Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 6

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

(As Told by Teddy Reddick)

That night my father demonstrated how to inspect my sister. It wasn’t the complete inspection that he did to my mother, but I touched nipples, asshole, and pussy with my fingers. My sister had to lick my fingers clean between each attempt. I nearly jizzed my pants the moment her wet mouth engulfed my dirty finger, and I am pretty sure everyone noticed my stunned reaction.

He explained and demonstrated how to use the essential whips, paddles, and floggers that were going to be the core tools of my sister’s re-education. He demonstrated simple rope bondage. He showed us ten one-word commands that could be used to make my sister into a table, inspect her, or put her into the nearest corner to stew for a little while.

My mother brought a cage down for my sister. It looked way too small for her. It was designed for a medium-sized dog of about 50 or 60 pounds. My sister had to spend the night on her knees, bent over with her hands behind her back. Dad told her he would gag her if she whined about how uncomfortable it was. “You’ll be up at the crack of dawn when I go to work. I’ll put you through your paces a little, but you’ll answer to Master Teddy tomorrow. I’ll review your performance when I get home. Don’t forget that you are being judged. If you fail, then you repeat the week, and you only have seven days to make a good impression before your first evaluation!” he said as he locked her into the cage.

I went to bed that night with thoughts of the wicked things I would do to my sister dancing in my head. I was overwhelmed with so much new information. I wanted to sneak back downstairs and talk to my sister. I had the sneaking suspicion she was plotting to get me in trouble somehow and that this was all some elaborate ruse that would backfire on me.


I thought perhaps like a true supervillain if I goaded my big sister, she might reveal her master plan to me. I have to admit that I really just couldn’t stop thinking about her tight little buttocks and the sexy tan lines on her body from the skimpy bikinis she wore to the community pool.

That night I was afraid to fall asleep. I was worried I might have dreamt this entire outrageous scenario and that if I fell asleep in my dream, I would wake up and realize that I was still the butt of my sister’s dirty jokes. I felt excited about the possibility that this was real. I felt shame that I was turned on by seeing my sister and mother’s naked asses parading around on the floor like little doggies.

My father had literally shown me the ropes that night. He walked through the basics of discipline, but he told me before I went to bed that my sister would probably be cranky in the morning. “I am going to trust your judgment, Teddy. If you get up and she refuses to comply with any orders, I want you to text me at work. Don’t push her or goad her. Let her refuse, and I’ll handle things when I get home. If you ever back a rabid beast into a corner and it has no place else to go, it is going to come for you. Your sister is going to be miserable by morning. Her body is going to ache after being tied up all night. Her body is going to assault her with sensations of pain, pleasure, and everything in between. She is most likely going to be mixed up and possibly vindictive and surly,” he smiled at me.

He expected my sister to fail. He expected Tiffany to just give up, and then he could tell her he told her so.

“If she still wants to go through with this, don’t coddle her. Just go through the training plan I’ll leave out for you. If you have any questions, you can text me. I may not get back to you right away, but your mother will help guide you,” he said.

I had so many questions, but my Dad was overwhelmed too. I could tell he wanted to get my mother in his room. It was the first time in months that I couldn’t watch the two of them fuck. He smiled at me one last time before turning away to his bedroom. He said that he was proud of me. “Whatever happens tomorrow, just roll with it and have fun. I’ll try to get home as early as I can, and then we’ll sort out your sister,” he said.

The next morning I woke up bright and early like an excited kid on Christmas morning ready to play with my new presents. I would have slept in after a late-night session on Xbox. However, I was technically on restriction from the Internet. I wouldn’t have touched my game console even if I was allowed to use it because I was exhausted.

I walked downstairs and saw that my sister was safely in the cage. She was naked and snoring. My father must have taken her out because she was in a different position. He tied her ankles crossways to her wrists and made her lay on her back so that her asshole and pussy was fully exposed to anyone walking past the cage. She had the small butt plug in her ass. That wasn’t there when we put her to bed. I smiled as I walked past her into the kitchen.

My mother was sitting on a kitchen chair, drinking coffee, and looking at her cell phone. “Good morning. Your father left instructions for Tiffany on the table,” she smiled politely at me as she passed the paper to me. She stood up and said she had made breakfast for me. That was nothing unusual. My mom always made breakfast for us when we were home from school. She was a fantastic cook. I smelled bacon and her fluffy hotcakes.

Mom was wearing a white terry cloth robe as she often did in the mornings. I could see her collar peeking out slightly from the top. She normally ate breakfast with us in the morning. “Your father anticipated you would be up early,” she smiled as she looked at the clock on the oven and noted it was not even 7am yet.

My mom stood up and started preparing my plate. It was not unusual for her to do that either and I suppose we took it for granted too. Now that I knew more about her service training, I realized that my mother felt an obligation to prepare our plates while we sat at the table.

“Can I ask if you mind that I saw you naked last night?” I asked. I was feeling a little guilty. I wondered if she had exposed herself because of her desire to serve my father but secretly resented me for it.

“No, not at all. I no longer see nudity the way you probably do. If you are asking me if I feel betrayed that you have been watching me on video camera for months, the answer is yes. I thought you were better than that,” she said as she took a sip of her coffee.

“I really am sorry,” I said.

“You don’t need to apologize to me. In fact, I would prefer it if you didn’t,” she said curtly. She told me that she would undoubtedly get over it and what was done was done. “Your father is addressing what you both did now, and that is fine with me,” she said.

I thought she didn’t want me to apologize because she thought I really didn’t mean it. I knew that Tiffany didn’t mean any of her apologies. She was just saying she was sorry because she knew that was what people expected to hear. I really meant it though. I was truly sorry for betraying her trust. I had never really thought about the impact of my decision to watch my parents on the camera.

My mother’s expression lightened and she explained that apologies were not necessary any longer. “Now that you know about Cherry I would appreciate it if you no longer apologize to me. I’ve raised you to be polite and say thank you, and I’d like you to continue to do that for other people. It is a good habit to be in. I’ve always known when you were thankful to me for making your breakfast and that you mean well. Your older sister hasn’t said thank you or you’re welcome to me in years. I kind of found Tiffany’s behavior refreshing. It’s my job to take care of you. I don’t need gratitude for doing my job,” mom said. “It would really help when I am Cherry if you are not as considerate as you usually are. I know that is a lot to ask,” she smiled at me nicely.

Dad had told me last night the same thing about Tiffany. He said that I was not to thank her or say please. I was simply to tell her what I wanted and expect her best effort. He said it put her in a different headspace to expect politeness from those she serves.

It would be a difficult habit for me to break. I was used to being polite. I looked over the day’s itinerary my father had created for me. It was very detailed and contained a lot of instructions.

“Are you going to help me with this today?” I asked her, indicating the sheet of paper.

“Yes, of course,” she said as she brought a steaming plate of food over to me. She took the time to set out my silverware and napkin. She didn’t call me Sir, as she had the night before. I got the vibe she was only going to do that around my father, and I understood.

“How will I know when you are Cherry and when you are just mom?” I asked.

My mom straightened up, and her face was a radiant beam of light. She had all her make-up just perfect, and she looked ravishing. “How about when you are ready for me to be Cherry, you address me as Cherry. If you refer to me as Mom, then I go back to being Mom?” she suggested warmly.

“So just like that, if I snap my fingers, you’ll start to serve me in slave mode?” I said.

“I am here to help you today, Teddy. It is not easy for me to go back and forth between roles. I have always thought I was just the person you see now when I am with you. I can’t promise I can switch everything about me. I am not here to serve you. I am here to be a good role model to Tiffany, and that means I will serve you in front of her so that she learns her temporary place and the proper procedures your father expects her to adhere to. Your father has given me permission to speak out of turn as long as I am polite,” she said. She tapped her finger on the paper where my Dad had added a note about my mother.

“Your father asks that if you gag me that you only do so for demonstration purposes and not leave me gagged for more than a few minutes,” she smirked. “Your sister could benefit from being gagged, but your father wants her to be able to talk when it is appropriate.”

I suppressed a hard-boner waking up in my shorts as I sipped my orange juice.

“I can see you are a little nervous about my participation, and that is quite alright too. Your father said that if you would prefer, I can go about my daily chores in what I suppose you might call Mom-mode,” she assured me. She explained that she’d carry out her mundane, vanilla tasks in her robe, and be available for advice if I preferred that instead.

I was eager to tell my mom to become Cherry in the kitchen. Yet, a part of me was so very reluctant. I felt ashamed of myself for even thinking about it. “You won’t get mad at me if I make you be Cherry all day?” I said.

“You aren’t making me be Cherry all day. I AM Cherry all day. I just put on this robe and play a role for those around me. Your father gave me orders to help you in any way I can. I am ready if you are,” she smiled breezily. Her laughter was playful and infectious. She seemed to be looking forward to whatever I decided to do.

I was so eager to see her drop that robe and fall to her knees that I said the name Cherry like I was summoning a genie from a magic lamp.

My mom opened her robe and neatly folded it. She was naked underneath except for her metal eternity collar and high heels. “That wasn’t so bad, was it, Sir?” she asked with a smile.

“How long can I keep calling you, Cherry?” I asked my mother. She didn’t understand the question. I rephrased it. “If Tiffany quits today, then you won’t be Cherry around the house any longer?” I asked. I am sure I had stars in my eyes.

My mom giggled in a sultry way like a sexy stripper might when she was being flattered or offered a hundred dollar bill to do something very naughty for a friendly customer. “I am glad you like me this way, Sir. I am going to do this as long as your father tells me to help you. I belong to him and not you, but I am in your hands today,” she smiled. “I have no parental authority at this point. I can’t break up any fights between you and your sisters. I can’t settle any arguments. I don’t make rules, I follow them. I don’t tell you what to do. I can only advise you, and if you tell me to shut up, then I will shut up,” she explained plainly.

I nodded.

“I will always love you no matter what you do, Sir. I will always be your mother, even if I don’t have any authority over you. I just don’t want you to think of me as Mom while I am like this, okay? I am just Cherry, and that’s all,” she said it like she was asking me to accept her as she was right now.

I certainly did, although it was still hard to process the fact this very attractive naked woman was also the one who raised me and changed my diapers as a baby.

“I’ve prepared two bowls of gruel. You may wonder where leftovers go in this house,” she said. I had never thought about it. My mom always made much more food than we could eat. She always cleaned off the table and put everything away. I assumed she did something with leftovers, but I had no idea. My mom bent at the waist and opened the refrigerator. I could see she had a bright and shiny butt plug in between her ass cheeks. The pink glint of the jewel in her ass reflected the kitchen light. I almost didn’t hear what she was telling me.

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