragement to him as the pain diminished and the thrilling pressure on her cunt mounted. Finally, both their bodies covered in perspiration, he groaned loudly and slammed himself harder and harder against her as she felt his spunk pumping its way up his cock as it surged into the waiting condom.

After a few minutes when neither of them said anything, he eased himself out of her and helped her to stand. He gently kissed her and murmured that they must do this more often. Sarah thought that she could imagine nothing nicer, except next time perhaps they could exchange the boardroom table for a comfortable bed.

However, none of that was to be, because Sarah’s life was about to go in a very different direction. The interesting event at Sarah’s company was always when one of their most important clients, Sir Richard Wakefield, came in to visit, which seemed to happen about once a week. He was Chairman of his own financial services company, extremely rich, about 40, ruggedly attractive and charming. All the younger secretaries were in awe of him and tried to make sure they were around when he visited, but it was Sarah who seemed to have the most to do with him, as it was her bosses he came to see. She was flattered that he always remembered her name and conversations they had had on previous visits.

A couple of days after she had been so wonderfully serviced on the boardroom table by her boss, she had a call from the agency who had found her current post for her three months earlier. They had been asked to approach her to see if she would come for an interview with Wakefield Finance, Sir Richard’s company, who would like to offer her an important and senior position. She was flattered and surprised, especially as the agency emphasised that this was a major salary leap and to be taken very seriously. So she put on her smartest suit and went for the interview the next week. Life would never be the same again.

Sir Richard ran his company from his large estate in Suffolk, miles from anywhere. Sarah had been told she would be picked up at the station when she arrived on a particular train, and, sure enough, there was a smart car and driver waiting when she arrived at the station. However, as she was walking towards it, another smartly dressed young woman moved in the same direction and they arrived simultaneously. The driver greeted them both by name and opened the doors for them. On the drive to the country house, they discovered they were apparently both going to be interviewed for the same job, which created a certain awkwardness between them. Sarah was sorry for that because the other young woman, Rebecca, who was about her age, was a really friendly and attractive girl who she would loved to have been friends with if the circumstances had been different. Rebecca was slightly taller than her, brunette to Sarah’s blonde and with a much fuller figure – beautiful large but natural breasts that drew your eyes to them. Still, Sarah assumed that one of them at least would leave emptyhanded today so no point in making friends with the opposition.

Wakefield Court was a vast 18th Century house that Sir Richard had clearly spent a fortune restoring and adapting. The main Georgian house was for his personal use, but all of the former outbuildings at the rear had been beautifully, and expensively, converted into smart offices, where about 40 people worked. However, the girls were dropped at the front door of the main house, which was opened by a tall, strikingly handsome woman – probably about 40, cropped black hair, crisp black suit with white blouse, black stockings and fiendishly high heels – every inch the authority figure. She introduced herself as Simone, Assistant Director, and she showed the girls into Sir Richard’s study, where the man himself awaited them. Sir Richard greeted both girls as though he knew them both well, which also surprised Sarah. Once they were seated, coffee efficiently served by Simone, they all sat and Sir Richard’s explained why the two girls were there - and the amazing journey began.

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