Swapped Unswapped - Cover

Swapped Unswapped

Copyright© 2020 by Writer Mick

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - The wives wanted to do it. Why? That's the whole point of the story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing  

MickThere it was. Deb had inherited everything, and Paul had officially asked that Diana and I take care of Deb. Now we had to define ‘take care of’ and set our boundaries. I was deep in thought while I drove us to our favorite bar. Once inside, I ordered a bourbon on the rocks, Diana ordered a white wine and Deb order two double shots of tequila.We sat in silence for the longest time and then I had to say something.”Deb, what are your plans now? Are you going to stay in the house?””I’d rather live with you and Diana. But I guess that will put a crimp in your wild and crazy baby making lifestyle.””Diana, do you think Deb would cramp our style?”My wife looked at me and I could see the thoughts scrambling in her head. “Mick,” Deb said. “Paul was a lying asshole, at least to me. He broke the most important and sacred vow he could have made. He cheated on me. I’ve told both of you that I love you. I want to stay with you. I’m financially independent between the bank and retirement accounts, insurance policies and the house sale. You won’t have to spend a penny on me. But I’m hoping and praying that you’ll take care of me.””Deb, this is something that Diana and I have to talk over. But there are a couple of things. First, you are welcome to stay with us until this whole insurance, last will, and name changing thing is through. No charge.”Deb laughed at that and chugged her first double shot.”Second, we intend to take care of you to the extent that if you ever need anything from me, or Diana, ask and we’ll be there. That doesn’t include living with us ... at least until Di and I have had a real heart to heart. I mean if we do what you ask, you change from Aunt Deb to the other Mrs. O’Dell. Our vows didn’t include another spouse.””I understand. It’s been a long and crazy several months, hasn’t it?””It has. Diana in the meantime, feel free to attend to you and Deb’s stress relief. I can’t take that away from either of you.”We finished our drinks and I drove us home. Deb kissed us good night and went to the guest room. Diana and I showered and cuddled in bed for the first part of our very serious talk.


Diana and Mick were so in love. I, on the other hand, was thinking that I had nothing. Paul was gone. He was a piece of shit, but for about 7 years, he was my piece of shit. Now he’s gone and I’m in the care of the two people I have truly loved since junior high school.

Let me clarify that, I am in the care of the two people I have been IN love with since junior high. I married Paul so I could stay close to Diana and, to an only slightly lesser extent, Mick. Paul loved Mick like a brother. Diana loved Mick just slightly more than me. I’ve loved Diana since the night that we compared out first pubic hairs and touched each other.

I came to understand that I was bisexual shortly after the first time I fucked Paul. Having only had a sexual relationship with one person, Diana, I was worried that having that thing in Paul’s pants in my pussy would make me sick, but it felt pretty good. It didn’t feel as good as Diana’s tongue or fingers or lips. But if I was going to have her, and she was going to have Mick, then I had to have Paul.And so here I was, living with the woman I was in love with, and sharing her home with the man I loved more than any man I had ever loved. But that meant that in order to be with her, I had to find a way to permanently insert myself into the relationship of the two people I loved. If I did that the wrong way, they would both come to hate me, or they would stop loving each other. Too big a price.


We’d talked and talked. The next day Mick made a call during breakfast. It was a bit cryptic.”Hello. This is Mick O’Dell. I want to confirm yesterday’s conversation. Yes. Yes. Wonderful. Thank you.”He disconnected the call and returned to his breakfast. Deb and I looked at him, waiting for an explanation. He gave none.”Mick? What was that about?””It’s a surprise.””A surprise?””Yes, Diana, my love, my sweet. And you know what they say about surprises, right?””No. What do they say?””Nothing. It’s a surprise!”Deb burst out laughing placing her bare breasts on the kitchen table as she did sometimes to tempt us.”Di, please tell your girlfriend that she cannot tempt me with her charms. A surprise it is and a surprise it will remain.”I looked at my husband and placed my smaller breasts on the table. He actually never stopped eating and finished the last bite on his plate. Then he stood and set his cock and balls on the table and smiled.”I gotta get ready for work! I’ll be thinking about yours and now you can think about mine. But it’s still a surprise.”Before Deb or I could react and grab his cock, he took off running to our bedroom and in fifteen minutes was dressed and kissing us good bye.********** Mick”Come on, Mick! There’s one more meeting.””What? Boss we’ve been in meetings all day. My brain is going to explode!””Well don’t let it go just yet. I’m going to the john and I’ll see you at the meeting.””Great. Will this run long? My wife was planning a nice dinner and I should call if I’m going to be late.””Actually, how long it lasts depends on you. See you there.”My boss took off out the door and I grabbed my laptop and notepad.Meetings!

Diana We were naked around the house. So, I pulled on a sweat shirt and pants and answered the front doorbell. I found a man standing there with a large truck on the street in front of the house.”Hello, Mrs. O’Dell?””Yes?””I’m supposed to say, “Surprise!’ and ask you where you want your new hot tub installed?””Hot tub? Surprise?””Mr. O’Dell said it was a surprise. He drew a map of the back yard and said that if you didn’t have a preference that we should install the unit as he asked on the map.””Di? What’s up?” Deb asked coming to the door after getting dressed herself.”Mick bought us a hot tub.””Really?””Yeah. Well, Mr...” I paused not knowing his name.”Strong. Rodney Strong.””Well Mr. Strong, let’s look at the backyard and the map and see what to do.”We all walked to the back and I showed him the yard. He showed me the map and with a minor change, he got his crew to work. They installed the plumbing, the deck, the tub and filters and something called an ultraviolet unit. They were done before 3PM and had the tub filled and the heater turned on.”This should be ready to go by 6PM or so. Should be ready in time for an after dinner soak.”

“Mr. Strong, this is amazing. Thank you so much. Are there instructions for chlorine?”

The chlorine unit is built in and will let you know when to add more. You shouldn’t need a lot since the unit uses ultraviolet light to sanitize the water.”

“Do I need to sign anything or make out a check or something?”“No ma’am. Mr. O’Dell took care of everything. In a few days after the system is broken in, call us for a time to come out and test everything to make sure the electrical and plumbing systems are up to snuff. Other than that, just enjoy.”

Mick”Where is everyone? Damn meetings. You call a meeting and then no one is in the meeting room.”

“Mick?” The boss said from down the hall.

Diana”You ready for the weekend, Deb?” I asked as I stretched my naked body.”God, Di, I love it when you do that.””What? You mean this?” I stretched again, turning, and bending over to show Deb the bright red tuft of pubic hair between my legs.”I wish we had time for a romp before Mick came home.””It’s OK. We had all day and we’ll have all day tomorrow.””I guess. Now that all the legal junk is done, and the money junk is done. I can actually sit back and relax. Is Mick grilling tonight?””Yeah and he’s going to use the recipe you gave him, but he tweaked it a bit. We’ll see how it goes.””Then I better get busy making potato salad. What time will he be home?””He usually gets here about 5:45. Since it’s Friday he might be a little earlier.”Deb went to the cupboard and opened the bin on the bottom that held the potatoes. She picked out four really big ones and was washing them while a pan of water began boiling on the stove. She was really focused on her potato salad, so I went to take care of some things I needed to get done before Mick came home.When I came back downstairs, Deb was wearing a long apron to protect her body from hot splashes and was mixing the cut potatoes, with the celery, onions, and green peppers. She called the mixture the Trinity. She added some salt and her secret mix of spices. I smiled while I watched the love she put into that dish.I heard the garage door open and then close. Mick walked in and looked really tired.”Hi hon! You OK?””Yeah, it was a real bear of a day. I had meetings all day with departments I never have to deal with. I was bombarded with new stuff all day long. We had meetings through lunch and right up until the end of the day.””So many meetings? Why?””I don’t want to think about it right now. I’m going to hit the shower and then start marinating the steaks. I love you, Di. Be back down in a bit.” Mick kissed me and patted my bare butt before heading upstairs.”Deb, Mick’s really tired, and he looks really worried. I hope that he’s made up his mind the way we want him to go.””Yeah. I’ve loved living here with you guys. Making love to you and cuddling with Mick has just been the best thing in the world. When he left for work this morning, he said that he’d almost decided what to do about the three of us.””He looks so stressed; I couldn’t get a read on him before he went to the shower. I hope he decides to ask you to stay with us.””Me too, Di. Me too. That hot tub might indicate something.“Deb and I were sitting at the kitchen table when Mick came in. Deb had her big breasts on the table and I was drawing random shapes on them. He didn’t say a word when he saw us, just got the ingredients for the marinade and after mixing the ingredient together he poured it over the steaks in a shallow pan.”Well the steaks will be ready to hit the grill in about thirty minutes. That gives us time to talk.”We all sat at the kitchen table, Deb removed her breasts from the table top and let them resume the nipples up pose they normally had when they hung free. I got each of us a cup of coffee. “Today was rough,” Mick began seriously. “Between all the meetings and having to come to a final conclusion about Deb, I was a wreck. I was seriously thinking about quitting by the end of the day.””Oh no! Mick, you didn’t,” I exclaimed.”No. Right at the end of the day, with about fifteen minutes to go, my boss tells me that I have one more meeting. I almost flipped out. I grabbed my laptop and went to the meeting room and no one was there. I was starting a slow boil when the boss hollered my name from down the hall. I walked down there and he asked me why I’m not at the meeting. I looked at him like he was out of his mind. We had been in that stinking meeting room all day long.”So, he says, ‘We’re in here’ and turns to walk away. I followed him to the office of one of the other bosses. I was going to sit down when the big boss says, “Don’t sit there, sit there” and he points to the big chair behind the desk. Then he says, “Mr. Vice President”.Mick stopped talking and looked at the two of us waiting for it to sink in.”Vice president?” I asked quietly.“Yup. The reason for the meetings was for me to get to meet all the people in my division before I took two weeks off.””Two weeks off?””Yeah. I figured that you and me and maybe Deb would like to take a trip. I was thinking that the French Riviera would be the perfect place for a honeymoon.””Honeymoon?” Deb and Diana both said at the same time.”Yeah, I mean it can’t be an official one, because Deb, you, and I can’t legally marry.”The two women were on their feet jumping up and down in each other’s arms. Then they were jumping up and down in my arms. Then they were running out to the backyard naked. When they came back to me while I put the steaks on the grill, Deb wrapped her arms around me.”Good! Oh, by the way,” Deb added. “Hang on to your socks. Can we please do a whole lot of consummating over the next few days. I need him in me so bad I can’t stand it anymore. But Diana, I’ll make him wear rubbers. I don’t want to get knocked up before you are.”I looked at my girlfriend and my husband and smiled. I ran from the kitchen to retrieve my purse from the table by the door to the garage. I reached into it and pulled out the tester and holding up the EPT strip, I screamed, “Too late!”More screaming and jumping and naked running in the back yard. This time Mick stripped and joined us. It was going to be a good night to eat steaks and a better night in our hot tub and then our bed.


Me, my wife Diana, and our new mate Deb, ran naked around the back yard for several minutes in celebration of Diana’s positive pregnancy test. I went and sat next to our new hot tub and watched the woman, who had already changed my life, continued her romp in the yard. The question of which woman, Diana with our baby, or Deb with her huge tits and her being bequeathed to Diana and me in her late husband Paul’s will, were going to cause the greatest change, I didn’t know yet.

The two naked women, finally exhausted, saw me sitting and watching them, came over to sit with me. With Diana in my right arm and Deb in my left, I actually broke down and cried.

“Baby? What’s wrong?” Diana asked gently.

“Nothing’s wrong. I mean look at you two. How could anything be wrong? And I’m going to be a daddy.”

Both women cuddled to me on the side of the hot tube.

“Come on, let’s take a soak in the tub,” Diana took me by the hand and led me over the side of the hot tub and once I’d settled in place, she sat on my lap and held me.

Deb got up and quietly walking towards the house said, “I’ll leave you two to soak in your love.”


I sat on my husband’s leg, feeling his very effective male organ growing hard underneath me. He had used that organ to give me the greatest gift I could have ever imagined. I’m having his baby. Maybe the baby will help easy my guilt for fucking Paul, or rather for letting him fuck me. I thought that it was going to be a fun, loving little romp and he just fucked me. He took a pill so he could pound me as long as possible. He didn’t do it because he cared for me, he just wanted my pussy. So, a few days later, when I talked to Deb and I realized that I was going to never let Paul back into my body again, I stopped taking my birth control pills and now, a few months later, I’m preggers.

I have to admit that I’ve wanted this for as long as I’ve known Mick. The first time we made love, he only lasted a few seconds. I think he came inside me before the pain from my breaking hymen diminished. But even then, I was hoping the birth control pills I had started would fail and that he would get me pregnant.

Now, I’m right where I want to be. I have my man and my baby.


“OK you two. It’s been a couple of weeks and I haven’t heard anything about making a nursery or buying baby clothes or thinking of baby names. What’s going on?”

“What do you mean, Mick?” My wife asked.

“I would have thought, from my expertise watching TV and the internet, that you two should be having a shopping orgy or something, while you plan for the baby to arrive.”

“Darling, we have around five plus months to do all that.”

“So, you’re going to wait until the last minute?”

“Mick? What’s going on?”

“I’m going to be a daddy! I guess I expect you, darling wife, to be acting more like a mommy, or at least a mommy to be.”

Diana and Deb looked at me. I think each one was looking at one of my two heads.

“OK,” I had to confess to my wife. “Ever since the first time I put my cock in you, I was hoping to put a baby there. I’ll admit it now, Diana the only reason I’ve ever had sex with you was to get you pregnant. I mean I was making love to you, but I was doing it to make a baby.”

“But Mick, I was on the pill.”

‘So? I loved you and I wanted to give you the best thing I could give you. Every time I had my cock in your pussy, I was on a baby making mission. I was praying, every time, that I would have super sperm that would defeat the pill. I know it’s stupid, but that’s how much I wanted you to have a baby with me.”

I barely got the words out before I began to sob in joy again.

“I want to be a daddy because of you.”


My loving husband is crazy! For over fifteen years, every time he was inside me, he was shooting to score. You gotta love the man’s persistence. Now that I understand that, I’m going to make sure that I do all the mommy, daddy, baby stuff I can do.

I sat down with Deb and started talking about the nursery. Deb wanted to move her room farther down the hall so that the nursery would be closer to my bedroom. That made sense, so the day after Mick’s revelation, while he was at work, we moved all her stuff to the room down the hall. Then we spent a couple of hours baptizing the bed in Deb’s new room.

Deb really knows what buttons to push to get me going. She doesn’t take me as high or intensely as Mick, but it’s really good. After the first hour, we lay there in each other’s arms with our fingers in the others mouth. I really enjoy the taste of her pussy. I know she loves my taste. She’s told me many times over the years.

One of our favorite foreplay and post play games is touch and taste. Then it occurred to me, after the baby, she could nurse on me. That was so hot. I could see myself in bed with Deb sucking on one nipple and Mick sucking on the other.


Mick has never given a single hint that he would want to include Deb in our love making. She hasn’t slept in the same bed with us. Heck the only time I can remember that we did anything intimate together was when we tried to swing with Paul and Deb, and then the day I found out I was pregnant, when the three of us cuddled before Mick and I got in the hot tub.

Mick had been intimate with Deb, but not had sex. I’ve had both with her. I’ve never asked her how much she needs a cock. I need to do that. Then I need to figure out if Mick’s cock is the cock she needs, or if we have to go shopping.


It had been awhile since Diana and I had been together. Together? Shit! Since we last made love. I know she loves me. I know it. What we do and share can’t be something that only happens between friends. Even close friends. I need to tell Diana. I’m sure she knows, but as a great man once said there is knowing and then there is knowing.

Walking out of my bedroom and downstairs, I found Diana sitting in the den reading a book. She loved sitting in Mick’s big leather desk chair when he was gone. Something about the smell of leather and Mick.

“Hi Di, I need to have a chat. Let’s sit and have a cup of coffee.”

“Sure, Deb. Something wrong?”

“Wrong? I’m not sure. Come on.”

We walked to the kitchen and I poured coffee for the two of us. We sat at the table and silently looked at each other. I was quietly getting my final thoughts together. She was quietly waiting for me.

“Diana, I have something that I need to confess to you. It’s kind of important and afterwards if you need for me to move out, I will.”

“Move out? That sounds way more serious than I was expecting or that I’m going to want to hear.”

“But you need to hear it.

I took a deep breath and looked deeply into my lovers’ eyes.

“Diana,” I paused checking my reasoning process one final time. “I love you.”

“I know, Deb. I love you too,” my love chuckled like I was Ms. Obvious.

“No Di! I LOVE you. I’m IN love with you. And Mick! You know, together forever, married to each other, ‘til death do us part stuff.”

My dear love looked at me like she had been slapped.

“Deb, we play. We cuddle. That’s not love, love.”

“Why not? If I lost you, I would die, Diana. With Paul gone, you and Mick are now my life. I’m scared to death that you don’t really love me like I love you. And when the baby gets here, I’ll be gone, if you don’t shake me loose before that.”

“Deb, Mick and I promised that you could stay as long as you needed to get your feet on the ground.”

“What does that mean? How long is that? Am I gone next week? Next month?”

Diana looked at me and stopped in mid sip.

“Deb, this calls for a family meeting. We’ll talk more tonight when Mick gets home. I’m going back to the den. I need to think about this.”

And with that, Diana stood and walked away from me without another word. She didn’t offer a kiss or a hug like normal. What have I done?


It was a good day at work. At lunch I found myself sitting and eating what Diana had packed in my brown bag. When I finished, I turned the bag upside down because my wife occasionally put a note in the bottom. Today was one of those days.“Have a wonderful day, Daddy. We love you. Me, Deb, and Whatsit.”Love You, Diana”

I stared at the note for several seconds and realized that in the last few notes that the “Love You” part had included Deb. It also occurred to me that we had never settled with Deb how long she was planning on staying with us. She’d sold her house last month, and one of her cars a few days after Paul died. Her entire life and all her possessions now revolved around and were contained in our home, Diana’s and mine.

We had promised to take care of Deb if Paul died and he asked us to do so formally in his will. We had never discussed how long that “take care of’ period was supposed to last. Now that Diana and I had a baby coming, I wondered about Deb staying. She was no burden and I assumed that Deb and Diana were still spending intimate time together on occasion.

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