The Egyptian Affair - Cover

The Egyptian Affair

by Ava Grekov

Copyright© 2020 by Ava Grekov

Romantic Sex Story: Broken hearted Yovanna finds love and amazing sex at the hands of an Egyptian hunk, while on holiday

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   True Story   Interracial   White Female   Oriental Male   Oral Sex   .

Yovanna arrived late in the evening at her hotel in Marsa Alam. Trip from the UK did not agree with her and she went straight to her room. She got annoyed that the tour operator was expecting her to get up and got to a meeting at 9:30 in the morning, but she had agreed already, so she had a quick shower and went straight to bed.

Her alarm woke her at 9 o’clock, and all she managed to do in her half asleep state was to brush her teeth and hair, and throw a dress on.

She got some coffee and went begrudgingly to the meeting, never realising her life will change in that very moment.

When she entered the area where the meeting was, her eyes immediately laid on the beautiful Egyptian man sat in the corner. Her heart skipped a beat, and she could just picture him, laying naked next to her, feeling his warm body and velvet skin. She quickly shook those thoughts, and it took all her self-control, when he pierced her with his deep, warm eyes, to not go to him.

He soon stood up, went to her, introduced himself as Husani, and thanked her for being on time to the meeting. He shook her hand, and she could feel electricity going up and down her entire body. She wanted this man, like she never wanted anyone in her life. She didn’t know anything about him, and yet she couldn’t shake the feeling she was meant to meet him. He never took his eyes off her throughout the whole meeting, and she barely heard anything he said. Yovanna knew she had to have him. She wanted him there and then. But this was Egypt, different country, with very different customs and religion than her own.

She was spending only a couple of weeks in Egypt, so Yovanna knew this can’t be anything lasting. But she was so filled with lust, and desire and a deep, primal need to have this man, to hold him, to kiss him, to love him. She couldn’t understand where all these feelings were coming from. Ever since her divorce, she couldn’t even look at men. And yet this stranger has reached deep in her soul with just a look. He shook her body with just a handshake. His deep chocolate eyes, his boyish smile, his beautiful curls and his soft, well-groomed hands did not, and could not leave her mind.

Husani’s morning was boring as per usual. He was waiting on all the sleepy and already drunk tourists to make an appearance for the meeting they didn’t want to go to but needed the information.

He lifted his eyes from his phone and saw her. He could tell she has just arrived - her skin was still milky white, unkissed by the sun. There was something about the way she walked - some inner grace, some inner sunshine she was conveying by the way she moved.

Husani noticed she stopped in her track when she saw him. And then she smiled. Her full, sexy lips pulled away from her pout (but not before she licked her lips) and revealed white beautiful teeth. He was gobsmacked by her beauty and purity. She seemed like an angel to him. She introduced herself as Yovanna, and at the sound of her voice, he wished the world would disappear around them, and he could hold her, kiss her, caress her body and feel her lips all over his body. But more people continued to come, and he had to do his job.

He tried to start his speech as usual, but the words would not come out. All he could see was Yovanna, sat in the first row, her rhythmic breathing bringing her full breasts up and down, and her tongue tracing her beautiful lips, over and over again. And her eyes - dark like his, filled with playful fire - were staring into his, as if saying “Take me, I want to be yours”

Yovanna went to the pool area, still shook from meeting Husani. She laid on the sunbed, thinking about him, every time she closed her eyes, she could see his deep brown eyes, bearing into hers, into her very soul.

After about an hour, she decided she can’t bear it anymore, she had to talk to him. She went in the lobby, right to the end of it, where the reps were gathered. She spotted him right away, Husani was already staring at her and smiling beautifully. She sat and they had small chat about a spa experience she wanted to book. He asked her about her life, why has she come alone, what about her partner? She told him she was single, and all he replied was “Funny, how both of us are single”. He asked for her phone number, saying he needs it for the booking. Yovanna gave it to him - “ You can message me for anything”.

She didn’t have to wait long to receive Husani’s message. She had taken but 10 steps towards the door, when her phone pinged. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I must be with you. Please, let me show you Marsa Alam tonight.” the text read. They arranged to meet at 9:30 in the evening, so Husani would have time to go home and change after work.

They spent the whole day messaging. She discovered with pity, that he can’t come for drinks in her room, due to the tourism police in the resort. And they had to be careful even going to his place. But the fact they had to hide, just excited Yovanna more and more. She felt drawn to this man, and the touch of his skin and his smell. The thought of being with him was enough to drive her mad, make her pussy wet and throbbing.

The evening couldn’t come soon enough for both. Husani was waiting for Yovanna little while down the road from the hotel, as it was against the rules to meet up with customers and he could get a fine or go to jail for meeting her. He was waiting for her in his red Renault hatchback, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest with excitement. She has never done that before, just meet someone and go off with him. But she felt safe with Husani.

He drove her around Marsa Alim for an hour, showing her different buildings and sights. She was curious about everything, and she wanted to learn about Egypt. Husani was an Egyptologist, so he answered every question she had. She also wanted to learn a bit of Arabic, and he obliged, teaching her simple things like ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’.

After their long drive and talk, she asked him if she could treat him to dinner - it was the least she could do to repay his kindness. He declined, saying that, if she wouldn’t mind, he would like to cook for her in his home.

It didn’t take too long to get to his flat. The moment he closed the door, she turned to him, buried her hands into his hair and kissed him. Letting all her sexual frustration, all her desire for him, be expressed within this one kiss. Husani kissed her back passionately, filled with fierce desire, not holding back all the secret fantasies he had since he met her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started guiding her to the bedroom. Once they got in the room, Husani turned on the lights - he wanted to see all of her, didn’t want to miss a second of his time with this amazing woman.

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