Swapped Unswapped - Cover

Swapped Unswapped

Copyright© 2020 by Writer Mick

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The wives wanted to do it. Why? That's the whole point of the story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing  


I’d made the bed in my bedroom and started a load of laundry before I began to put away the breakfast dishes and was cleaning up in the kitchen when I heard her.


“Yes, Deb. How are you feeling?”

“What happened?”

“Well last night after we got back from the hospital, you just sort of faded away. I got you cleaned up and into bed. This morning, Mick and I checked on you and decided to let you sleep. You were so shocked about everything.”

“It was all real? It was ... Paul’s dead?”

“Yes, my dear love.”

Deb sat on one of the kitchen chairs. She stared off into space for several minutes.

“Deb, would you like some coffee? Something to eat?”

She looked at me and smiled. Deb’s smile was always a lovely thing to look at. She had been my dear friend for a very long time. We were the first sexual partner for each of us. I’d seen her smile so many memorable times; after our mutual orgasms, at our weddings, and when we had just begun the first steps in swapping spouses.

Swapping spouses. That reminded me of what got us here. She was trying to keep her husband, who was a cheater. She’d made a plan that if she could supply her husband with my body, she may be able to keep him in her marriage. I should have been pissed at her, but I understood her. Would I have done the same? Perhaps.

If I was in a situation where I was desperate to hang on to the man I loved, would I have done different? The fact that Paul Carlisi had fucked me, while Mick had not fucked Deb, made me feel more guilty than angry.

While my head was filled with all these thoughts, I poured a cup of coffee for Deb and set it down before her. I took out a couple of eggs and a few strips of bacon and put them in two separate skillets. After covering both and turn the heat to low, I went back and sat with Deb.

“Good morning, my love.”

“Oh Di, what have I done?”

“I don’t know, what have you done?”

“If I’d been a better wife, Paul wouldn’t have cheated and wouldn’t be dead.”

“Oh, baby, I don’t think that’s the case. I think that once you start going through Paul’s things that you’re going to find that he has been cheating for a long time. It had nothing to do with you. I’m sorry that I allowed him to fuck me. But that, as they say, is water under the bridge. Mick has let me know several times over the last few days that he loves me and doesn’t hold my actions against me. He loves me.”

Deb drank her coffee until I served her the bacon and eggs with some buttered toast. She ate like she hadn’t eaten in days. When she was done, I took her plates and washed them. Then I turned to Deb.

“Dear, it’s time to start taking care of business. Oh! Look at the time. I was going to have us meet Mick for lunch, but it’s past that time. Let me give him a call.”


“Hi honey, is everything alright? I was getting ready to call you when you didn’t show up for lunch. But then I figured that if something serious was happening that you would at least call me.”

“Everything is fine, Mick. Deb slept really late and we just finished her breakfast. We were about to get dressed and start the day’s work. Is everything alright over there?”

“Yeah, I’ve got a funeral home name for you.”

“What is it?”

“Llewelyn Family Funeral Home. I’ve spoken to several people who have had very good experiences with them. They will take care of everything.”

“We’ll call them. Are you going to be home at the normal time?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

“I guess I’m still a little worried about us.”

“You didn’t seem worried this morning and I certainly didn’t feel worried. I’ll be home on time. Do I need to bring anything with me?”

“Just you, lover.”

“OK. I’ll see you about 5:45. Call me if you need me. I love you.”

“I love you, Mick.”

“I love you too, Mick!” Deb yelled.

“Tell Deb that I love her as well, Diana. Let her know that she is still welcome to stay with us for as long as she needs.”


Diana told me the name of the funeral home that Mick had found, and I called them. I gave them Paul’s name and the hospital information.

“Mrs. Carlisi, we’ll take care of claiming his body and then get in touch with you to go over your options and details.”

“I know for sure that I want to have him cremated.”

“Very good. Can you stop in tomorrow and we can go over the funeral arrangements?”

“Yes, I’ll be there in the morning.”

“We’ll be here starting at 8AM. I look forward to serving you.”

We disconnected our call and I looked at Diana. I called the hospital and gave them the name of the funeral home that would come for Paul. Then Diana and I walked to my house and I went into Paul’s office. I opened his file cabinet and found the insurance information. I called the insurance company and told the agent that Paul was dead.

“Mrs. Carlisi, I’m so sorry. Was there an accident?”

“No, he was attacked and killed.”

“Do you have a police report number?”

“No, not yet.”

“I’m sorry to tell you this but because it was an attack, I’ll need a police report number in order to complete the paperwork.”

“I understand. I’ll call the police and get the info. What else do you need?”

“I’ll need any and all policy numbers, to be sure what we have and you have are the same. I’ll need bank accounts in order to do a direct deposit and get the funds you need as soon as possible. Please include the life policy and the house policy numbers.”

“I’ll have it for you and call back as soon as I can.”

I hung up the phone and looked at Diana.

“Damned administrative bullshit!”

“I know. So if I have this list right, the next call is to the police for the report number.”

“Right. Diana? Thank you for being here for me. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

I called the police number and told the operator that I needed a police report concerning a murder. They asked me my name and the name of the victim. I gave both names.

“One moment please.”

“Homicide. Detective Jones.”

“Hello Detective. My name is Deb Carlisi. My husband was killed yesterday and I need a report number to get the insurance issues rolling.”

There was a moment when I could hear the sound of fingers tapping on a keyboard.

“Mrs. Carlisi. It looks like there is an incomplete report on the incident. Did you ever come to fill out a report?”

“Oh no. I didn’t. We started out a report on the attack and then my husband died. Other things have been getting in the way.”

“I understand. However, we need you to come in and finish the statement. Can you do that?”

“Yes. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I hung up and looked at Diana.

“We never finished the police report from Paul getting attacked. I need to go to the police station and do that report and then I’ll probably have to do another report now that he’s dead.”

“OK, let’s get into the car. I’ll call Mick and let him know,” Diana said.

“No, I’ll drive. Since Paul’s dead, the cars are mine now. I might as well use them.”

I led my dear friend to my empty house and got into my car. Opening the garage door, I backed out and we headed to the police station. I parked and Diana fed the parking meter. We walked inside and through the metal detectors before walking to the reception desk.

“Hi, I need to fill out a report with Detective Jones. My husband was killed.”

“Homicide is on the second floor, room 211.”

“Thank you.”

We walked up the stairs and down the hallway to room 211. I opened the door and entered the big room with Diana behind me. A female officer was sitting at a desk at the entryway.

“May I help you?”

“Yes. I’m here to fill out a report regarding my husband’s death.”

“His name?”

“Paul Carlisi.”

“That’s Detective Jones. Follow me.”

The woman stood and walked towards the back of the big room. She led us to the desk of a black man.

“Detective Jones, this is Mrs. Carlisi.”

He stood and welcomed me.

“This is my friend Diana O’Dell. She has some things to put into the report.”

“Please sit down and let me get my recorder ready.”

“You don’t type that fast?” Deb said with a chuckle.

“I most certainly do not. I’ll record our conversation and make notes. Then I’ll turn it over to another that will type it up.”

“How soon will I get a report number. I have an insurance agent holding up his process until I have that number.”

“I’ll see that the transcriptionist gets the number assigned before you leave today.”

He turned on the recorder and told me it was recording. He clearly said his own name and rank and then said the time and date before he asked my name and then Diana’s. He then asked me to tell my story. I told him everything I knew. He then asked Diana what she knew and Diana told him their connection. It took about an hour to answer all his questions.

When we were done, Detective Jones picked up his phone and made a call. A few minutes later a woman came to his desk.

“Mary, I need a report number on this ASAP.”

“No problem, I’ll call you in a moment.”

We sat there with him and sure enough a few minutes later the phone rang. He answered the phone, made a note, and told the caller thank you.

“Mrs. Carlisi, here is the report number. I’m sure that at some point the District Attorney’s office will talk to you regarding the trial of Mr. Fuller.”

“OK. Thank you.”

We shook hands with the Detective and left.


I walked into the house from the garage and into the waiting arms of my wife.

“Hi Di, how did the day go?”

“It was different, Mick. It almost felt like we were doing things backwards. We set out to do something only to find out that we needed to do something else before and then something else before that. It was just weird.”

“How is Deb handling everything?”

“Good. The shock is over, I think. What did you want for dinner?”

“I was actually thinking that since the two of you were running around most of the day that I would treat you to dinner. What do you think about Italian?”

“It sounds good to me. Let’s ask Deb.”

“Where is she?” I asked.

“She went home to do something.”

“Let’s drive over there and pick her up.”

“OK,” Diana stood and kissed me and gave my dick a squeeze.

I swatted her lightly on her butt and out in the garage I opened her door. I always enjoyed treating her in what I thought was the right way. We drove over to Deb’s house and knocked on the door. After the longest time, it opened.

“Hi,” Deb said, her eyes red and puffy.

“Oh, baby, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? He’s dead. The bastard is dead. He cheated on me. He treated me like shit. He’s dead ... and I miss his sorry ass.”

I pulled her into a hug, and she started crying again, and she buried her face into my shoulder. I did the only thing I could think of and walked her over to Paul’s recliner and sat down before pulling her onto my lap. She curled up in a ball and held on tight.

Diana sat across from us on the couch and watched in silence when Deb pulled her t-shirt up, exposing her bare breasts. I looked at my wife and she nodded. I gently began to repeat what we had been doing that night several weeks ago. I traced various shapes around her breast. I ran gentle circles around her nipples.

Deb sighed a few times and shivered a few times. She sniffled some, and Diana handed her a fresh tissue from the box on the coffee table. When she did that Deb looked at her.

“I’m sorry, Di. This looks like a shit thing to do.”

“It’s OK, Deb. It looks like you need it. We came over to see if you wanted to come to dinner with us. We’re having Italian. If you’re not up to it it’s OK.”

“I’d love to. Mick, would you mind if I didn’t wear a bra?”

What kind of question was that to ask ME? I looked down at her two very large breasts and their hard nipples and gently squeezed each of them.

“Deb, I don’t mind, but I think every guy in the place is going to be staring at your nipples.”

“Is that going to bother you?” She asked.

“Why would it bother me?”

“Because you love me and now that Paul’s dead, the will says that you guys have to take care of me.”

“Deb, you’re not a high school girl that needs to have an adult hold her leash. Diana and I both love you and we both find you attractive. Why do you want to show off your tits?”

“Because their now yours, you and Diana’s, and I’m proud to let everyone know that.”

“Mick, I don’t mind,” Diana said. “The only thing I do not want to see is Deb whipping them out and setting them on the table at dinner.”

“Oh no! Really? I can’t?” Deb said and chuckled.

She stood up and pulled her t-shirt off. She then pulled down the shorts she was wearing and took Diana by the hand.

“Come on, Di. Help me pick out what to wear. Mick we’ll only be a minute. No sex!”

The naked woman and my wife ran up the stairs to Deb’s room. I had never seen Deb run naked. It was ... invigorating. True to Deb’s word, in a very short time the two women came back downstairs. Deb was wearing jeans and a very nice green flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up above her elbows. The only time you could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra was when she moved quickly.

“Mick, don’t you like my shirt. Do you want me to change so you can see my nipples?”

“No Deb. I just like seeing you.”

Deb stopped in her tracks and ran to me for a hug.

“Thank you, Mick. You know Paul would never say things like that to me.”

“His loss. I’m ready for garlic bread and stinky cheese ravioli.”

I was about to turn for the door when I noticed the movement.

“Diana, did you take off your bra?”

“Deb isn’t wearing a bra, and neither are you, Mick. I didn’t want to feel left out,” Diana said taking her breasts in both hands and shaking them through her shirt. Her nipples veritably exploded giving the impression that they would slice through the fabric hiding them.

“OK. Let’s eat Italian.”

Deb out a giggle and I furrowed my brow before I figured out the joke.


“Guys that was the nicest dinner I’ve had in a long time. I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but can I ask a favor?”

“Sure Deb. What do you need?” Diana asked.

“I want to sleep here tonight. The bed still smells like Paul. One more night sleeping with him before I start doing all the things tomorrow that are going to change my life.”

“That’s no problem, love,” Diana said wiping away a tear. “I think it’s sweet.”

“OK, then kiss me good night and go home and make love for me. I want to hear all about it in the morning Diana.”

“OK,” Diana took me in an embrace and kissed me passionately. We both had our hands all over the others ass.

“Mick?” I reached out for him and we shared the same sort of kiss and squeezed the others butt as well.

“Good night, my loves.”

“Good night, Deb,” Diana and Mick said at the same time. It was so cute.

My two friends, and now the only loves of my life, walked out the front door and I stripped right there in the living room and walked up to my bedroom. I took the rest of Paul’s clothes, the ones I hadn’t thrown out yet, and piled them on the bed. Then I stood on the mattress at the foot of the bed and, smiling, I pissed all over them and his former side of the bed.

I just felt like I needed to do that since the bastard went and got killed before I could tell him what I thought about him. I was going to say a prayer, before I went to sleep in the guest room, that Paul please be sent to the deepest, darkest, most vile part of Hell and over eternity that he be demoted to new and deeper levels every day.

I took a shower in the guest bathroom and then crawled into the guest bed nude. Tomorrow I would piss on his clothes again before putting them in trash bags and then have the bed hauled away. I put one of the three pillows between my legs and another under my head, then I held the third to my chest and said, “Good night, Diana. Good night, Mick. I love you.”


“Do you think that she’ll be alright by herself?” Diana said pulling her lips off my erection.

“I think so. She was always a pretty tough person,” I replied from between my wife’s legs.

Diana got off several times from my fingers and tongue, then she turned herself around and sat down on my cock. She rocked back and forth for another couple of orgasms and then lay on top of me.

“Pound me, Mick. I want you to shoot some babies into me.”

My husband wrapped his arms around me and began to pump up into me hard and fast. I was screaming loudly when I came again almost at the same time he did. That love making session felt really good. I hoped that meant that I caught, and we could start our family.

I rolled off and cuddled to my husband’s side, with one leg thrown over one of his and his cream leaking out onto his leg and the bed.

“I love you, Mick.”

“I love you, Di. Is it that time of the month?”

“If you mean, the bleeding time, no. If you mean the making a baby time, yes. I expect you to pump another army of baby makers into me in the morning. Only in the morning I want you on top, so it runs into me and stays there.”

“It will be my pleasure.”

We fell asleep, and in the morning, Mick got his pleasure and I got mine. We got up, showered and Mick dressed for work, and I put in a tampon, to hold his stuff inside me, and a robe. I went downstairs and started the coffee and breakfast. I figured fruit and pancakes this morning.

While I was mixing the batter, I was wondering if we really were going to be taking care of Deb, or rather, to what degree we were going to be taking care of her. She and I were lovers, but that was when she was married to Paul. Then she was not a threat to take my husband. Now ... I wondered.

I loved her; I really did. I enjoyed our emotional and physical relationship. She wasn’t filling any holes in my relationship with Mick, it was more like frosting on the cake. If I didn’t have the frosting, it was still fantastic cake. I would have to find a way to bring up the subject with her and not make her feel like she is a threat.


Many times, over the past few months had I thought about sharing my wife with Paul. I’d known Paul for over fifteen years. To find that he was a cheater was a shock. To think that over the years that he may have wanted to fuck Diana, was more shocking. I decided that at some point, when the pain was lessened, I needed to talk to Deb and get a better picture of who my friend really was.

At breakfast this morning, Diana was very loving. She was eager to join me in the act of making our first baby. As I left home and drove past Deb’s house I looked to see if there was anything that looked out of place. There was no inappropriate furniture in the front yard, so I continued my drive to work.

Just before lunch I got a call from my wife.

“Hi hon.”

“Hi Di. What’s up?”

“Deb and I just got back from the funeral home. Deb is going for a small bare minimum funeral. She’s going to have him cremated and there will be a small service at the funeral home on this Saturday.”

“Is she OK?” I asked. “That sounds like she’s just trying to get it over with.”

“I know,” Diana said. “I’ve been talking to her and I think you’re right. She wants to put the whole thing behind her. She had her cry and now it’s time to move on. She has planned for the will reading the Wednesday after the funeral. She wants you and me to be there, obviously.”

“Is the reading going to be in the day or evening?”

“I didn’t ask. I’ll let you know. Are you going to be ready for some serious baby making tonight? Today should be the best day.”

“Diana, I’m ready if you are.”

“Mick, since the episode with Paul, I’ve been ready. I quit taking the pill that next morning. It’s like the swapping thing was high school stuff and now I want to be a grown up.”

“Well tonight, I’ll do everything I can to get you to grow out if not up.”

Diana giggled.

“I love you, Mick. I’ll see you tonight.”

“I love you too. Be ready when I come in the door.”

Diana giggled again.


With Diana’s help I got all my ducks in a row. Today I had the bed and all of Paul’s clothes hauled away. I talked to the guy at the funeral home. When I told him that my husband was killed by a jealous husband and I really didn’t want to spend much on the cheating bastard, he didn’t push for a nice casket or a big ceremony. The whole thing would cost about $2000.

He said the body was being cremated today and he would have the remains for me at the funeral. The funeral will be Saturday and the reading of the will on Wednesday evening. I need to tell Mick and Diana about that. Then comes the hard part. I hate to think this way, but after the will is read, I’ll find out what kind of friends Mick and Diana really are. Up to now they have been better than anyone could ever ask. I’m praying that things work out.

Diana and I spent a good amount of time talking about her trying to get pregnant and how much she enjoyed the process. At one point I got a little melancholy, when it hit me that with Paul gone, I wasn’t going to be following the ‘having a baby plan’ he and I had talked about. In one way it’s just as well. I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much, being a single mother.

On the other hand, I’ve always wanted babies. As a young girl I used to dream about having one for each day of the week and naming them Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and so on. Diana sensed my mood and stopped talking about it. She’s going to be a great mom.

Today, Diana and I went through the house and started an inventory of everything in there. We started in the living room and went to the den and the garage. Tomorrow we’ll do the kitchen, deck, and yard. The day after we’ll do the upstairs. I want to have a complete inventory of stuff for when I give it away. I don’t want anything that will remind me of Paul. He cheated on me and left me nothing I wanted to remember him for. Diana and I took a little time today for some girl time. When we were done, I felt so good, like I could take on the world. She always leaves my pussy tingling. I love her.


I’ve really enjoyed trying to make a baby with Diana. When I walked in the door, she was waiting for me, naked and with her vibrator warming her up. I think I surprised her when I began to strip on my way upstairs to our bedroom.

Diana was bent over the love seat with her pussy pointed at me when I came in the door. If this was a normal day, I would have stripped and walked my hard cock right into her. But I really wanted our bed to be the conception site for our first. I don’t know why, it just seemed right.

When I got to our bedroom, I was naked and hard as a steel rod. I lay on the bed and Diana walked in and jumped on top of me. She slowly inched her way down my shaft until she was fully seated, Then the fun began. She humped and pumped and rotated and ground and moved every way she could. She used her fingers on her clit to have a series of cascading orgasms. She read somewhere that having several orgasms before the male came made the female more receptive and able to conceive.

After many minutes in this position, Diana lifted off me and rolled to the other side of the bed and onto her back. She spread herself wide and beckoned me to enter her and finish this session. I moved between her legs and began to slide in and out of her faster and faster until I slid my arms under her shoulders and squeezed her between my elbows. I pumped a few more times and pressed as deeply into her as I could.

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